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Prussia/Germany GC 1862 AAR start.

Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:24 pm

THis AAR will follow my current game as Germany starting with the AAR starting in 1862 from in the 1850 scenario.

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The japanese trading fleet i mentioned in another thread. I thing this is very cool so i took a picture to show you guys.

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I continue to upgrade my mines. which lead mt to my resource flows...

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Manufactured Resources

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And finally trade flows Nothing seems to jump out as a major problem here and Mechanical parts make me a lot of money as i Upgraded all of my factories that make them (Borsig et all) I also upgrased The Krupp Werke as well. Thyssen was changed from a steel mill to an arms shop via upgrade.
Edit my inflation is a steady 11%. which is quite manageable.

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Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:17 am

good to see another PoN AAR starting.

so what are your long term plans ... beyond unification?
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Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:06 pm

Quite frankly i haven't really decided. I know France must go and I would like to humiliate Britannia by forcing them to sing the treaty of London. (Think a reverse treaty of Versailles except I will enforce it.) The Russian and austrians i would like to ally to eliminate the threat of blockade.

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Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:36 pm

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My trade flows are better than before especially in coal and steel.

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Bismarck is our new PM

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Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:13 pm

Here is the rest of update No 2

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New Battleships are ordered for our 3rd squadron of them.

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Our main fleet is stationed at Kiel naval base. I am also slowly fortifying the northern German coast with each proving receiving a fortress rgt, a fort, fortress artillery, and coastal arty. I am about half done with this little project.

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While not a formal colony our African outpost is heavily developed with railroads built or building in all provinces.

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Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:09 pm

I've played ahead a bit and I've unlocked a bunch of important technologies that upgrade my steel mills , mechanical factories and mines of all sorts. I'm also darn close to building ironclad frigates and corvettes. Southern Germany is ready to accept Prussian leadership and I just need a trigger such as a war with France. I also am building steam powered merchant ships based on the great eastern without paddle wheels and with 2 screw props.

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Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:27 am

Here is a summary of the Current Situation


We invest in Breech-loading Rifles as well as Ironclad Corvettes and Frigates.


The Garde-korps is one of the 5 armies ready to pounce on France.


Another one of our armies made of the gifts from the unification of northern Germany.


More infantry Prussian this time form the 3rd army in the Saar region.


Finally 2 Armies stand guard in Baden.


Our Navy is entirely Steam Powered.


Saschen Fortress.

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Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:46 pm

Darthkommandant wrote:each proving receiving a fortress rgt, a fort, fortress artillery, and coastal arty.

I would add a supply wagon to this list. I am not 100% sure but I think a supply wagon prevents surrender of besieged forces if there are supplies available in the city. Otherwise your forces may surrender even if you have 2000 supplies available. I might be wrong about this though, but I've always made sure to include a wagon in any front line fortress cities I own if I had enough extra ones available to build.

City surrenders have gone through a lot of changes in game so this may be older info that has changed and my understanding of the surrender rules is off a bit. I think a few of the earlier patches have made surrender rolls occur no matter what in certain circumstances now, so you may see cities with huge stockpiles surrender even with wagons present. But even if that is the case it’s better to have the wagon than not due to surrender routine requirements as I think the roll for surrender check can occur more frequently (easier to meet roll requirements without it) if no wagon is present.


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Wed Mar 04, 2015 5:47 pm

Didn't know this so will build them asap.


Borsig is split in 2 structures which each produce a whopping 48 mechanical parts.


Mauser werke is in Berlin and produces some of the finest rifles in the world.


Poggenpohl Mobel is a upgraded manufactured goods factory.


One of our Marine Divisions.


Our fisheries now are using coal for a nice boost in productivity.

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Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:12 am

Supply wagons allow an extra chance to not surrender. You need to keep the entire garrison with the supply unit however. If 1 unit surrenders, they all do, and the computer likes to pop up extra garrison units, which aren't with the supply unit.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:49 pm

Sorry for the delay and text only update. I am now building some ironclad warships since I disbanded my entire navy and my fort upgrades are complete. I researched breach loading rifles and rifled artillery and will soon have breech loading arty as well. Also all corps now have hqs which helps a bit in terms of command.

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Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:46 pm

Been a long time but I've been playing and I crushed the French completely in 1870. Being a jerk I did so before I sent the ems dispatch. But it did not matter as the German empire was formed. I also took Memel from Russia as it was rebelling.

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Field Marshal Hotzendorf
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Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:14 am

What's the plan now?

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Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:31 pm

In a word colonies.

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Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:27 pm


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Wed Jul 08, 2015 1:08 am

did u start of having colonies how does one colonise africa? I never got into that part of the game im having a hard time maintaining a country would somone teach me steps on how to colonise parts of africa or anywhere in the world

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Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:25 pm

I took unclaimed territories and got into a war with the natives. I also developed them with ports, railways, and depots as I went. Forts were built as well as were a lot of merchant ships to keep my units supplied.

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Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:55 pm


The German Empire as of Feb 1871. We take the white rebel held territory in Lithuania in march.


Our govt is very efficient and is ready to smash down any who challenge it. This is does not mean the we are not against reforms but they should not ever threaten the position of the Kaiser of his Kanzler.


Some of our reforms include legalizing trade unions and increasing education.
Our dissent isn't that bad overall anyway.


Our only reward from the war with France that Unified Germany was the island colony of noumea. It actually gives us a gate to the South Pacific so it is a pretty sweet one.

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Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:28 pm


Our resource flows are adjusted to bring in more private capital.


We win a bloody battle in Africa.


Our Nigerian colony is developing nicely.


But the British are deploying to crush the Asante nation. Which kind of worries me as I need that particular province.

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