Should I force the an end to the war between Great Britain and USA through script?

Poll ended at Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:21 am

Yes, it's ahistorical and compromises the campaign's realism.
No, let's see where it leads.
Give them more time, but end it if it goes on for a long time.
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German Empire, not quite an AAR...

Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:52 am

Well, as the title already suggests it's not really an AAR, but rather a periodic commentary I'll be posting here.

I'm already in 1881, the first year in the game was really pleasant, and I noticed that the time processing between turns is a lot shorter now, what in fact made me very happy (although I usually don't have many problems with turn processing time as I'm normally doing something else during these intervals, like reading a book or planning a lesson, I'm a teacher btw...). Nothing really extraordinary happened in the first year, I have struggled to controle inflation (that really scares me) and built some factories while trying to expand my influence in Africa. I've implemented many laws and invested hard on education so that my contentment and literacy level is very high at the moment.

The year of 1881 started with good news: The Three Emperors Alliance Renewal, although I didn't see any alliance appearing on the diplomatic screen (F9). In this game I intend keep the Three Emperors Alliance strong and isolate France in Europe, although it seems as though I'll have to try to do it manually and withing time as the event hadn't created an alliance (I don't know if it's a bug). I have declared war on Dahomey as they refused to give me suply rights and I'll use this opportunity to train my colonial troops commanded by Herman von Wissman, I'll make sure they'll regret this mistake...

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:47 am

I received some sad news from Russia, Tsar Alexander II was assassinated, and to make me even more sad von Wissman 's expeditionary force was defeated at Lome while he was innactive (I really hate these lazy generals). After this defeat, which was a heavy blow in our pride, we decided to end this war in honorable way (a good euhpemism for a defeat lol, but I think it's better than waste even more resources fighting an insignificant tribal nation like them).

At the home front things are not that bad, after inflation reached the 14% mark, I had the chance to lower it by 5 points by decision. While this we're extending our influence in Westafrika and making reforms and investments throughout our empire. It's not easy to aproach Austria and Russia, although I have good relations with Austria, they still don't accept a defensive pact with me, it seems like I'll still have to wait for a while...

Impressive enough I'm already rank 1 in Prestige, this really surprises me (is that the same with you Kensai?) as when I was playing the 1850GC I thought I would never catch up Great Britain in prestige.

(I tried to upload some screenshots here, but it seems like I can't upload World Pad files here in the forum, I'd appreciate any feedback as to how can I upload some pictures here...).

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:56 am

be interesting to see how this develops

for screenshots, best is to sign up with one of the hosting systems, there are a lot of these and are mostly free, I use imageshack, photobucket is popular. Once your image is online elsewhere you can link to it in the AAR.

you need syntax like:


I've changed the last two ] brackets to } so the syntaxt shows.

good luck
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:08 am

Thank you very much Roger!

I'll try to use it when I update here with more information, many interesting things have happened last turn, but I'm veeery sleepy (it's about 6 am here) so I'll update the report after I sleep a little.

I think you should start a campaign in this scenario, it's amazing, I'm really delighted.

I need to go now, see you later.

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 1:48 pm

Subscribed! :thumbsup:
Keep an eye on my similar AAR for ideas and inspiration. 1880 is indeed very enjoyable.

The year of 1881 started with good news: The Three Emperors Alliance Renewal, although I didn't see any alliance appearing on the diplomatic screen (F9). In this game I intend keep the Three Emperors Alliance strong and isolate France in Europe, although it seems as though I'll have to try to do it manually and withing time as the event hadn't created an alliance (I don't know if it's a bug). I have declared war on Dahomey as they refused to give me suply rights and I'll use this opportunity to train my colonial troops commanded by Herman von Wissman, I'll make sure they'll regret this mistake...

It is not a bug, although admittedly some events could be explained better. The game leaves you with the choice. For this event to fire you need to have already the alliance with Austria in place. But you have to do manually the one with Russia. Actually, you need to do both manually. The game leaves you some liberty to choose if you want to do that, although I would have written these events clearer to avoid such confusion.

Remember: the "Three Emperors Alliance" (GER-AUS-RUS) is DIFFERENT than the "Triple Alliance" (GER-AUS-ITA) that happens a few years later. But both of them have as prerequisite the defensive alliance with Austria. These events don't conclude said alliances, but act as reminders of the historical choices (and in some case give relations bonuses).
Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:37 pm

Well I've just woke up (I love holidays lol) and well, now that you told me of this condition I understand better what happened, I already had both events (The Three Emperors Alliance and the Triple Alliance) and I don't have an alliance with Austria signed yet, and both events happened in a turn I sent them a defensive pact request, even though they didn't accept, it seems like the prerequisite at the moment is a defensive alliance request and not one concluded.

I'll sure keep me eyes wide open on your AAR as well Kensai, in fact I was already watching it!

Soon I'll update here with the news.

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:43 pm

Good news!


I can now expand my presence in Africa even further, while this happened I was already dealing with a revolt in my Westafrika, as I intend to use this opportunity to protect my interests there and the natives of course, I was really happy to "hear the drums of war".

2014-04-22 15_36_25-Greenshot.png
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:55 pm

The economic crisis is finally over and I'm now with inflation under control.

As I stated before, I'm already ahead in the Prestige rank with an amazing 40% of my goal achieved!

...and my Empire is happy and proud after the storm!
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2014-04-22 15_43_12-Greenshot.png

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:28 pm

not sure if this happens in the 1880 scenario, but watch out for a huge surge in American prestige after 1900. Would suggest you need a war to seriously damage Perfidious Albion before then so as to ensure they can not match your PP growth (or your 40% will never really improve)
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:37 pm

We controlled the rebelion with many treaties and reforms in Duala and my forces there commanded by von Wissman have built an outpost and a coaling station is underway.


With our increaded military presence, I think now it's safe for our population to stabilish themselves in Duala and we're starting with a campaign to encourage our population to immigrate. Austria still refuses to sign a defensive treaty with us, maybe it has something to do with our decision to support the italians. After France betrayed them over Tunisia we think it's a good time for us to get closer.
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:40 pm

Thank you Loki for the advice, but we don't fear the americans, what can they do to us? They're just cowboys and a european power has nothing to fear from them.

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Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:55 pm

The italians are increasing their presence in Africa as well, I've just received an interesting report:


As long as they're our allies, it's not bad at all.
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Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:18 pm

We have finaly declared a protectorade in Duala.


We intend to start a naval expansion program in 1883, as we need to have a strong navy in order to protect our interests around the world.
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:21 am


Now we have formalised our colonization of Sudwestafrika and expanding our influence in Westafrika with the founding of the colonial societies. We're investing heavily in the infrastructure of our colonies, including schools for the natives, roads, harbours, coastal fortresses and depots etc. After all we have a mission to protect these peoples (and of course our interests), as we're investing a lot of money in all these projects we came to the conclusion that the expanding of our Kriegsmarine can wait a little longer.


Talking about money, inflation reached the 10% mark again...


so we had to adopot a measure to reduce it...

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:50 am

It seems Romania is interested in joining our alliance...


...but we still have hopes of convincing Russia to join us (as I don't trust the italians that much, as I think what they did in the first world war was one of the most shameful behaviors in the history of war and I don't want to risk it).

Next turn I send the austrians a new request for a deffensive treaty, I hope this time they accept (I have more than 60 relation with them, although I don't know if it matters when the A.I decides if accept or not, I'd appreciate a feedback here).
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:26 am

Nowhere in the world workers are treated so well as in Germany!

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:08 am

We have extender greatly our colonial empire in this year of 1883, finally we have established a colony in Westafrika und Südwestafrika, as well as a protectorate in Togoland and Samoa. Here are some pictures:




Our attempt to conquer Ostafrika faced some rebellions and we suffered some heavy losses, the worst of all of our general Gustav Nachtigal.


The German Empire mourn his death, in his honour we have the duty to conquer Ostafrika and punish the rebels responsible for his death!
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:38 am

Another economic crisis...


Inflation rises again...


At least some good news on the diplomatic arena, Austria finally signs an alliance with the German Empire!

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:59 am

(This is very strange, I see some territories in Africa where "nobody" has 100%¨, strange enough it's written that they are part of a German Colony, but I don't own Nigeria...)
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:04 am

We'll send a frigate squadron commanded by Karl Paschen to deal with the rebelion in Ostafrika...

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:06 am

did your general really die on 'mafia island' (my eyesight seems to be getting worse), if so you are very right to be suspicious of Italy

problem with those 'cowboys' is they will build a huge amount of industry and thus prestige, makes it much harder to reach double the score of your nearest rival.

in colonies, colonial penetration, colonial status and military control are all different things. Status is relatively fixed, so if you have a formal colony you can only lose it if someone takes it from you in a peace deal. But 'influenced' for example can switch depending on which power has the highest colonial penetration. But you can have 0% military control even in a colony (in the same way as you can in your own country if someone occupies a province).

Would suggest you need some more troops (either some sort of light infantry, colonial or native troops) just to make sure you can contain any revolts.
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:20 am

Yes he died there (or at least that's what they reported to me), I thought it was a very strange incident, thank you very much for opening my eyes to the possibility that Italy is somehow involved in this rebellion...

I have a plan to deal with the "cowboys", I'll try to aproach Spain soon, so if they try anything against Spain's interests (and I've heard they're already doing it with something called "monroe doutrine" or something like this, it's a kind of joke that tells these "cowboys" should "protect the american continent") I'll protect Spain.

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:12 am

This is how 1884 began:

News from Sudan...


Nachtigal isn't dead!


And finally Neuguinea is officially ours! And we shall make Solomons ours too and that will probably provoke a crisis with "Albion"...


And the Berlin conference of 1884 without text...


and we have many unsuplied native units in Africa, it seems like they won't be able to get suply from our depots close to the shore...I ordered them to go there but I think they won't be able to get there alive...

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:14 am

Our naval expansion program finally underway:

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:27 am

colonial supply - just build missions and trade posts, it will keep small forces alive till you can improve the situation
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Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:34 am

Thank you Loki. I'm amazed with Leopold II, the conference was a sucess and it was good to point out somethings, althougjh some others remain to be discussed, as british presence in Solomon (indeed they went there before me, but that doesn't matter as it's really close to my Neuguinea and thus should be mine).

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:43 am

Things are ugly in Sudan as the british declared a partial mobilization of their army...


It seems Japan is going to declare war on China soon...


(My general staff has established some complicated goals. How will I be able to conquer Qingdao? Kuwait gives me -1 prestige and I don't really want to make war on the russians to get Warsaw)

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:07 am

(The only problem with colonial suply, is that I don't own the region where many of these units are or the tolltip says I can't build a depot there, I've built missions where I could. After I asserted a colony in Duali I took control of many native troops, but at the time I didn't pay attention to them, but then later I noticed many of them were in terrotories beyond my colony in Duali and some in these territories where "nobody" has control.)

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:20 pm

I hope you guys are enjoying this "AAR", the lack of commentaries makes me a little apprehensive...

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Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:29 pm

Italian ambitions knows no bounds! They now have stated their interest in austrian's Istrien, they should know that the German Empire will defend its ally against all such unjustified ambition and therefore Italy must abandon its claims in the Austrian Empire, we have already helped the Italians to acquire what was rightful theirs, but now that their lands are united under one flag, thanks to us, they MUST act in a responsible way or face the consequences.


The economic crisis is over, and the projected growth is great again now that we're expanding our markets and money flows into the Empire.

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