Chris Ferrous
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Can I disable (Mod out) some War Plans?

Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:49 pm

I've started the Grand Campaign as the Entente four times now and generally speaking it's been great fun. The first couple of times were just 'practice games' really in order to get the game set-up options right and to get to know the mechanics of the game.

But, presumably entirely due to bad luck, on three occasions Germany has chosen the Rupprecht Plan which involves attacking Switzerland instead of Belgium! Of all the possible historical situations I would like to play / examine that must be my least preferred option.

So, I ask, is there a simple change I can make to disable Germany from making that choice again? Would simply deleting the Rupprecht Plan line of the War Plans spreadsheet do the trick?

I nevertheless acknowledge that it is interesting and historically relevant to have the possibility of Switzerland being attacked in this way and I'm familiar with the Kaiser's alleged comment to a Swiss Sharpshooter during an honour guard inspection as to how he'd behave if German troops advanced against his Company but when Switzerland is the first ally to rally to the Entente every time it becomes a bit tiresome!

Help would be appreciated.

Chris Ferrous
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Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:32 pm

I've tried two more starts this evening and incredibly one of those was another Rupprecht! So that's four times out of six now.

Surely it would be preferable if the AI had a slightly lower chance of picking the Rupprecht plan, and a slightly higher chance of picking the Schleifflen?

I'm assuming from my experience that all plans are equally likely and I've just been 'unlucky'.

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Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:47 pm

I would imagine if you go to [color="Red"]World War One Gold\Data\DB\WarPlans.csv[/color] you should be able to edit out the offending plan or remove it using //.

Be sure to save a copy of the original somewhere safe though and use M$ Wordpad to retain punctuation and spacing.

Good Luck

Chris Ferrous
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That seems to work

Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:56 am

Thanks, Random.

It really does seem to be that easy! I was originally looking in the wrong place - in the data folder* rather than the db folder - but by deleting the Rupprecht line of the csv file and leaving it blank I find that the Rupprecht plan is no longer listed as a German option.

So, hopefully, the AI can't pick it again either!

Thus it would seem eminently feasible to force the game to run in historical mode by deleting all non-historical choices from all sides options. I just might do that. :)

* all the spreadsheets seem to be duplicated in the data folder and I have not altered these but it now appears the db folder data is what runs the game.

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Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:33 pm

Should have made a forum search first before asking in a separate thread... :bonk:

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:35 am

Here's a JSGME ready mod to play the historical warplans only. It contains my Battleships to Turkey event fix and Grand Campaign Naval Mods.

Unzip into the Mods folder and enable using JSGME.

For more on WW1G and JSGME see:

Naval Mods and Generic Mod Enabler

For the JSGME Mod:


Had this sitting around for a while but never bothered to upload it thinking there be no demand.

(105.38 KiB) Downloaded 300 times

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NY Rangers
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Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:11 am

Thanks Random, appreciated!

Panama Red
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Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:48 pm

:thumbsup: Thank you Random.

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