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Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:32 pm

4. maybe make the prospector card dependant of undiscovered resources?

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Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:24 pm

found some problem, im at crymean war, winningg decisevely, and decidet to farm some war points to get regions i want, now i have enought WP, but cant get them, because ottomans send me every 2 turn peace offer, and since i cant send mine in turn i recive thier offer, i can only send in next turn, only to see it another next turn automaticaly expired since they send me thier new terms.
So pls agead add option to modify/renegotiate send offer of peace terms or lets AI FIRSTLY look at your peace offer, before they send thiers, so it will be posible to make peace at your liking.

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Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:25 pm

and one request - pls increase diplomat limit to 30 from low 20, because sometimes i forgot to use them, only to have waste them when come next batch,turn indicator how many remain before you get next batch (tooltip when ou hoover over them) will be nice.

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Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:31 pm

Moriety wrote:Hi mate,
I understand the restrictions for the different cards! the problem is none of the cards are altering any of the values (SOI, MC, loyalty etc) when they should be.
I have written about it in the 1.03 thread we were talking on. BTW: I'd also like an overlay that showed by colour shading, the proportion of national population in colonies.

Generals: There are way way to few of them, period. I want the freedom to train as many as I feel I need. The retirement idea: the worst game design decision I've ever seen AGEOD do. (The invincible always replenished rebels the second).
Removing choice from players is never a good design decision. Why did they also remove the freedom for players to design their own Division composition? Another crazy decision that removes player choice and fun.

No card have SOI limitation. But many CP improving card need at lest 1% CP in that area to played, and to get CP in clear region you have other cards - like antopological/botanical expedition, prospectors, explorers, missionaries....
For card neededing MC - you have limitations here writen - like on military outpost. If card dont have it displayed, here is no limit on MC, it can be played on region indedendednt of MC. And MO improve MC, read it carefuly (by 15% IIRC).
Same with loayality colonist need it, but nearly all others no. And you have chief bribing (i think) which improve loaylaty by 2%.

Anf id you think here is one card which miss your desired efects, simply create it (by modifing existing, merging them..etc) and then you can add that card to RGD pool under includes directoty to desired nation (or to all to be fair) - but this will need starting of new game, since it is readed onyl when gam start.
To add it to running game, you need to create event for it, how ask someone else :) .

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Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:43 pm

czert2 wrote:and one request - pls increase diplomat limit to 30 from low 20, because sometimes i forgot to use them, only to have waste them when come next batch,turn indicator how many remain before you get next batch (tooltip when ou hoover over them) will be nice.

The Diplomat limit changes with your leader's stats. You can have 15, 25 or even 35 depending on your ruler.
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:02 pm

Jim-NC wrote:A note on my difficulties with the Cubans. Somehow I was able to finally corner them and destroy them in Early May 1869. They didn't get 100% replacements that turn. I am not sure why/how they only got partial replacements that turn, and not the full group.

I think rebels work ok, considering that otherwise it might have been too easy. Rebels and partisans should be difficult to eradicate unless you achieve convincing and decisive victories (ie destroying entire elements). Doing so will eventually kill them all. Also, try to have every garrison in the provinces you own at offensive posture so they will try to chase them down if they retreat to one of your MCed areas. This what I did to speed up their defeat in the Boshin War.

Btw, President Grant assumed office in our Early June turn. Do not ask, I had nothing to do with it...

Generalissimo, is there a command to reset the regions of a nation as core and national? Japan is messed up after the Boshin War, I cannot build ports in certain regions because they are considered "colonial areas" even if they are on Honshu!! :bonk:
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:27 pm

Kensai wrote:I think rebels work ok, considering that otherwise it might have been too easy. Rebels and partisans should be difficult to eradicate unless you achieve convincing and decisive victories (ie destroying entire elements). Doing so will eventually kill them all. Also, try to have every garrison in the provinces you own at offensive posture so they will try to chase them down if they retreat to one of your MCed areas. This what I did to speed up their defeat in the Boshin War.

Btw, President Grant assumed office in our Early June turn. Do not ask, I had nothing to do with it...

Generalissimo, is there a command to reset the regions of a nation as core and national? Japan is messed up after the Boshin War, I cannot build ports in certain regions because they are considered "colonial areas" even if they are on Honshu!! :bonk:

And I don't mind small units rebuilding. But when they get 15,000-20,000 replacements a turn, it gets a little difficult. My garrisons were 1 corps + attached units. They were attempting to fight 2 divisions that never died. So, it's not a "minor" problem, but a large problem in that case.

This is why I say let them replace a fixed amount of hits, not the entire force.
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:39 pm

czert2 wrote:No card have SOI limitation. But many CP improving card need at lest 1% CP in that area to played, and to get CP in clear region you have other cards - like antopological/botanical expedition, prospectors, explorers, missionaries....
For card neededing MC - you have limitations here writen - like on military outpost. If card dont have it displayed, here is no limit on MC, it can be played on region indedendednt of MC. And MO improve MC, read it carefuly (by 15% IIRC).
Same with loayality colonist need it, but nearly all others no. And you have chief bribing (i think) which improve loaylaty by 2%.

Anf id you think here is one card which miss your desired efects, simply create it (by modifing existing, merging them..etc) and then you can add that card to RGD pool under includes directoty to desired nation (or to all to be fair) - but this will need starting of new game, since it is readed onyl when gam start.
To add it to running game, you need to create event for it, how ask someone else :) .

You dont understand, all the values are locked, and nothing will change them.
Just two examples;

[Russia/Japan] SOI- 2/0 (Russia) & 3/0 (Japan). CP- 35/30. Loyalty- 80/20. MC- 100% Japan. Development- 27%. Structures; Japan- Anchorage, Coal mine. Russia- Coal mine, Mission, Trading Post.
Population: Russian 32%, Siberian 59%, Japanese 9%

[Russia/China] SOI- 5/1 (Russia) & 0/0 (China). CP- 40/60. Loyalty- 75/25. MC- 75% Russia 25% China. Development- 25%. Structures. China- Coaling Station. Russia- Trading Post. Mission, Military Outpost.
Population: Russian 78%, Siberian 22%.

(I have troops in both provinces, neither China or Japan do).

As you can see, I should, and can play a few cards (no immigrants allowed though), but no matter what cards I play these values listed above never change, they are stuck!

In the Central Asia provinces of Bokhara, Khiva and Kokand I have never been able to play the immigrant card. CP is now 100% in Khiva, all are colonies, and I guess because of the major bugs Russia seems to suffer from they will always stay as colonies?

I've got a list of other bugs I've discovered playing as Russia and I'll post them tomorrow.... :)
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:58 am

@Kensai: you can get back a region as national by adjusting its loyalty.

What happened to Sagji, he still plays?

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Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:09 am

Jim-NC wrote:And I don't mind small units rebuilding. But when they get 15,000-20,000 replacements a turn, it gets a little difficult. My garrisons were 1 corps + attached units. They were attempting to fight 2 divisions that never died. So, it's not a "minor" problem, but a large problem in that case.

This is why I say let them replace a fixed amount of hits, not the entire force.

If they weren't replacing like that you would have won in the first turn of your confrontation. Some challenge is needed, considering that humans play better. I wish I weren't so "efficient" in my Boshin War, although I totally enjoyed it! :)

Pocus wrote:@Kensai: you can get back a region as national by adjusting its loyalty.

What happened to Sagji, he still plays?

That's quite strange, since I'm talking about Toyama and Nagoya (which rebelled indeed but came under my boot) why would loyalty stay low? There regions (on the main Japanese island: Honshu!) are considered colonial!! IIRC all Japanese islands are core regions except of the two regions of Hokkaido which should be "national regions" (and later, when annexed, Ryukyu). I will try to raise loyalty and report again.

sagji has left our multiplayer game a couple of months ago. I am not sure of his whereabouts.
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:11 am

What of the AI? How would it handle that many re-spawing pixels? I got lucky on the last turn, and wiped them out. However My NM had dropped 20 points from the constant war, and I was looking at a further 20 point drop before I could crush them. But then the stars aligned, and I was able to smash them. I doubt the Spanish AI would have done half as good.
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:27 am

But that's the point! Historically these rebellions were much more important than in our game which are simply a nuisance. According to Wikipedia the 1868 Cuban rebellion was also known as the "Ten Year War". How fast did you defeat them again? Same story with the Boshin War, I managed to beat them in a couple of decisive battles and if I weren't roleplaying I would have been even more efficient (couple of months, probably). Only the Taiping Civil War has been really difficult so far, and even there, our player (joe) succeeded!

I feel that if you know how to deal with the rebels and their constant retreats, it is rather easy, the huge "replenishment" is almost the only way to simulate their "partisan" nature unless you manage to give them a decisive blow. It should not be easier than that. The only other fix I could imagine demands dynamic events where the spawned powers are adjusted to the current level of firepower a nation has, meaning probably a complex event which evaluates elements count beforehand. But wouldn't that be too much? It would mean the complete rewriting of all rebel events.
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:26 pm

I'm not too sure about what are the scripts involved here, but what I know is that, for revolts handled by the code, loyalty is super important. Undermine the loyalty base, and there should be less replacements. WHAM...

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Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:58 pm

Pocus, the F6 situation seems to be a bug, unless the period between the game checks for regional status is overly large which I don't think so since it shows promptly the various "real" colonial regions I happen to set foot on (Sorong, Iryanjaya, Okinawa, etc)




When the New Era (capital change from Kyoto to Tokyo) script fired I had the opposite situation, Kyoto and the Southern regions were all core regions, instead the Northern ones were simply national. I felt it was normal as the rebel regions were somehow cutting my owned home regions in half. After the new capital event, it changed into the exact opposite, even if the Southern regions were never under loyalty dispute. Moreover, and this is the real problem, the old rebellious regions of Toyama and Nagoya never reversed to national or core regions, staying colonial which is a real problem as I cannot further develop them (tried to build a port and was asked to have a better (!) CP). Loyalty in all regions of Japan (all four home islands) is 100% so it's not a low loyalty issue.

Now, I suspect that this happens because the firing Boshin War events set said regions to legitowner NONE.

Code: Select all

SelectRegion = $Toyama
  SetLegitOwner = NULL
SelectRegion = $Nagoya
  SetLegitOwner = NULL
SelectRegion = $Edo
  SetLegitOwner = NULL
SelectRegion = $Hokaido
  SetLegitOwner = NULL

Although further down the script recovers these regions, for example:

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = $JAP
SelectRegion = $Nagoya
  ChangeRgnOwner = REB

I guess the engine somehow does not recognize my country as the legit owner... Can you suggest me a script to correct this? When the game starts all home islands of Japan are core regions except of Hokkaido which is extended national regions. Obviously Kuriles, Shakalin, Ryukyu are beyond that...
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:07 pm

As you can see in this image, most of my regions are considered "claimed" when all three Southern islands (Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku) should be national core regions (as they have a direct link, they are not considered overseas albeit the sea). Only Hokkaido should be claimed (extended national) area. This is the situation when the game starts. It should be the correct (sensible) one.


So, can you help me author a script to fix this?! :)
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:37 pm

Pocus wrote:@Kensai: you can get back a region as national by adjusting its loyalty.

Hi Pocus,
Is there any chance of you looking at the problems Russia has with the disputed Chinese and Japanese territories, as well as the Central Asian tribal nations I've mentioned in the posts above?
(The Central Asian states all have loyalty fixed at 100% to their nations, despite being protectorates/colonies).
In the Chinese disputed territories one value will change in two provinces: Primorie and Ussuri. If I move out the unfixed extra troops I placed in these provinces the MC will shift from 75% Russian to 75% China.

Regarding the problem Kensai reports about Japanese provinces becoming Colonial after revolts, Russia has the same problems in the Polish and Baltic provinces. They are all hard-coded to change loyalty away from Russia over time. Once you briefly lose a province to random revolts that has 100% loyalty to Poland/Lithuania etc the AI considers it a colonial province once recaptured and structures can no longer be built or replaced. Warsaw is colonial now (as are three others).... :)

The railways: About 1 in 4 are failing to be painted onto the map when built. AI built railways are not affected.

Some other stuff playing as Russia:
1) The "No Children work" edict can be purchased multiple times.
2) The Drain wetlands card doesn't work. (And the edict can also be brought more than once).
3) National morale always snaps back to 100% after a loss or a gain.
4) You cannot access ships in the Siberian coastal province of Jugug, and the structure placement on most Siberian coastal provinces need moving inland as they are not displaying correctly.
5) The overlay for Collection centres is broken. In placement mode every single province shows as green (even provinces that already have one).

Minor stuff:
6) Russia destroyed it's own Outpost as rebels fled a province??!!
7) Rybachi (by Murmansk) starts in 1850 with an Anchorage, but a fort image is displayed for it.
8) East Anglia is forested but is in fact the UK's bread basket. So plains or marsh (The Fenlands) would be more appropriate.
9) When the sale of Alaska event fires all units in Alaska are destroyed by the AI. It would be nice if they were moved to Siberia instead.

For a Russian player the disputed territories and the Central Asian tribal nations being broken is really quite serious, it really would be great if you could take a look at the issue!
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:58 pm

Jim-NC wrote:The Diplomat limit changes with your leader's stats. You can have 15, 25 or even 35 depending on your ruler.

Ok, so let they improve modier for it, so no longer wasted diplomats :) . And if they want this for historical reasons...so lets they introduce modier for it - like we have exended building/forces pool :) .
And for devs - pls fix very long little annoing bug - lets game REMEMBER position of extended building pool setting, it is little tiring to move it to my setting after every game start.

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Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:30 pm

Moriety wrote:Czert,
You dont understand, all the values are locked, and nothing will change them.
Just two examples;

[Russia/Japan] SOI- 2/0 (Russia) & 3/0 (Japan). CP- 35/30. Loyalty- 80/20. MC- 100% Japan. Development- 27%. Structures; Japan- Anchorage, Coal mine. Russia- Coal mine, Mission, Trading Post.
Population: Russian 32%, Siberian 59%, Japanese 9%

[Russia/China] SOI- 5/1 (Russia) & 0/0 (China). CP- 40/60. Loyalty- 75/25. MC- 75% Russia 25% China. Development- 25%. Structures. China- Coaling Station. Russia- Trading Post. Mission, Military Outpost.
Population: Russian 78%, Siberian 22%.

(I have troops in both provinces, neither China or Japan do).

As you can see, I should, and can play a few cards (no immigrants allowed though), but no matter what cards I play these values listed above never change, they are stuck!

In the Central Asia provinces of Bokhara, Khiva and Kokand I have never been able to play the immigrant card. CP is now 100% in Khiva, all are colonies, and I guess because of the major bugs Russia seems to suffer from they will always stay as colonies?

I've got a list of other bugs I've discovered playing as Russia and I'll post them tomorrow.... :)

I dont see problem here :

sachalin - japan is major power and you cant "steal" MC from him unless in war (despite you have bigger CP).
ror mines - they can have multiple ovnesr as thier numbers are only limited by resources avaivable in region (1 - 6 lines in circle), others like harbors are limed by one per pro, so first come fist serve :) .

primoroje - china, have bigger CP here, so it is considered owner of region, so you cantz steal MC here, only if you will have bigger CP here (but not absolutely sure).

for immigrants a) khiva - that you have anexed/colonized these regions and you have control over them doest mean they are LOAYAL to you, immigrants have minimal loayality needed (but you can always remove it from that card).
b)for primoroje/sachalin you need that game recognize them as yours, which is not this case (you lack cp and/or mc)

and no value is stuck, as told earlier - most card stops imprving CP after 30-35 , so you need try realy hard to have better CP than china in primoroje.
Which values you think are stuck ?
Loayality ? Dont expect it to change overnight without giving them reason to like you.
population composition ? well, without immigrants which improve your nationality here it will be realy hard.

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Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:30 pm

czert2 wrote:I dont see problem here :

sachalin - japan is major power and you cant "steal" MC from him unless in war (despite you have bigger CP).
ror mines - they can have multiple ovnesr as thier numbers are only limited by resources avaivable in region (1 - 6 lines in circle), others like harbors are limed by one per pro, so first come fist serve :) .

primoroje - china, have bigger CP here, so it is considered owner of region, so you cantz steal MC here, only if you will have bigger CP here (but not absolutely sure).

for immigrants a) khiva - that you have anexed/colonized these regions and you have control over them doest mean they are LOAYAL to you, immigrants have minimal loayality needed (but you can always remove it from that card).
b)for primoroje/sachalin you need that game recognize them as yours, which is not this case (you lack cp and/or mc)

and no value is stuck, as told earlier - most card stops imprving CP after 30-35 , so you need try realy hard to have better CP than china in primoroje.
Which values you think are stuck ?
Loayality ? Dont expect it to change overnight without giving them reason to like you.
population composition ? well, without immigrants which improve your nationality here it will be realy hard.

Thanks for the reply Czert.

Well, All the values are stuck except for MC (if I remove the troops from Primorie it will switch to 75% Chinese MC.)
I cannot place immigrants in any of the provinces in Central Asia or the disputed territories (except Ussuri) which means I cannot effect loyalty or population composition.
If I understand correctly, the SOI's that have a dynamic value (for instance 5/1) should alter other values over time?

The values I put in the previous post have stayed exactly the same for over 10 game years now, meaning they are somehow locked. How can they be shifted?
Why cant I place immigrants if I have 75% loyalty and 32% of the population in a province?
Why does China have MC in a province it has only 25% loyalty in against my 75%- A province I also have troops, loyalty majority & population in (she has no pop' or troops here), along with some structures. (She just has an anchorage!), yet I still cant send immigrants and despite the dynamic SOI it is stuck at 35% SOI. I have everything I need here to change the SOI beyond 35% surely? Yet I cant even send immigrants.
I did notice the manual states the Naval cards help plug the 35-50% gap but the tool tip shows they are good for only 20 & 25%.
So what am I not understanding here!

For the Central Asian provinces they have 100% population and 100% loyalty to their colonised tribal nation. Can I still annex them when it is like this? From what you say this is WAD? (Even though some of the cards should give you 5% loyalty, here they do not).
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:31 pm

Pocus wrote:I'm not too sure about what are the scripts involved here, but what I know is that, for revolts handled by the code, loyalty is super important. Undermine the loyalty base, and there should be less replacements. WHAM...

Almost impossible in my case as the game took Spanish loyalty down 50, and the Cubans up 50. Thus I had mostly no loyalty (0% in the middle 2 provinces, 16% in Oriente (what was Santiago de Cuba), and 46% in Habana). The other issue was the drop in my NM. I was taking a 1 point NM hit every turn. Thus in 1 year I had a NM of 80, the next year would have been 56, and the year after 32. At which point my home country would have collapsed. It would have probably been better to have Cubans spawn new units every year. Maybe without the war being declared (they way you fight tribesmen in Africa - the undeclared war).
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Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:46 pm

czert2 wrote:I dont see problem here :

sachalin - japan is major power and you cant "steal" MC from him unless in war (despite you have bigger CP).
ror mines - they can have multiple ovnesr as thier numbers are only limited by resources avaivable in region (1 - 6 lines in circle), others like harbors are limed by one per pro, so first come fist serve :) .

primoroje - china, have bigger CP here, so it is considered owner of region, so you cantz steal MC here, only if you will have bigger CP here (but not absolutely sure).

for immigrants a) khiva - that you have anexed/colonized these regions and you have control over them doest mean they are LOAYAL to you, immigrants have minimal loayality needed (but you can always remove it from that card).
b)for primoroje/sachalin you need that game recognize them as yours, which is not this case (you lack cp and/or mc)

and no value is stuck, as told earlier - most card stops imprving CP after 30-35 , so you need try realy hard to have better CP than china in primoroje.
Which values you think are stuck ?
Loayality ? Dont expect it to change overnight without giving them reason to like you.
population composition ? well, without immigrants which improve your nationality here it will be realy hard.

Thanks for the reply Czert.

Well, All the values are stuck except for MC (if I remove the troops from Primorie it will switch to 75% Chinese MC.)
I cannot place immigrants in any of the provinces in Central Asia or the disputed territories (except Ussuri) which means I cannot effect loyalty or population composition.
If I understand correctly, the SOI's that have a dynamic value (for instance 5/1) should alter other values over time?

The values I put in the previous post have stayed exactly the same for over 10 game years now, meaning they are somehow locked. How can they be shifted?
Why cant I place immigrants if I have 75% loyalty and 32% of the population in a province?
Why does China have MC in a province it has only 25% loyalty in against my 75%- A province I also have troops, loyalty majority & population in (she has no pop' or troops here), along with some structures. (She just has an anchorage!), yet I still cant send immigrants and despite the dynamic SOI it is stuck at 35% SOI. I have everything I need here to change the SOI beyond 35% surely? Yet I cant even send immigrants.
I did notice the manual states the Naval cards help plug the 35-50% gap but the tool tip shows they are good for only 20 & 25%.
So what am I not understanding here!

For the Central Asian provinces they have 100% population and 100% loyalty to their colonised tribal nation. Can I still annex them when it is like this? From what you say this is WAD? (Even though some of the cards should give you 5% loyalty, here they do not).
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Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:14 am

Or, more realistically, make peace and leave Cuba (even allowing it to form as sovereign nation if it is scripted) and come back later with heavier forces. NM is lost each turn in most "Moderate" nations in case you are into a losing war (negative warscore) and goes down to 100 even if you are winning it.

(That's why Prussia and Japan are both bleeding NM in that other war)
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Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:08 am

Would it be possible to check the Italian Unification Events.

In my current game the Garibaldi event has fired and he has successfully invaded and captured Sicily (I believe that this is further along the chain than some players get). Now he is just sitting there even though the Straits of Masseena are undefended and he outnumbers the Neoploitan army 4 to 1 in power terms. I believe for the last part of the unification chain to occur he must capture Naples which looks like it will never happen! This event was manually modified to get around the problem on the multiplayer game.

Also would it be possible to add a forced crises at the end of the treaty of Plombiers event chain. At the moment I don't believe that the Austrian AI will ever attack as it can 'see' that S-P has a defensive alliance with France. If there was a forced crises at the end of the chain it would enable the player the choice to escalate to a full war or back down (which would avoid hard coding the 1859 war to occur)

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:52 pm

Moriety wrote:Thanks for the reply Czert.

Well, All the values are stuck except for MC (if I remove the troops from Primorie it will switch to 75% Chinese MC.)
I cannot place immigrants in any of the provinces in Central Asia or the disputed territories (except Ussuri) which means I cannot effect loyalty or population composition.
If I understand correctly, the SOI's that have a dynamic value (for instance 5/1) should alter other values over time?

The values I put in the previous post have stayed exactly the same for over 10 game years now, meaning they are somehow locked. How can they be shifted?
Why cant I place immigrants if I have 75% loyalty and 32% of the population in a province?
Why does China have MC in a province it has only 25% loyalty in against my 75%- A province I also have troops, loyalty majority & population in (she has no pop' or troops here), along with some structures. (She just has an anchorage!), yet I still cant send immigrants and despite the dynamic SOI it is stuck at 35% SOI. I have everything I need here to change the SOI beyond 35% surely? Yet I cant even send immigrants.
I did notice the manual states the Naval cards help plug the 35-50% gap but the tool tip shows they are good for only 20 & 25%.
So what am I not understanding here!

For the Central Asian provinces they have 100% population and 100% loyalty to their colonised tribal nation. Can I still annex them when it is like this? From what you say this is WAD? (Even though some of the cards should give you 5% loyalty, here they do not).

jup, SOI is dynamical value, it change over time (and it is random to some degree), all you need it to have protectorate/colony/dominion here to be able to incease SOI.
For 75% loaylity - are you sure you are OWNER of that prov ? If he belong china you cant send immigrants here, as told many times. Loayaity , even big, dont change prov owner ship to you after certain time (khiva is nice example, because thy are 100% loaylal to khiva - that will meaned that after certain time they will become independent, after you anexed them).
CP WILL increase over time, but you need to be - again - OWNER of that region + have it as protectorate or better, if you dont have it, CP can be increased only by playing cards and/or certain building like mission (but max CP for it is around 27%), trade post (no idea of max cp), school..etc.
Why china contol region in which you have better CP ? maby because he owned it BEFORE you get here bigger cp ? (including game start, if china controled that region from 600 AC (or at how date was china created?), you cant do much against it).
Swiching of ownership of region to you with bigger CP work only in unclaimed regions (owner none - black flag), or against tribal nations (some africa nations + some oceania nations) it DONT work against unorganized nations or better (like china).
Dont switch SOI with CP - they are totaly different things.

Majority of thinks you think are bugs, are simply not understanding of game mechanicks. But soem were sure bugs, like losing all units on alaska when was sold, poland becoming colony and few others.

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Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:09 am

czert2 wrote:jup, SOI is dynamical value, it change over time (and it is random to some degree), all you need it to have protectorate/colony/dominion here to be able to incease SOI.
For 75% loaylity - are you sure you are OWNER of that prov ? If he belong china you cant send immigrants here, as told many times. Loayaity , even big, dont change prov owner ship to you after certain time (khiva is nice example, because thy are 100% loaylal to khiva - that will meaned that after certain time they will become independent, after you anexed them).
CP WILL increase over time, but you need to be - again - OWNER of that region + have it as protectorate or better, if you dont have it, CP can be increased only by playing cards and/or certain building like mission (but max CP for it is around 27%), trade post (no idea of max cp), school..etc.
Why china contol region in which you have better CP ? maby because he owned it BEFORE you get here bigger cp ? (including game start, if china controled that region from 600 AC (or at how date was china created?), you cant do much against it).
Swiching of ownership of region to you with bigger CP work only in unclaimed regions (owner none - black flag), or against tribal nations (some africa nations + some oceania nations) it DONT work against unorganized nations or better (like china).
Dont switch SOI with CP - they are totaly different things.

Majority of thinks you think are bugs, are simply not understanding of game mechanicks. But soem were sure bugs, like losing all units on alaska when was sold, poland becoming colony and few others.

Okay, I'll abandon the disputed territories. I have wasted thosends of gold playing cards on these provinces to no effect and built all structures the AI would allow. (Except for Ussuri which I have 100% CP in.). All provinces have a dynamic SOI in my favour, but no values are changing, as they are elsewhere- such as the tribal states and Siberia.
Annoyed I decided to colonise Ryuku. It is now a protectorate, despite Japan protesting.


1) The Edicts; I can currently repurchase the following Edicts/Acts (despite having already purchased them): No Children Work, Telecommunications network, Roads, Sewers and Drainage of Wetlands. (The card you use for Wetlands is broken anyway as mentioned before.)
2) Another event and info displaying as a text string: evt_nam_PRU_SpanishHohenzollern1870.
3) A correction. Railway lines failing to be drawn onto the map is also happening to AI placement. I've noticed if you build lines in every adjacent province the tracks will often then finally appear. The failure rate is actually about 50%, higher than I first thought.

Is anyone from Ageod reading and noting these reports btw? (I know I'm being ignored which is fine, I'm too old to care, but I still don't like wasting my time!).
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Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:05 pm

Moriety wrote:Okay, I'll abandon the disputed territories. I have wasted thosends of gold playing cards on these provinces to no effect and built all structures the AI would allow. (Except for Ussuri which I have 100% CP in.). All provinces have a dynamic SOI in my favour, but no values are changing, as they are elsewhere- such as the tribal states and Siberia.
Annoyed I decided to colonise Ryuku. It is now a protectorate, despite Japan protesting.


1) The Edicts; I can currently repurchase the following Edicts/Acts (despite having already purchased them): No Children Work, Telecommunications network, Roads, Sewers and Drainage of Wetlands. (The card you use for Wetlands is broken anyway as mentioned before.)
2) Another event and info displaying as a text string: evt_nam_PRU_SpanishHohenzollern1870.
3) A correction. Railway lines failing to be drawn onto the map is also happening to AI placement. I've noticed if you build lines in every adjacent province the tracks will often then finally appear. The failure rate is actually about 50%, higher than I first thought.

Is anyone from Ageod reading and noting these reports btw? (I know I'm being ignored which is fine, I'm too old to care, but I still don't like wasting my time!).

some edits are MEANED to be repurchrasable - like roads, sewers and similiar - they increase pool in which you can build these cards. No idea about children work.
For RR drawing - yes, in some regions they are not displayd despite beging build, no idea why, if to save memory or someting else. But i dont find it crucial.

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Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:08 pm

An important correction to the balance of the game would be the attributed negative or zero ruler attributes, as explained in the first post. You can compare the images of the aggregated sums with the supposed DB values and see. For example the 41st US Congress should have given a hefty malus to President Grant's administration, instead it adds up the default 1.
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Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:40 pm

powloon1 wrote:Would it be possible to check the Italian Unification Events.

In my current game the Garibaldi event has fired and he has successfully invaded and captured Sicily (I believe that this is further along the chain than some players get). Now he is just sitting there even though the Straits of Masseena are undefended and he outnumbers the Neoploitan army 4 to 1 in power terms. I believe for the last part of the unification chain to occur he must capture Naples which looks like it will never happen! This event was manually modified to get around the problem on the multiplayer game.

Also would it be possible to add a forced crises at the end of the treaty of Plombiers event chain. At the moment I don't believe that the Austrian AI will ever attack as it can 'see' that S-P has a defensive alliance with France. If there was a forced crises at the end of the chain it would enable the player the choice to escalate to a full war or back down (which would avoid hard coding the 1859 war to occur)

Historically there was a stalemate at this point until Piedmont declared war on the Papal States and defeated the Papal army in order to get access to Naples to assist Garabaldi. The chain gives Piedmont the CB against Naples, but not against the Papal states. Also it was that fact the the Piedmontese army was coming rather than its participation that broke the stalemate against Garibaldi. I think if you attack Naples and weaken it Garibaldi will then take it but I you take Naples the Garibaldi will attack you and take it.

Moriety wrote:Bugs/Errors:

1) The Edicts; I can currently repurchase the following Edicts/Acts (despite having already purchased them): No Children Work, Telecommunications network, Roads, Sewers and Drainage of Wetlands. (The card you use for Wetlands is broken anyway as mentioned before.)
3) A correction. Railway lines failing to be drawn onto the map is also happening to AI placement. I've noticed if you build lines in every adjacent province the tracks will often then finally appear. The failure rate is actually about 50%, higher than I first thought.

Most of these are intended to be re selectable. There is a but that "re-enables" the Sewers re-selectable before you get the tech so it appears far too early. Also I don't think you should be able to build roads in colonies before you can build roads at home (they are different types of roads but even so).
The railway lines is a probably limitation of the engine / graphics - you have to have the right adjacent provinces railed before they will appear.

Pocus wrote:What happened to Sagji, he still plays?
I dropped out of the MP due to lack of time. I occasionally visit the forums, and if you want me to look at something that should be possible - best to PM me.

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:24 pm

have some ideas:
1. ability to exchange maps, its realy simple, this way you will get knowlenge of terra inkognita to you from another nationm, that nation need to haver good relation to exchange them, and this option will be posible only if given nation know more territories.
2.add option improve relations, as oposite to degrate relations, since state visit dont work every time.
3. for land leaders add option to engage/pursuit enemy - will work during whole way, starting regin, moved and destination too, similiar to naval engae/intercep :)
4.building of shelter, which have onlyest purpose - tio shelter trops :) , since depots/missions/outpst cant be build everywhere and recovery of coheresion in some regions without shelter is very slow.

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:11 pm

czert2 wrote:have some ideas:
2.add option improve relations, as oposite to degrate relations, since state visit dont work every time.
3. for land leaders add option to engage/pursuit enemy - will work during whole way, starting regin, moved and destination too, similiar to naval engae/intercep :)

2. State Visit and Commercial Agreement increase relations and require consent. Local Support has the risk of triggering a short-fuse CB not just in crisis but in any war (bad change in my view - should be long term CB applicable only from crisis, not any war at all) but does not require consent and increases relations.

Trade should improve relations, but I don't know how it is designed.

3. Just click on the target formation rather than an area and an offensive force movees to intercept.

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