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Re: Known bugs list

Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:02 am

Sorry, but it's "no" from me. I could take a shot at manufacturing the situation again if that would help.

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Re: Known bugs list

Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:41 pm

If you have any active games going and it's no trouble to, it would be helpful, but I think I can replicate it based off the description.

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Re: Known bugs list

Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:00 am

Great to have you back Altaris!

I'm pretty sure that I made backups of the blockade bug, I'll check within the next few days. For sure I have files stored of Rasputin becoming available, being activated and disappearing.

Another thing that I encountered was with the Armenian Genocide; it's supposed to align GB and Bulgaria towards the Entente, but when it fired GB was already part of the Entente and actually lost 5 points of rebel alignment and Bulgaria which was part of the CP also drifted 5 towards the Entente. Should the event only affect neutral countries?

One more thing; currently it seems that reserve divisions while being recruited automatically upgrade to regular divisions, thus making them a much better investment.

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Re: Known bugs list

Wed May 01, 2019 12:40 pm

I've uploaded save files to two different threads in the tech support subforum, concerning the Med blockade and Rasputin.

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Re: Known bugs list

Fri May 03, 2019 11:22 pm

Thanks I've got the files and will review them this weekend.

I think I already see what the issue with the Mediterranean blockade one is, it should be relatively simple to counter-measure. Still researching on the Rasputin one.

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Re: Known bugs list

Sun May 05, 2019 2:05 pm

So I've been doing some testing with the Mediterranean Blockade event this weekend. While there is a small technical issue with it (namely, if Italy or Ottomans is not yet at war and the probability roll fires, they will move 1% towards the Entente) this shouldn't be causing a massive issue as at level 2 blockade there is only a 10% chance per turn of it firing.

I am testing moving these shifts into end-turn events so I can properly check the conditions of whether they are at war first, but the downside is it will require a campaign restart for the event changes to take effect, as it has to be compiled into the scenario file itself. Out of curiosity, has this had a major effect on your game? I would not think by 1915 it would've been a shift of more than 2-3% even with unlucky blockade rolls. I'm not sure it's enough to warrant doing a campaign restart for a difference of 1-2 turns of when a nation joins a faction.

Regarding Rasputin removal, this one is odd. I did manage to replicate it one time, but then could not replicate it again. During the turn process where it was removed, there was nothing in the script or main logs to indicate why it was removed. I have double-checked the regional decision parameters and they are exactly the same apart from name, icon, and script file to the Tsar Takes Command one, so I'm not sure why this one would be having an issue while the other does not.

Did these occur in a single-player game vs AI or against a human player? Trying to determine what may be causing it.

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Re: Known bugs list

Sun May 05, 2019 5:05 pm

The Med blockade is a pretty small issue and that campaign has ended anyway.

I've encountered the Rasputin issue now in three different PBEM's. The first was with the last official patch and the two latest happened while running the latest beta patch.

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Re: Known bugs list

Sun May 05, 2019 5:15 pm

Does the Rasputin bug ever NOT occur, out of curiosity?

When I first loaded your save and processed turn, Rasputin indeed disappeared. When I reloaded the turn and reran, however, he did not. I've looked through the regional decision file, there is nothing there which should be causing it to remove, so I'm wondering if it's an obscure underlying engine call clearing it out. Just trying to determine the steps needed to reproduce it consistently.

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Re: Known bugs list

Sun May 05, 2019 5:21 pm

During my latest games Rasputin has always disappeared.

Not sure if this info is useful, but during the first game we ran alternating hosting, so not sure whether I or the opponent resolved the turn when Rasputin disappeared. Then I changed computers (so also a fresh install) and had the other two games against a new opponent. For these games I was the host.

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Re: Known bugs list

Mon May 06, 2019 3:10 am

The Mediterranean Blockade issue certainly isn't a game breaker, but for the anal retentives among us it can trigger a bit of a tanti.

In my own case I take great care in shifting units and targeting recruitments in the five or so turns leading up to the OE DoW so that I can pull maximum advantage from the first few turns thereafter. To find all those carefully deployed and recruited units then sitting on their hands for two or more turns when the "guaranteed" entry doesn't arrive is enough to make a man spit. God knows I could have put them to use elsewhere if I'd known the guarantee was subject to undisclosed fine print (mutter, mutter)! The plans of mice and men might very well gang oft awry, but not mine baby - not mine (stamping of feet)!

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu May 09, 2019 5:43 pm

Another small issue is with (regular) Hungarian infantry: IIRC with the first infantry tech gained the recruitable Hungarian regular infantry divisions lose their other infantry element, leaving them with only one inf element and one arty. I've always avoided them after this "upgrade", because even with the lower cost they feel too vulnerable. I guess all(?) the countries did indeed reduce the amount of men in their divisions, but why does it only affect the Hungarians? Besides, the reduction of men might work if the divisions consisted of the correct number of sub-units, but with only two infantry elements the reduction doesn't feel right.

What makes this even more confusing is that after one more (IIRC) inf tech gained the same divisions in the recruitment pool regain that missing infantry element...

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu May 09, 2019 5:46 pm

I thought of two more things: I've read here somewhere (patch notes?) that the incredibly annoying NM balancing events are supposed to only affect games vs. the AI, but they definitely also are active in PBEM.

The other thing; aren't Japanese units supposed to automatically transport back to Japan/the Pacific? Because currently Japanese naval units are free to roam the seven seas and participate in the blockades. Not sure about land units.

Edit: ok, one more, though I'm not sure if this is a bug or not: is it just me or is cavalry hilariously overpowered? Currently the divisions only have a handful of men, but they easily butcher thousands of opponents while losing only a few of their own. Did their elements perhaps at some point consist of more men and that (cosmetic) number was reduced, while leaving them with their old fighting power?

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu May 09, 2019 11:58 pm

There was a patch file somewhere here on the boards to remove the National Morale balancing scripts, looking over the game files it doesn't appear to be excluding properly in PBEM with base files, I'll add that to the Patch Fix files being released this weekend.

I don't immediately see anything off in the Cavalry models, only thing I can think is perhaps the Charge attribute on the models. I will try removing this attribute and see if it makes a difference (Cavalry charges being of non-existent importance in WW1 to my knowledge). We'll see if this corrects the issue you are seeing.

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Re: Known bugs list

Sat May 11, 2019 2:15 pm

Okay, i will look at these 3 as well today, though not sure how much I can do with the ones that are engine specific. Should be able to fix the forum link though.

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Re: Known bugs list

Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:25 am

I would like to resurrect Nikel’s thread. If we can identify a consolidated list of bugs, then it would facilitate their correction and perhaps the release of an unofficial patch.

In the thread “TEAW Proposed Event Fixes” I have identified corrections for six issues. The fix for Sea Mines was proposed by another user several years ago, but never implemented in an official patch or the unofficial Quick Fix.

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Re: Known bugs list

Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:02 pm

General_Snoopy wrote:I would like to resurrect Nikel’s thread. If we can identify a consolidated list of bugs, then it would facilitate their correction and perhaps the release of an unofficial patch.

In the thread “TEAW Proposed Event Fixes” I have identified corrections for six issues. The fix for Sea Mines was proposed by another user several years ago, but never implemented in an official patch or the unofficial Quick Fix.

I missed this one also.

LOL I cannot stop thinking you are Altaris in disguise :)

But how do you know the code or the scripting of Ageod engine so well?

Not many people can and only Bohemond is active, fortunately he is.

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:33 am

Nikel wrote:But how do you know the code or the scripting of Ageod engine so well?

Thanks for the kind words.

I am familiar with scripting; although, not with AGEOD games. The AGE wiki is available as well as the database, so I have enough to review the scripts and propose corrections. Trying to understand all the files and how they interrelate is challenging, but doable. It is slow going.

I have an interest in the Great War. Despite its many flaws the TEAW is a reasonable representation of the Great War. I would like to make it better. Straight Arrow’s “Central Powers – Points to Know” has been very helpful and compensates for the poor manual.

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:01 pm


Besides fixing bugs.

The game could be improved?

What do you think of adding more events-options?

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Jan 13, 2022 9:33 pm

Nikel wrote:The game could be improved?

I classify changes as either (1) Bug Fixes, (2) Enhancements, or (3) Mods. I have a long list of Enhancements and Mods that I would like to implement; however, at the present time I am working on bug fixing. Mods are similar to Enhancements, but I anticipate them to take much more work (either coding or research) than Enhancements.

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Jan 13, 2022 9:43 pm

Eight bug fixes are proposed in the thread "TEAW Proposed Event Fixes". Below are some additional issues that I have discovered. Once I've completed the bug fixes, I'll upload a consolidated bug fix mod. If you know of additional issues, please list them here.

(1) Alignment: Belgium and Luxembourg

Alliance Alignment is discussed in the manual on page 80 “Military Influencing Alignment”. In practice this means that the liberation of Belgium and Luxembourg results in a very slow change in alignment from Central Powers to Entente. This practical result is not historical as Belgium and Luxembourg welcomed their liberators.

The Central Powers are not faced with these difficulties. Belgium has the Rape of Belgium event which for selected provinces changes the alignment to CP. Luxembourg has the Occupation of Luxembourg event that also changes its alignment to CP.

(2) Engagement Points

The starting engagement points differ between the Great War Historical Campaign and the Great War Full Campaign (Historical War Plan Choice). Additionally, for the CP there is a mysterious 3 EP gained in both scenarios. This 3 EP reflects the execution of the Occupation of Luxembourg event. However, the player is not informed of this fact when he selects the Schlieffen Plan; consequently, I believe this 3 EP gain is in error. If it was intended, then it would have been more logical to include it in the stated EP gain for the Schlieffen Plan as reported to the player.

(3) Scenario Differences: Belgium and Luxembourg:

The starting military control and alignment for these two countries differ between the Great War Historical Campaign and the Great War Full Campaign (Historical War Plan Choice).

(4) Pacific Ocean Geography

The South Pacific does not directly connect with the South Atlantic but does connect directly with the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Asia Seas has a travel time of only 1 day between the Grand Pacific and South Pacific.

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:27 pm

Two easy fixes with the portraits, editing the mdl files:

Geman Admiral Tirpitz is using a PON style portrait when there is other proper of TEAW. The correct is Unit_GER_Tirpitz, not Tripitz.

Russian General Plehve, uses a wrong portrait. The correct is named Unit_RUS_Pleve

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Re: Known bugs list

Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:38 pm

In the file I have the title for Tirpitz is garbled.

Title = Gr�adm.

What is the title supposed to be?

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Re: Known bugs list

Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:00 pm

Title = Grßadm.



To avoid problems is better to replace it for ss, Grossadmiral.

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Re: Known bugs list

Thu Feb 03, 2022 1:57 am

A mod correcting these bugs plus more has been placed in the EAW Mod directory.

GS 1.00 Unofficial Bug Fix Mod for TEAW

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