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City/Area Names

Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:29 pm

Reposted from Matrix forums:

I have a few suggestions, to add to this thread. I lived in Bamberg (ID#912) and some of the nearby area names could be reconsidered for geographical accuracy:
- ID#916 Erleangen (Erlangen) west of Nuremburg should be Neustadt
- ID#915 Fuerth southwest of Nuremburg should be Heilsbronn
- ID#920 Peignitz should be Pegnitz
- ID#910 Bad Kissingen should be Schweinfurt
- ID#911 Schweinfurt should be Coburg

Perhaps others can also add map discrepancies here.

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Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:37 pm

Thanks for the reposting pzgndr

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:31 pm

"Faeroes" should be "Shetlands" and the area name (for the islands) should be Lerwick, not Torshavn. (The sea area names on this part of the map are also a bit confused. Perhaps Western Faeroes Sea could become Shetland Islands, etc.)

"Wessex" and "Sussex" are transposed.

I will add any more discrepancies here if I notice them - I'm a bit obsessive about maps... :wacko:

Have only just started playing but it look like a great game!

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Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:15 am

Here are some my suggestions about cities:
1. Kattowice (Prussia-Poland). Name can be either Kattowitz (ger) or Katowice (pol) but in first half of XIX it was small village. If you want 5 level city in this place use Opole (pol) / Oppeln (ger). It's on the map as .. village. Oppeln was long time capital of Silesia Superior / Oberschlesien. Definitely not a village ;) Trust me I live here :)
2. Traditional AGEOS error: Przesmyl is not a name. It was called Przemysl (ger Landkreis Przemysl), Przemyśl (pol) or Przemysl (without polish letters). Letter "s" is before "l" and not after "e". (latin: Praemislia).
3. Otwok, village near Warszawa is really called Otwock.
4. Byalistock - is not a name. You can use Белосток (ros. Bielostok) or Białystok (pol. Bialystok). It's White (biały) Mount (stok) in english.
5. Suprasi (near Bialystok) is called Supraśl (Suprasl). "L" not "I".

There are many errors in names of Polish part of map. I can wrtite them all if you are gonna fix it.

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Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:48 am

Please proceed

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Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:01 am

Please use different color for Mecklemburgia. It's very hard to distinguish its grey territory from Prussian grey territory.
More white maybe?

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Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:09 am

Khanti wrote:Please use different color for Mecklemburgia. It's very hard to distinguish its grey territory from Prussian grey territory.
More white maybe?

Agree with this

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Wed May 17, 2017 12:24 am

PhilThib wrote:Please proceed

WONSetup_publicbeta103_February24th installed, yet those names on map are still weird.

So, first look at the pictures (you know: a picture = 1000 words).




Then I have a questions.

1. Is it really needed to place _ (underscore) or - (dash) in the middle of structure's names? It produces strange things in structure's view (basically it force all name to be in one line).

2. Is it really needed / sensible to name things in one city with different pronunciations?
One example is on picture in Monachium / Munchen, but there are more of this:

a) Cottbus but sometimes Kotbus.
b) Königgratz but Koniggraetz Arsenal.
c) Olmutz but Olmuetz Arsenal.
d) Brünn but Brunn Arsenal.
d) Sankt / Saint Petersburg structures.
e) Cologne. Caserne de Cologne, Koeln River Port but Köln (city). Really?

Am I the only one that like consistency?

3. There is not such place like Warchau (unit names). Warschau is German name for Warszawa, but not Warchau (unit names of Prussian army).

4. There is not such place like Kattowice. It's polish city (village in WON time) called Katowice or if you prefer German name: Kattowitz. You just misspeled both names in one ;)

I've edited all those things in my scenario, but when new update will come I will be forced to do it again.


Last edited by Khanti on Wed May 17, 2017 1:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: City/Area Names

Wed May 17, 2017 1:13 am

Names, more names!


Russian regiments. There are names like 1-i Volontirskie polk which is out of grammar.
If this is polk, then it's volontirskij. Always.

Examples (IWW, but names are good):

109 Wołżski Pułk Piechoty (ros. 109-й пехотный Волжский полк)
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/109_Wo%C5 ... k_Piechoty

[109th Regiment of/from Volga]

61 Włodzimierski Pułk Piechoty- (ros. 61-й Владимирский пехотный полк)
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/61_W%C5%8 ... k_Piechoty

[61st Regiment of/from Vladimir]

3 Narewski Pułk Piechoty imienia Generała Feldmarszałka Michała Michajłowicza Golicyna - (ros. 3-й пехотный Нарвский генерал-фельдмаршала князя Михаила Голицына полк)
https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Narewsk ... k_Piechoty

[3rd Regiment of/from Narva]

It's wiki, but it's only in russian or polish languages, guess why...

In Russian,
if it's regiment - then its name is finished with "ij" - vladimirskij (example)
if it's brigade (brigada) - then it's finished with "a" - vladimirskaja
if it's division (divizija) - then it's finished with "a" - vladimirskaja
if it's corps (korpus = армейский корпус) - then it's "ij" vladimirskij
if it's army (armija), - then it's finished with "a" - vladimirskaja


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Re: City/Area Names

Wed May 17, 2017 8:00 am

Sources for russian name's order:


14-й армейский корпус - 14th armejskij korpus (army corps)


18-я пехотная дивизия - 18th pechotnaja diwizija (infantry division)
- part of 14th corps

pronunciation: х = ch like in the name of Le Havre not Cherbourg
(but it is written like Cherbourg ;-)


Рязанский 69-й пехотный полк - Rjazanskij 69th pechotnyj polk (69th infantry regiment from Riazan)
- part of 1st brigade of 18th division

1-я бригада - 1st brigade

City of Riazan (written in english by Ryazan to maintain pronunciation). But it written Riazań in polish and Ряза́нь in russian.

This particular division was formed in 1806 as a part of army reform.

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Re: City/Area Names

Wed May 17, 2017 8:51 am

The "new" Sank-Petersburg:


To be sure, you know what I meant.

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