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Carnium v Hobbes: The Bursting of the Storm

Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:01 pm

Hi chaps, I'm starting an AAR showing the Pontiac's War PBEM between myself (British) and Carnium (Indian). If you would like to try it for yourself, or just see some more information about the scenario the thread to look at is here

EDIT: Due to a forum change images in the AARs are now repeated. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to prevent this in older threads.

The action starts in May/June 1763 with Carnium making attacks across the frontier. The forts of Detroit and Michilimackinac are caught by surprise but Michilimackinac bravely resists the Indian onslaught. Not many forts put up such a fight, and many of the smaller British forts are destroyed, while Detroit and Niagara come under Indian siege.

Poor weather in the great lakes leads to the loss or damage of several British schooners, a big blow at this early stage. Getting supply through to Detroit will be much more difficult now.

The British have a lot of work to do.




Cheers, Chris

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Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:55 pm

Subscribing!!! Keep up the good work!! :thumbsup:
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Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:47 am

Cool! :thumbsup:

PS: am i the only one who misread the thread title as Calvin vs Hobbes?? :D

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Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:13 am

Excellent, how Hobbes will cope with the Indians offensive is something I look forward to see...

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:11 pm

I think Carnium should change his name to Calvin! :)

June/July '63. To my surprise I managed to get a little supply through to Detroit without any attempt at interdiction from Indian canoes on Lake Erie.
The Detroit garrison is also bolstered by a small number of traders seeking refuge. Carnium seems to be seeking to cut off supply to Detroit by investing both forts Niagara and Erie.
Fort Pitt has so far been ignored by the Indians, but the brave garrison at Michilimackinac finally succumbs.

A British relief force under Bouquet arrives at Carlisle, but his men are exhausted.


In the west the Green Bay tribes ignore the warnings from the Sioux and defeat the small British garrison at Fort Edward Augustus. Sioux raiders soon arrive in the area, determined to take ample revenge!


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Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:09 am

July/August '63. The British have some success as Dalyell's detachment sorties and lifts the siege of fort Niagara. All large British forts continue to hold firm but most of the smaller outposts have fallen.


Don't forget the battle reports show all units in a region, in this case most form the fort Niagara garrison and do not take part in the battle.

Things are not looking good for the British though as fort Erie is destroyed by Pontiac and Sioux raids are met with strong resistance from the Green Bay tribes. Factions of the Iroquois join the rebellion as the influential British envoy, Sir William Johnson is taken ill. Dark days indeed.


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Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:22 am

What happened to him historically, that he could not help at this important moment? Typhus, Dysentery ?

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:56 am

There is just a very small chance each turn (I think 1%) that he will have an illness or be attacked by Seneca.

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:25 pm

Who is Calvin ? :confused:
Never mind... here is a little report from the "other" side :thumbsup:

Here is the situation in august 1763. Fort Detroit is still firm in the British hand while fort Erie has fallen to the brave Pontiac warriors

Cayugas join the party. Rock on :thumbsup:

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:06 pm

Say hello to Hobbes' little friend Calvin!


This may be more appropriate.


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Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:07 pm

This is Calvin crying OUTRAGE!!! for you not knowing who he is!!! :D


Hobbes is the tiger shown on Hobbes avatar :D

And both are the main characters of one of the best comic strip ever made :coeurs: :coeurs:

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:46 pm

August/September '63. A fairly quiet turn although the Sioux raiders return to their villages with their tails between their legs. There is still bad blood between the Sioux and the Green Bay tribes.

Even though Indian morale is very high, they have not yet taken any of the strategic British forts and the Wyandots and Potawatomis, fearing British reprisals, sue for peace.


So far British settlements remain unmolested. The colonists pray for an early winter.

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Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:39 pm

arsan wrote:This is Calvin crying OUTRAGE!!! for you not knowing who he is!!! :D


Hobbes is the tiger shown on Hobbes avatar :D

And both are the main characters of one of the best comic strip ever made :coeurs: :coeurs:

Thanks for the explanation Hobbes and Arsan.
Well one of THE best comics are also these two - both served me as an introduction to the American Revolution (some 25 years ago)

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Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:12 pm

September/October '63. The Indians, sensing the aproaching winter, tire of the siege and launch desperate assaults against both forts Pitt and Detroit. At Pitt, Ecuyer repels Kiashuta's attack with the loss of only 32 men before Bouquet's relief force arrives to secure the fort.


At Detroit the situation is more serious as Pontiac attacks with over 1500 braves. The British lose 131 men in the first assault, but under Gladwyn's brave direction, manage to hold on to the fort.


A second attack is repulsed and Pontiac forced to retreat from the region. The situation at Detroit is now critical with very low supply and many injured. The British must try once more to get relief through to the fort, but with the loss of fort Erie and the schooner, this will be a difficult task.


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Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:06 pm

October/November '63. The British attempt to get a small amount of supply into Detroit from Niagara is prevented by Indian canoes on lake Erie. Although the British are able to flee back to fort Niagara suffering only minor casualties, the garrison remaining at Detroit is left to face a cold winter with little supply - but at least the dead don't eat (not in this scenario at least).
The loss of life at Detroit may have a benefit.

The Indians return to their hunting grounds for winter, but not before destroying the settlement at Mill Creek and taking several captives.
Pontiac is left hoping that the Indian tribes' spirit will remain high through the hardships of the coming months.

At fort Pitt, the garrison looks to spend the cold months in a little more comfort as a depot is constructed using the supply brought in with Bouquet.


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Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:14 pm


Winter '63. The Paxton boys enact their inevitable massacre. There may be some local difficulties during the winter months and a few small Indian raids.
Nothing much will happen until spring so I will post again then.



Look out for the King William's War scenario due out early next year!

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Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:40 pm

June/July '64. The thaw came early but then came the rain. Things are not looking good for the British as general Bradsteet spends a frustrating time marooned by mud in Albany.
Indian morale has held through the winter months and they once again move against Detroit. Fort Ligonier falls to the natives.


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Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:20 pm

July/August '64. British attempts to reinforce Detroit are once again thwarted by Indian canoes on lake Erie. The bateaux are forced to turn back, but there is no loss of life.
Several schooners are built at the former site of fort Erie; their support will be most welcome!

To the south, the British enjoy more success, as Colonel Bouquet's expedition destroys the Indian village of Sawcunk.
At Albany the mud has finally cleared and Colonel Bradstreet will be able to march west with his reinforcements.


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Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:36 pm

August/September '64. With Indian morale still high and the fort Detroit garrison sorely reduced, Pontiac chances another assault.
As a British relief force moves to within a few miles of Detroit, the fort falls, with the deaths of most of those within. The dead are the lucky ones.
Finding the remaining stores of liquor inside the fort, the wild Indian victory celebration leads to the death of several braves.
The screams of the garrison survivors carry over the waters of lake Erie to the British ships off shore.

At least Colonel Bouquet continues to enjoy moderate success. As he subdues the indian village of Wakatomika,
the Shawnee's grip on the Ohio is weakened, allowing bateaux at fort Pitt to navigate the river with less fear of ambush.


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Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:53 pm

September/October '64. Not much time left for the British to hurt the Indians this year, but the amphibious relief force heading to Detroit decides to punish
the Indians by making a landing at Sandusky and attacking the villages of Junundat and Tuscarawas. Unfortunately the Indians are wise to the move
and repel the attack. The British retreat from the field of battle, but can consider this a small victory.


To the east Campbell destroys the Seneca village of Geneseo on his way to fort Niagara and in the south Bouquet, short on supply,
makes the long trek back to fort Pitt. Bradstreet finally arrives at fort Niagara, too late to contribute to the '64 campaign, but not too late
to offend an Indian delegation arriving at the fort.

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Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:17 pm

October/November '64. Another cold winter with much left to do and time running short.


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Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:51 pm

April/May '65. When we left the AAR for winter, some of the British forces suffered in extremely harsh conditions as they made their way back to the forts.
Most of Robert Rogers' men perished in the snow storms, although Roberts survived and made it back to fort Niagara. With the spring thaw
the British move out once again. To the north James Dalyell leads troops drawn from several regiments as Bradsteet prepares to the south of fort Niagara.
Muddy conditions around fort Pitt prevent Bouquet from mounting an expedition into Indian territory.
The British wonder how well Indian morale will have held through the winter.


The Indians hold council and ponder their options for the coming year.
Strange talk about a great victory by Slovenia seems to dominate the proceedings.


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Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:17 am

May/June '65. Bradstreet considers it likely that Pontiac will mass his braves at Detroit in anticipation of a British attack.
Instead of heading for the strategic region, he decides to land on the lake shore by the Sandusky river and make an attack against the Indian village of Junundat.
The strategy appears to be well judged as Bradstreet finds the village lightly defended. The village is easily destroyed by Bradsteet's force.
Indian raiders around fort Niagara intercept a small force, headed by the British Engineer John Montressor, heading back to the fort and capture a small amount of supply.
Colonel Bouquet, at fort Pitt, waits anxiously for a glimpse of sunshine.


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Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:57 pm

June/July '65. Bradstreet leaves the field, but can claim a victory as he routes Custaloga at the battle of Saint Stephane.
The Indian village of Tuscarawas is raised and several captives are recovered.
Bouquet is finally able to lead an expedition out of fort Pitt on firmer ground.
Several small expeditions are also launched along the Ohio river using bateaux moored at the fort.



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Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:31 pm

August/September '65. (I forgot to make screenshots of July/August - but it was a fairly quiet turn).
The British used an option event to rebuild the stockade on the site of fort Erie.
Bradstreet is finding it difficult to make his way back to fort Niagara as Pontiac moves his braves to Saint Stephane.
He is forced to retreat but Pontiac's men suffer the larger loss of life.


Bouquet moves, with tiring units, towards Chalahgawtha while Ecuyer supports him from the Ohio.


In the west, Trent's exhausted men try to reach the French garrison at fort de Chartres. Attacks from Indians along the river have taken their toll.


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Great Work Here!!!

Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:00 pm

Great AAR!!! Keep up the good work!!! :thumbsup:

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Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:44 pm

Thanks RunnerKnight!

September/October '65. Bradstreet is finally able to make a move back towards fort Niagara unmolested by Indian attacks but in the south
Bouquet and Ecuyer's pincer move is stopped in it's tracks by Kiashuta's braves. It's a long way home for the men of both leaders.
Chalahgawtha was an objective that was sorely needed. It's not looking good.


Trent arrives at fort de Chartres in no state to offer battle to the Indian tribes approaching from the east.
He will have to hope that the French garrison offer no resistance.


The British make a deliberately late move to attempt to regain control at Michilimackinac.
The hope is that the region can be taken just before winter to prevent Indian reprisals.
Unfortunately, delays with transportation mean that the British are still several days away from the settlement at the beginning of October.


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Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:47 pm

October/November '65. The British manage to survive the long trek along the western shore of lake Huron to recapture the Michilimackinac settlement in fairly good order.
Good news from the south too as, surprisingly, Trent's battered force manages to rebuff the expected Indian attack and takes control from the capitulated French garrison
at fort de Chartres. The French are happy to be able to finally go home. British fears of a possible uprising among the Illinois Indians seem unfounded so far.


British troops struggle to return to fort Pitt once more. With Pontiac's braves returning to their hunting grounds for winter, their fight now is against the elements,
and the fear of a freezing Ohio river. Those left alive to reflect over their meager winter rations will rue the missed opportunity at Chalahgawtha.


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Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:39 pm

November/December '65. A bit late in the year for troop movements, but Bouquet and Ecuyer are still struggling toward fort Pitt.
Ecuyer has been forced to abandon his bateaux as the Ohio ices up. Quite a distance to travel, but he has a light force so some may survive.


"Natives destroyed Fort Vincennes in region Shanous".
This is a description that is often given by the game when the scorched earth rule is used by a scenario.
A better description would be that a structure in the region of Shanous has been destroyed. In some cases it may be that a structure has
been destroyed by a retreating force, but in many cases it just represents destruction of certain areas of the region through battle.

This particular case is even more complex as it shows the control of a region that has been ceded by an already surrendered French
force to the British. I will have to change the scenario to add an event to replace these French settlements with a British controlled
settlement once it has fallen into British hands. At the moment Trent faces a very long winter in the open.

So far I am pleased with how the scenario has held up through its first PBEM. I have thought about a few small changes that can be made while
playing the game and Carnium has come up with some very good ideas. Nothing major though. I will post a patch when we have finished the PBEM
with around ten small changes and a few clarifications.


There are three possible routes to victory for the British.

The first is for a collapse in Indian morale which can lead to several Indian tribes abandoning the cause and a British peace delegation event option ending the game early.
Even though the Indians can lose some of their will to fight in the winter I can't see this having much effect in their current position.
I haven't looked at Carnium's turn, but with Detroit in his hands I don't see this as a possibility.

The second is a VP victory, but with almost a hundred VP to make up in a few months this seems unlikely.

The third is to keep possession of the currently controlled strategic and objective regions, while taking back control of Detroit and destroying the Indian village of Chalahgawtha.
I think Carnium may well earn a hard fought victory, but I wonder how strong his braves will be after a third harsh winter.

I'm certainly not sure of the outcome myself, but I fear I may be beaten at my own game!

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Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:14 pm

December/January '66. Indian canoes on the Ohio appear to prevent Ecuyer from crossing the river and force him to make a diversion to his path to fort Pitt.
Bouquet manages to reach the fort, but suffers many casualties in the blizzards.


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