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What the Empress did on her holidays ... and other tales

Tue May 28, 2013 9:53 am

With RoP Gold this is a none too serious, or detailed AAR. I'm playing Russia in a 4 player game and we are communicating among the anti-Prussian alliance by letters, sort of written in character. On that basis I thought it might be an idea to publish this importance correspondence of the Empress Elizabeths final years for the benefits of future historians.

Updates willl be short, the war will only be covered from the Russian/Swedish perspective (those being the two factions I control) and not too many images (not least I forgot to take any at the start). But I will try and discuss the new regional decisions that RoP Gold has introduced and, assuming I am successful in my plan to seriously upset Emmanuel Kant [1}, the new mechanisms for enabling the Russian army to cross Poland.

Table of Contents

A shopping trip to Berlin is agreed
Scouting for Stettin
Preparing for war
Manly, heroic Swedes (and one missing pony)
Whimpering Prussians, manly Swedes (no neeps) and Russia advances

[1] - he lived in Koenigsberg at this period and seemed to be largely undisturbed by the historical Russian occupation, as in the Mightiest Empires Fall, I take a far less permissive approach to his existence.
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Tue May 28, 2013 9:59 am

I am here & watching :)

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Tue May 28, 2013 10:24 am

Narwhal wrote:I am here & watching :)

I'd better get an update written then ... :thumbsup:
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Winter Blues

Tue May 28, 2013 10:37 am

St Petersburg, Winter 1757

Dear Cherie (and boring French man who is only a King)

We Empresses must just stick together. We MUST do Berlin again, my diary is clear for 1759 so lets make it then shall we? I need a new necklace, I so need one to offset this headgear.


Love the family picture.


Peter, well you know Peter, still storms up and down the corridors with his boots on shouting in German ... that boy will be the death of me.

I've had a letter from a Swedish person who wants to join. I know its better if its just us girls but we already have that minor French King so would you mind awfully if I invited the boring Swedish man along too ... you can invite that nutter Ludwig if you want. Anyway, Catherine is off on one of her rants, seems she doesn't like the idea of Prussians being in Stettin (muttered something about spoiling her memories of her first little pony), so it seems like I will just have to invade.

Families heh.

Oh I've sent some of those lovely hairy Cossacks to visit ... remember, whatever you do, don't let them have any matches.

All the best Liz
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Tue May 28, 2013 2:03 pm

Encore ! Encore !

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Swedish cavalry go to Stettin

Tue May 28, 2013 8:49 pm

Hi Madge (or would you rather I called you Terry?).

Well I am E(a)ger to join in all the fun you are having. When that Keith chap was here we found it easy to keep him quiet. I suggest someone nips into his tent and gives him some haggis and whisky (and, for some reason, a white heather flower [1]), that used to shut him up.

Catherine is still whinging on about her damn pony and what the Prussians might do to it in Stettin. I sent her to inspect the Guards to keep her quiet but I think she is going to be trouble. I have asked the boring Swedish man to send some cavalry to Stettin to check out the pony situation, hopefully that will shut her up.

Peter is prancing around humming 'tomorrow belongs to me', I reminded him he would only be Czar over my dead body.

I think I may have made a mistake, I mean yes he is dim, but he does misunderstand things.

Have you heard from Louis? My last message from him had a lot of complaints about having to fight Monsters. I don't think he is that reliable.

Talk soon

Love Liz.

[1] one of the symbols of the Jacobite revolt in 1745
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Preparing to go shopping

Wed May 29, 2013 8:46 pm

Dear Terry (and Lou)

I am afraid to say the Prussians are opposed to my shopping trip to Koenigsberg, all I hear from that Apraksin man is 'can't'. Well I tell you when I arrive I'll put an end to Kant ... and him if he doesn't buck up his ideas. He also claims that someone called Dohna is telling him he can't (that damn word again) cross the border as his papers are not in order.

Anyway, my nice Mr Browne has a much better idea. If the Prussians want to tell me the shops are shut we just blow the doors down. My only fear is he might be too enthusiastic and blow up the shops at the same time – but I guess we all need to take risks.

You'll be pleased to know I have over-ruled Apraksin and ordered some Cossacks to investigate. I do hope he remembered to confiscate all their matches but ... well accidents do happen.

Catherine is still whinging about her pony, especially now the Swedish men have run off like scared kittens back to Stalsrund. I fear this is going to create all sorts of problems in later years.

I do think you are being too Eager with that nice Mr Keith but I am glad to hear that you stopped Frederick at Prague. It is so important to stop them getting to the beer stocks.

I understand that Louis is no longer seeing those Monsters, so maybe his armies will make some progress now.

All the best for now


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Heroic manly Swedes (& other illusions)

Fri May 31, 2013 9:28 am

Dear Madge and Lou

Well these Swedes are sooo brave. He's sent me a message that a Prussian army is approaching Stalsrund but that he intends to defend outside the city so as to drive them off. What a man ... I warm to him, maybe I have been too rude about him so far.

Peter has upset Catherine. Some joke about her pony being served up with the turnips. She stormed off to play with the Guards again. I fear that girl is going to have a very worrying reputation.

I'm so glad your E(a)gerness paid off and I do agree Karl is soooo bad, I'd want to spank him there too. Your war sounds so exciting I have ordered Apraksin to do something.

For once he didn't say "can't" and he has agreed to send most of the army on to Koenigsberg but has insisted he personally has to stay behind to, and I quote, 'take care of all the little details'. I guess this is an improvement.

Oh and Memel is mine but there are no decent shops there so I won't visit.



OOC – 3 corps were active and have been ordered into E Prussia but Apraksin was inactive so I opted to leave him behind. Memel fell quickly so that small force is marching to join the main army.
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Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:36 am

OOC - sorry about the delay, game stalled for a while and I want to keep these a little behind the action. Also, we've agreed that we will not post in-game images to each other, so the updates will remain text based (for the most part).

Dear Terry and Lou

I am surrounded by big brave men. The heroic Swedes stand in front of Stalsrund defying millions of Prussians. He has announced that they will never be mashed (or mistaken for Neeps).

In Prussia, even Aprakson has run out of excuses. He hasn't said 'kant' for ... oh, days now. So since the Prussians won't attack me, he's agreed the army should march on Koenigsburg immediately.

My only concern ... well apart from Peter's strange musical tastes and Catherine still wittering about her damn pony ... is that these Prussians will not be a sufficient challenge.

In anticipation of some huge bangs in the next few days.


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Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:40 am

LIZ and MADGE Hilarious!

BTW- why couldn't old sod Lou be excluded and Madame Pompadour be included in the Empress League a la Justice League to fight evil little Freddie and his goose stepping forces?

P.S:- Wasn't the Russian Empress having SWEDE blood via her Mother, the First Woman Empress of Russia or is that all HUSH-HUSH!!

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