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Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:41 pm

Hello there! :)

First time poster on the forum! I'm a little late to the party, but what a fantastic system/games are the AGEODs. I'm loving playing the games. I started with the ACW2, learned to play with the tutorial scenarios and youtube tutorials (by the way it's really good to watch AoE bros tutorials videos to ACW2, learned a lot), but I think it's a little overwhelming to the big scenario that is that game. Thus i loved the AJE to learn to play better with it's smaller scenarios (and less "units" to manage) like the Cantabrian Wars. (I really liked the scenario by the way for it's challenge)
One thing that I can't understand yet is the Victory Objectives. I was playing with Rome, and thought that I needed to conquer all the barbarian city. I succeed in this objective and besides that I literally annihilate the barbarians, they stopped showing in the objectives panel. In the end I didn't win and obtain a minor victory on the final round. :(
What am I missing?
Thanks in advanced, and thanks AGEOD team for these awesome games!

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:42 pm

Welcome to the forum, it is a little quiet at the moment, but many seasoned players still love to talk about these very lovely games. AGEOD convinced me to give up board games for computer games.

AGEOD games are not typical in their victory conditions. They are grounded in historical outcomes, not some arbitrary formula. Many players familiar with other game get frustrated they cannot achieve higher levels of victory. But AGEOD game model real wars. Taking territory is never the single route to success, what we call a battle of posts. In addition, the win/loss ration of your forces versus your opponent (or AI) also matters. And then there is time. You need to win in a timely manner in many games.

The Cantabrian War scenario is indeed delightful to play. With two human opponents it is a really close run thing, unless one has a bit more luck. To win against AI is similar, you play must be perfect, not just successful.

Final word: I never judge my AGEOD games by winning, but by fun and challenge.

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:07 pm

If you want a more decisive victory, you need to control all the objectives from the list.
From AGE Wiki : It is not necessary to leave a garrison behind to maintain control although it is a good practice. Note however, that Victory Points are not gained from Objective/ Strategic cities in regions with less than 51% Loyalty (i.e. hostile territory) unless the cities are garrisoned with a regular unit (i.e a militia or irregular, in a region with 50% or less loyalty that have a Strategic City won't give you the one VP a turn you are entitled from the city).

Each red flag displayed in the objectives list is a region that you are not really controlling.


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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:15 pm

sorry for double post.
Last edited by psanick on Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:05 pm

Thanks Durk and Bohémond for the quick replies!

First of all, yeah the scenario was really fun and challenging. I just wanted to know what really happened to understand better the game mechanics, and with the Bohémond reply now I understand, thanks a lot! (One thing that I was not understanding and really wanna to know was the the red flag displayed in the objectives list). Thinking about it, it's make a lot of sense now!
It's the one thing that I'm loving about these AGEOD's games. Although It's very deep and has a stepping learning curve, It's mechanics always has a rational justification (like this one), and these is what make the game mechanics really fun to learn!
Now that I know I'm gonna test if I can accomplish the victory conditions in another playthorught. :dada:
And I'm thinking if it's possible. :confused:
Do you guys know about that?

Thanks a lot! :hat:

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:44 pm

psanick wrote:sorry for double post.

Not a problem. It happens because it's not obvious that new members need 5 posts approved by admin.

Welcome to AGEOD!

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:54 pm

lodilefty wrote:
psanick wrote:sorry for double post.

Not a problem. It happens because it's not obvious that new members need 5 posts approved by admin.

Welcome to AGEOD!

Thanks! :D

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:11 pm

@ Psanick
You should be pleased as you have done better in the Cantabrian War scenario than I ever have managed.


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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:52 am

Random wrote:@ Psanick
You should be pleased as you have done better in the Cantabrian War scenario than I ever have managed.


Thanks, and yes I'm really pleased. ;) Started learning in ACW2 was a good choice, now I can play somewhat well in AJE.
I'm replaying the scenario looking for the loyalty now. One thing that I changed was to "Tribune" ai ranking (I used and continue using low bonus to ai detection, +1 bonus to activation bonus, more time to ai think, all behaviours, normal aggressiveness, and historic attrition to me and ai and hard activation rule).
I wasn't looking to play in these Tribune difficult because of the bonus to the ai, but wow, it's really add to the ai level. The first time was didn't really had so much struggle, now the ai is kicking my butt. It's awesome. Now I'm loving so much more the game. When I complete the scenario again I'm going to show the results to you guys. Thanks! :hat:

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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Sat Mar 21, 2020 3:33 am

Hello again!
Yeah I played again the scenario. Now at "tribune" ai ranking. It was a crazy ride. The ai was really good at these difficult. I went straight to their capital, after initial nearby cities. They held fiercely their capital. They had almost 80 thousand infantry. One thing to note is that they didn't entered the city, they stood there to defend in the region. Very good movie by the ai.
In the end, I achieve to obtain all their victory objectives (cities), and this time I took care to "garrison" the cities with regular units. The major victory didn't came, and I had a minor defeat by Victory Points by 36 points :confused: Their morale was very high even on the end of the scenario that I hit them completely.
I could have won by VP, but I lost two precious legions on the sea (very coll how seas storm is a dangerous thing to care), that could have speed up the capture of their cities. :bonk:
Well, nonetheless I am happy with the campaign by the end. I was able to conquer all their victory objectives, and annihilated their army (they had almost 100 thousand deaths more than mine).


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Re: Cantabrian War Victory Objectives

Mon May 04, 2020 3:45 am

Hi Psanick,

Welcome to the boards!

One thing I have been told many, many times is that the smaller scenarios are much harder to win and are a good way to learn the game so you know what you are doing when you play the full campaigns.

I remember I played the scenario from Birth of America 2/ Wars in America, I think it was called Pequod's War. and it was set in Massachusetts I think. And damn it was so tough and that was when I was told that about smaller scenarios.

I have a Youtube channel where I am currently playing some smaller scenarios in Ageod games.

I'm not the best player, but I have had some people say they learned some things from some of my playthroughs.

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