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First Impressions

Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:09 pm


-Huge map, very beautiful like always in Ageod

-Historic flavour, you manage to reproduce in a huge area so much armies and details. Very nice job.

-Just play Northern War and look like a lot of possibility on this Theater for both Sides, Danish sound like a lost cause but Polish and Russian army sound promising. Play Sweden look lik a nightmare due to huge forest in Poland and Russia. Take care of your logistics

-Balance in recruitement look ok, not stupid thing like in Thirthy Years War, need to make choice because units are costly , wich theater you want reinforce .

-I approved the choice of musics, listen "The Turkish March" really make me want go on footstep on the Sun King.


-First CTD after 10 minutes in Spanish Sucession campaign , but Northern War campaign look fine

-IA make some weird choice, like separate single units from armies.

-Diplomacy by events, not a big fan, many minor countries on this era could switch if you spend enought money/time and it would allow more replayability while keep historic flavour. No need NCP 2 possilibities, Just a system of spending EP on minors would work perfectly well.

-An Option 3 players would be great for Spanish Sucession War.

Overall: Very great game, so far better than any of recent Ageod like NCP2 or Thirthy Years Wars. I will spend hours on this one.

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Re: First Impressions

Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:02 pm

this games looks great!!!!

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Re: First Impressions

Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:08 pm

I would like to come back on balanced of ressources. After played more on campaign, look like we have too much war supplies again. War supplies could be an interesting ressources to think but in every ageod games we have way too much . Maybe nerf WS revenue in next patch.

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Re: First Impressions

Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:17 pm

It has been great so far!

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Re: First Impressions

Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:27 pm

A bit sad about IA, it doesnt offer enought challenge. This how you crushed Eugene in Italy, you wait he attack on winter, crossing bridge without artillery.


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Re: First Impressions

Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:14 am

The AI improves over time thanks to patches, as the scenario designers understand better from reports how the AI can be guided further. See how RED or AJE improved over time on AI.

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Re: First Impressions

Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:24 am

Lysimaque wrote:A bit sad about IA, it doesnt offer enought challenge. This how you crushed Eugene in Italy, you wait he attack on winter, crossing bridge without artillery.


True, it is not 'clever' move from AI Eugene, but 2000 losses out of armies 40K is not really "crushing"....rather a failed probe :papy:

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Re: First Impressions

Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:13 pm

This just could be the most beautiful AGEOD game ever, and that is saying something.

Two major wars, done with care and great attention to detail. I have not found a single bug. The two wars are utterly different to play, just as they should be.

And speaking of great generals, Marlborough, Karl XII, Prince Eugene, Villars, and so many others.. I am really enjoying this. but I started one campaign of each war, and am having a very difficult time deciding which one to focus on. They are both awesome!

The game is definitely more polished on release than many others.

Great Game!

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Re: First Impressions

Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:58 am

Thank you very much :cool:

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:30 am

I am very early in and just starting to mod it, but it looks to be very good. Memories of Revolution Under Siege come back to me ;)

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 3:45 pm

My thoughts:

I jumped right into the 1701 War of Spanish Succession scenario as the Bourbons playing with the 2nd highest activation level (leaders sometimes won't be able to move if they fail an activation check) and historical attrition (player only) options.

So far, my impressions have been good. It certainly more polished upon release than both English Civil War and Thirty Years War. Also, unlike TYW, it's so far been very stable with no CTDs. One can even check unit stats in the recruitment menu without provoking a crash unlike some other Ageod games (again TYW). However, its biggest advantage is that it's NOT Wars of Napoleon- Ageod's sadly over-ambitious title that just didn't work.

WoS has a "back to basics" or, more aptly, "what works" feel about it. It uses Ageod's classic one-side vs. one-side gameplay. Diplomatic events are handled entirely by script or in the decisions' menus. Also, regional development is minimal. The game's focus is heavily on army management and fighting similar to older Ageod titles like Wars in America and Rise of Prussia. Even army management is also relatively simplified with no corps, divisions or even ECW's or TYW's "groups." While one can combine understrength units, one can't appoint subunit commanders within stacks. It's quite similar to how army management functioned in WIA.

As others have noted, the map and unit cards are beautifully done. It really is a great looking game.

The AI? Its Ageod's typical AI: semi-competent but prone to creating both monster stacks that it immolates through its poor handling of the attrition and supply rules and penny-packet armies that it spreads all over the map.

Economy? As the Bourbons in the 1701 scenario, it appears to be a bit out-of-whack. So far, I've never once had to worry about either conscripts or war supplies. I've ignored any decisions that increases them. Instead, it's been all about money. It's the ONLY resource that seems to matter. The only decisions I use are ones that increase cash flow. Shouldn't there be a better balance between the three factors? Also, shouldn't EPs have more value than just one-time big expenditures for decisions in the political and military tabs? Further, why don't you need EPs for almost any of the regional decisions like in other Ageod games?

Overall, my first impressions are positive and it does look WoS is shaping-up to be one of Ageod's better releases in recent years. However, sadly its niche subject matters and the Ageod engine being a bit long in the tooth hasn't attracted much interest. These forums have seen very little activity since release. It doesn't bode well for either DLC or even long-term support.

EDIT: WoS retains Ageod's clumsy and convoluted saved game feature. I've never understood why it uses that bizarre system for what should be any PC game's most basic features. It almost straitjackets you into playing Ironman- I can't save the game, try-out a strategy or test a game feature, and then go back to my old save if I make a mistake. Further, I can't find my saves. They're not being saved to the WoS's saved game folder (and I've check numerous other folders where my other Ageod games sometimes store their saves), and my file locater can't even find the .ord files. I had this happen before with TYW where the game is creating saved game files, but they are no where to be found. Weird.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:22 pm

Last edited by Nikel on Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:51 pm

Nikel wrote:There are no .ord files in WSS, just .hst, look for them.

Unless my eyes are truly failing me then WSS is saving the game to an .ord file because that's what it says it's doing when I press the save game button. It indicates that it's saving an .ord file to the WSS saved game folder. That folder does exist, but the only item in it is a placeholder .txt. Yet, when I do a ctrl-click when in the load game menu to bring-up the saved game folder then I get an error message telling me that folder doesn't exist.

Further, a .hst file search only revealed files for other Ageod games not WSS.

As stated, I had this problem before with TYW. The saves still worked, but I couldn't physically find them until I did a new installation in a different directory. Right now, with everything working and being in the midst of a campaign I'm not going to bother with a new installation. It's an odd situation that my PC can't find these files despite their being saved somewhere, but I just chalk it up to more Ageod craziness.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:58 pm

Sorry, there are two systems of saving in Ageod games, there are .ord files in WSS. Try searching the saves in this folder:

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Your name\Documents\My Games

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:20 pm

Nikel wrote:Sorry, there are two systems of saving in Ageod games, there are .ord files in WSS. Try searching the saves in this folder:

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Your name\Documents\My Games

It's not there. I have quite a few Ageod games so I'm familiar with how some of their games use the Documents folder for saved game files. But WSS isn't one of them.

I'm sure the solution is the same that worked for TYW- uninstall the game and reinstall to a directory that isn't in my Program Files (x86) folder. For some reason, Ageod games can be a bit wonky when installed in that directory and saved game files becoming invisible appears to be one those issues.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:25 pm

OK, last try. Note that Appdata is a hidden folder.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars Of Succession\WSS\Saves

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:46 pm

Nikel wrote:OK, last try. Note that Appdata is a hidden folder.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars Of Succession\WSS\Saves

Already looked in my appdata folder.

Thanks for trying to help, but I'm pretty confident as to what caused this issue and know the probable solution (reinstallation under a different directory).

Right now, the invisible saved game files issue, which I've experienced before, isn't my real complaint, but that Ageod's saved game system is unintuitive, annoying, and stupid. I know that I'm not alone in this opinion. My hope is that for their alleged new engine that they ditch it and use a saved game feature that will be familiar to anyone who has ever played any other PC game on the market. The system that they've used with these games since the original Birth of America is quite simply terrible and hope they move on from it.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:55 pm

Where may they be?!

Well, as you commented with the .ord file, when you click the save button a text appear telling you the location.

With the text on the screen, click the Print Screen button in the keyboard and paste in paint (or similar program). you may upload the pic somewhere and post it here.

Who knows what will come with the new engine.

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Re: First Impressions

Sun Jan 28, 2018 7:09 pm

Nikel wrote:Where may they be?!

Well, as you commented with the .ord file, when you click the save button a text appear telling you the location.

With the text on the screen, click the Print Screen button in the keyboard and paste in paint (or similar program). youmay upload the pic somewhere and post it here.

Who knows what will come with the new engine.

This thread is getting way off topic on a technical issue that I already know the solution to resolving. So, I'll pass on the posting screen shots. It's not that big of a deal. When I do a reinstallation and I still can't find it then I'll post something to the tech forum if one exists by then, but I'm not bothering with it now. As part of my first impressions, I just wanted to note that WSS has Ageod's bizarre saved game feature as being one of its few negatives.

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