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rus gold few bugs

Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:54 pm

When i was fighting in Pemza to capture gold train it get destroyed during siege and not captured. Not killing since i get most money from regional decisions.
Another is that when i moved one leader outside his theater he got "permalocked" since he was locked for one turn and after it again and again get locked for one turn.
Third is for czech ghq supply - when syrovy get removed from command this supply train is still locked imposible to move out or use to build depot and in result i get turn after turn czechs want to go to home for this unit.

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Sat Aug 22, 2015 4:38 am

These do not sound like bugs to me, but instead like the new game design.
Gold train is tricky to capture. It is destroyed almost as often as captured.
Locking leaders, for the Red faction, is a new feature. You need political units, like commissars, to avoid being locked.
Yep, those danged Czech forces are not as happy as in the non-Gold version. I think this is as designed.

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Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:59 am

About the gold train which may sometimes become a casualty, there is nothing we can do with the tools we have. But it is not that unrealistic since the gold train could have been sunk in the Volga or hidden in enemy territories by a losing side which didn't want to let it to the enemy :) .

About czech ghq supply in Samara that could not be remove unless by the Reds invading the city, well, that could be solved in a later patch. But till then, enjoy the fact that you still hold Samara which is a good news for the Eastern Whites ;) .

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Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:10 am

well that lcoked units are my whites leaders which got outside his home teritory, not red unskilled/uncommanded leaders. and it is "funny" to read leader xxx is unlocked and avaivable again for command only to see him again locked for 1 turn and get unlocked message for many and many turns. I think there should be limit after which is filed unit is eigther automaticaly moved closer to home or unlocked with planed way to home.
for gold train - well, i can acdet that is sometimes lost, but i think he should be way more "nuletproof" since it is realy hard for reds to hide/sunk him in unknown place if they basicaly control only city and all ways out are in whites hand.
and for czechs units i have no problem that they want to go home, i have problem that i cant send them home since they are locked :) . and when thinking about czech units more, i think there should be event to send them home earlier (eighter by moving them to vladivostock of by decision in diplomacy tab?) for bonus vp (or ep) - so they arive home earlier eager to fight these pesky commies in hungary in greater force than in history :) . Nice way how to counter if red send reinforcment to hungary to help commies there.

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Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:35 pm

czert2 wrote:well that lcoked units are my whites leaders which got outside his home teritory, not red unskilled/uncommanded leaders. and it is "funny" to read leader xxx is unlocked and avaivable again for command only to see him again locked for 1 turn and get unlocked message for many and many turns. I think there should be limit after which is filed unit is eigther automaticaly moved closer to home or unlocked with aplaned way to home.

Strange. There is no home territory for the Eastern Whites leaders except for very few of them in the Far Eastern area (secessionists like Semenov). If this is this ones (there is an icon to explain they should not leave their area), then it is WAD what's happening, we can't do better with the tools we have. Just keep this leaders in their home area and that's it. :cool:

czert2 wrote:and for czechs units i have no problem that they want to go home, i have problem that i cant send them home since they are locked :)

There is only this supply chariot unit in Samara which stay locked until attacked by Reds or Greens.

czert2 wrote:and when thinking about czech units more, i think there should be event to send them home earlier (eighter by moving them to vladivostock of by decision in diplomacy tab?) for bonus vp (or ep) - so they arive home earlier eager to fight these pesky commies in hungary in greater force than in history :) . Nice way how to counter if red send reinforcment to hungary to help commies there.

Czechs wasn't much involved in the crushing of the Hungarian revolution. This is after all Romanian and French troops which operated.

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Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:52 am

Strange. There is no home territory for the Eastern Whites leaders except for very few of them in the Far Eastern area (secessionists like Semenov). If this is this ones (there is an icon to explain they should not leave their area), then it is WAD what's happening, we can't do better with the tools we have. Just keep this leaders in their home area and that's it. :cool:

yes, it is semenov :) i i completly agree that he need to be at home, but if he is "permalocked" in non-national teritory, it is realy hard to move him back home, so mayby some implementation that it will be automoved to home teritory or unlocked with with fixed way to home can help to solve this problem. it is no game killer just annoiance (since atached units can be moved to new stack and moved back to far east easily, they will just be leaderless).

There is only this supply chariot unit in Samara which stay locked until attacked by Reds or Greens.

yeah, and if atack never came... ?
it is realy small think to fix in future patch.

Czechs wasn't much involved in the crushing of the Hungarian revolution. This is after all Romanian and French troops which operated.

exactly, because thir main force was figting in russia or on way to home around whole world :) . this was my what-if they were send home earlier. and when thinking about it, it is posible to write event which convert czechs armored trains to whites ones (if they exists), after all, they didnt taken them back home (unlike infantry weapons), and not sure if they leaved them arty pieces too or taken them home too. what i know that theay leaved in russia 2 or 3 planes which they used :) .

and there is just one last thing, it is posible to add event which will allow you to create air school for whites (in vladivostock). i just love to use planes :) .

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Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:38 pm

czert2 wrote:exactly, because thir main force was figting in russia or on way to home around whole world :) . this was my what-if they were send home earlier.

Czech Legion in Russia was around 70 000 soldiers in the early RCW. Probably less and in a bad health after they fought and travel all around Siberia and the world seas to home. I don't think they would be ready to fight so soon again and out of their home country, in Hungaria.

Czech Legion in France was around 10 000.
Czech Legion in Italia was around 60 000.
Those 2 forces were the ones who arrived home and build the first Czech army forces just after the WWI armistice. But i suppose that after all, Czechs at home were busy enough with the Polish little imperialism : and probably anxious about Red Revolution in Germany (Berlin, Munich). Most likely they would stay home to defend their new Republic rather than invading Hungaria :blink: .

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Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:00 pm

Well, they still fighted agains hungary in slovakia for teritory , not very detailed about czech-hungarian war, but still better than nothing :) . tried to find arcticle directlxy about this war but failed.
and yes, failure of czechs against huns was because they lacked troops - russia legion :) .

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Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:19 pm

bug concerning leader in semipalatinsk as eastern whites we have green leader uid 1637 A. Bukeikhanov which belong to green faction!. i think this leader should be wh3faction or we should have different commander. if it is correct how happened that green leader is fighting for whites ? even as just guard of city.

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Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:29 pm

czert2 wrote:bug concerning leader in semipalatinsk as eastern whites we have green leader uid 1637 A. Bukeikhanov which belong to green faction!. i think this leader should be wh3faction or we should have different commander. if it is correct how happened that green leader is fighting for whites ? even as just guard of city.

It Work As Designed. To allow a switch of side of Autonomous Kazaks after Eastern Whites Kolchak regim refused clearly autonomous republics (

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