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Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:49 pm


Diplomatic Situation: USA 72%CP; OE 96%CP; Italy 54%CP; Greece 53%CP; Bulgaria 56%CP; Romania 100%CP; Persia 61%CP; Afghanistan 72%CP; Arabia 46%CP. It appears Romania will join the CP next turn. Recognize Bulgarian war goals just became available, it would move Bulgaria +20 to the CP (to around 76%) and move three other nations +20 to the Entente: Romania (either no effect or +80CP), Greece 33%CP, and Serbia (already aligned with EE). It is possible that this event would become null next turn because the prerequisite is that Romania is neutral, but what comes first, this event happening or alignment happening?

Western Front

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Big happenings in Belgium; I went on the offensive in Antwerpen and took out the British force outside the fort. Inside the fort appears to be only a reduced fort artillery unit (107 PWR). Now will be the time for an assault because the WE forces (just over 1000 PWR) moved into Charleroi and threaten my northern flank. If I can take Antwerpen, then I can pretty much focus on the Charleroi stack and force the WE to move more troops to Belgium and weaken their lines elsewhere.

French Border:[/color] Athena did a good job of spacing out their defense to allow for MTSG and finding a target outside of Belgium doesn't look appealing right now. I could not reach Sedan last turn quickly, so that move did not occur. I suspect this front will be quiet on my side with just posturing to entice Athena to move units where I want them.


Eastern Front

[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] Fair weather all the way to Vyborg, except the northern Russian winter is still in effect once I reach land. Still, I believe it will take two turns to reach Vyborg (and only one mined area) so if I land in snow or mud, the Russian forces should not be able to withstand my forces. Elsewhere, it appears the Russians are moving in on Germany once again, taking Suwalki and Osterode.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Just a small victory in Kolo on this front to deny Plevhe a chance to reinforce Warsaw by his retreat into Turek. There is still mud in the area, but I am seriously contemplating an attack on Warsaw this turn.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] I did move back most of my forces to recover from my poor winter attacks, with the exception of taking Konstantinov, which is on the road to Kiev, and also forced the forces in Vinnitza to peel off and thus weaken that southern flank, just in time for Romania to enter the war!


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] I will start putting the squeeze on Serbia: from von Brudermann's Armee in the North, von Krasnik's Armee in the west, the two korps near Sarajevo in the south and hopefully some Romanian troops in the west. In my first campaign, I only had the OE and Bulgaria on my side. All I really know of the Romanians is that they folded FAST. Hopefully that was just poor management by Athena.


I am still losing 1 NM a turn from war weariness, so I will definitely need to start picking up important victories on the field! I do have a bunch of AH artillery and infantry coming next turn and more AH and German artillery the next turn to fill out some weakened forces. The battles were more successful this turn, but we are just even with the Triple Entente's losses. We need to have much better success for the final victory.


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Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:14 pm


Diplomatic Situation: USA 71%CP; OE 97%CP; Italy 44%CP; Greece 54%CP; Bulgaria 54%CP; Persia 61%CP; Afghanistan 74%CP; Arabia 46%CP. Romania joined the Central Powers!

Western Front:

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Belgium was on fire. We managed one breach in Antwerpen before our assault and the WE fell in one round. Finally. Just in time, too. The WE made bold moves. Earl Kitchener's British Army is now fully in Genthe. An international force of British, Aussies, Canadians and French are in Alost, most of which look like defeated forces from the battle of Bruxelles, but still a sizable force in total. Decent reserves are in Tournai and Mons. Belgian forces remain in Bruxelles after their failed attempt to take our city.

French Border:[/color] Huge forces remain in Nancy and Toul. A quick glance at the situation doesn't look like I will be engaging the enemy this turn and probably not until Belgium is won.


Eastern Front
Northern Russia:[/color] My fleet made it to Vyborg, having only to pass one fort bombardment and two successful battles against Russian fleets, taking out 14 destroyers. The amphibious force is just two days from landing. I believe when using distant unload, you can give orders to move and it won't occur until after the army has landed. I have just kept the fleet in position before, but will try to issue orders back to Konigsberg to pick up another force with supplies to facilitate the assault on Petrograd while maintaining Vyborg.


[color="#008000"][color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color][/color] Kowno is lightly defended, but I worry about the nearby forces, so I will most likely withdraw that korps is Suwalki and return it to Konigsberg to assist in the Petrograd advance.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] The assault on Warsaw went well, but wouldn't you know it, a lone artillery brigade defends the city! It also appears the four Russian stacks to the west have been cut off from supply. The forces in Novo Georgiewsk and Ivanograd, however can be used in a desperate attempt to save Warsaw, but my PWR currently stands at 2542 in Warsaw with von Hindenburg present.


[color="#008000"]AH-Russian Border:[/color] The only sizable Russian force seems to be just south of Lublin (off the rail-line?). I am trying to take the depots at Vinnitza and Jitomir in hopes to get Kiev later this year. Otherwise, I continue to be disorganized in this area. My hopes are that when Poland is won, the forces can move eastward and roll the Russians out of the war, as AH troops will redeploy from Serbia once that area is cleared of major rebel forces.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] The rail lines have been reconnected and clear (no mud) weather abounds, just in time for the encirclement to begin. Plus, the OE entry is just a few turns away!


After successful battles in Bruxelles, Antwerpen and Warsaw, the Triple Entente finally has suffered 65k more losses than us. Our NM rose a net of 4, but shockingly, after the best turn since the start of the war, I received a +5 NM for rebalancing.


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Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:20 am


Diplomatic Situation: I've finally realized that the game is still very buggy with the encryption problem I had from the earlier PBEM. The WE's ambassadors are not working so I will need to remove my ambassadors once OE allies with the CP in one or two turns. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair.

USA 70%CP; OE 98%CP; Italy 46%CP; Bulgaria 42%CP; Persia 63%CP; Afghanistan 74%CP; Arabia 46%CP.

Western Front

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Big happenings on the western front. We won three small battles while defending Bruxelles and a decent victory in Charleroi. However, the WE has amassed a very formidable force in Belgium and victory here is anything but certain!

That seemingly innocuous British stack in Tournai actually has a huge force of three 3-star leaders, four 2-star leaders, a ton of regular units, 5 artillery units and 8 supply units. They are not on leave right now!!

[color="#0000FF"]French Border:[/color] All the excitement was not in Belgium. Athena deftly made a surprise attack on Muelhausen and successfully beat back my korps there! I'm showing the battle even though it is not huge, but I'm perplexed why we lost. My only explanation is that the first korps on each side had an advantage to the WE and this translated into a victory for them? Oh well, such is war! There are two infantry reserve divisions that are besieging Strassburg; I almost feel sorry for them. Not surprisingly, von Bayern's Armee in Saint Mihel was beat back because the OHL did not make it back to Metz in time. This was a gamble that didn't pay off. We actually inflicted over 13,000 more losses on the WE, but their numbers were two great (2 armees vs 1). The WE did leave the forces south of Saint Mihel very, very weak. Mons and Guise are protected by MTSG, but Mauberge in northern France is apparently open for a cross river attack.


Eastern Front

[color="#008000"]Northern Russia: [/color] We knocked out 10 more armoured cruisers in the Sea of Riga and were able to distant unload the force in Vyborg and still make it back to Koenigsberg. I am glad that game mechanic works. No land battle occurred, but my intelligence has the forts power at only 41 for the Russians to my 219 PWR. I will have to wait one turn to send in more reinforcements due to slow rail service (missed it by one day, thank you mud) but at least the fleet can resupply and regain full cohesion, but this was not critically needed.

Baltic States: Nothing really happened. The Russians split off their larger force in Wladislavov and reinforced Kowno somewhat.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] We successfully liberated the token force in Warsaw and crippled Kuropotkin's force in Osterude, which was surprisingly fully supplied. We will need to quickly destroy the two relatively large Russian stacks in Poland before moving onward to meet up with out Austrian cousins.


[color="#008000"]Russian Border:[/color] This very long border is still disorganized and finding small battles. The only significant force appears to be the Lechitski's 630 PWR Armee in Crasnik, which did defeat Brlog's Korps. We should be able to force the Russians into retreat and avoid too many kavallerie sprints into our rearguard.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] We should be able to advance well in Serbia this turn.


When we take Petrograd, the EE NM should be around 70 which is their breaking point and they will begin to spiral out of control where we can thrust the dagger into their hearts and put them out of their misery.


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Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:37 pm


Diplomatic Situation: The Ottoman Empire is one turn away from joining the Central Powers and the USA is down to 69%CP alignment.

Western Front

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] No battles occurred other than air battles over Charleroi and Mechelen. Our fighters were very successful, shooting down 39 planes while losing none. There are two large armee's in Genth, one British and one French. The sizable force in Mons is composed of several korps sitting on a plain - an inviting target.

French Border:[/color] We had successful battles in Dinant and Mauberge (took the city this turn) but lost Muelhausen. There were only 76k French troops in the battle but I'll need to muster up a good force to beat back the invaders and the cut rail line in Strassburg will be a problem!


Eastern Front

[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] I thought I had von Beseler's korps on assault of Vyborg, but it was on o/o, so I put it on assault for this turn. Reinforcements, with a marine unit, are on their way and will land either late this turn or early next turn.

Baltic States:[/color] With sizable forces being taken out of Konigsberg, I will need to make sure my periphery is not overrun by small Russian troops.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] With Warsaw secured and good weather in Poland, it is now time to put an end to the two remaining large Russian stacks.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] This has been a recurring theme, but our forces are still disorganized on this front, which is marred by lots of small battles with inconclusive victories. The one exception was a "victory" in Kremenetz which resulted in 97k losses for AH and 73k losses for Russia. The only viable armee right now is von Hotzendorf's force, which will try to catch a fleeing Artamonov in Kielce and establish supply to the endangered kavallerie unit making its way to Rzin.


Von Frank's Armee secured Berdichev and will attempt to now assault a 19 PWR korps in Jitomir as a kavallerie unit is on the march to capture the rail between Vinnitza and Jitomir.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] The Romanian forces have not fought well so far as they are having trouble being activated to assign them korps command. This is starting to happen this turn. I was hoping to encircle Belgrade, but will probably move von Krasnik's armee eastward to assist my other forces in Serbia.


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Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:33 am


Diplomatic Situation: The OE is at 100%CP alignment and will finally join us next turn. The USA is at 68%CP,

Western Front

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Bloody Belgium. We won four battles in Mons and one in Charleroi. The losses were roughly 106k dead Germans and 162.5k dead enemy and we took 5400 prisoners. We also shot down 19 planes and lost none. The British forces in Genthe have all but abandoned that city for the defense of Alost and Tournai. Allenby's decimated force of 49 PWR is still in Mons and retreating to Alost. We will probably need to spend a turn to gather replacements, but will see if we can reorganize and push the enemy back more.


[color="#0000FF"]French Border:[/color] No battles other than air sorties and we again managed to take out 30 planes while losing none. Von Bayern's Armee made it to Strassburg, but we did not succeed in rebuilding the rail line so we will have to wait another turn to free Muelhausen.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] The Russians were able to send a decent force to Vyborg and repelled my initial assault, however, as the reinforcements landed, we won the second battle and hope to finish taking Vyborg this turn. Petrograd appears better defended than the first time I played the campaign; but again, I did not attempt to take Petrograd until much later last time.

Eastern Germany:[/color] I guessed correctly and the Russians did try to move into Memel and both forces are now staring down each other. The Russians also sent a korps into Loetzen to siege.

Poland:[/color] We won three small battles in Poland and were able to somewhat dismantle one of the two larger forces there. Novo Georgiewski is next.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Von Hotzendorf unexpectantly lost a battle in Kielce and will need to regroup with some reinforcements in Krakau.


We finished taking Jitomir and are closer to Kiev which has an important recruiting depot.


[color="#008000"]Bessarabia:[/color] The Romanians took Izmail, next up is Kishinev and then Odessa, which is an important trade port.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] The Romanians took Negotin and von Krasnik's Armee will be in Belgrade in 5 days.


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Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:44 pm

[B]LATE JUN 1915[/B]

I apologize for the attachment error. Not sure what happened. Hopefully it won't happen again. I also goofed and didn't post for Early June. There have been a lot of battles, but the situation really hasn't changed too much.

Diplomatic Situation: I might have been wrong about the AI's ambassadors not working right. They seem to be working again but I'll keep an eye on it that alignment does not merely move towards my side. The USA 66%CP; Italy 45%CP; Greece 44%CP; Bulgaria 31%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 67%CP; Afghanistan 78%CP; Arabia 44%CP. The current members of the Central Powers are: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Romania and Ottoman Empire.

Just a word on the Romanians. Gosh I would love to trade them in for the Bulgarians! Not only does Bulgaria's territory border Serbia and thus expedites the freeing of Serbia from Russian dominance and allows for easier access for the Ottoman's; but they have more troops, better troops and better leaders than Romania.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] The massive WE buildup in Belgium has recently been stationed in Alost with 3361 PWR! Athena seems content right now to move forces around to react to my movements but not attack. I'm OK with that; I've been able to pick the fights and whittle down the WE defenses somewhat as I prefer to concentrate on getting Russia out of the war. The northern French border appears poorly defended and I'll most likely attack Saint Quentin (for their depot and proximity to Paris). I also need to get the armee in Mechelen involved; it is my strongest armee and has been sitting around doing nothing since the freeing of Antwerpen. We had a battle in Dinant where I was able to enjoy the advantage of defense and managed to lose 35k troops to 94k for the WE and gain 1 NM. The largest battle occurred in Charleroi with over 1 million men but considerably lighter losses for us and the defeated. Our air force continues to dominate as we shot down 35 WE planes and lost none. We are both at level 2 aviation so I'm not sure why we are having so much success in the air.


[color="#0000FF"]French Border:[/color] The only well-defended areas in France appear to be from Sedan to Saint Mihiel. I hope to take advantage of this and make a breakthrough elsewhere and probably divert more of the overwhelming forces from Alost. We won a small battle in Strassburg and gained 1 NM for destroying the two French reserve infantry brigades there and won two battles in Muelhausen to weaken the smaller forces and also gained 1 NM.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] I am surprised Vyborg has still held out. In my first campaign, I took a region next to Petrograd then the capital itself in no more than three turns. It's already been 3 turns and Vyborg is holding out, but barely, with a 12 PWR garrison and 20 PWR fort artillery but Petrograd looks very well defended with a two korps unit just to the west of it barring quick capitulation. Even the breach in Vyborg the prior turn was rebuilt by the tenacious Russian holdouts.

Eastern Germany:[/color] We won two small battles in Loetzen and the remaining Russian forces in the area do not look significant.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Although the area is not cleared out yet, we are getting closer. The two stranded Russian units (and apparently unsupplied) to the west of Lodz may both be reached in 15 days with an all-out attack posture by von Bayern's Armee in Lodz. Von Hindenburg will hopefully assault a partially-breached Novo Georgiewsk and Warsawa has a decent korps in defense and will hold out if Lechitski's poorly-supplied armee decides to attack.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] This front was a series of small victories as we are beginning to organize better and are not finding significant enemy forces and we should begin pushing the terms of engagement more in our favor.


[color="#DAA520"]Romania:[/color] The Romanian leaders continue to stay inactivated, but have managed to build a supply line through the rails at Izmail to just south of Kishinev where Samsanov awaits us. He's been a good general but his forces appear small although I don't have too much faith in the Romanian forces especially since they are split in half doing duty here and in Serbia.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] By outnumbering Bojovich's korps 3:1, we managed again to push him out of Belgrade but this time we have a decent force remaining where we can stay and defend if the Serbs try to retake Belgrade while we wait for a breach. The two Romanian forces may actually come in handy and keep those Serbian forces split.



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Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:10 am


After 13 CTD's, a really tough week at work followed by a really severe flu, I am happy to report working through the next turn!

Diplomatic Situation: USA 65%CP; Italy 45%CP; Greece 47%CP; Bulgaria 31%CP; Persia 69%CP; Afghanistan 80%CP; Arabia 42%CP.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] There were no battles in Belgium other than our continued dominance in the air where we shot down 41 planes and lost none. It appears that some WE reinforcement of Genth occurred. Will they attack across the river into Mechelen? It would be an easy drive into Antwerpen but at the risk of being cut off from their main forces. A considerable force (with two 3-star leaders) is now seen in Ostende. There are three British Korps in Mons that appear to be enticing me to attack so the large force in Alost can MTSG. I'll pass.


[color="#0000FF"]French Border:[/color] We attacked out of Mauberge and took Saint Quentin with its vital depot and pushed Smith-Dorrien across the river into Craonne. We also won a battle in Dinant (and gained 1NM) so one of the two armee's there can keep the pressure on at Saint Quentin. Our third battle was a defeat in a brazen attempt by von Hausen to take Longwy. He did lose almost 17k men while Cesar-Pau lost over 31k. Muelhausen has been cleared of enemy remnants and the two armee's there can now be moved to more important venues once they are replenished. The air war continued successfully with shooting down 29 Entente planes and losing none.



[color="#008000"]Northern [/color][color="#008000"]Russia:[/color] We finally took Vyborg and the push to Petrograd will commence when all the forces are prepared! The Russians appear to have up to 18 units there, including 11 infantry, 1 militia, 1 kavallerie, 1 artillery and 2 supply units.

Eastern Germany:[/color] We were not able to follow up with our previous victory in Loetzen and suffered a minor defeat in Goldap; reinforcements will be needed in this area.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Hindenburg had a glorious victory while taking Novo Georgewsk from Marston. He captured 100 conscript points, 340 WS and 4NM, but somehow his PWR rating took a bigger hit than the Russian's and he'll need Max von Boehn's assistance in Pulutsk. Von Bayern's Armee and von Konta's Korps are 7 days away from chasing Dobrotin's 2 armee korps and 204 PWR in Ostrau after a victory in Turek. Plehve also has 2 korps just north (although he destroyed the rails) so this can be a bloody battle. It appears that we have 160k forces to a combined 35k for the Russians. The mopping up of Poland has been much slower than anticipated.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] A series of small victories in Koenigshuette, Kremenetz, Novo Volynsk, Turek and Vasilkov leaves us pretty stretched with only the large Russian armee in Lutsk standing in our way. The vital Russian city of Kiev has only two garrison units with 119 PWR right now.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia[/color]: The fort of Belgrade is breached and an assault will be ordered. The fortress does have 113 PWR, so it could still be pretty bloody especially if Serbian reinforcements make it through.


[color="#FFFF00"]Romania[/color]: Nothing to report.

[color="#2F4F4F"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] I've still been organizing the armee's. I did send one armee to Kars and unfortunately lost a close battle. I will wait, rebuild and make sure I have two armee's next time. The British and French landed in the Dardenelles. I will be sure to send forces there as they are pretty easy to beat. The British also landed a division in Basrah, however, I already have a level 3 entrenched korps there with 324 PWR and should be able to defeat the British handily.

The overall situation is beginning to look better. We have suffered 200k less losses and building up a small NM lead over the WE. Russian NM is at 80 and getting very close to the danger point of bad events occurring.


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Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:55 pm

LATE JUL, 1915

Diplomatic Situation: USA 64%CP; Italy 45%CP; Greece 48%CP; Bulgaria 31%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 71%CP; Afghanistan 82%CP; Arabia 40%CP.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] A huge battle in Mons occurred with over 1 million combatants. Fortunately, I did not take the bait and stayed on defensive posture, which probably secured the victory and maintained our position there and also gained 3NM. There are still remnants of British forces in Mons so a repeat may occur. The air success continued and we shot down 38 planes and lost none.

Northern France:[/color] Lille is tempting; it has only 78 PWR, but do I risk moving a sizable force there rather than focusing on the road to Paris? If my recon is accurate, Paris and Compiegne have just over 1200 PWR between the two with Paris being almost exclusively artillery and fort guns from the surrounding areas. The two armee's from Muelhausen have been moved to Thionville and Metz to aid the armee in Luxembourg. France sent Lanrezac to Metz with an engineer and hospital unit (10 PWR)! My armee is inactive but I can send one of its korps independently to attack Lanrezac at the risk of the armee in Briey MTSG. I don't think the armee in Briey could reach and my OHL is inside the fort of Thionville so I'll move him outside to also MTSG if I decide to be aggressive.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] The forces on both sides are pretty low (especially the German side) and I will pull back the two recon forces from France.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] I had sent one korps to Nykyrka to get control of the rails but was one day short of arriving. Will a fortified Petrograd fall before winter?


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Bayern defeated Plehve in Ostrau and will try to follow it up with an attack just north to wipe out the last Russian force in Western Poland. Von Konta will stay in Ostrau to rebuild the rails. Von Boehn will attack Mlawa and von Hindenburg will move guard Pulutsk. The next sizable Russian force appears to be in and around Ivangorod.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Von Hotzendorf is attacking Bendzin and von Benigni's korps is attacking Kielce in an effort to push the Russian forces back to Ivangorod and meet up with our forces in around Warsawa. Przemysl is well-defended. Von Komarow's Armee is moving from Lemberg to hopefully reinforce Fort Zamosc.


[color="#008000"]Ukraine[/color]: Potiorek's Armee took the important Recruiting Depot in Kiew and is now recuperating inside the city. Von Frank's Armee is attempting to catch Zuev's Korps in Obukhov. Our korps in Fastov will try to eliminate the Russian infantry division in the countryside. Our korps in Novaia Ushitza will try to retake Konstantinov.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] We took Belgrade and will now mop up the remaining Serbian forces.


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Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:19 pm

LATE JUL, 1915 (CONT.)


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] Romanian forces took Kishinev and will soon begin the march to Odessa by trying to catch a very weakened Samsanov and his one infantry division.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] We are moving sizable forces into the area to defeat the British and French forces. Our korps in Basrah is on all-out assault against the British force.

Overall Situation:


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Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:16 am

[B][B]EARLY AUG, 1915[/B][/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 63%CP; Italy 25%CP; Greece 49%CP; Bulgaria 29%CP; Holland 48%CP; Persia 71%CP; Afghanistan 84%CP; Arabia 40%CP. The WE played grant concessions to Italy to move them up to 75%WE. It did give AH 100% alignment. Once Italy has 80% alignment it will be a forgone conclusion for entry, so I have a few turns to decide if I want to counter Italian entry.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] No battles, however, the bulk of the WE forces moved out of Belgium to relieve my attack on Compiegne. It's funny how the AI just happened to know I was going for the attack there! Now Belgium is ready for me to start steamrolling my forces to the French border. Forces are on the offensive in Alost and Mons.


[color="#0000FF"]French Border [/color][color="#0000FF"]/COLOR]: The two armees in Saint Quentin will wait for replacements and defend in place. The OHL is moving from Thionville to attack Cesar-Pau's Armee in Metz. The korps in Saarburg is railing to Muelhausen for defense.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia: [/color] The attack on Petrograd is off once I found out the Russians were hiding over 4000 PWR there. I will move the forces out of Vyborg and use them to whittle down the Russian front.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Bayern's Armee continues to hunt down Plehve's forces in Jarotschin while von Konta's Korps rails to Lodz. Von Boehn's Armee rails to Pulutsk while von Hindenburg rails to Warsawa. Von Hotzendord moves north to catch Evert's force while von Benigni's Korps attempts to catch the Russian infantry division in Pinczow.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Von Komarow's Armee was stopped in Rawa Ruska for battle so they will continue to march to Fort Zamosc for defense while three infantry divisions rail to Rawa Ruska. Von Boehm-Ermolli's Armee is railing from Lemberg to Gusyatin to face Rennemkampf's Armee.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia[/color]: We continue to mop up the remaining Serbian forces.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] We continue to move forces to counter the WE landings. Two armee's move to Kars. Our Korps continues to try to attack the British forces in Basrah.

The overall situation:


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Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:04 pm

LATE AUG, 1915

Diplomatic Situation: USA 62%CP; Italy 25%CP; Bulgaria 31%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 73%CP; Afghanistan 86%CP; Arabia 40%CP.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium/Northern France: [/color] WE forces continued to leave Belgium and seemingly are staging in Arras. We won battles in Mons and Mauberge (gained 1NM) and only Genthe appears to still have forces opposing us. Von Heeringen's Armee is attacking Genthe along with a korps from Mechelen. Von Wurttemberg's Armee is moving from Mons to Tournai to hopefully prevent reinforcements into Genthe and secure the rail to Lille. Mons will be lightly defended but will have two armees next door to it for MTSG. The two armee's in Saint Quentin will go on the offensive against the lighter enemy forces and may bring in a sizable WE armee in Compiegne. It would probably be much smarter to wait until the other armees arrive from Belgium, but I want to keep the reserve WE armee in Arras split up if they try to defend everywhere.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] We won a battle in Metz to clear the area of WE forces. The WE loves to attack Muelhausen and had two successful battles (and we lost 1NM) when we lost the city so we are sending the fighting OHL from Metz to Muelhausen and retake the city.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia:[/color] We are moving two of the three forces (due to transport capacity) out of Vyborg back to relieve a besieged Koenigsberg. Maybe if the Russians do not attempt to take Vyborg, we can attempt a quick invasion of Petrograd in the future, but it is doubtful at this time. We will probably be much better off whittling down their forces until the winter.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Bayern's Armee is railing to Turek to hopefully deal the death-blow to Plehve. Von Konte's Korps is moving from Lodz to attack Evert's Korps while von Hotzendorf comes from the south. The korps in Piotrkow is railing back to Lodz for defense. Von Hindenberg is moving from Warsawa to Ivangorod for a surprise attack. Von Boehn's Armee is moving to Rozan on its march to Bielostock.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] A bunch of movements to catch loose Russian forces. We're sending two korps into Dubno, which looks lightly defended. Von Bohm-Ermolli's Armee is still trying to catch Mrozovsky's Korps in Gusyatin and Potiorek's Armee is railing from Kiew to Jitomir to stop Ragoza's Korps.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] We are detaching a korps from Belgrade to catch a loose Serbian force in Subotica. The korps in Deta is moving south to Oravita and loose forces in Velika Plana are moving to establish the rail-line to Krushevac.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] We won a battle in Kars but the fort is still in Russian hands. Forces are getting closer to the WE invaders. Turkish forces are slowly moving in on Port Said. Our korps in Basrah looks to be active and on the offensive against the British.

The overall situation: The WE is nearing 300k more losses than the CP and Russia's NM continues to fall slowly.


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Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:22 pm


Diplomatic Situation: USA 61%CP; Italy 27%CP; Greece 51%CP; Bulgaria 31%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 73%CP; Afghanistan 86%CP; Arabia 40%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium/N. France:[/color] We won three battles in Saint Quentin and two in Tournai (and gained 1NM). A korps was sent from Genth to Bruges to meet the British force there and von Heeringen's Armee was sent to Ostende to thwart any reinforcements. The korps in Mons is being switched for the armee in Mauberge to better offset the large forces in Lille. Von Kluck is being sent from Saint Quentin to Guise on offensive.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] Reinforcing Muelhausen but no real movements in this area. A French force in Vosges in disconcerting, but I'll wait and see if it threatens us.


Eastern Germany:[/color] As the forces from Vyborg return to Koenigsberg, one korps is sent out to recapture Wehlau and one is sent into the countryside to defeat the Russians. We'll try to sit back in Memel until another korps can help out.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] The eastern push is starting now that western Poland is cleared of Russian forces. Von Bayern's Armee is railing to Garwolin to be closer to von Hindenberg's siege of Ivangorod. Von Konte's Korps is railing to Piotrkow and von Hotzendorf is railing to Krakau for replacements, supply and rest. Von Boehm's Armee moves to Lomza to siege the fort.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Dubno was better defended than expected so we are pulling back to Tarnopol. Von Bohm-Ermolli's Armee continues to hunt down Mrozovsky's Korps. Von Frank's Armee rails from Kiew to Jitomir to hopefully defeat Ragoza's Korps.


Serbia: Mopping up continues.

Southern Russia: Forces are moving in on Falechti.

Ottoman Empire: Turkish forces are in Gallipoli, near the British and in Kum Kale with the French. Still marching towards Port Said. Kars was disbanded by the Russians

Overall Situation:


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Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:59 pm

Enjoying these -- please keep them coming!

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Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:40 am

Thanks, JayR. It's nice to have a 3-day weekend to play this game! I'm disappointed with the invasion of Petrograd; it really threw a wrench into my plans. Guess it is vitally important to hit Petrograd fast before the reinforcements can come into play. Next time I will land right next to Petrograd and use a later reinforcement to take Vyborg and see how that goes.

[B]LATE SEP, 1915[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 60%CP; Italy 29%CP; Greece 52%CP; Bulgaria 29%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 75%CP; Afghanistan 88%CP; Arabia 40%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & Northern France:[/color] We won battles in Bruges and Ostend and now only Yser and Ypres are left in Belgium to take. I am bringing more force into Ostend before we undertake those better-defended cities as the WE has completed the line of defense. We also won a battle in Guise. Namur is also being reinforced with a korps from Alost and Bastogne is getting the infantry division that was in Namur to defend against the French infantry division in the Ardennes. No unit is on offensive. It's time to regroup and wait for our chances.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] I am making a gambit on Belfort. I am sending the OHL and a korps from Colmar to siege the bloody fort. This could be a mistake since all my heavy infantry is up north and I am relying on medium artillery to breach the walls. Colmar and Muelhausen will be more lightly defended, but I assume Athena will send reinforcements from the north down to Belfort.



[color="#008000"]Northern Russia: [/color]The last korps is set to leave Vyborg, but not until the Russians sent out a good sized force to attack it. We were outnumbered 3:1 and lost about half our troops, but our 300% entrenchment probably saved the day (and gained 2NM).


[color="#A9A9A9"]Eastern Germany:[/color] A korps from Koenigsberg and Wehlau are railing to Memel to hopefully defeat the Russian korps still there. Only one of the three will be active so we'll see how that goes. A korps from Loetzen is going on the offensive in Gumbinnen to hopefully repel the Russian invaders.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Conta's Korps is moving into Radomsk to meet up with Evert's weakened (and apparently unsupplied) korps. The korps in Lodz is moving to Piotrkow. Von Boehn's Armee continues to siege Fort Lomza while the Alpen Korps rails back to Warsawa for extra defense. Von Bayern's Armee goes on the offensive against Mischenko's Korps in Garwolin and von Hindenberg continues to siege Ivangorod. Kielce has been stubborn to retake and we are sending von Hotzendorf's Armee from Krakau, von Komarow's Armee from Jaroslaw and von Benigni's Korps from Pinczow there then hopefully push on to Ivangorod.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia: [/color]The only target in this region is Konstantinov and Albori's Korps is going on a conservative attack while von Bohm-Ermolli's Armee and Potoriek's Armee move into the region too.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] The attack on Falechti continues as a third Romanian korps will arrive in 8 days.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] Since my 3-star leaders are not activating, I sent out a stack of two korps from each armee to force march to Putnik's Korps in Pozaverac. A Romanian force was wiped out by Stepanovich's Korps at the Iron Gates and we lost 1NM from that debacle.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] Our forces will be in the two areas attacked by the British and French but our leaders appear inactivated. Our navy will also be present for shore bombardment. After Kars surrendered to us, we took one activated armee and pushed into Gole to gain a victory over Danilkov's Armee. That armee is resting while the other armee in Kars pushes towards Erevan. Our korps in Basrah is moving towards the British invaders that escaped to the north while a kavallerie unit moves towards Kuwait.


The overall situation:

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Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:51 am


Diplomatic Situation: USA 59%CP; Italy 29%CP; Greece 51%CP; Bulgaria 27%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 77%CP; Afghanistan 90%CP; Arabia 38%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France: [/color]No battles occurred as we moved forces up to the front. Three are a few areas of promise for attack, however recon shows that the megastack in Peronne is heading for Saint Quentin. Will it actually go there or call off its attack? I can't take the chance and will have to defend against it. Von Heeringen's Armee will attack Yser. Von Preussen's Armee in Mons will rail to Saint Quentin as will von Kluck's Armee in Guise for a total of 2821 PWR in Saint Quentin (in 14 days time, hopefully quick enough to fend off an attack although we will have over 2000 PWR in two days). All three armee's are staying on standard defensive posture; only the korps in Mauberge is on offensive (to help with MTSG). Von Gallwitz's Armee in Dinant is moving to Sedan on defensive posture to spread out the WE forces. I was hoping to use von Kluck's Armee on this attack, but can't chance losing Saint Quentin. The korps in Namur is moving to fill in the gap in Dinant and the small unit in Namur is going to Guise.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] The siege of Belfort went better than expected. We had two small battles and won both. We lost 6k men to almost 16k for the WE and now have 95% military control. We will continue sieging Belfort. Von Bayern's Armee in Metz is going to conservatively attack Saint Mihiel. The korps in Belfort is moving to Montbeliard to stop that force from reinforcing.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] The two active korps which just freed Memel are chasing Kuropatkin's Korps in Dorbiany. The korps that freed Gumbinnen is moving back to Goldap to secure military control. The siege of Lomza continues.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] The korps in Piotrkow is moving to Radomsk to crush the remnants of Evert's Korps. The two armee's and one korps in Kielce are moving to Rzin. Von Bayern's Armee in Garwolin is moving to catch the Russian korps in Grojec. A korps from Lemberg is moving to Rawa Ruska for defense.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] After freeing Konstantinov, Potiorek's Armee moves to Shepetovka to chase a small force. Von Bohm-Ermolli's Armee rails back to Kiew and von Albori's Korps rails to Vinnitza. Kovess' Korps also moving to Kiew for added defense and replacements.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia: [/color] After successfully taking Falechti, two Romanian units rail to Kishinev for defense. The third unit stays in Falechti to regain cohesion.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] More forces move into Pozaverac to wipe out Putnik's remnants. The shell of an armee in Belgrade receives reinforcements from Nish.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] The assault of the French forces were ordered accompanied by shore bombardment. The armee in Gole moves up to Ardahan in the Caucasus. Our korps gets closer to the British force near Basrah. Movement is slow in the Sinai.


The overall situation: The Triple Entente has about 340k more losses than the CP.


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Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:39 am

LATE OCT, 1915

Diplomatic Situation: USA 58%CP; Italy 27%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 27%CP; Holland 48%CP; Persia 79%CP; Afghanistan 92%CP; Arabia 36%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Northern France:[/color] The expected megastack attack into Saint Quentin did not occur. In fact, the megastack doubled in size to 6679 PWR and apparently cleared Compiegne of troops. We won a big victory in Tournai, thanks to a WE attack (and we gained 2NM while losing 8k men to 40k for the enemy). Our attack into Sedan went poorly (losing 60k men to 63k for the WE, we lost 1NM and are in a very weakened defensive position). The battle for Yser also went poorly (losing 16k to 25k for the WE and was pushed back into Ostende). The big question is now: Do I rush into Paris with my three armees in Saint Quentin? Will the megastack be able to intervene from Peronne (not on rails). There is a French korps in Saint Quentin. If I go on assault will I bypass the korps and march into Paris, will I need to destroy it first in battle and if so, will the megastack MTSG across the river in time? Normally, I would not be so aggressive, but since others are reading this I will go against my conservative nature. Another option is that the megastack can stop me in Compiegne. I should be able to reach it first as the megastack will have to cross the river, but it should be able to catch me before I get into Paris. This will probably end up with my forces isolated and decimated, but oh well, it's worth ending the war if somehow successful! I'm synchronizing movement into Paris or else one armee would get there on day 12 versus day 14 for the other two.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] The attack into Saint Mihiel was a disaster, further exasperated by my choosing the wrong tactic (thinking I was defending in Saint Quentin!). We lost 87k men to 65k for the WE and lost 1NM. The siege of Belfort is still going well. We lost 6k to 11k for the WE. We also wiped out a weakened infantry division in Monbeliard.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] Stronger than expected Russian forces have appeared in the Baltics (possibly due to the movement of units from Petrograd). The last korps from Koenigsberg is moving to Wehlau while the unit in Goldap rests to recover cohesion and try to gain enough military control in the region. Patience is at an end at Lomza and von Boehn will assault the fort and its 69 PWR.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] The battle in Radomsk was successful and took the 400 soldiers prisoners. Evert is at 1 PWR, but we'll see if there is anything left under his command. The battle in Rzin was also successful and continue on to Ivangorod. The battle in Grojec was also a success, losing just under 4k men to just under 21k for the Russians. The defense of Rawa Ruska weakened Artamonov's Korps while taking no losses.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia: [/color] Von Brlog's Korps is railing from Tarnopol for the defense of Kremenetz. Extra garrison units are moving up to Novaia Ushitza. Von Albori's Korps is moving to intercept the Russian units in Skvira. Von Frank's Armee is moving up to Korosten. Potoriek's Armee is working on military control of the rails in Shepetovka. Von Bohm-Ermolli's Armee is looking to assault the invading Epanchin Korps in Kiew.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] A Romanian force moves up to Soroca to keep the pressure on the Russian unit while the other two Romanian units hold in defense of Kishinev. All three units will be needed (if not a little more help) to push on Odessa with Brusilov's Korps railing back to Odessa.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] A decisive battle occurred in Pozaverac and we took the remaining 4k soldiers prisoner. Putnik appears to have just 2 supply units with him and Rudolf's Korps is 3days away and active and Borevic's Korps is also hunting him down in the region. The korps in Vukovar is still trying to repair the rails as a heavy artillery brigade rails northward to the real fighting.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire: [/color] Our units in the Dardenelles are inactive after dealing the French a vicious blow (down to 23 PWR). An armee moves onto siege Batum. Our kavallerie moves into Kuwait. We've established a supply route to just east of Port Said and will retreat our units to El Arish for resupply.


The overall situation: The WE just surpassed more than 400k deaths compared to us even after the debacle in Saint Mihiel. And now I cross my fingers for Paris.


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Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:24 am

[B]EARLY NOV, 1915[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 57%CP; Italy 27%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 25%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 81%CP; Afghanistan 92%CP; Arabia 34%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] The question of 3 armees making it to Paris unopposed has been answered. Well, they didn't even make it out of Saint Quentin. A battle (of sorts) ensued. It lasted only 2 rounds and the enemy's plan was countered on day 2. The result was 14k dead Germans and 24k dead enemies. Our three armees are no longer in Saint Quentin, but retreated all the way to Mons and remain intact! This will leave me to wonder if I had marched one or two armees into Compiegne (on defensive) would no battle have occurred and the megastack move to Paris to secure their capitol? Instead, my forces are or have left France for the relative safety of Belgium to settle in for the winter and regroup. Ah, what could have been.

Tournai was also a defeat with 43k losses to 99k for the WE. Von Wurttemberg is a bit battered and retreated to Genth (IRL, isn't it Ghent? or is that the Flemish spelling?). And not to be outdone, our militia division in Mauberge was pushed into Guise and we'll give it orders to move to Dinant.

We are moving our forces back to a better defensive position with good depots forming a line from Genth-Alost-Charleroi-Dinant. Dinant is the one weak spot, but hopefully the French will not chase us from Sedan.

Unfortunately, this front is turning out to repeat history!


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] The siege of Belfort was quiet. The French were able to repair the one breach. Patience has worn thin and we are ordering an assault on the Fort which appears to have 191 PWR. The danger lies in a 2-korps stack in Epinal and the closest depot being in Strassburg. Winter is coming and we want this one fort. The armee in Metz is weak, but the fort defenses should prevent a French attack.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] From Taurogen, Lechitski's Armee retook Memel. We are railing the two inactive korps back to Memel while one of the active korps in Dobiany is marching to Rossieny (neither of those two korps can cross the river to Memel in time). The siege of Lomza was successful and now von Boehn is resting inside the fort. The area is muddy, but it would be nice to surround Kowno if possible.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Hotzendorf's Armee and von Benigni's Korps will march from Rzin to attack the two infantry divisions to the west. Von Bayern's Armee is marching to Ivangorod where next turn we should assault the fort with overwhelming force. The korps in Rawa Ruska continues to defend well against Artamonov's Korps, taking out another 6.2k men while losing none.


Central Russia: Will have to pick up here when I get home from work!

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Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:24 am

[B]EARLY NOV, 1915[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 57%CP; Italy 27%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 25%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 81%CP; Afghanistan 92%CP; Arabia 34%CP.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] The question of 3 armees making it to Paris unopposed has been answered. Well, they didn't even make it out of Saint Quentin. A battle (of sorts) ensued. It lasted only 2 rounds and the enemy's plan was countered on day 2. The result was 14k dead Germans and 24k dead enemies. Our three armees are no longer in Saint Quentin, but retreated all the way to Mons and remain intact! This will leave me to wonder if I had marched one or two armees into Compiegne (on defensive) would no battle have occurred and the megastack move to Paris to secure their capitol? Instead, my forces are or have left France for the relative safety of Belgium to settle in for the winter and regroup. Ah, what could have been.

Tournai was also a defeat with 43k losses to 99k for the WE. Von Wurttemberg is a bit battered and retreated to Genth (IRL, isn't it Ghent? or is that the Flemish spelling?). And not to be outdone, our militia division in Mauberge was pushed into Guise and we'll give it orders to move to Dinant.

We are moving our forces back to a better defensive position with good depots forming a line from Genth-Alost-Charleroi-Dinant. Dinant is the one weak spot, but hopefully the French will not chase us from Sedan.

Unfortunately, this front is turning out to repeat history!


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] The siege of Belfort was quiet. The French were able to repair the one breach. Patience has worn thin and we are ordering an assault on the Fort which appears to have 191 PWR. The danger lies in a 2-korps stack in Epinal and the closest depot being in Strassburg. Winter is coming and we want this one fort. The armee in Metz is weak, but the fort defenses should prevent a French attack.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] From Taurogen, Lechitski's Armee retook Memel. We are railing the two inactive korps back to Memel while one of the active korps in Dobiany is marching to Rossieny (neither of those two korps can cross the river to Memel in time). The siege of Lomza was successful and now von Boehn is resting inside the fort. The area is muddy, but it would be nice to surround Kowno if possible.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Von Hotzendorf's Armee and von Benigni's Korps will march from Rzin to attack the two infantry divisions to the west. Von Bayern's Armee is marching to Ivangorod where next turn we should assault the fort with overwhelming force. The korps in Rawa Ruska continues to defend well against Artamonov's Korps, taking out another 6.2k men while losing none.


Central Russia: Will have to pick up here when I get home from work!

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Fri Apr 15, 2016 2:14 am


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] With victories in Kiew, Rawa Ruska, Korosten, Skvira and Teterev we lost 12.4k men to 31.3k for the Russians. Von Brlog's Korps from Kremenetz will rail to Rawa Ruska and hope to deliver a good blow to the two Russian korps there. Potiorek's Armee continues to move towards Rowno and secure the rail line going there. Reinforcements from Kiew rail to von Frank's Armee which continues to crush the infantry division in Teterev.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia: [/color] All the units converge onto Rezina to deal with Danilov's weakened korps there following a victory by Cristescu's Armee.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] Von Brudermann's Armee in Belgrade rails to Deta to move closer to the Serbian Korps in Oravita as the korps in Deta moves to Oravita to repair the rail next turn. A small garrison remains in Belgrade. The two korps in Pozaverac move eastwards to Smoljivac. Crainiceanu's stack moves to Vranja to deal with the small force there. The korps in Vukovar moves to Loznica to meet up with the Serbian unit there.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] The Russian Armee in Erevan slipped by the Turkish Armee and retook Kars so that armee is railing back to free Kars again. The armee sieging Batum continues in order to secure the rails there. After a stalemate with the British unit north of Basrah, the korps there goes on the offensive while the kavallerie that took Kuwait stays there to secure supply rights. Forces in Kirkuk are being transported down the Tigris to Basrah. The units in the Sinai continue back to El Arish.


The overall situation: The Triple Entente has 500k more losses than the CP, however the NM difference hasn't changed much. Four AH artillery units being purchased because of lack of artillery in too many forces. Another Ottoman Infantry Division also purchased to beef up the forces. Infantry and Aviation research being funded to maintain our lead over the WE in those fields.


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Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:45 am

LATE NOV, 1915

Diplomatic Situation: USA 56%CP; Italy 25%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 23%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 83%CP; Afghanistan 94%CP; Arabia 32%CP.


[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] With only 4 days to reach Dinant, Von Gallwitz' Armee was caught retreating by a larger French force and was defeated (losing 7k while inflicting 15k losses) and ended up in Guise. The armee did recover some PWR and will have to try to hold Guise because their path was cut off to Charleroi until we can retake Dinant. The other forces made it back to safety and are forming the line in Belgium for the winter. With Dinant taken, von Heeringen's Armee will have to march to Namur to hold the line against the French.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] Our southern gambit paid off. The French surrendered at Belfort, losing 5 units and we gained 1 NM and 15 VP. Epinal is slightly better defended and his von Falkenhyn is my only armee in the area, I won't risk bleeding him to take the next fort especially with winter coming soon.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] Winter is setting in on this front so there will be only limited activity. In Memel, one korps is activated so it will try to dislodge Lechitsky's Armee with the hopful aid of the other korps there and the korps across the river which I put on offensive to increase its chance to MTSG. Von Boehn's Armee is marching out of Fort Lomza to take on the unit in Osewiecz.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Evert's force survived another battle but our forces are too tired and getting low on supply so they are railing to Rzin and Kielce to rest, resupply and cut off the Russians' retreat. Von Konta's korps in Lodz is moving to Piotrkow to also cut off their path. Ivangorod has been very stubborn, but with snow just to the east, and three armees and one korps there, it is time to assault the fort. There is 586 PWR inside the fort and a sizable force nearby - this will be bloody. We have 2962 PWR there with von Hindenburg. We're railing reinforcements into Rzin. We sustained losses in our victory at Rawa Ruska, so we'll go back to staying on the defensive until more force arrives.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia: [/color] We won a small battle in Teterev but lost one in Skvira against a tenacious Brusilov. The Russians seem to be throwing some more forces towards Kiew. It will hold with the good defensive general there; the danger lies in cutting supplies by taking Vasilkov.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] Nothing happening. Moving the two Romanian units in Rezina back to Falechti to better protect the city.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] Still trying to catch the remaining Serbian Forces. The Iron Gates seem to be where the Serbians will put up their last big stand.

[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire: [/color] The Turkish Armee is on assault against the French forces in the Dardenelles with fleet bombardment on. The armee that was sieging Batum will rail back to Kars to retake the fort.


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Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:29 am


Diplomatic Situation: USA 55%CP; Italy 23%CP; Greece 49%CP; Bulgaria 23%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 83%CP; Afghanistan 96%CP; Arabia 30%CP.

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Lord Kitchener and his megastack is getting on my nerves. He followed up with his victory in Saint Quentin and attacked and defeated von Bulow in Genth. We lost 61k to 86k for the British-led stack. Von Bulow's battered armee retreated into Alost with an equally battered armee already there. Not only did Kitchener take Genth, but they are using the same tactic in Alost now. A smallish French force of 433 is sitting in Alost with Kitchener's 4000 PWR stack ready to pounce. We do have at least 2 stronger armies in adjacent provinces and should be able to MTSG if they choose. If the Germans lose that battle they may just lose the war!

We are railing a korps from both Antwerpen and Bruxelles to Mechelen to prevent the megastack bypassing our defense and swoop into Mechelen and Antwerpen without much of a fight.

Von Heeringen's Armee is moving outside of the fort in Liege and put on offensive in hopes he'll MTSG if needed. Von Gallwitz's Armee in Guise, which at least has improved to 700 PWR will rail into Mauberge where only a magazine appears to be present. This could trigger MTSG, but no forces seem to be adjacent to the province and this will allow better escape into Belgium where it is needed.

I was hoping to settle in defensively for the winter in Belgium, but the warmongering WE are not cooperating.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] We're hopefully going to take out some low-hanging fruit. The OHL is going out to meet a small force in Luxeil and von Der Goltz' Korps is railing to Besancon to take out what appears to be an artillery and 3 supply units. It leaves a very small garrison inside the fort of a militia and kavallerie division. I'm hoping this will divert some forces out of Belgium. I'd love to take the OHL to assault Epinal, but that risk is too large right now.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States: [/color] We successfully pushed Lechitsky out of Memel. The korps in Rossieny is having difficulty getting supply there, so we'll send the unit to Dorbiany. The korps in Dorbiany will rail back to Memel. The two korps in Memel will rail to Gumbinnen and Suwalki and the korps in Goldap will also march to Suwalki to hopefully defeat that unit in Suwalki. Von Boehn's Armee will defend Osewiecz after defeating Ruzski's small force. From these positions, we will hold for the winter. Our two subs in the Baltic spotted a small Russian fleet. We had sent out two attack fleets, one battled occurred but didn't sink any ships. They'll go back to Koenigsberg for the winter too.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] The siege of Ivangorod was a success, but not without trial. On day 1 the first assault was led by the very capable von Hotzendorf, but outnumbering the defenders 445k to 150k, we lost 87k men to only 40k in a defeat plus we lost 1NM. On day 2 von Hindenburg led the victorious assault and lost 13k men to 19k for the Russians and we gained 3NM as we wiped out 3 korps. On day 3, von Hindenburg took out the remaining fort artillery and supply and won the fort. We will be resting and defending in Ivangorod.

The Rossya Armiya under Nikoleavicha is in Chelm with apparently only two korps in the army. If Nikoleavicha is killed, I believe that will be a huge NM hit to the Russians. Hopefully that will occur in the Spring Offensive.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Potiorek's Armee has rail control just to the east of Rowno which appears to have only one korps in the region and one more korps adjacent to it; however, supply is an issue so he'll need to rail back to Jitomir. Von Brlog's Korps will rail to defend Tarnopol. Von Frank's Armee is railing from Korosten to Kiew for replacements.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] With three Romanian armies in Falechti, we'll rail one to defend Kishinev and another to take back Galati.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] Von Brudermann's Armee was able to defeat Putnik's 9th Division and push them back with the bulk of the Serbian forces to the Iron Gates where a good defensive von Krasnik's Armee (2-0-4) awaits. A korps from Bazias is on its way to the Iron Gates, but even with a fast-moving mountaineer brigade it will take 17 days to reach because we don't have any rail control in the region. Our korps in Loznica attempts to assault the lone Serbian unit in western Serbia.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire: [/color] We wiped out the French Expeditionary Force in the Dardenelles and will move towards the British forces across the straits as our forces there continue to be inactive. We also won the battle for Kars again against Yudenich's Korps and are resting there with two armees. Our korps north of Basrah also continues to be inactive against the British force there.

The overall situation: Not too much change. We really need to wipe out the Serbians and send those AH troops into Russia so I can bring a German Armee to the Western Front where we are outnumbered. I had hoped to inflict more NM loss on the Russians this year.


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Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:01 pm

[B]LATE DEC, 1915[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 54%CP; Italy 21%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 21%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 85%CP; Afghanistan 98%CP; Arabia 28%CP.

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] As expected, the British megastack used the exact tactic in Alost as they did in Saint Quentin! We lost the first battle, losing 65k men to 71k for the WE but we did not retreat. On day 2, we had a victory and lost 46k men to 58k for the WE. We also gained 1 NM and the megastack retreated to Tournai. The battle for Mauberge also went well. Von Gallwitz' Armee captured the magazine then defeated Joffre's small armee and Joffre retreated to San Quentin. The megastack is still 3000 PWR and nothing to snicker about, but it has lost a lot of its teeth for now (and recon says they are on rails to Peronne, but they've said that before and they didn't go there). Outside of the megastack, there are no large forces opposing us in adjacent provinces.

One of the two weakened armees in Alost is moving back to Bruxelles to get replacements and the armee in Bruxelles is moving to Alost. The armee in Charleroi is moving to Mons. Von Gallwitz' armee will stay in Mauberge and rest. The armee in Namur is railing to Dinant. The two korps in Mechelen will stay put for now. Two infantry divisions are railing to Dinant in order to get to Guise.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] The two battles in Luxeil and Besancon did not materialize. I am staying on the offensive to knock out those troops.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States: [/color] We won the battle in Suwalki and are railing one of the two korps there to establish our line until the Spring.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] Von Hindenburg and von Kluck are moving to Lublin to put pressure on the Russians. If it doesn't succeed well, we'll put the offensive on hold until the Spring.

[color="#008000"]Central Russia: [/color] Although the Russians look quite weak here, because of the weather we will not push our advance yet.

[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] A Romanian stack will look to take Galati.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] A resounding victory at the Iron Gates! Von Krasnik's Armee went toe to toe with Putnik's 2 korps and 2 infantry divisions. Only the two infantry divisions remain with 37 PWR. Von Krasnik will now assault Putnik's force. A Romanian force is moving from Nish to Kapoanic to test the Serbian unit there.


[color="#00FF00"][color="#00FF00"][color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color][/color][/color] More great news at the Dardenelles! The Turkish units are finally activated to meet the small British invading force (11 PWR) under Birdwood. The Turkish Armee that destroyed the French will be there on day 13 if any fighting remains to be done. There is still a British force on Moudros Island but we'll need to wait 58 days for our transport squadron to be finished.

Our two armee's in Kars are inactivated and will wait before they attack Erevan.

The Turkish korps north of Basrah is on assault against the British force.

The overall situation: We are playing two events. The Rif War will begin in Morocco requiring WE troops to be sent there and the Deutschland event which will give the CP +5 alignment in the US, +10 alignment in Germany and +5 NM. This will help offset the -10 NM hit we'll receive in 1916 when Franz Josef dies. We will not play the Italian Concessions event. I do not want to take another 10 NM hit. Serbia is well on its way to being obliterated so the AH's can concentrate on Russia very soon before they need to turn their attention to Italy.


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Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:24 am


Diplomatic Situation: USA 58%CP; Italy 18%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 21%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 87%CP; Afghanistan joins the CP; Arabia 26%CP. The Czar takes command of the Russian Army! A year later than it could, but this is a good sign. The current Russian alignment is 79%.



[color="#DAA520"]Belgium: [/color] It appears the WE landed a unit in Antwerp, so von Kirbach's korps is railing there from Mechelen. We also welcome back the megastack (7894 PWR) in Tournai. We're sending two infantry divisions to defend Guise and von Heeringen's Armee in Dinant will try to attack what I believe is just a korps in Sedan. Last time, this failed horribly but what could go wrong with attacking Sedan in the winter! I am worried about Lanrezac's Armee in Neufchateau which appears to be composed of two korps.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France: [/color] We'll keep the OHL hunting the French unit in Luxeil for one more turn but the other units are heading back to Belfort. Von Der Goltz' Korps successfully defeated the WE unit in Besancon and destroyed the artillery and engineer unit there while capturing supply and a recon airbase.


[color="#008000"]Baltic States: [/color] The lines are settling in for the wintere.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color]Von Hotzendorf is sending most of his armee against the stranded Russian unit in Konskie. Lublin appears to have just a 39 PWR korps in the fort so von Hindenburg and von Bayern will go on the assault. A fresh von Komarow's Armee in Ivangorod will go on the offensive to maybe MTSG if Batyanov's Korps in Lukow decides to hold Lublin. Plehve's Armee just north of Rawa Ruska has just gathered a lot of strength so von Benigni's Korps in Rzin is railing there this turn as well as Potiorek's Armee from Jitomir.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] We're detaching a korps from the armee in Kiew to assault the force in Nossovka (just because). We're keeping an eye on Brusilov, who is approaching Vinnitza.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia: [/color] We had a successful battle in Galati over Saltza'a infantry division, captured a river transport unit and Saltza retreated to Izmail where he lost another battle. Our Romanian unit in Izmail is now on assault to wipe out the Russian division.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] There is rejoicing in Berlin and Vienna as the decisive battle at the Iron Gates destroyed Putnik's 8th Infantry Division and we captured their supply and 1NM. It is now on to Kaoponic and Loznica where the last two Serbian forces are hiding. It is necessary to cleanse all of Serbia of these insurrectionists because they will not willingly lay down their arms. Our korps in Loznica is going on assault. We did have a victory over a strong korps led by Vukotic in Kaoponic. We are railing in von Brudermann's Armee from the Iron Gates to help with this battle. Von Krasnic's Armee is railing to Belgrade and we'll decide where to send them next turn.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire: [/color] We wiped out Birdwoods korps in the Dardenelles down to the last man. The leader fled to Moudros where the last units are holed up. We now have 64 days until the transports are available. The one active armee in Kars is railing to Erevan for a siege.

The overall situation: We need to get the Russian NM below 75 to start driving them towards revolution. The situation on the western front is still dicey because of their manpower and ability to create megastacks. The extra 600 conscript points are sorely needed but will be spent on replacements.


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Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:11 am

LATE JAN, 1916

Diplomatic Situation: USA 57%CP; Italy 17%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 23%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 89%CP; Arabia 24%CP. The current Russian alignment is 77%.

This will be an abbreviated report as not much happened.

[color="#DAA520"]Belgium:[/color] Finally! The WE showed their true strength and split up their megastack to other areas. Now it will be much harder to find weak areas (at least on their side of the trenches). I had to send von Kluck's Armee from Bruxelles to Mechelen to defend against the 3400 PWR stack in Genth, which is basically composed of four armees and two korps. OK, I think I may have finally learned my lesson about Sedan. There is no fort there, but the forest sure is hard to beat (as well as the winter snow). Again, von Heeringen lost the battle and is trying to flee back to Dinant. His armee only has 262 PWR, but the WE was also beaten badly and shouldn't follow him. We lost 42k and the WE lost 52k, but their 5 korps went up against our 4 korps. The French also moved forces into Thionville of all places. I haven't seen this before. They did not attack, but I can't let them stay there. Maybe I am taking the bait they are laying out? There is a 372 PWR korps inside the level 2 fort at level 8 entrenchment, and their 721 PWR stack is composed of two armees that are really only korps size of 433 and 288 PWR. I am railing von Bayern's Armee from Metz to hopefully push back the French, leaving only 368 PWR inside the level 2 fort and at level 8 entrenchment.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] No battles occurred so I'm leaving the OHL in Luxeuil another turn to hopefully catch the small force there. The French have added more force in Epinal.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Our assault on Lublin was successful.

[color="#008000"]Central Russia: [/color] We had a successful battle in Nossovka (north of Kiew) and are chasing Rennemkampf's Infantry Division in Piriatin.

[color="#008000"]Southern Russia: [/color] We had a successful battle in Izmail and are chasing Saltza's very weak infantry division in Tatarbunary. We are also attacking a garrison unit with a Romanian Armee just north of Falechti.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia: [/color] We're railing von Krasnik's Armee out of Belgrade and to Przesmyl. This is still leaving von Brudermann's Armee to finish off the Serbs. We'll probably end up detaching a korps from his armee and move him out too.

Ottoman Empire: We're moving our forces out of the Dardenelles and will hopefully get our transports ready for a Spring Offensive on Moudros when our transports will be ready. A Turkish Armee is assaulting Erevan. There is Dashkov's Armee of 2 korps nearby so it could be bloody.

The Overall Situation: Our PWR rating is in much better shape. The Triple Entente is now only 123 compared to the CP and they have almost 500k more losses than us.


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Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:47 am


Diplomatic Situation: USA 56%CP; Italy 16%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 21%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 89%CP; Arabia 22%CP. The current Russian alignment is 75%. The Rasputin Event will be played this turn which will give Russia a 25% chance each turn of losing 1 alignment. The Easter Uprising is also being played which will require the British to move some forces to Ireland.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] Here we go again. I think it will be necessary to just hold the line at the forts in Belgium The megastack attacked into Alost; we had two armee's. During the battle only von Wurttemberg's Armee fought. His four korps held off 43 korps and an assortment of divisions but in the end both of our armee's retreated. We lost 10k while the WE lost 62k men. Fortunately, both armee's retreated to Bruxelles. We are railing two korps from Antwerp to better defend Mechelen. The WE have 3231 PWR in Mons and we will try to march to Charleroi. The armee is Mauberge will rail to Guise then march to Sedan. They are staying in defensive and will hopefully avoid battle. Von Heeringen did escape to Dinant and is railing to Namur's fort.

We had better luck in Thionville. Von Bayern's Armee defeated Cesar-Pau's Armee. We lost 16k they lost 39k. Our korps in Thionville will rebuild the rails.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] Strangely, the OHL still was not able to find the French unit in Luxeuil! In fact, it was like our unit was never there as we gained no MC in the region so supply couldn't reach there. The OHL must march back to Belfort. We are sending out the korps in Belfort to Luxeuil and see what happens.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color] Von Bayern's Armee is railing from Lublin to Brandenburg to join the western front.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia[/color]: It looks like the Russians have sent a little help to Serbia. In Pristina, Stepanovich's Korps (I believe the last Serbian force) has 113 PWR, but an EE korps is there with 275 PWR. Von Brudermann's Armee is marching there this turn. Another Russian unit appeared in Cetinje.

[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire: [/color]Our assault of Erevan was successful. We lost 9.5k men to 23k for the Russians and we gained 1NM for the battle and 1NM for the objective. We're amassing a good armee in Jerusalem for the conquest of Egypt.

The Overall Situation: The WE has 590k more losses than the CP. NM's are: CP 106, WE 81, EE 78.

My computer is acting up so can't put out any screenshots right now.

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Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:16 pm

LATE FEB, 1916

Diplomatic Situation: USA 55%CP; Italy 13%CP; Greece 49%CP; Bulgaria 18%CP; Holland 50%CP; Persia 91%CP; Arabia 20%CP. The current Russian alignment is 75%. The Rasputin Event will be played this turn which will give Russia a 25% chance each turn of losing 1 alignment. The Easter Uprising is also being played which will require the British to move some forces to Ireland. Russian alignment is 73%.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France: [/color] No luck on moving to better defensive positions. Von Preussen's Armee was caught in Mons and lost a battle, losing 4.5k men to 17k for the WE. He will try again to get to Charleroi. Von Gallwitz' Army also failed to get out of Sedan and lost a battle losing 20k to 41k men for the WE. Unfortunately, he retreated to Guise and will try again to get to Dinant. These two armee's are in dire straits. Von Kluck's Armee should be able to hold Mechelen so we are railing two korps to Charleroi to possibly render aid in that dangerous area. We're also sending out two fleets from Wilhelmshaven (10k PWR) to the South Dogger Bank in hopes of catching a smaller British Fleet.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] The OHL lost a lot of men and cohesion getting back to Belfort. This should not have been the case but for some reason the game did not recognize him in Luxeuil. However, the korps that just arrived there won its battle and took MC of the region and is now chasing a loose supply wagon in Neufchateau. von Bayern will rail to Dinant from his east front campaign.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland: [/color]Von Konta's Korps will come out of Warsaw to meet Lechitski's half-sized korps. Von Komarow's Armee in Ivangorod will also rail to the fight. Von Hotzendorf caught Evert's out of supply Infantry Division and will try to finish it off.

[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Von Boehm-Ermolli's Armee is leaving Kiew to catch a loose Russian Infantry Division.

[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] A Romanian korps wiped out Saltza's unit.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] Von Brudermann's Armee defeated the Serbian Korps in Pristina, but the Serbian unit is still there.

[color="#008000"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] The armee in Erevan will detach an infantry division and move to Kumany to get MC of the rail for the final pushes into Tbilsi and Batum.

The Overall Situation: The WE has 600k more losses than the CP. We need to take a few more objectives from Russia to get their NM down.


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Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:54 am

[B]EARLY MAR, 1916[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 54%CP; Italy 12%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 15%CP; Holland 48%CP; Persia 93%CP; Arabia 0%CP. The current Russian alignment is 71%. The Arab Revolt Event was played and Arabia will join the WE next turn.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] Von Preussen's Armee is in big trouble; it was defeated in battle when trying to retreat to Charleroi and it's 57k troops lost 7k men while Creagh's 1.4m troops lost 5k men. Von Preussen's Armee then retreated to Douai and will try to make its way to Mauberge. Von Gallwitz' Armee also failed to get to Dinant and lost 5.5k men in a losing effort against Joffre's Armee and remained in Sedan. They'll again try to get to Dinant. Just to add to the pain, both of these retreating armee's are not activated so movement is slower. The two korps sent to help out in Charleroi instead ended up in a losing battle and lost 18k men to 45k for the WE. The two korps retreated to Bruxelles relatively unscathed as von Wurttemberg's Armee did MTSG and helped spread the losses around evenly. Hopefully our rails can handle the traffic because we're replacing one of those korps with von Hausen's Armee in Luxembourg. Von Bayern's Armee did make it to Dinant, however, he'll move to Bruxelles as it is more centrally located to hopefully MTSG for the upcoming assaults on Mechelen, Bruxelles and Namur.

My hubris is paying the price of not staying in Mechelen, Bruxelles and Namur; the question remains if the CP can hold this vitally important line or will we lose the war!


[color="#0000FF"][color="#0000FF"][color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color][/color] [/color] Von Demling's Korps in Neufchateau could not establish enough MC so they'll march back to Luxeuil to relieve the OHL in Belfort who can then rail to Namur if it is still in our hands. No battles should occur here.


[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] The ongoing winter is preventing any battles. The Russians have been able to reinforce the lines.

[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Two small but successful battles. We were able to destroy and capture Evert's forces in Wloczowa and inflicted good losses on Lechitski's Armee in Warsawa and he had to retreat eastwards (we will follow).

[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Weather is preventing much of anything but we are railing some small forces to Konstantinov to help out in the siege by a very battered Russian korps. Von Boehm-Ermolli is chasing an infantry division just nw of Kiew.

[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] When the Spring thaw arrives it would be nice to push onto a better-defended Odessa, however I believe the Bulgarian's will be joining the war. At least the Turks will be able to assist the Romanians once this happens. In my previous campaign, the Bulgarians were very good. This may have been due to my large NM lead over the Triple Entente, so we'll see.

[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] Inactive leaders are preventing the defeat of what appears to be the last two forces in Serbia, which is mainly a 241 PWR Russian korps in Pristina.

[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] We won the battle for Kumany and are chasing the infantry division that is retreating towards the objective city of Tbilissi. Our transports are ready in Constantinople now we are just waiting for the two armees to arrive from the Dardenelles fighting. Our armee in Jerusalem was given orders to take Port Said. With Iraq and Kuwait cleared of British forces we will make our way up the river to take on Arabia.

The Overall Situation: Very bleak in the west; we need time to get more defenses in the area. We have too many forces in the east. My inability to deliver more NM loss on the Russians coupled with the slowness of destroying Serbian forces may very well have me rue the day.


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Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:39 am

[B]LATE MAR, 1916[/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 53%CP; Italy 9%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 12%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 95%CP; Arabia 0%CP. The current Russian alignment is 69%. Arabia joined the WE.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] We live to fight any day. We brought over 5200 PWR to Bruxelles and the megastacks seem to have dispersed a bit for at least this one turn. All that PWR is still out there however. There is a small WE force in Bruxelles (108 PWR) and this usually means that the megastacks will attack that region and recon shows the 1490 PWR overstaffed armee in Sedan is on rails and heading to Bruxelles!

Our two armee's still have been unable to retreat back to our lines and are encircled in Guise. Their combined PWR is just 900. The smaller stack can march to Dinant in 15 days but the larger stack must go through Sedan first so both are staying put in Guise to gain cohesion and hope for a better turn of events on next turn.

Two armee's from Bruxelles will rail to Dinant, this should keep them in MTSG range of Bruxelles.
It exposes the lone armee in Mechelen to more support but we need to try to save those two encircled armees.

We ventured out to the Atlantic for the first time in the war (other than U-Boats). We encountered a French force and our 276 ships managed to sink only 1 of the 96 French ships.


[color="#0000FF"]Southern France:[/color] The attacks from Metz onto Saint Mihiel haven't worked in the past, however, it appears to have just the one korps with 275 PWR outside the city and just a supply unit inside so we'll use a conservative assault at least for a diversionary tactic to hopefully spread the northern forces out more. The korps in Luxeuil will rail to Belfort to regain cohesion. The OHL is inactive so he'll have to stay put for another turn.



[color="#008000"]Baltic States:[/color] Even though it is muddy everywhere, I would have liked to attack the northern Russian flank but all my units are inactive. Von Boehn's Armee in Osewiecz doesn't have the support to attack either.


[color="#FFFF00"]Poland:[/color] Two successful attacks. Von Komarow's Armee defeated Lechitski's in Segrje. The assault cost 10k men and took out 32k Russians as well as netting 5k prisoners and 1NM. Von Konta's Korps will arrive in 4 days to continue the offensive. In Lukow, von Krasnik's Armee defeated and pushed back Batyanov's two korps towards Brest-Litovsk which looks well defended so our armee will rail to Lublin so von Hindenburg can advance eastward.


[color="#008000"]Central Russia:[/color] Two korps are marching onto Kremenetz to test the waters against Mrozovsky's Korps and they'll be joined by von Frank's Armee railing in from Konstantinov. We had a small victory against an infantry division in Kolbyta. They are resting before we contemplate an attack against a strong Chernigov.


[color="#008000"]Southern Russia:[/color] The Romanian forces are railing to Bender and will determine their attack next turn.


[color="#8B4513"]Serbia:[/color] The Romanian High Command will march to Pristina to join von Brudermann's conservative attack. The korps will march to Varos to cut off the rail from the unit in Skopje.


[color="#00FF00"]Ottoman Empire:[/color] The forces are still making their way to Constantinople. Although outnumbering Yudenich's Korps by over 2:1, the Turkish Armee lost in Georgia and retreated back to Kumany. The armee is now railing to Erevan to protect it against Yudenich's nearby force. The korps from Trapzon (also known as the korps that has never been activated since Ottoman entry into the war) is railing to Erevan for support. A small armee is railing from Jerusalem to Maan to gang up on Arabia (hopefully). The larger armee is marching towards Port Said.

The Overall Situation: The western front is still in limbo but I'm hoping that MTSG saves the day and the diversions work. I would like to send more units from the east, but I need to inflict more pain on Russia so they can have their revolution and get out of the war. I'm seriously contemplating a straight on attack on Petrograd so they can't react with reinforcements fast enough. Italy is getting dangerously close to entry. I am not playing the Italian Concessions because getting their alignment up to only about 33% will not delay much their entry into the war and the 10NM hit will affect our cohesion and thus our ability to fight better, which we cannot afford.


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Sat Apr 23, 2016 12:08 am

[B][B]EARLY APR, 1916[/B][/B]

Diplomatic Situation: USA 53%CP; Italy 9%CP; Greece 50%CP; Bulgaria 12%CP; Holland 49%CP; Persia 95%CP; Arabia 0%CP. The current Russian alignment is 69%. Arabia joined the WE.


[color="#0000FF"]Belgium & N. France:[/color] Without question, Europe experienced the bloodiest day of the war so far in beautiful Bruxelles. It wasn't the largest concentration of force, as 650k Germans led by the venerable Gdk. Prinz Leopold von Bayern attempted to defend Bruxelles against 560k WE forces led by Joseph Gallieni. The German armee's have been suffering a series of setbacks and their leader's abilities were being questioned by the troops but they had to defend the Belgian capitol or risk losing all of Germany to the warmongering western European nations.

As daylight broke, Gallieni marched the exhausted 36th Ulster Division and their accompanying field hospital to utter destruction. What poor leadership to try to take on Bruxelles with a lonely infantry division from Northern Ireland which had been experiencing the Easter Rebelion! Von Bayern, wisely decided to counter the WE attempt to break our lines using force concentration with the exact same tactic against the enemy but with a much larger force, using von Kirbach's Reserve Korps to lead the push against the enemy line. Several of our commanders demonstrated tactical skill as they outmaneuvered the enemy forces.


Gallieni, realizing his hubris, decided to match von Bayern man for man, and sent in 30 units to match the 26 the Germans had sent out but the wily von Bayern would not be outsmarted this day and had 80 units ready for our first line of defense with solid entrenchments. The Germans were led by von Quast's korps and von Kirbach's Korps valiantly continued on with the battle. The now desperate WE was led by no one else but 3-star leader Ferninand Foch and the 20th Corps d'Armee. Although Foch demonstrated tactical skill and his two field and one medium artillery regiments opened a devastating fire upon our brave soldiers, his men showed cowardice in close fighting when they and their cavalry approached our lines. The battle stayed tilted in our favor, but the fighting was pretty even. Would the approaching afternoon be any different?


Afternoon saw the battle continue to rage except Gallieni realized they had no chance at a kavallerie breakthrough so they used the standard balanced deployment as our breakthrough continued unabated. Foch was nowhere to be seen, no doubt licking his wounded arrogant French pride as Charles Louis Marion's 86th Korps led the attack as von Quast held steady.


As noon passed, our kavallerie breakthrough continued against the enemy's balanced deployment. Foch again led the charge but not with the same tactical brilliance he exhibited earlier in the day. His artillery continued to fare well but fewer forces were employed against our first line of defense and the result was significantly larger losses by the enemy.

(problem uploading screenshots ... I'll exit out of AGEOD Forums and attempt again)

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Sat Apr 23, 2016 1:02 am

[B]EARLY APR, 1916 (CONT.)[/B]


The long day continues on as Gallieni keeps Foch in the lead and brings in more troops, but not nearly enough to match the intrepid German heroes. Interestingly, an Engineer Brigade is attached to Foch's Korps and buoyed by Gallieni's support leads his korps tactically well although his men are still fighting with cowardice. Foch's Korps does take some damage. Von Quast, meanwhile, holds steady with our resilient defense of this great city. It is said many of the residents are seen cheering from their balconies. The hero of the morning, von Kirchback, showing his stamina, leads his troops better tactically than any part of the battle. These last few hours have seen more death and damage than any other part of the day.


As daylight passes and darkness looms overhead, lighted only by the lamps and candles in every home and cathedral in Bruxelles, the Belgians steady vigil for the defeat of the invaders continued. What was heard around the city will never be forgotten. The deafening roar of artillery escalated like nothing heard earlier. The gunfire seemed nonstop as both sides sensed the looming end of the battle and wanting to leave their mark on this fateful day. The combatants pretty much stayed the same, both sides showing stubbornness - the Germans defiantly defending their capitol (for the day) and the WE refusing to admit defeat. The fighting raged for hours, then slowly dissipated, minute-by-minute until the last shot was fired and the roar of cheers heard throughout the entrenchments. The enemy is running! Gunshot and artillery barrages were replaced with the ringing of church bells from every corner of the city, manned by brave Belgian sympathizers.


The city, exhausted from the daylong battle, slept but a few hours. Children, penned in their homes on this beautiful Spring day were the first to go out in the streets to play. What they saw will forever haunt them ... bodies ... bodies ... everywhere dead German soldiers. 87,000 brave men who gave their life to defend a foreign city from takeover by the ruthless Gallieni and his henchmen. What they did not see until later, as the German soldiers ordered countless civilians to hundreds of details, was the mass of dead WE soldiers outside the safety of the fortified walls and rows of entrenchments. 172,000 enemies lay on the crimson fields of Bruxelles. 6,800 enemy prisoners in makeshift camps outside the city.


Surely mankind will stop this senseless slaughter and the duplicitous leaders in London and Paris will beg for peace. What kind of man would want this carnage to continue?

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