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Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:57 pm

bjfagan wrote:OOC: If this is Austrian propaganda, no problem, but in fact the ultimatum was Austrian. No British ultimatum was given. The left cards were Austrian and the right were British. The harshest card played by the British was a Warning which both parties gave at the end.

Ha, I was convinced that I didn't play a card, then checked my turn again, and found out I did, somehow - my mistake.
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Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:43 pm

The government of the Kingdom of The Netherlands reports that we have won a great victory in the Java Sea against Indonesian pirates and are currently seeking out other pirates up the Sumatra coast. We ask all major naval power nations to keep up the pressure on these pirates throughout the world and destroy them where ever they exist. Thank you.

The Dutch Government

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Sat May 28, 2016 6:19 pm


Paris - The first commercial production of aluminum is pioneered by a French chemist, Mssr. Ste. Claire Deville, in Paris this month. We are unsure that such a metal will find any practical global use at this time due to the incredible energy necessary to produce it, but it is another achievement in the field of metallurgy. His production invention will be on display at the Paris Exposition for all of the world to see.

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Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:18 am

The Treaty of Santander

The governments of France and Spain, in the spirit of cooperation and understanding, hereby declare the following agreement regarding their respective spheres of influence:

*France will recognize Spanish authority in both Rio de Oro and Mauritania in perpetuity
-----To aid the Spanish in controlling this area, French explorers will continue to map out Mauritania and Rio de Oro and allow Spanish access to French Senegal and its naval facilities until such a time that Spain can build her own facilities on the coast.

*France will pay for the money lost due to the recent canceled protectorate decision of Spain plus a fee of 100 to amend for the lost diplomat (325 total)

*France will allow for construction of a silk orchard in French territory that will belong to Spain
-----To aid in achieving this construction, France will finance 100% of the construction costs for this building
-----Furthermore, this building is 100% Spanish and under no circumstances is France allowed to take the building back from Spain

*France will completely finance six (6) railroad segments in Spain proper. The regions to be constructed are to be determined at a later date

*To allow for practical considerations - France will complete these payments to the best of its ability within reason, but all payments are due in full by two years to the date of ratification of the treaty with a goal of at least one (1) rail segment per four (4) calendar months

*In return, Spain will recognize French authority in Morocco

((OOC: We will need a little scripting help here. I am willing to put in some effort to shoulder some of the burden, but I will likely need a lot of help setting up the initial payments.))

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Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:34 am

The Kingdom of The Netherlands wants to express her respect to this treaty and wishes both nations the best in there future endeavors.

- King William III

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Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:25 pm

The Kingdom of Spain is happy to sign the mentioned treaty.
We all hope that it will be a new beginning to the troubled relations between France and Spain, and the first steps on the path of becoming a rich and industrialized nation.


Queen Isabel II - Sovereign of Spain

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Sun Jun 19, 2016 8:26 pm

Wars of Great Britain

By chance, the Austrian foreign ministry found out that Great Britain appears to be at war with both Greece and Persia [OOC: events I missed in my absence?]. As the circumstances and causes of these conflicts are unknown to us, we hope that Great Britain can enlighten the causes of these wars, as well as their plans vis-a-vis these countries.
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Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:54 pm

De_Spinoza wrote:Wars of Great Britain

By chance, the Austrian foreign ministry found out that Great Britain appears to be at war with both Greece and Persia [OOC: events I missed in my absence?]. As the circumstances and causes of these conflicts are unknown to us, we hope that Great Britain can enlighten the causes of these wars, as well as their plans vis-a-vis these countries.

OOC: I have no clue. I was wondering why my national morale kept going down then I discovered it was due to war weariness. Peace proposals have gone out.

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The Times of London, Late January 1857

Fri Jul 01, 2016 3:25 am


Whitehall - Intelligence reports from Royal Navy scout ships sailing in the North Sea sent shockwaves through the Admiralty this past week. The reports indicated a massive Prussian fleet was discovered at Hamburg, consisting of 13 squadrons of ships of the line, 5 squadrons of frigates and 12 squadrons of scouting ships. Naval officers and government officials were shocked to learn of the size and breadth of this relatively new fleet. "There are five shipyards in Hamburg alone and they have been extremely busy building this armada," stated First Sea Lord Vice Admiral FitzHardinge Berkeley to The Times. "I was gobsmacked at the number of ships sitting in that port. How were they constructed so quickly and escaped our notice until now?"

Opposition party members ravaged Lord Palmerston during Prime Minister's Questions in Parliament. MP Snodgrass, from the constituency of Chippenham, pointedly asked, "What is Her Majesty's Government going to do to increase the number of Royal Navy vessels compared to these new Prussian vessels? Most of our ships are many years old and only a few new ones have been completed." The PM answered that the Royal Navy had been slowly adding new ships but this modernization programme will obviously need to be stepped up.

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Prussian Foreign Ministry Release 02-01-1857

Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:26 pm

War between France and The Kingdom of Sardinia!

The Prussian government has noted with concern the announcement of hostilities between France and the Kingdom of Sardinia over the territory of Tunisia. Given the tensions between two such near neighbors, the Prussian army and fleet have been put on high alert and stand ready to mobilize if needed.

We call upon both nations to clarify their objectives and intents in this conflict. (OOC: Should we find a player for Italy asap, given the situation?)

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Prussian Foreign Ministry Release 02-01-1857

Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:32 pm


Whitehall - Intelligence reports from Royal Navy scout ships sailing in the North Sea sent shockwaves through the Admiralty this past week. The reports indicated a massive Prussian fleet was discovered at Hamburg, consisting of 13 squadrons of ships of the line, 5 squadrons of frigates and 12 squadrons of scouting ships. Naval officers and government officials were shocked to learn of the size and breadth of this relatively new fleet. "There are five shipyards in Hamburg alone and they have been extremely busy building this armada," stated First Sea Lord Vice Admiral FitzHardinge Berkeley to The Times. "I was gobsmacked at the number of ships sitting in that port. How were they constructed so quickly and escaped our notice until now?"

Opposition party members ravaged Lord Palmerston during Prime Minister's Questions in Parliament. MP Snodgrass, from the constituency of Chippenham, pointedly asked, "What is Her Majesty's Government going to do to increase the number of Royal Navy vessels compared to these new Prussian vessels? Most of our ships are many years old and only a few new ones have been completed." The PM answered that the Royal Navy had been slowly adding new ships but this modernization programme will obviously need to be stepped up.

Indeed, the efforts to modernize the Prussian fleet have been underway for some time now. In fact the Prussian government is quite surprised that this has only been noticed by the British now, as our efforts to expand and modernize the fleet date back some five years. We do wish to assure HMG and all other interested parties that the Prussian fleet is not intended as an offensive weapon. Had we intended the project as a secret strike force, we would have found a more remote base than that of Hamburg, which is open to the eyes of the world.

However given the complexities of the world situation and the possibilities for aggression on the part of other nations, the Kingdom of Prussia feels it only prudent to maintain a naval force capable of defending the coastal waters of Prussia against any potential invading force.

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Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:43 pm

lukasberger wrote:War between France and The Kingdom of Sardinia!

The Prussian government has noted with concern the announcement of hostilities between France and the Kingdom of Sardinia over the territory of Tunisia. Given the tensions between two such near neighbors, the Prussian army and fleet have been put on high alert and stand ready to mobilize if needed.

We call upon both nations to clarify their objectives and intents in this conflict. (OOC: Should we find a player for Italy asap, given the situation?)

Official Statement from the Second French Empire

Paris is as shocked by this turn of events as any other European government. That Sardinia-Piedmont would declare war on France for what amounts to a minor colonial matter stands against reason. France has no intentions nor objectives beyond maintaining the status quo, but we will defend ourselves should the Italians wish it to come to blows - the blood will be on their hands.

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Sun Jul 03, 2016 5:21 am


Marseille - Reports from St. Arnaud's army show an obvious Piedmontese desire for bloodshed. The brave troops near Toulon have repelled the aggressor at great cost. While it is within French interests to not let this conflict escalate beyond a border dispute, it is unknown how many French lives will compel the empire to say "Enough is enough." The continent awaits further reports from southern France in this war.

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Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:21 am

The Kingdom of the Netherlands fully supports the French Republic in this unjust war of aggression by the Kingdom of Sardinia. The Italians need taught a lesson for declaring war over such a situation.

- The Dutch Government

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The Times of London, Late February 1857

Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:42 pm


London - Reports from scout ships in the Adriatic have reached the Admiralty indicating the Austrians have built a large fleet too. There are many new squadrons of all types spread throughout Austrian ports along the Adriatic. The revelations of the last month have been alarming to naval and government officials in Whitehall. Both closely allied Germanic speaking countries apparently built large fleets in a very short amount of time. What is the purpose of these armadas? Is Europe entering a naval arms race between the major powers? How much money will be wasted by all the great powers and what will Britain now be forced to spend to maintain it's naval superiority?

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Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:57 am

Field Marshal Hotzendorf wrote:The Kingdom of the Netherlands fully supports the French Republic in this unjust war of aggression by the Kingdom of Sardinia. The Italians need taught a lesson for declaring war over such a situation.

- The Dutch Government

Our thanks are due to His Majesty's government in Amsterdam. We wish once again to affirm that France seeks nothing from this conflict other than an end.

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:21 am

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Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:19 pm

Vezina wrote:Official Statement from the Second French Empire

Paris is as shocked by this turn of events as any other European government. That Sardinia-Piedmont would declare war on France for what amounts to a minor colonial matter stands against reason. France has no intentions nor objectives beyond maintaining the status quo, but we will defend ourselves should the Italians wish it to come to blows - the blood will be on their hands.

The Spanish government express its full support to France and Emperor Napoleon III in this crisis, and stands ready to use every action that can put a quick end to this unprovoked agression.

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Sun Jul 10, 2016 8:56 pm

The Dutch government wants to express it's dire concerns about a large Italian army located in Belgium. This seems to be a clear indication that this war with France is escalating. What exactly does France have in mind to end this war which has the potential of upsetting European affairs?

- The Royal Dutch Government

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:11 am

Field Marshal Hotzendorf wrote:The Dutch government wants to express it's dire concerns about a large Italian army located in Belgium. This seems to be a clear indication that this war with France is escalating. What exactly does France have in mind to end this war which has the potential of upsetting European affairs?

- The Royal Dutch Government

OOC: Do we need a player for Italy to deal with the situation? No telling what the ai might do, as this move illustrates.

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Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:14 am

Field Marshal Hotzendorf wrote:The Dutch government wants to express it's dire concerns about a large Italian army located in Belgium. This seems to be a clear indication that this war with France is escalating. What exactly does France have in mind to end this war which has the potential of upsetting European affairs?

- The Royal Dutch Government

The empire wishes to assure the governments of Europe that what appears to be a large Italian army is nothing more than a roving band of marauders a la the Hundred Years War of France's history. In fact, it is the same group that was repulsed from Toulon in the first engagement, and French troops are already intercepting them in their plan to cause mass hysteria on the continent. Rest assured, the situation is well in hand. Should Sardinia-Piedmont escalate it beyond these skirmishers, then we will have to determine what cost and what end would be prudent.

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Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:00 am

Official Statement from the Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire has recently had a change in government and wishes to ensure the civilized world that we are just as stable as ever and looking forward to a bright future. The new government has officially ended the war with Wallachia and hopes that we can all move along now. Under the old government a massive expansion of our naval forces had been conducted, I realize that this has caused concern throughout the world. I am now announcing that the Austrian Empire is making cut backs in the naval program and has already disbanded several older warships and has no designs at this time on increasing the navies number of warships. The Empire also wants known that all colonial endeavors have been ceased at this time with no current plans to continue expansion outside of Europe. At this time the Austrian Empire would like to share that Moldavian nationalists have been seen crossing the border into Austrian lands delivering supply and arms to Wallachian rebel groups. I am currently speaking with Grigore Alexandru Ghica on the matter and hope that these action's cease immediately before the situation gets out of hand. I ask for private dialog on this issue with any concerned European power. Thank you.

- Emperor Franz Joseph I

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Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:24 pm

St Petersburg, Early Febr 1859

Given the recent uprisings in the Caucasus led by [url=Imam_Shamil][/url] and the current ones in European Russia, as well as the warmongering Persia declaring a war on the tribal nations of Afghanistan, His Majesty, Alexandr II, Czar and Autocrat of All the Russias, in his imperial wisdom, has decided to ensure our borders and to bring peace and prosperity to region. However, clashes and fighting between these tribal nations at our borders threaten peace and security, as well as vital trade and territorial interests of Russia.

Therefore, the Empire of Russia is taking the following steps:

1) it will be annexing the border regions of Persia in the Caucasus;
2) given that there are various uprisings in India, which keeps the British Empire busy with keeping peace and order among its subjects, Russia will declare a protectorate in Afghanistan; and
3) any and all rebels within and surrounding the territory of Russia will be immediately and effectively dealt with.

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Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:23 am

The Austrian Empire fully supports the Russians in this war.

- The Austrian Government

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Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:00 am

Le Temps

Paris, France - The Malinke tribes continue their struggle against French colonials from the Senegal region. Despite French assurances that no part of Malinke culture will be affected by Cosmopolitaine culture, bloodshed continues near Segu. We will keep the global readership updated as we are able.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:08 am

Official Statement from Paris

The war in Lombardia has gone on for long enough. We are beginning to hear reports of ethnic French communities being pillaged and suffering summary executions en masse at the faintest hint of protest.

The Second French Empire demands a cessation to the fighting between Austria and Sardinia-Piedmont. Vienna has made its point against its tiny neighbor; let it end before matters must be taken into our hands.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:57 am

Statement of the British Government

Her Majesty's Government is gravely concerned over the death and destruction the Austrian armies have leveled against the Sardinian people. We cannot allow this brutal campaign to continue and agree with the French Empire in declaring the Austrians must withdraw its forces from Sardinia immediately.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:40 pm

Vezina wrote:Official Statement from Paris

The war in Lombardia has gone on for long enough. We are beginning to hear reports of ethnic French communities being pillaged and suffering summary executions en masse at the faintest hint of protest.

The Second French Empire demands a cessation to the fighting between Austria and Sardinia-Piedmont. Vienna has made its point against its tiny neighbor; let it end before matters must be taken into our hands.

The North German Confederation notes with great sadness that France has not even waited for a reply to this demand from the new Austrian government before declaring war.

We further point out that war was not of the choosing of the Austrian government, that the Kingdom of Sardinia are in fact the aggressors in this matter.

We have no desire for war with the French Empire and hope that even at this moment that war can be avoided by urgent and immediate talks between the parties involved.

However we are forced to give notice that unless the French Empire retracts its declaration of war and reaches an agreement with Austria forthwith, we will be forced to ourselves declare war on France, according to the terms of our alliance with Austria.

This step will be undertaken with a heavy heart, as good relations with France has been a policy this government has always pursued and we hope it will not need to be taken at all, and that wisdom and discretion will rule the day.

If that is not the case though, we will be left with no choice in the matter, as honour requires us to live up to our commitments.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:36 am

Statement of the British Government

The British Foreign Office has sent a telegram to Vienna inquiring as to whether Austria will continue this war or withdraw and accept a white peace with Sardinia-Piedmont. Her Majesty's Government is preparing for the former, but prays for the latter.

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Re: *Diplomacy, News Reports and Announcements

Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:41 am

lukasberger wrote:The North German Confederation notes with great sadness that France has not even waited for a reply to this demand from the new Austrian government before declaring war.

We further point out that war was not of the choosing of the Austrian government, that the Kingdom of Sardinia are in fact the aggressors in this matter.

We have no desire for war with the French Empire and hope that even at this moment that war can be avoided by urgent and immediate talks between the parties involved.

However we are forced to give notice that unless the French Empire retracts its declaration of war and reaches an agreement with Austria forthwith, we will be forced to ourselves declare war on France, according to the terms of our alliance with Austria.

This step will be undertaken with a heavy heart, as good relations with France has been a policy this government has always pursued and we hope it will not need to be taken at all, and that wisdom and discretion will rule the day.

If that is not the case though, we will be left with no choice in the matter, as honour requires us to live up to our commitments.

The time has passed beyond being able to wait for a reply. You may not be aware of the situation in Berlin, but Austrian soldiers are on the French border - a most unnatural area to find them.

We are willing to hear the Viennese government out with regard to peace if they are willing to back away from our border and allow some semblance of Sardinian government affairs, but we cannot wait for them to annex the entirety of Piedmont because we foolishly expected a reply before acting.

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