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Creation of leaders without the right to form divisions

Wed May 11, 2022 10:11 am

Hello, I am translating the game War Of Napoleon into Russian and adding various historical decorations to the game along the way.

For example, I created historical titles for the military leaders of the Russian imperial army.

LeaderRank1- Major General / Генерал- майор. (Division Commanders)
LeaderRank2 - Lieutenant General / Генерал -Лейтинант (corps commanders)
LeaderRank3-Inf Infantry General / Генерал Инфантерии
LeaderRank3-Cav. - Cavalry General/ Генерал Кавалерии
LeaderRank3-Art Artillery General / Генерал Артиллерии
LeaderRank4 General-Field Marshal / Генерал-Фельдмаршал (there are no 4 levels in the game mechanics, this is the same 3rd only with 4 stars and a different rank).



But besides this, I decided to add other ranks - below the generals - Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel.
In this example, I made a model (and a portrait, and bio file) for one of the most legendary Russian participants in the 1812 war, Denis Davydov, who was a famous partisan and writer. But the problem is that he did not have the rank of general and commanded small partisan detachments. And creating the rank of Lieutenant Colonel for him, I still have to make him a general of the 1st rank (with one star) and he has the right to form divisions.

And I would like to ask experienced modders - is it possible to make a model of a leader who could command a squad, but at the same time could not become a division commander?
Last edited by andrzej on Wed May 11, 2022 1:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Creation of leaders without the right to form divisions

Wed May 11, 2022 10:20 am

I would also like to come up with a mechanism for raising (remaining at the same time, in the mechanics of the game, the same one-star general) such junior officers to the rank of ordinary generals of the 1st rank, which would already have the right to form divisions.
Apparently, this can be done by linking the promotion event (that is, a transition to a different leader model, with a new rank and the right to form divisions) to the achievement of a certain seniority by the leader.
Last edited by andrzej on Wed May 11, 2022 10:46 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Creation of leaders without the right to form divisions

Wed May 11, 2022 10:24 am

Such a mechanism would be very useful in the RUS game, where many leaders were junior officers (or had no ranks at all), but at the same time they were important participants in the civil war and commanded large irregular detachments.

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Re: Creation of leaders without the right to form divisions

Wed May 11, 2022 11:00 am

Found a discussion of the same issue in the CW2 game.


It proposes to remove the LandLeader parameter from the leader model. But it is not clear whether this will make it impossible for such a commander to lead a detachment at all, and give him bonuses?
And will his participation in battles affect seniority (and hence the opportunity to rise in rank)?

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Re: Creation of leaders without the right to form divisions

Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:54 am

Very old, but yes you can disable LandLeader and change TechUpg to TrainUpg, and use Prog rate to simulate how fast a leader should advance. I made custom ranks by Ability - eg Colonel might only add 1 CP, Brigadier 2, but they dont stack because theyre the same ability. So you cant have 20 Brigadiers instead of a full general.

Athena has no idea what to do with these changes, so this is human player or PBEM only.

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