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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:57 am

In that case we have nothing to add to our further statement. It appears that France is committed to a war of aggression. As indicated, we will honor our treaty commitments.

We would request that Great Britain think twice before acting on their causus belli against Austria.

We sincerely hope that you will act as a mediator in this conflict, as befits your place as the preeminent nation of the world, respected by all.

We have no more desire for war with Britain than with France, and can see no real benefit to either of our nations in a war which we would both surely lose more than we could ever gain.

However as in the situation with France, if war is declared upon our allies as an act of aggression by any nation we simply have no choice but to honor our treaty commitments, whatever our personal feelings in this matter.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:05 am

With regard to this "act of aggression," please remind us which Austrian border we will have crossed, should France come to blows with Austria. If you are looking to fight, then say so without acting like either German nation has been kicked.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:20 am

Vezina wrote:With regard to this "act of aggression," please remind us which Austrian border we will have crossed, should France come to blows with Austria. If you are looking to fight, then say so without acting like either German nation has been kicked.

We agree that the question of aggression is not entirely clear in this instance. So if it helps, we are willing to withdraw that characterization of the situation.

What is clear is that we are duty bound to stand by our allies. So the matter is simple. If anyone has declared war on Austria and we receive an Austrian request to honour our alliance and declare war in return we will have to fulfill that request as per our prior commitment.

If it is not forthcoming and peaceable means can be found to end the conflict, we will be happy to stand down without escalating matters.

We have no desire to fight, but we will also not shy away from fighting if that is required in order to maintain our treaty commitments.

Ultimately this is a matter between France and Austria. The decision of whether to have war or peace rests with you.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:26 am

Comunicate of the new Austrian Goverment about the recent Italian war and the French intervention:

1. Austrian Goverment want the peace in Europe, and support the "Status Quo", but we do not attack Sardinia we are the defender in this war.

2. The do not recive any comunication from the French goverment, this mean that the French DOW is an act of agression and treason.

3. We are open to negociate but only if France do not cross his borders and attack the Austrian soldiers in Italy.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:54 pm

The Austrians must show their peaceful intentions by immediately withdrawing all forces from Savoy and the French border. France should allow two weeks for this withdrawal before crossing their frontiers into Austrian occupied Sardinia-Piedmont.

Hopefully this pullback will give all parties the breathing space to reach an amicable resolution. Austria should send a white peace to the Sardinian king who we are certain will accept. This will return us to the status quo.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:25 pm

The Spanish government would like to express its support for the French actions in the recent weeks. The Austrian armies have done much more then defending from an aggression when they captured many cities on the French border; We hope all parties involved will find a peaceful solution for the return to the status-quo and we believe the British is a good start in that direction.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:38 pm

The Goverment of Austria still awaiting any comunication from France, and cant sign the peace with Piedmont, and see france taking Savoie, Nice or colonizing Ethiopia or Eritrea in the next years.

Also Austria cant return to the Statu Quo and await a new attack from France and Piedmont over our posesions in Italy, we are open to negociate but we are not going to surrend only for a DOW.

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The Times of London, Late February 1861

Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:19 pm


Westminster - Parliament broke into pandemonium upon learning the fate of the newly declared British protectorate of Nigeria in western Africa. Through German deceit and chicanery British Foreign Office and Colonial Office officials were outmaneuvered in a series of aggressive actions, including the threat of war. Prussian agents managed to wrest control of all British assets in Nigeria. British diplomats were shocked by the unexpectedly aggressive actions and could not properly defend Britain’s claim due to the lack of British troops in Nigeria. The War Office stated they were never notified in advance by the Colonial Office to send troops to enforce the declaration of a protectorate and protect British sovereignty.

Fallout from the debacle was swift and painful. Prime Minister Lord Palmerston heeded the demands of his Liberal backbenchers and sacked Colonial Secretary Lord Pelham-Clinton, the Duke of Newcastle. Foreign Secretary Lord Russell offered his resignation which had not been accepted as of this printing. Former Prime Minister Earl Derby accused Palmerston’s government of losing Britain’s honor in addition to a very valuable new colony and his Conservative party members demanded retribution against Prussia to reverse the humiliating loss.

In a speech to calm the members of Parliament, Prime Minister Lord Palmerston stated, “Britain will not stand for this kind of Prussian bullying and thievery. I have spoken to Her Majesty and assured her we will reclaim our stolen colony of Nigeria.”

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:47 am

Prussian Statement Regarding Nigeria Crisis

We have followed the rule of law and acceptable diplomatic practices in peacefully and diplomatically contesting the British claims over Nigeria.

The conference revealed that it was clear the British had overreached themselves in regard to their claims in Nigeria and control passed to Prussia through the proper and lawful function of international law.

Indeed we did not even file a stake in regard to this matter, we did nothing and the colonial diplomatic council recognized that Prussia's claims were valid enough to grant us standing in the matter without our even manually moving to contest British claims at all.

Then at the council, we represented our interestes when requested to do so and won the day, legally, and fairly, before the court of arbitration.

Even after claiming this diplomatic victory, we are fully willing to enter into talks regarding colonial rights in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world with Great Britain and France as well as any other interested nations.

The British have often indicated that they hold themselves as a sort of world policeman and have interested themselves in nearly very continental European issue of the last decade, claiming the right to intervene or not as they choose in any potential conflict in order to keep the peace.

We've often doubted the genuineness of their motives in making such claims, whether they reflect naked self interest or an actual desire for the prosperity of the world. In their response to the Nigerian situation, their immediate abandonment of peaceful and lawful means in a hysterical rush to war the first time things have not gone entirely their way, it appears that we, and the world, have our answer.

We will make it clear, we have no desire for for with Britain. Had they prevailed in the negotiations over Nigeria, we would have happily stood aside and accepted their legal victory. If they were to legally prevail in claiming even currently Prussian held colonies, we would not see that as a basis for war.

But then we are confident of our place in the world and respectful of other nation's rights and the rule of law. Perhaps the same is not true of Britain.

We would implore them to take stock of their claimed place as a world leader and elder statesman and to refrain from this rush of madness.

The outcome is up to them. If a military conflict is desired then we will not stand down and we have the means and ability to successfully defend ourselves against British aggression.

However we are also open to peaceful negotiations as to any and all German and British territorial claims, those currently held by us and those currently contested. If war is to break out, it will only break out because that is Britain's heartfelt desire.

In contrast, we stand ready to use all peaceful means first in resolving this conflict.

The choice between war and peace, anarchy and law, respect and approbation is Britain's and Britain's alone.

The results of this matter will clearly to signal to all of the nations of the world just how Great Britain will treat you in the future, the first time their interests collide with yours.

We have always sought to be friends to Britain and they now indicate a desire to turn on us at the first slight friction in that relationship.

It would behoove all to match this matter closely, so as to see the true colors of Britannia revealed, to see their true face revealed to the world.

We hope and trust that their true face is also their best, most noble face.

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The Times of London, Late March 1861

Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:23 pm


Whitehall - The Royal Navy released new scouting reports that show the Prussian Navy is building 32 new ships of the line. When pressed for a comment, First Sea Lord Vice Admiral Dundas stated, "The already massive Prussian fleet is outsized for such a small country with no real naval history. Adding 32 more battleships means they are preparing to threaten British interests around the world. It should not go unnoticed that Prussia is a fortified camp, closely allied with Austria which invaded and annexed Wallachia several years ago and has now ruthlessly conqured Sardinia-Piedmont. If Prussia and Austria can match the Royal Navy, there will be no limits to their aggressive behavior. Britain has already lost Nigeria, what will be next?"

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Prussian Response to British Statment

Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:08 pm

It should hardly go unnoticed that Great Britain is also a fortified camp with the largest navy in the world.

Is it official British policy that they are the only nation of the world allowed to build forts, to build navies, to have allies and to claim colonies and that any other nations doing so are inherently considered to be hostile to Britain and thus fair grounds for a causeless and lawless declaration of war on the part of Britain?

It seems clear that this is in fact the actual policy of Britain, whatever you may claim in response. So we call on the nations of the world to notice that the ONLY nation acting aggressively here is Britain. The claims they are making now toward Germany will surely be made toward you in the future, as soon as your interests and those of Britain collide.

Judge for yourselves based on the rhetoric being employed here, as to who the threat to world peace is, Prussia or Britain.

Britain did not lose Nigeria, Nigeria was never theirs. This is not India we are speaking about. Nigeria was a colonial region with nearly equal representation from Prussia and Britain. Again we see extreme ferocity and an almost unimaginable sense of entitlement from the British government in assuming that any colonial area that they send missionaries or explorers to is automatically "theirs" because they are there, even when other nations have equal or better claims.

We especially encourage France and Spain to take a close look at the actions and attitudes of Britain toward the colonial situation.

It's clearly British policy to drop a couple of missionaries and an explorer or two into any colony they fancy and then claim that the colony is "theirs" at the point of a gun. Today it's Prussia and Nigeria, tomorrow it will be France and Algeria, or Spain and Morocco, or Russia in Asia.

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Austrian Comunicate

Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:37 pm

After the last events in Europe and Africa the government of the Hasburg Empire want to clarificate his positions.

1. Austria want the peace in Europe, and is not invading Italy, It is a punisment campaing after the Piedmontese attack over the Duchy of Milan and Hasburg posesion from some centuries ago, we are going to take Alessandria to separate piedmont from our core territories in Italy but dont want to increase more our posesions in Italy.

2. After read the British comunicate, we support our Prussian allies, UK cant simply claim all the world for them and when other nation take some lands told the world that only them can increase his empire.

3. We are not expansionist only want to secure our frontiers to live in peace, UK always invade foreing lands in all the world.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:53 pm

Statement from the newly reorganized government of Belgium:

My fellow statesmen, I must apologize profusely for the recent actions of my government. Intense rioting in Wallonia had led to a daft attempt at a coup and several completely illegitimate 'declarations of war' that were in no way endorsed by the king. We hope that the gracious Emperors of Austria and Russia recognize the utter foolishness of a declaration of aggressive war from a state such as ours. We wish for nothing but peace in Europe at large and our embattled state of Wallonia at home.

An Aside: Is there any legitimate reason for Belgium to have a defensive pact with Piedmont? It feels a little out of place and I'd happily get rid of it if it was a foible of the AI.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:02 pm

RabidToucan wrote:Statement from the newly reorganized government of Belgium:

An Aside: Is there any legitimate reason for Belgium to have a defensive pact with Piedmont? It feels a little out of place and I'd happily get rid of it if it was a foible of the AI.

OOC: I believe at one point we had a Belgian and Italian player. They may have set that up but I kinda doubt it.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:34 am

Our once great state, laid low by internal riots and disunity, is in no condition to carry on the pretense of an illegitimate war. Why is it, that now control of the country has returned to some semblance of order, and King Leopold has regained his seat, and has recently signed off on large scale demobilization, has the Empire of Russia not seen fit to acknowledge our diplomatic peace mission? We understand there are many great works before the mighty Russian Empire, but our hearts bleed to think a legitimate desire for peace, before any blood may be shed on either side, has been ignored. Pray tell that this is some oversight? Some bureaucratic mistake? We eagerly await any response, and look to make clear before the great states of Europe, that in this time of continental uncertainty, Belgium desired only peace.

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War Declared!

Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:15 am

Great Britain has heinously and barbarously declared war on Prussia, over a few mud huts in Nigerian Africa.

Their savage aggression, not only toward Prussia, but toward all the world who might oppose their naked, brutal colonialism will be met by all the force and power of the Prussian and Austrian nations.

We have nothing but a sincere regret that things have come to this pass and we weep for the ruins of brother nation we once viewed with nothing but respect and admiration, forever stained and soiled, having voluntarily chosen to forfeit all respect and dignity in the eyes of all peace and law loving nations through their naked aggression and causeless resort to militarism without so much as a nod toward diplomacy or negotiation.

Sadly, Great Britain has today voluntarily and completely surrendered any moral high ground they once held, any position as a world leader, as well as any claim to respect and dignity based on their past record of standing as a force for good in Europe and the world, opposing oppression and injustice. They have instead chosen to take on the mantle of oppressors and bullies.

They may win or lose the war but they can never win back the dignity, respect and esteem they were once held in in by all nations of the world, having voluntarily chosen to cast that superior position aside, to attack their friends and admirers, indeed their relatives, over a small matter that could have been resolved with only a few words of diplomacy, had any effort at all been made in that direction.

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British Foreign Office Communique

Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:54 pm

To All Foreign Governments:

Due to the unsettling buildup of warships by the newly formed North German Confederation and Prussia, their large armada of new warships under construction and their new fleet of recently completed military transport ships, the British Government has concluded that this massive new navy threatens British interests around the world and the peaceful commerce with our allies. The loss of our new colony of Nigeria has raised the specter of aggressive actions by the German allied nations beyond the center of Europe. Britain must therefore act to preserve the balance of power and contain the German nations from international mayhem.

With Her Majesty Queen Victoria's blessing, Great Britain hereby declares a limited war against the North German Confederation with the intent to limit German naval activity, thwart any aggressive moves outside of their national territory and to reclaim our colony of Nigeria.

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Re: British Foreign Office Communique

Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:00 am

bjfagan wrote:To All Foreign Governments:

Due to the unsettling buildup of warships by the newly formed North German Confederation and Prussia, their large armada of new warships under construction and their new fleet of recently completed military transport ships, the British Government has concluded that this massive new navy threatens British interests around the world and the peaceful commerce with our allies. The loss of our new colony of Nigeria has raised the specter of aggressive actions by the German allied nations beyond the center of Europe. Britain must therefore act to preserve the balance of power and contain the German nations from international mayhem.

With Her Majesty Queen Victoria's blessing, Great Britain hereby declares a limited war against the North German Confederation with the intent to limit German naval activity, thwart any aggressive moves outside of their national territory and to reclaim our colony of Nigeria.

Translation provided by the German foreign office:

As our paranoia is in full swing and we are the only nation allowed to build navies or have colonies in Africa we must attack Prussia before they attack us though we have no indication they ever intend to attack us and in fact they have never treated us with anything but courtesy and consideration.

We're doing this to maintain the balance of power though in fact we are the only nation in Europe currently threatening the balance of power.

Since we fear Prussia may eventually make aggressive moves outside of their national territory we must first make aggressive moves outside of our national territory because we have the right to do so, and they don't. Neither do any of the other nations of the world other than Great Britain.

They have warships, colonies and transport ships, thus they are by definition an imminent threat to world peace, in spite of the fact that we have more warships, colonies and transport ships and are the only one of the two nations to declare an aggressive war within the last 50+ years.

Mostly though, we just want their colonies. We want your colonies as well, though we're trying hard to avoid saying that.

Once we've finished with our aggression against our Prussian relatives, we'll proceed to preemptive attacks against any other nation building a navy or holding colonies we would like to have, including but not limited to, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Russia, China, Japan and even the United States as they are all potential threats to "the balance of power" which is simply a fancy phrase for our ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whoever we want.

Of course you'll all happily accept this as you'll be so much better off under the domination of a despotic, paranoid, aggressive Great Britain as the one dominant world power, rather than having multiple nations with similar powers that serve as checks on each other.

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Re: British Foreign Office Communique

Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:30 pm

lukasberger wrote:Once we've finished with our aggression against our Prussian relatives, we'll proceed to preemptive attacks against any other nation building a navy or holding colonies we would like to have, including but not limited to, France, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Russia, China, Japan and even the United States as they are all potential threats to "the balance of power" which is simply a fancy phrase for our ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want, to whoever we want.

Of course you'll all happily accept this as you'll be so much better off under the domination of a despotic, paranoid, aggressive Great Britain as the one dominant world power, rather than having multiple nations with similar powers that serve as checks on each other.

The Empire of China is deeply disturbed by these new developments in the world. British forces have been on the move in Asia as well, recently overrunning a peaceful nation of Persia.

We're issuing an official warning to the British to cease their terror on the world peace and issue a public apology.

We have no relations with Prussia, but we will hereby stand by their side to protect their dignity, as we would have by any victim.

Empress Dowager Cixi

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sun Nov 06, 2016 12:59 am

We hope to see a speedy diplomatic resolution to the current crisis in Europe. It can seem that no good will come of open conflict among four of the largest powers in the world. We remain strictly and entirely neutral, and only ask of the involved parties to respect the Treaty of London and not send forces through our sovereign territory.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:12 am

RabidToucan wrote:We hope to see a speedy diplomatic resolution to the current crisis in Europe. It can seem that no good will come of open conflict among four of the largest powers in the world. We remain strictly and entirely neutral, and only ask of the involved parties to respect the Treaty of London and not send forces through our sovereign territory.

Germany pledges to fully and completely respect the Treaty of London. We hold Belgian sovereignty as inviolate and would never encroach upon it under any circumstances.

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The Times of London - Early January 1862

Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:11 pm


Whitehall - After a series of British Army setbacks in Nigeria, the Royal Naval scored a victory on the seas off West Africa. A Prussian transport squadron was caught and destroyed in two engagements, resulting in the loss of all ships. It was not known if the ships were carrying reinforcements to the beleaguered garrisons in Nigeria or returning to Prussia.


In a second and unrelated battle, a large Austrian fleet was intercepted by the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet off Gibraltar as the Austrians attempted to enter the Atlantic. The smaller Royal Navy force, under the command of Vice Admiral Sir George Mundy, outmaneuvered and outgunned the Austrian fleet, resulting in the loss of 17 warships and 10,000 personnel. Several of Her Majesty's ships were damaged but none were sunk.


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Neue Preussische Zeitung - Late Feb. 1862

Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:45 pm


On 21st February 1862 the Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy clashed in the Bay of Heligoland. After a bloody engagement our valiant sailors, led by Prince Adalbert of Prussia, prevailed on the aggressors and liberated the sea from the British blockade.

For the first time in centuries the RN has been defeated in a major naval battle; 24 enemy ships were sunk (5 of them Battleships) while only 9 Prussian vessels were lost, none of them capital ships.

The battle of Heligoland showed the world that, despite the minor setbacks suffered in the previous weeks, we Prussian and our trusty Austrian allies are still in the fight and are ready to give the Brits a hard time.

[OOC] I can't find a way to attach a battle screenshot, I will post one in the "Treaties and news" dropbox folder.

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The Times of London, Late February 1862

Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:59 am


Whitehall - The Admiralty reported a surprise Prussian naval attack took place in the Bay of Heligoland. After maintaining a continuous blockade of German ports for several months, the weather worn ships of the 1st RN Battle Fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Richard Dundas, were caught offguard by fresh Prussian ships that sailed directly from their fortified ports. Unfortunately, the unprepared Royal Navy force took serious losses.


Off southeastern Africa, the Royal Navy's India Squadron encountered a small Austrian naval force that resulted in a sharp engagement in the Bay of Maputo.


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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:11 am

Austrian War Ministery Comunicate:

Austria celebrate the victory at the Gibraltar straits the last month and is good to see how the Royal Navy hide it, Austria force the Royal Navy to leave the Spanish coast.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:58 pm

The Fall of Malta

After a month of siege the British garrison of Malta surrend to the Austrian army.

Another more lose for the Royal Navy, it loses his main base of the Mediterranean.

The war is turning against the British government.

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The Times of London - Early July 1862

Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:50 pm


Whitehall - Panic has spread throughout the Empire as news arrived of a shocking defeat off Denmark. After a previous battle last month forced the Royal Navy fleet in Heligoland Bay to retreat to Copenhagen, Vice Admiral Charles Freemantle attempted to return home when he stumbled upon a superior Prussian force. A great many RN ships were destroyed in the battle.


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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:38 am

The freshly inaugurated US administration hails the global community. We wish to live in peace and prosperity. We are deeply concerned by the current wars in Europe that will hopefully not spread. We assure the council of world leaders that any measure be taken to protect the Federal soil are purely defensive.
President Abraham Lincoln

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British Foreign Office Communique

Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:14 pm

Her Majesty's Government is pleased to hear their close friend and trading partner, the USA, is now in capable hands.

While we understand the Americans' desire to avoid European entanglements, we hope they will help where possible to keep Southern Europe from being trampled under the Austrian boot.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:24 pm

We reassure our will of neutrality in the ongoing tragedies in Europe. We suggest peace agreements as soon as possible. An immediate ceasefire and return to the status quo ante would find our affirmation. We would like to see the Ottoman Empire as factor of stability under their new government and would very much like to have such installed in Piedmont, too. Progress in the Mediteranian would find our political and monetarian support.
Abraham Lincoln

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