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The Kaiser report... ajarnlance vs. Jinx and PJL...

Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:53 pm

The players:
CP- ajarnlance
WE- Jinx

War plans:
CP- Moltke + Conrad
WE- Plan 19
EE- Grand Duke

This is only my second PBEM with EAW and the first one ended after only six turns. I'm hoping this one will go all the way to the end. The first revelation has been that AGEOD have designed an amazing game with incredible scope, depth and replayability. The choice of different war plans adds a lot of uncertainty and replayability to the game. What I have learned from the war plans above is that on the Eastern Front Moltke + Grand Duke = EXPLOSION!! Follow me as I take you through the first few turns and you will see what I mean!! For the glory of the Kaiser... we shall prevail!!

The first pic is the situation on Turn 2- Early August 1914 (turn 1 is choosing war plans) on the East Prussia/ Northern Poland front. Look at those stacks opposing each other in adjacent regions... this could get ugly very quickly! I have a huge selection of corps and armies to use in this one region. I see the opportunity to make some early gains and decide to launch a full scale attack on Wladislavov and the objective city of Kowno. I send the bulk of my forces into Wladislavov with orders for Von Kluck to continue on into Kowno. He has the fast mover trait which means that, as long as we can overwhelm the Russians, we should be able to blast through to Kowno (which is an objective region). One variation I decide on for this attack is to send Von Linsingen around the Russian left flank down through Suwalik for a lightning thrust up into Koschedair... thereby opening up the route to Wilna (another objective city). This last move with Linsingen is a risky move. He will be isolated from the main body for most of the turn.. but he also has the fast mover trait, plus high initiative. I am force marching his corps to make it to his objective in 13 days... if he goes active.. which I won't know until the turn begins as we are using the 'veteran activation' setting!


The other major decision this turn was to promote Von Kluck to Ober Ost, that is CinC of this theatre. Moltke is currently here but I will be sending him to the western front as soon as he becomes active. It costs me 2 NM and some VP but Von Kluck is a much better choice for the aggressive tactics I intend to employ on the eastern front and he will pass along some nice strategic (activation) and attack bonuses to my other army commanders in this theatre.


Finally, a look at the western front. The choice of Plan 19 vs. Moltke in the west has left me on the back foot right away. The French armies have a corridor open to exploit that runs all the way along my right flank, from Luxemburg, to Trier, to Bonn and Aachen. I need to move FAST to shut down this corridor before the French turn my flank completely. Thankfully I have rail lines connecting my west front forces back to Bonn. I strip a couple of corps from the front and send them speeding back to protect my flank. I choose Bonn as the place to concentrate my forces and make a desperate stand. I have to accept that Luxemburg and Trier are going to be steam-rollered next turn. I will hopefully win them back in a few months.... I send Von Mudra's Corps reinforced by some other divisions from Thionville hurtling back to Bonn. I also decide to transfer 2 corps in Koenigsberg under the command of Mackensen from the eastern to the western front. Hopefully they will arrive in time to save the day...


At the other end of the front I am quickly sending corps to cover gaps in the line before the French see a chance for a break through...


On the Austrian/ Serbian fronts there is not a lot to report. Most armies on both sides are locked for the first turn. I will report on these fronts in the next report...
Von Kluck.png
(1.19 MiB) Downloaded 499 times
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The bloody battles on the eastern front begin....

Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:38 pm

Late August 1914 (turn 3). Let's take a look at how my offensives went in Northern Poland.... as we can see a combination of lightning moves and overwhelming force have added three captured cities to our side... Von Linsingen managed to force march three regions and take Koschedair!!


Von Kluck sent the Russian forces reeling under a series of hammer blows...


I don't know if Rennenkampf is injured but Artamanov takes over command for the Russians....


my lightning move around the Russian left flank and up into Kowno has caught the Russian armies in a pincer move here... we have them surrounded and they are finding it difficult to break out... this has become a KILL ZONE...


The Russian corps is in passive mode... trying desperately to escape this brutal onslaught.

Meanwhile in western Poland Von Hausen has taken Kolo, opening the way to Lodz (another objective city)...

"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Late August.. the western front...

Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:54 pm

On the western front the French armies are advancing down that corridor on my right flank. Luxemburg has fallen and Trier is under siege. A French cavalry regiment is moving towards Aachen in a bold move... I am concentrating every corps I can spare in Bonn. This city is currently the lynch pin holding my right flank together. If Bonn falls the French can roll up my front line and force a general retreat... I am also reinforcing Thionville which is the other key city holding together that threatened right flank...


The Austrian front is still a case of armies manouvering for position. I will report on developments here and in Serbia for the next turn. For diplomacy I have chosen to trigger the Kaiser's gold and the other free ships event to bring Ottomans into the CP fold. Here are my diplomatic manouvers. Romania and Bulgaria are too important not to target. My other choices of Belgium and Holland are an effort to forestall an Entente attempt to open up my right flank by bringing those countries into the war. I want them neutral to tie down my right flank..


The next report will take us into September and first blood on the western front...
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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The advance continues on the Eastern Front... the Kaiser looks on with pride...

Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:20 pm

A quick battlefield promotion for Von Quast will give me another army commander next turn. Meanwhile Quast pushes my advance further into Wilna and lays siege to the objective city. The battered Russian army falls back on Grodno in a rapid retreat. Von Francois is ordered to follow up with his corps to keep the pressure on and pave the way for a general advance southwards by the main armies next turn. Most of my other armies in this sector are resting because they have become low on supplies and need to restore cohesion... my lightning advance has outstripped my supply lines for now.. and I am slowed by those sneaky Ruskies sabotaging the rail lines....


In western Poland Von Hausen takes Lodz and I swing another corps east to open up the way to Warsaw...


On the Austrian/Russian front things start to get interesting. Russian armies are advancing on both Cernowitz and Lemburg. I am rushing to reinforce but there are large distances to cover and my rail capacity is still not optimum...


On the Serbian front things are deadlocked. Moving to face the Russian threat has not left me with enough troops to make an outright offensive... so we manouver and look at each other across the river.. I will have to deal with them once the Russian bear has been tamed...


things get interesting on the western front in the next post...
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First blood on the western front...

Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:32 pm

The French lead by General Foch launch an offensive on Bonn. I was correct to concentrate my forces there. The daring French cavalry take Aachen while I am distracted saving Bonn...


My rapidly assembled defence of Bonn is a success. Foch gets a bloody nose...


Along the rest of the western front both sides shore up gaps in the line.... the question now is where will the next attack come... and the British will be entering the war next turn... can I hold the west when the weight of the BEF is thrown into the contest...??

A quick look at the casualties so far. There is a long way to go but so far we have inflicted three times as many casualties (150,000) as we have received...

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Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:47 am

Impressive maneuvers against the Russians in the north. :w00t: I'm interested in seeing how you exploit the victory.

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Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:30 am

I'm watching with interest. I've tried the same warplan combination as the CP in PBEM before. Tend to see major advances in Poland and Lithuania in 1914/early 1915, but the Western Front can become very precarious. If the Entente keeps up the pressure on the Western Front they can really put a strain on Russia. Also, keep in mind that the British aren't as critical to rush to the Western Front if Moltke Plan is chosen, and can show up for some really nasty surprises in Serbia or against the Ottomans.

This plan selection does lead to some really interesting "what-if" scenarios, I've had a lot of fun with it!

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Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:08 am

This is why I am concerned playing a CW2 PBEM with this guy.

Surely the Russians will have to break off from the Austrian border unless they are happy to lose all of Poland and risk getting cut off.

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Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:59 am

Altaris wrote:I'm watching with interest. I've tried the same warplan combination as the CP in PBEM before. Tend to see major advances in Poland and Lithuania in 1914/early 1915, but the Western Front can become very precarious. If the Entente keeps up the pressure on the Western Front they can really put a strain on Russia. Also, keep in mind that the British aren't as critical to rush to the Western Front if Moltke Plan is chosen, and can show up for some really nasty surprises in Serbia or against the Ottomans.

This plan selection does lead to some really interesting "what-if" scenarios, I've had a lot of fun with it!

Yes, Moltke is the big 'what if' war plan in the whole war. It really opens up the game and adds a lot of replayability. My key challenges will be:
1) As you say, where will the Brits go...
2) The Russian winter
3) Holding my ground on the western front

EAW is the best ageod game yet IMO!!
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:04 am

BBBD316 wrote:This is why I am concerned playing a CW2 PBEM with this guy.

Surely the Russians will have to break off from the Austrian border unless they are happy to lose all of Poland and risk getting cut off.

If only I could have the German artillery in our game as the CSA! ;) There are some similarities between the CP and the CSA. Both start out strong with good offensive abilities but can lose ground later in the game due to superior manpower on the opposing side. Speed and daring are needed for both.
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Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:28 pm

TXcavalier wrote:Impressive maneuvers against the Russians in the north. :w00t: I'm interested in seeing how you exploit the victory.

Thanks. Speed, daring and rapid concentration are the keys to making this short window of opportunity pay. I know the time is short! The window will be closing soon due to:
1) The Brits entering the war.
2) The Russian winter.

Hopefully most of Poland will belong to the Kaiser by then....
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The problem corridor on my right flank...

Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:10 pm

In the pic below I have highlighted the problem corridor on my right flank. Moltke + Plan 19 opens this corridor to the French on the first turn. The corridor is highlighted in yellow. The right hand side follows the Mosel river while the left side borders the neutral zone (Romulans beware) of Belgium. The four corners of the corridor are the cities which are circled in red: Bonn and Thionville (belonging to CP) and Longwy and Aachen (Entente). Probing French cavalry incursions are indicated with grey arrows.... they are living dangerously and I have plans to send them home in body bags... The main focus, however, has to be Bonn and Thionville which are the vital hinges holding my right flank together. Consequently, I have heavily reinforced them, beating off a probing attack by Foch in Bonn last turn. I don't relish being on the defensive and surrendering the initiative like this but the defensive stance in the west is allowing me to make rapid gains in the east where most of my forces are heavily engaged in the conquest of Poland. It seems to me that the French have three choices:
1) They can sit and try to beat me in the race to reinforce, hoping to gain an overwhelming advantage before launching a frontal assault.
2) They can manouver around my right flank towards Duisberg and Essen.
3) They can try to break through the weakly defended areas of my line on either my left or right flank.

Both 2 and 3 are risky because if the snake sticks its head out far enough I will cut it off... I will launch a counter offensive and move across their lines of communication... that is the nice thing about corridors: they are long and narrow ;)


The other major development this turn is diplomatic: the Brits have decided to join the war and will shortly be boarding their transports for a quick trip across the channel. I'm a little miffed at how soon they have entered the war: late sept 1914. Not invading Belgium and allowing the French to attack Luxemburg has bought me precisely six weeks of keeping the British lions out of this war. Their rapid intervention on the western front could tip the scales... this is a delicate balancing act: giving my victorious armies in the east every chance to hurl the Russians back into Siberia while holding my thin line in the west...
The corridor 1.png
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:07 pm

give them a soft target to hit when u same time close the back door behind the frenchys and u will have great motti in your hands =)

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The conquest of Poland continues...

Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:37 pm

Von Kluck continued to add to his 'invincible' reputation.. this time attacking Grodno against growing Russian resistance...


the Russians are thrown out of Grodno...


Most of my armies are ordered to rest this turn. In the first six weeks of the war (three turns) the German Armies in Poland have taken ten cities, fought seven successful engagements, inflicted almost 200,000 casualties, and taken over 20,000 prisoners for the cost of 75,000 casualties of our own. It's time for a few beers and a good nap before continuing the advance.. both east to Minsk and south to Bielostock... where the Russians are massing to stop my advance...
Further north Quast rests after investing Wilna, while Lissingen is ordered to push out eastward to open the way to Minsk... can we get there before the Russians or the winter snow can stop us??
Also Von der Marwitz is sent north to make a reconnaisance of Moscheiki... Riga is further north and presents an inviting target...


In western Poland Hausen masses troops south of Warsaw for an assault next turn. This important city must be taken before the bitter winter conditions set in...

The Austrians have pushed west and their left flank is joining up with the German army under Hausen to form one solid front across the south.... they also cast their gaze eagerly towards the fortress city of Ivangorod...


Time for a bird's eye grand strategic view of the entire eastern theatre. The Germans are pushing from both the north and the south.. while also reaching east towards Minsk... my tired troops may also be enticed to visit the intriguingly named city of 'Sluts'... sorry.. 'Slutsk' as a good place to bed down for the winter ;)
With the Austrians holding the line in the south and pushing up from the south west in line with Hausen this could be an opportunity to trap some Russian armies in a giant vice... with Kluck descending like a hammer out of the north...
The Russians have some good generals facing the Austrians at Cernowitz and Lemburg but they appear to be hesitating... can they feel Von Kluck breathing down their necks....??
Possible target cities for the next month are circled...

EF LSEP 14 2.jpg
EF LSEP 14 1.jpg
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Time for an historical interlude...

Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:55 pm

I found this photo on wikipedia. OK these guys were cousins but they look more like twins here...!! King George V of Britain and Tsar Nicholas... source:

Thanks to Ernst Sandau for sharing this...

"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:38 pm

havi wrote:give them a soft target to hit when u same time close the back door behind the frenchys and u will have great motti in your hands =)

yes, i was thinking along the same lines... sort of a battle of the bulge in reverse... and 30 years early ;)
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Late September 1914 west front...

Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:46 pm

The French have chosen the bold option that I discussed last turn... they are attempting to go around my right flank...


as usual Foch is the tip of the spear.. and the French win a battle by catching me off guard by the speed of their march on Essen...


Foch is in a very advanced and potentially exposed position... speaking of exposed positions... I take care of those French cavalry regiments behind my lines...


Moltke has arrived to take command on the western front... my reinforcements are now ready to rush forward... I need to be ready for the soon arrival of the BEF...
WF BATTLE foch.png
WF ELOCT 14 1.png
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Late September 1914 eastern front...

Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:08 pm

The thrust east towards Minsk runs into sizeable Russian opposition. Quast wins the battle but the casualties are about even...


Elsewhere on the eastern front things are relatively quiet as plans are made for major offensives next turn... hopefully before the snow falls...
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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At the beginning of October a quarter of a million men fall like so many leaves...

Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:11 pm

Early October 1914... a fortnight of aiming for big objectives. On the eastern front the Germany armies launch major offensives on the following targets: Warsaw and Bielostock, minor offensives are also set in motion against Novo Georgiewsk and Osewiecz. On the Austrian front the Austrian 1st Army launches its first major offensive of the war against the fortress city of Ivangorod.

Warsaw, Bielostock, and Osewiecz fall... but Novo G. holds out.

The opening battle for Bielostock sees the invincible Von Kluck back in action and produces the bloodiest single engagement of the war so far... 100,000 men fall in a few hours, with the casualties roughly 40% German/ 60% Russian...


Another major push is needed to dislodge the stubborn Russian defence...


One final assault and the city is taken...


At the same time... further south a fierce battle rages over the key city of Warsaw...


Another assault is needed to secure the objective..

"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Early October eastern front battles...

Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:27 pm

Then there is an unexpected turn of events... no plan survives contact with the enemy... and my plan for an uneventful siege of Novo Georgiewsk is thrown into disarray as the Russian army, in full flight from Warsaw, decides to retreat to Novo Georgiewesk. Taken by surprise when an entire Russian army shows up in their quiet corner of the front my forces take heavy casualties... Von Hausen rushes to NG to help evict the Russians again with the strange result that they return to Warsaw... perhaps because they have no alternative... the noose is starting to tighten in Poland...


A similar situation develops in the aftermath of the battle of Bielostock... the Russian army is ejected from Bielostock and decides to fall back on Osewiecz... which just happens to be the target for an assault by Von Below. The result is another defeat for this Russian army which at the end of two further engagements is almost totally destroyed... and stranded between two formidable German armies...



Meanwhile along the Austrian front everything is quiet except for a major contest for Ivangorod. The Austrian 1st army wins the battle but not convincingly as the Russian army is still in the field and defending Ivangorod.

"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Early October 1914 western front battles... BIG MAC SHOWS WHAT HE CAN DO...

Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:44 pm

Things are really starting to heat up on the western front now. I decide that I can not allow the advancing French armies to get any further around my right flank. French general Foch's impudence needs to be taught a lesson. I take the risk of dividing my forces at Bonn in half, speeding two corps under the very capable general Mackensen by rail ... and smashing into Foch's exposed right flank at Essen... with very satisfactory results.. inflicting casualties at the rate of 4:1...


In a risky move Mackensen has been given orders to pursue Foch, and as the French fall back across the river Meuse the action moves to Aachen where the tenacious Mackensen wins another victory... he will be promoted for these outstanding attacks...


Macksensen is now the one in the exposed position. French general Catelnau comes to Foch's rescue with fresh troops at Aachen and Mackensen is thrown back across the river Meuse to Essen... not before he inflicts another 40,000 casualties on the French...
In the three engagements Mackensen has inflicted a total of 100,000 casualties on two separate French armies while losing 29,000 of the Kaisers loyal soldiers... we may have to start referring to him as the new Frederick the Great....

"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:58 pm

hey aja can u please but a map with fronts too in these reports! Kiitos =)

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Overview in the middle of October... eastern front..

Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:25 pm

havi wrote:hey aja can u please but a map with fronts too in these reports! Kiitos =)

Your wish is my command...

As the roar of battle fades away... the situation as it stands in the middle of October with two Russian armies in precarious positions outside Warsaw and Osewiecz... the attack on Ivangorod has stalled and will need reinforcing next turn... fortunately I foresaw this and I have another army assembling and ready to be thrown into the fray...



A grand overview of the eastern front...


The situation in the west with the French thrown back on Aachen in disorder... my flank is safe... for now...


Finally an overview of morale and casualties. I am maintaining a 2:1 ratio in casualties thus far. Russian morale is sinking but I must keep the pressure on them... my goal is to break the Russian will to fight and to throw them out of this war. On the diplomatic front Ottomans are still a month or so away from joining and Japan have sided with the Entente...

LO WF 1.png
LO EF MC.jpg
LO EF 2.jpg
LO EF 1.jpg
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:49 am

ajarnlance wrote:I found this photo on wikipedia. OK these guys were cousins but they look more like twins here...!! King George V of Britain and Tsar Nicholas... source:

Thanks to Ernst Sandau for sharing this...


I've seen that picture before. They are eerily close just like as you said almost could be twins.
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Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:55 am

I know my WE AAR was against the AI of the Central Powers but I find it fascinating that the very strategy I used is being tried by the WE player. Trying to force the way through the lightly defended flank that Luxemburg centers on. I pushed through as many troops as I could into that corridor with only keeping enough to not allow frontal attacks from Metz and south to occur.
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Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:28 am

H Gilmer3 wrote:I know my WE AAR was against the AI of the Central Powers but I find it fascinating that the very strategy I used is being tried by the WE player. Trying to force the way through the lightly defended flank that Luxemburg centers on. I pushed through as many troops as I could into that corridor with only keeping enough to not allow frontal attacks from Metz and south to occur.

Maybe my opponent is taking inspiration from your AAR... that flank corridor swings both ways though... it can be an opportunity for encirclement... ;)
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Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:39 am

Remind me not to play against you ;)

Awesome results.

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Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:10 pm

BBBD316 wrote:Remind me not to play against you ;)

Awesome results.

It is still early days... but so far playing the CP has been a lot of fun...
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

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Late October 1914 eastern front...

Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:25 pm

Most of the action was along the Austrian/Russian front this turn. I renewed the attack on the Russian Army (and their one-eyed general) defending Ivangorod and finally drove them back... it is now a race to siege and take this fortress city before the freeze sets in...


The other action is a big battle at Rawa Ruska... I noticed a one region gap between the two main Russian armies which means that they can't support each other by marching to the sound of the guns. I decide to throw everything I have against the western force around Rawa Ruska... resulting in a drawn out series of three engagements... the Russian army is still intact but I hope to take it apart in the next attack in November... meanwhile I have left Lemburg open to assault... perhaps a rash move but I always operate on the principle that if you destroy the enemy's armies in the field and their ability to fight then cities will naturally fall to the victor who has the last intact army...


A quick look at how that leaves the Austrian front looking... I have been busy using my cavalry to raid rail lines... ripping up rail tracks to make it harder for the Russian armies to co-operate and combine against me... so far it seems to be working...

EN 14 EF2.jpg
B GOR D12.png
B RAWA D10.png
B RAWA D4.png
B IVAN D1.png
"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

Check out my 'To End All Wars' AAR:

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General of the Army
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Joined: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:40 pm

"we all live on a GB submarine, a GB submarine, a GB submarine..."

Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:34 pm

Those following my AAR will notice that I feel a lot more comfortable on land than at sea. But now for a change... some naval action. I notice something very strange in the Baltic... British subs appear to have moved straight through the Kiel canal... I sortie a sizeable fleet in pursuit... he must be aiming for the Baltic shipping box... sneaky devil...


In the south Pacific ... I normally have great respect for the Royal Navy but this is too much impudence... I spot a lone cruiser sailing past my port in the Pacific... perhaps it is bait for a trap, but I have to take the chance... opportunities to sink Royal Navy ships don't come along too often... it will be a long swim home for Admiral Cradock...

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"I can anticipate no greater calamity for the country than the dissolution of the Union... and I am willing to sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

Check out my 'To End All Wars' AAR:

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