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Call for Volunteers - ROP

Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:58 pm

Hi :D

We need to try to reduce the confusion to the general users with beta patches, as the beta team is pretty much gone.

So, we are in need of 2 or 3 "veterans" to restart the RoP Beta team.

The major activity will be limited to testing "pre-release" patches. both beta and final. We are generally not going to do much with design changes at this time.

Reply either here or by PM to me. :)
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Exsecratus Sicarius
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Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:20 pm

Though I'm no veteran, and I am somewhat new here, I would like to know what is a good way to learn to beta test? If I can be good enough later, I would need to start now somehow. :cool:

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