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Disbanding Militia

Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:08 pm

Will disbanding militia add manpower back to the conscripts pool?

And, are there any other tricks to scrapping up manpower for replacement chits?

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Re: Disbanding Militia

Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:14 am

May I just say yes and leave it at that?
Of course it is more efficient and effective to train militia to regulars.

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Re: Disbanding Militia

Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:24 am

Is it really possible to upgrade militia in TEAW? In other titles yes, but I've never seen it happening here. Besides, AFAIK there aren't any generals with the required trait(s).

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Re: Disbanding Militia

Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:02 pm

pantsukki wrote:Is it really possible to upgrade militia in TEAW? In other titles yes, but I've never seen it happening here. Besides, AFAIK there aren't any generals with the required trait(s).

Short answer: no.
Long answer: yes, but some modding skill and plan*** is needed.

Most units in TEAW are based on templates, contrary to older games, where most were independent.
Base units are CMN versions.
12CMNReserve Brigade.mdl for reserve class units
13CMNMilitia Brigade.mdl for militia class units.

13CMNMilitia has abilities like:

UID = 13
NationTag = CMN
Name = Militia Brigade
Alias = mdl_CMN_Inf_Mil
ShortName = Mil. Bde.
Text = $mdl_txt_CMN_Inf_Mil
Family = $famMilitia
ImageID = symbol_militias.png
NatoSize = $sizNatoBde
Color = $colCMNMain
Portrait = mdl_CMN_Inf_Lin.png
OffFire = 9
DefFire = 20
Initiative = 3
Range = 2
ROF = 2
Penetration = 0
Protection = 0
TQ = 5
Assault = 6
Hits = 15
MenPerHit = 400
HorsesPerHit = 0
VehiclesPerHit = 0
PlanesPerHit = 0
ArmouredPerHit = 0
GunsPerHit = 0
Cohesion = 40
DmgDone = 1
CohDone = 5
AsltDmgDone = 3
AsltCohDone = 10
TargetType = 0
Move Type = $HvyFoot
Move Ratio = 90
CohMove = 20
AtrMove = 22
BaseCohLoss = 10
BaseAttrition = 10
DetectLand = 3
DetectSea = 2
Blockade = 0
HideValue = 1
Weight = 1
ProgRate = 10
Police = 0
Patrol = 4
Evasion = 3
TechUpg = -1**
CapturePerc = 0
IsSupport = 0
VPValue = 1
POLValue = 0
Money = 20
Conscript = 12
WarSupply = 0
Capital = 0
Steel = 0
Coal = 0
Officer = 0
Diplomat = 0
Rare = 0
Mineral = 0
Goods = 0
Oil = 0
Days = 30
Prestige = 0
Morale = 0
CanBeGHQStack = 0
CanBeHQStack = 0

** In older games there was parameter TrainUpg instead, where it was set to what unit will upgrade.

*** there is tech upgrade in game set as research, so units can upgrade to new tech.
Example: in 1916 scenario playing as Germany all new reserve infantry units upgrade during their build/train/recruit turns from cmn_inf_res into cmn_inf_lin2. So it's cheaper and faster to build them instead standard infantry.
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