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Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:33 pm

THE BATTLE OF WIEN, August 16, 1624

In early August, Count Bucquoy's scouts brought him disturbing news: Mansfeld's Protestant army was heading towards Wien and it was much larger than initial reports had indicated. As a veteran of many battles Bucquoy was nonplussed and calmly ordered the preparation of defensive positions to the west of Wien, where the narrow road from Linz enters the open plains. The cornerstone of his defense would be his artillery: two 12 lb batteries, one 24 lb battery and numerous smaller guns. Lines of musketeers were arrayed between the artillery bastions with pikemen in close support on the flanks and rear. The weather was perfect, his supplies abundant and the confidence of his men boundless. They had been fighting for six years with Bucquoy. They knew him and they trusted him.

On the morning of August 16, 1624, Count Mansfeld and his army marched onto the plain west of Wien. A few leagues off they could see church steeples and scouts could hear the ringing of bells as the city raised the alarm. But instead of achieving surprise and capturing the city by coup-de-main, Mansfeld found an entrenched and powerful army arrayed before him. It was his old foe, Count Bucquoy. The hearts of all in the Protestant host fell when they saw forests of chevaux-de-frise, carefully stacked gabions filled with freshly dug earth, and most of all the many, many cannons awaiting their arrival. After a long march at great speed the Protestants were foot-sore, hungry and exhausted. But there was no help for it. Far from friendly cities and supplies they had to capture the city or die trying. Mansfeld gave the orders and the assault columns formed up.

Three huge storming columns were formed, each comprising some 5,000 pikemen and musketeers with cavalry in close support. Count Thurn led one, George-Frederick another and an unknown Colonel the third. Since he lacked a strong artillery arm Mansfeld knew his only option was to charge as quickly and as violently as possible. And that is what the Protestants did. Drums beating, flags flying, the Protestant columns marched gallantly forward. Bucquoy himself admired their courage, writing afterwards: "On the heretics came, in close column and well-armed for battle. It was a noble display, brave soldiers all. Noble but hopeless. May God have mercy on their misguided souls!"

As soon as the heretics came within range the Imperial artillery opened a terrible and withering fire on the massed columns. One Protestant survivor recalling it later stated, "Their fire was so thick we could've walked to Wien on cannonballs! The Papists ground our lads up like so much meat for the sausage press!" Indeed Thurn's column never even made it to musket-range but broke and fled for cover, leaving the Protestant center completely open. But the other two columns persevered, at least until they came within 100 yards of the Imperial entrenchments. Then Bucquoy's musketeers sent several volleys into the Protestants, causing disarray and bringing the columns to a halt. With the attack stalled and their center open Bucquoy saw his chance. Bugle blasts sent his pikemen forward through gaps in the entrenchments, gaps that had been left for just this purpose. The Imperials regiments slammed into the flanks of both Protestant columns.

A fierce combat raged on all sides. At first the heretics held fast, enraged by their casualties they sought revenge and recompense for all the blood shed. But hunger and fatigue fought for the Imperials and soon the Protestant resolve weakened and then broke. The columns dissolved, regimental cohesion vanished and the dreaded cry of "Alles ist verloren!" rang out from the Protestant ranks and they quit the field, many throwing down their weapons as they fled. Fortunately for them the Imperial pikemen now were between Mansfeld's army and the artillery that had done them so much harm, so they were spared further punishment.

Mansfeld was able to rally his forces and make a camp of sorts not far from the battlefield. Bucquoy's men were exhausted in victory and contented themselves with collecting weapons and equipment (along with any valuables!) from the fallen Protestants. The battle was won but the war not yet over.

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:11 pm

September - October 1624

Amazingly, Mansfeld was able to pull his army together enough to attack Bucquoy again. It achieved almost the exact same result, the Protestants losing over 4000 men and the Imperials only 2000. Even worse Mansfeld's supplies are exhausted. Bucquoy will now attack to drive the heretics from Wien.

Christian IV and his army have arrived at Prague, a battery of huge siege guns in their train. Wallenstein lifts the siege at Bamberg and will head to Pilsen, preparatory to relieving the capital of Bohemia.

Tilly will take his army to Stuttgart to battle Brunswick who just arrived to besiege that city.

Winter will strike any day now, and bad weather and disease will kill more soldiers than musket and pike. But we must smite the heretics wherever they are and so must soldier on!

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:34 pm

October - November 1624

It was a hard fight, tooth and nail, but Bucquoy drives Mansfeld's starving men into the hills between Wien and Linz. The Imperials lose 2100 men and the Protestants 3800. Both armies are wrecked but only Bucquoy's will have a chance to recover. The unfortunate heretics are far, far from home...

Tilly and Brunswick fight two vicious battles outside of Stuttgart before the Protestants quit the field. The Imperials lose 11,000 men and the Protestants 14,000, but Tilly takes the laurels of victory, such as they are. He will move his battered army back to Augsburg for the winter.

Wallenstein, with the only battle-ready army in the Empire, will attempt a force march on Prague to relieve the city. Fortunately the weather has held or he and his large force would be wintering at tiny Pilsen, an unpleasant and hungry prospect!


Winter will give the Imperials time to regroup but they are low on funds. If the coffers aren't refilled soon it will be a skeleton army that faces the heretics in the Spring. Non pecuniam, non bellum! (No money, no war!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:20 pm

November 1624 - April 1625

Wallenstein broke the siege of Prague and Christian IV and his army were last seen moving northwards. Mansfeld and what is left of his army moved west and is now near the Donau at Nordlingen. Tilly is at Augsburg and Brunswick is at Baden. Bucquoy and his army are still recovering at Wien.


Taxes from Wien were received but were not enough to replenish the Imperial ranks after the last season's losses. Requistions were made at Wien and Augsburg (via RDC) to help make up the difference. The citizens of Wien took it well enough, but the folk of Augsburg rioted and attacked Imperial detachments in the city (Augsburg experienced a huge drop in support for the Catholic cause). There was no help for it, as the war goes on. Since their forces are not yet at full strength the Imperials decide to await developments. Let the heretics make the first move in 1625. CP is at 91% and morale is 97 for the Protestants and 103 for the Catholics.
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Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:49 pm

April - September 1625

It has been a desultory campaigning season. Wallenstein moved west from Prague and is now besieging Bamberg, using Nurnberg as his base of supplies. Bucquoy moved to Prague to take over garrison duties there. Tilly is still at Augsburg and had just finished reforming and refitting his army when they were struck with dysentery once again. The good Count must teach his men to dig better field latrines! In any event, his army will see not action this year.


The Protestants in the Palatinate have been almost somnolent, with only a small siege at Philippsburg ongoing. The whereabouts of Brunswick, Mansfeld, Thurn, George-Frederick and their forces is unknown. Christian IV has returned to northern Germany and is besieging Magdeburg. CP is at 111 and funds are still low.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:16 pm

September - December 1625

Wallenstein discovers that Mansfeld and 12,000 men are trapped in besieged Bamberg. After three separate assaults the starving city falls and the Protestant army is destroyed. Mansfeld's whereabouts are unknown. Several days later Brunswick arrives with another Protestant force and is repulsed in two separate engagements. Total losses for the battles at Bamberg are 20,000 for the heretics and 7,000 for the Imperials. It is a major Catholic victory. Wallentstein leaves a small garrison at Bamberg and retires to Nurnberg for the winter.


Christian IV makes a surprise appearance before Prague, but finding Bucquoy's army well-entrenched the Danish King moves west to besiege Pilsen. The Imperials will not attempt to battle him in the heart of winter. What the weather does not kill Bucquoy will, but not until Spring.

In other developments, Magdeburg falls after a long siege. It is another blow to the Imperial cause and leaves most of northern Germany in Protestant hands.

Wallenstein is now the premiere Imperial general (4-5-4 to Tilly's 4-4-4) but resentment towards the avaricious Bohemian commander is growing in the Imperial court. Still, Wallenstein brought the only victories the Imperials enjoyed in 1625 and the Emperor will not even consider dismissing him. At least not yet...
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Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:50 pm

December 1625 - April 1626

Even with Spanish assistance and new taxes from Wien and Bavaria new requisitions were required to bring the Imperial army into fighting trim. The citizens of Munich and Nurnberg were not amused and rioters filled the streets in both cities. It will require years to rebuild support for the Catholic cause in those areas (done via RDC 'Catholic Conversion'). It cost more than 60 gold to pay for all the men and equipment required to bring the Emperor's forces up to full strength. But with the CP at 86% it is hoped that a vigorous 1626 campaign will bring the Palatinate back into the Catholic fold once and for all!


Unfortunately the filthy peasants at Linz have used the requirement for repeated requisitions in the Empire as an excuse to revolt against the divinely-established social order. Bucquoy will move south to disperse these miscreants.

Christian IV abandoned the siege of Pilsen and somehow moved with great speed in the heart of winter (seems a bit unrealistic to me...) and is now besieging Munich. Tilly's army, fully restored (and keeping good personal hygiene in mind!) will move to relieve Munich before heading west to the Rhineland.

Wallenstein, once again at full-strength, will attack at Wurzburg, seeking to capture that city before moving onto liberate Frankfurt. If Frankfurt is returned to Catholic hands it will cut off the heretics in the Palatinate from their brethren in the north. Sound the trumpets and let the armies march! Non auferetur fortitudo nostra in die belli! (Let our strength not fail in the day of battle!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:46 am

As instruments of Papal Heresy, one would think that your gold-plated, greedy and degenerate pontiff would fund your vendetta against true Christians. But no, one must rob from the innocent to murder other innocents while priests get fat and rich. How do you sleep at nights?

Necessary dogmatic and hyperbolic sectarian invective out of the way, 1626 looks to be an interesting campaign year ahead. Think you can win before Gustavus drops by? Thanks for the updates!


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Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:08 am

Master Random, thank you for your kind words and for reading my feeble efforts. You are not a bad fellow for a heretic!

Unfortunately, the new pontiff, Urban VIII, is more interested in enriching his own family and in expanding papal power in Italy than in assisting the Emperor's noble efforts to restore the position of Holy Mother Church in Germany. It breaks the heart to see the Vicar of Christ falling so far short of what his duties and these desperate times require! Deus misereatur Ecclesiae suae! (God have mercy on His Church!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Jul 13, 2016 7:59 pm

April - May 1626

Tilly easily brushes aside Christian IV at Munich and will now pursue him further. Wallenstein arrives at Wurzburg and quickly invests the city. Bucquoy will continue south to Linz to disperse the filthy peasants.


Diplomatically, the Empire is making progress. Bremen and Mainz both provide money and replacements to the cause and most of the other minor princes are falling into line. With the weather good, the coffers full, political support rising and three strong armies in the field, the Emperor is looking forward to a very successful campaign season! (CP is at 95%)
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Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:44 pm

May - June 1626

Christian IV evades Tilly and links up with some of the filthy peasants west of Linz. Tilly has wasted enough time with them and will now march for Augsburg before moving on Baden. Bucquoy will move west and attempt to crush both Christian IV and his filthy peasant allies. Wallenstein continues the siege at Wurzburg. His scouts have learned that Brunswick is trapped in the city with a large army. If the city falls it could be the end of the Protestant cause in the Palatinate!

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Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:56 pm

June - November 1626

Wurzburg was breached in October and Wallenstein sent his army into the assault. Brunswick and his starving men were quickly dealt with. Over 13,000 Protestants were killed or captured and the enemy commanders: Brunswick, George-Frederick, Knyphausen and Hohenloe were dispersed (whereabouts unknown). It is a major Catholic victory. Bucquoy won several engagements against Christian IV and the filthy peasant band, before retiring to Linz for the winter. Christian and the peasants are left to freeze in the wilderness. Tilly captured the heretic nest at Baden and will winter in that city.


The only dark cloud in this otherwise sunny landscape may be the difficulty of supplying Wallenstein and Tilly's armies. Both are located in small, pillaged heretic cities in the middle of winter. Wallenstein has some supply wagons close at hand but Tilly's troops may feel the bite of hunger before Spring returns. Overall, though, it was a successful campaign year. 1627 may well see the end of the Protestant cause in the Palatinate.

(With these successes the Emperor has given me leave to visit my family estate for a few days. The war will continue shortly! )
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Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:14 pm

December 1626 - May 1627

After a pleasant holiday season with my family on our ancestral estates, the Emperor has now called me back to war for the 1627 campaign season. It was a quiet winter. Both Tilly and Wallenstein's armies suffered losses due to harsh weather and lack of supplies, costing 25 gold to replace. Fortunately, income was received from Wien, Bavaria, Koln, Bremen and Munster so those losses were made good. Trier and Mainz have so far resisted diplomatic efforts to join the Imperial cause. After a late spring the campaign plan for 1627 is as follows:


Tilly will move to besiege Heidelberg. It is a strong fortress and will require skill (and luck) to capture. Wallenstein is still in supply difficulties and so will set up a large depot at Wurzburg before moving on Frankfurt. Bucquoy will move north to Linz to keep an eye on Christian IV's army north of Munich. The CP is at 66% and morale is 113 for the Catholics and 89 for the Protestants.
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Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:39 pm

May - September 1627

Tilly has not made any progress at Heidelberg but there are signs that the garrison is running low on supplies. Wallenstein, having established a large supply depot at Wurzburg, is now besieging Frankfurt. Additionally, he has sent one of his Demicannon batteries to Tilly (so the 'Expert Gunner' RDC can be played at Heidelberg). Bucquoy will attempt to engage the remnants of the filthy peasant forces south of Regensburg, and then turn north to seek battle with Christian IV who has the only Protestant field army still extant.


Fortunately, the Rhineland is a rich area and both Tilly and Wallenstein's men are enjoying the fat of the land, at least for now. We will see if that continues when the snow flies...
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:09 am

September - November 1627

Bucquoy annihilated the remnants of the filthy peasant forces - back to the fields for you lads! He then smashed a Protestant group of some 4000 men near Ingolstadt. Following that he destroyed Mansfeld and a small force at Nordlingen, capturing a 12lb artillery battery before arriving at Pilsen. Since Christian IV has fled before him, Bucquoy will march to Prague to winter there. In the Rhineland, the defenses of both Frankfurt and Heidelberg have been breached, and the latter city is also suffering terribly from hunger. Both sieges should be able to be maintained until the cities fall. The only dark spot on this sunny tableau is the surprise arrival of Ernst Casimir and a small army at Bamberg. He is the Count of Nassau-Deitz, a small Protestant state north of the Palatinate, and has extensive military experience serving with the Dutch rebels in the low countries. The fall of Bamberg would delay the conquest of the Palatinate by Catholic forces, but the city is not as important as either Heidelberg or Frankfurt. For now the Imperials will wait and hope that Bamberg's defenses will hold.

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Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:45 am

November 1627 - January 1628

Most excellent news! Heidelberg falls without a fight in November 1627. A Jesuit-run inquisition tribunal is immediately installed and the cleansing of the city is begun! Frankfurt surrenders in January 1628, and Wallenstein discovers that the good citizens of the city have adhered firmly to the Catholic faith. Brave and noble souls! Finally, Ernst lifts the siege of Bamberg and is spotted moving towards Mannheim, seeking to join forces with Anhalt. Christian IV remains in the wilderness east of Prague, and thank goodness all of the filthy peasants have finally returned to their farms!


But all is not well. The Duke of Mantua has died and there is a struggle over the succession. Since Mantua sits astride the 'Spanish Road' that leads from Milan to the Low Countries, Count Olivares, Chief Minister of Spain, is eager to keep the duchy in friendly hands. But the French are eager to control Mantua and have a strong candidate for the ducal throne. It seems the situation may well escalate to war. As Spain is over-committed, financially and militarily, Olivares looks to Ferdinand II for assistance. And as the war in Germany is moving fully in the Emperor's favor and in light of the extensive Spanish support for the Imperial cause, Ferdinand is inclined to support the Spanish request. But there will be consequences...
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:40 am

February - May 1628

Wallenstein defeats Ernst east of Mannheim and drives his army into the city. Tilly follows up immediately afterward, defeating Anhalt and a large Protestant force outside Mannheim itself.


Ernst has remained in the province so it will require another battle to drive him out so the siege can proceed. Wallenstein will move to Philippsburg to invest that city. If Mannheim and Philippsburg fall it will be the end of Protestantism in the Palatinate. Bucquoy will remain at Prague as the whereabouts of Christian IV are unknown.

An Imperial force under Matthias Gallas (CP around 400) has been sent to assist the Spanish in Mantua. The troops appear to have come from Wallenstein's army, but he will still be able to prosecute the siege at Philippsburg, especially given the weakness of the heretics.

Diplomatically, the Empire is strongly supported by Bavaria, Spain, Koln, Munster, Trier, Bremen and Mainz. However, the struggle at Mantua has raised the ire of French and there are indications that they may, at some point, actively support the Protestant cause.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:55 pm

Even as heretical worshipers of false Gods, your papist murderers seem to be doing rather well. However, French ire is NOT to be sneered at and the Antichrist Wallenstein will no doubt himself be reduced to filthy peasant status if there is any justice at all. Or perhaps not.

Thanks for the updates.


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Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:52 pm

Thank you, Master Random, my faithful and seemingly only reader! Unfortunately at this point it seems that the AI has shot its bolt. Once the AI stack of doom is dispersed/destroyed it is unable to reform a coherent army and the game becomes a problem of logistics and sieges for the Catholics. I may have to play the Protestant side, too, in order to keep things going a bit longer. We shall see...
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:26 pm


It has become clear that the Protestant AI has been defeated. Despite there being 20 years left in the war, the AI is unable to continue the fight. Examining the Protestant side of the war they have no money, are not vigorously pursuing diplomatic options, and require 50 or more gold for basic replacements. The CP is at 53% and a large chunk of that is the Danish Fleet. All of their ground forces together might be able to match Wallenstein's stack, if they are lucky, and their morale is at 83 compared to the Catholic 124.

In order to continue this AAR I will be forced, despite my abhorrence for the heretic cultists, to play the Protestants as well as the Catholics in this game. The war, for the Imperialists, is now simply a matter of logistics and sieges, but I will attempt to keep the Protestants alive until the arrival of the Swedes and the French. Hopefully by then I can rebuild their financial, diplomatic and military position to a competitive level. We shall see. Deus misereatur animae meae!
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:39 pm

May - June 1628

The last Protestant army escapes from Mannheim and is fleeing northwards. Tilly will ignore them to continue the siege of the city which is looking promising. Wallenstein has made no progress at Philippsburg, but it is only a matter of time. Bucquoy remains at Prague, on guard, and Gallas is at Mantua.


It is a summer of rejoicing for the Imperialist cause. The political map of Germany is being rearranged to fit the desires of the Emperor, Count Olivares and Holy Mother Church. But anger at the ascendance of Hapsburg power and the heavy hand of the Inquisition is growing throughout Europe. As the Protestant's scramble to salvage something from the wreck of their cause perhaps it will be the terrible hand of Nemesis that will save them, perhaps the Emperor has gone too far! As always in the affairs of men, 'Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall' (Proverbs 16:18)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:26 pm

June - September 1628

Mannheim falls to Tilly, but Philippsburg is holding, at least for now.


The Protestants appear to be regrouping at Kassel and Magdeburg. They are woefully outnumbered but the fall of the Palatinate will prove to be of at least some benefit to their cause in its weakened condition. They are now separated from the Emperor's armies by a significant distance, and the Imperialists will have difficulty with supplies as they move north. Smaller cities, a strongly Protestant populace and a lack of forage will mean that a large supply train will have to accompany the Imperial armies. It remains to be seen if this will be enough to stop or even slow the Catholic juggernaut.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:20 pm

September 1628 - April 1629

Philippsburg falls to Wallenstein, ending the Protestant threat in the Palatinate. The Emperor and Archduke Maximilian of Bavaria begin carving up the spoils between them. The most coveted prize: the electoral dignity formerly belonging to the hapless Frederick V of the Palatinate. Maximilian is formally invested with the title 'Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire' at an Imperial Congress held at Frankfurt in December 1628. It is, indeed, a merry Yuletide for the Catholic cause.


The map above displays the new theater of war for the 1629 campaign season. The shortest road from Frankfurt to northern Germany runs through the Harz Mountains to Gottingen and then to Kassel, currently the capital of the Protestant cause. It will be along this route that the Imperialists will concentrate their efforts.

As for the Protestants, although they have stabilized their position unless they receive additional money from foreign sources their cause will surely founder. They are not able to pay their troops, causing them to make requisitions on the civilian populace. This drastically reduces support and damages already poor provinces. Without divine intervention 1629 will be a grim year for the Protestant cause.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:25 pm

Just a word to tell I also follow your AAR every two or three days. But I don't have special comment to make, english is not my language and expression with this is for me always an effort.
However, I appreciate the forced march updates and the tone of your narrative. Please continue to write down your campaigns !
Too bad the IA is not a challenge anymore, but to increase difficulty you should now swap to Protestants only instead of playing both. ;)
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Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:58 pm

Bonjour, Monsieur Bruit Bleu, and thank for writing and for your kind comments. I intend to continue the AAR a bit longer, hoping to make it until the Swedes enter the fray, but it is looking grim for the Protestants. It is a chore to have to play both sides, but I will press on a bit further.

I think I will start a Protestant AAR after this one, although I must admit the Imperial AI destroyed me totally in my several games against them. Perhaps I will move the difficulty down to 'Sergeant' level, or maybe I just need more practice!

Thanks again for writing!
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Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:43 pm

The Problem with Poland

So, May of 1629, Ferdinand II is feeling his oats and decides to support the Polish in their war with Sweden. He sends military forces of which he has plenty. Unfortunately the game sends both Wallentstein and Bucquoy to Danzig with a combined CP of 2600. They will sit there until September, slowly running out of supplies (even with a level 4 depot at Danzig, 2600 of CP will eat through the available supplies quickly!). Then the armies will be teleported south to a region near Gorlitz, north of Bohemia. Those two armies will then have to scramble south across the mountains to try and reach Prague before the snow flies, a journey of at least three months.


In past games I have lost an entire army in those mountains as a result of this event, and even in the best case there will be severe losses from attrition. This event has been a problem since the beginning of TYW and it is still not solved - I am looking at you, Senor Leibstandarte! First of all, too many units are sent. Secondly, the units run out of supplies during there stay at Danzig. And thirdly, when the units are released they should return to the city where they were located before they were sent to Danzig. Attached is the saved game turn from the moment of teleportation.

In terms of this particular game, the Imperials will not be able to undertake any offensive actions this year. All supply wagons will be sent to Prague to support the two armies (Wallenstein and Bucqouy) when they return from Poland. Tilly will remain at Frankfurt, unable to move north because his supply wagons are heading east. It gives the Protestants a bit of a breather, which they will use to capture the remaining Imperial cities in the north. But they are still critically short of money and EPs.

I will continue to play the game through until I get Wallenstein and Bucquoy back home safely, but won't post any further until the situation has stabilized.
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Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:03 am

May 1629 - March 1630

Wallenstein and Bucquoy made it to Prague safely and without too much loss (35 gold in replacements). Unfortunately, Ferdinand II now decides to remove Wallenstein from command, with General Aldringer taking his place. in 1629 the Protestants captured Munster but were unable to seize Bremen or other Imperial cities in northern Germany. The money and EP woes of the heretics continue.

The campaign season of 1630 opens with the following situation:


Bucquoy will stay at Prague to keep an eye on Bohemia. Aldringer will move west (via Linz due to supply issues) towards Frankfurt. Additional supply wagons will move through Pilsen to Frankfurt. If they reach Tilly in time he will move north to seize Gottingen and Kassel. The Protestants are very weak (CP 48%) but that situation will not last forever. Sweden and France are making disquieting moves towards supporting the heretics financially and perhaps even militarily. The Protestants must be crushed soon and once and for all!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:35 pm

March - October 1630

A rather desultory campaign season. Tilly manages to capture Gottingen, but it will be a challenge to keep him supplied (I would build a depot but I can't build anymore supply wagons! Would suggest supply wagons should be unlimited...) Aldringer is at Heidelberg (To keep all supplies available at Frankfurt free to for Tilly and his army.) Bucquoy remains at Prague.


The heretics appear to be massing at Kassel for a last stand. Indications are that they continue to be critically short on money and EPs. (Very short! Need help! Where are you France and Sweden!)

In 1631 it is hoped that Tilly will be able to capture Kassel and maybe Hanover and Minden, too. Then if the supply situation improves Aldringer's army can be moved north with the aim of stamping out the Protestants completely in 1632 and 1633. Right now it appears that nothing can stop the Catholic juggernaut!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:54 pm

November 1630 - April 1631

After a quiet winter, Tilly moves on Kassel...and is repelled.


The combined Protestant forces outnumbered Tilly badly and that, along with prepared positions and some excellent tactical leadership on the part of the heretics, was enough to send him packing. He will retreat to regroup, restore his forces and gather supplies. It may have been a defeat but it is only a matter of time before the Protestants are defeated. They have no money to buy replacements and Christian IV long ago spent his war chest. Unless the Protestants receive additional assistance soon their cause is doomed.

(At this point the Protestants are only receiving income - money, WS and EP - from Kassel, and that is not much at all. I would suggest that they should also receive income from Hamburg and Copenhagen in order to balance things out. Right now they don't have the money for basic upkeep of their forces, nor the EPs to pay for any diplomatic progress. I will continue the fight but it is looking grim for the heretics!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:50 pm

April 1631 - April 1632

The stalemate continues. Tilly has a small bridgehead over the Weser River at Kassel, but he is hemmed in by the city walls and the field fortifications of the Protestants. Every month small battles are fought with light losses but no real progress being made. Christian IV's army is slowly (very slowly!) being ground down by these attacks and by lack of replacements (the Protestant grand army has fallen from CP2500 to CP2200).

With the supply situation improved (The Imperials built a level 4 depot at Gottingen which is barely keeping Tilly and his forces supplied) the Emperor demands action. General Aldringer will take a large force (CP1500) north along the Rhine and then turn northeast to attack either Minden, Osnabruck or Munster. Keeping this force supplied will be a challenge but with the heretics massed at Kassel northern Germany is completely unprotected.


The Protestant situation continues to be static and hopeless. The do not have the money or EPs to change the situation and so are simply waiting for the end to come. No sign of Swedish or French intervention, their only possible salvation.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The Hanged Man is a representative of humanity who is found between two kingdoms - that of this world and that of heaven."

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