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BoA I vs BoA II

Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:16 am

I recently bought BoA I on GamersGate during the sale, but I picked up BoA II from the Paradox giveaway just after Pride of Nations was released.

I haven't played either of them yet, so I'm wondering: Is there any reason to play BoA I instead of BoA II?

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Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:59 am

No reason at all. BoA 2 or WiA has it all in a better edition with more options.
Update BoA 2 to the latest patch and have fun.

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Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:40 pm


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Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:34 pm

I still recommend playing BIA I too though. It's a lot of fun ;)
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Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:44 pm

Yes, and if you've drink a lot these times, BoA is less headache.

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:47 am

BOA1 can't be patched further though and support will always tell you to get BOA2 if you have a BOA1 issue.

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:18 pm

Pocus wrote:BOA1 can't be patched further though

That's wrong, BoA as already been further, too far patched :D

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:50 pm

ERISS wrote:That's wrong, BoA as already been further, too far patched :D

The intent of Pocus' message is that the Game Engine (BOA.exe) can no longer be updated, for technical code-speak reasons.

However, the critical issues cited are fixed:

...and modding can continue by people who are willing to actually post their mods, rather than just talk about them.

...and it should now be self-evident that support is still available (for patch 1.13d), as it is for all AGE-engine games.

You are of course welcome to your opinion...
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Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:11 am

lodilefty wrote:The intent of Pocus' message is that the Game Engine (BOA.exe) can no longer be updated, for technical code-speak reasons.
...and modding can continue by people who are willing to actually post their mods, rather than just talk about them.
...and it should now be self-evident that support is still available (for patch 1.13d), as it is for all AGE-engine games.

Yeah you're right, I was jocking, playing with words, hence my smilley.
However, the critical issues cited are fixed:

Oh it should be sticked then! Thanks, I'll see this later (must sleep).
You are of course welcome to your opinion...

I was following Stwa one opinion, who had answered to me. I should change it when I can take time for the mod you told.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:31 am

Lodi is right, the BoA.exe file can not be modified furhter. Pocus (being the lone programmer), wants to use a single code line (the AGE engine), for each game in the series. It's a good idea, but early on, the engine morphed into a version that could no longer support the original BoA design.

So, the BoA 1.13d exe, was basically discarded. I am not sure if Pocus retained a copy. Maybe?

Anyway, other data and graphical aspects, of patch 1.13d, could off course be changed, but there is not a lot of motivation for that.

The one public corrective patch does little to fix the main issue introduced by the 1.13d exe file, and that is that training is conducted as it is in the ACW game, which of course is a departure from the BoA versions through 1.12a. It screws up auto-raise and auto-disband, eliminates the training masters, (like Washington), and makes the game not fun anymore.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:56 am

I prefer BoA1 to BoA2 (in my mind). BoA1 is closer to a pure wargame, since it doesn't really attempt to deal with econmonic (or other intangible) factors. The design (and abtraction levels), are made simple, and suit the early versions of AGE engine. There is less noise, and I can get a major campaign completed in a fun afternoon of wargaming.

That being said, there are a number of must mods, that must accompany BoA 1.12a, and that poses an issue, because some (but not all), were addressed in BoA2. Tracks need to be eliminated, the blocked region displays must be fixed (its easy), auto-raise has to be fixed, and the region and port mod needs to be applied. Taken together, this is a lotta work, and you can avoid the last 3 items by going to BoA2.

Then there is the issue of noise, which is made more difficult in the later games, since they are usually more complex, with more units, deeper scenarios and campaigns. The basically problem here, is testing, never mind which kind (alpha, beta, whatever). There are no tools i know of that were developed in tandem with the engine, to reduce the time a scope required to tests events, and other features (like auto-raise). The deep test cycles required to test the longer campaigns and scenarious, are unfortunate, and sometimes critical bugs are discoverd years after the game's release.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:13 am

And finally, on the subject of posting (uploadding or "releasing"), mods. I prefer to discuss mods (i.e. not post or upload them). And that is my recomendation to all that I encounter at the various game sites I visit.

I enjoy modding a great deal, and there are always a few people at each site, that will be very rude to you, when they discover you have no intention of uploading any of the mods you are discussing or presenting.

In todays hostile climate regarding "intellictual property", copyright infringement, reverse-engineering, and outright piracy, there are plenty of ways for an ordinary and perhaps innoncent forumite, to find himself facing criminal prosecution. There is generally NO upside to posting or uploading mods, but there could be plenty of DOWNSIDE, since the courts are basically trying to determine what all of the aformention principles really mean.

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Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:16 pm

Thank for making the point about BoA1 vs BoA2, and BoA1 1.13d vs 1.12a.

Stwa wrote:In todays hostile climate regarding "intellictual property", copyright infringement, reverse-engineering, and outright piracy, there are plenty of ways for an ordinary and perhaps innoncent forumite, to find himself facing criminal prosecution. There is generally NO upside to posting or uploading mods, but there could be plenty of DOWNSIDE, since the courts are basically trying to determine what all of the aformention principles really mean.

Yes, modding can be seen as hacking from the legal view. That's a reason why I don't like DRMs such as Steam: Modding is here legaly tolerated, but Steam has the very easy means to forbid it, and even to punish you by closing your account. With DRM free games, right owners have to send meat police in our homes to inspect our well firewalled PCs... With Steam, about our games, our 'democratic' governments don't need a Chinese-like internet police.

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:14 am

Well, let's face it. Both BoA and WiA are basically bargain table games now days.

But, all this BoA talk makes me want to play, so I broke the game out, and went for some 1756 Montcalm action. My version of this scenario, is the same as the 1755 Grand Campaign, just not as long. Of course, the scripts have been heavily modified over time. :)

And this scenario never dissapoints.


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