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Community Mods

Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:46 pm

With all of the wonderful feedback from the community, we have assembled some mods dedicated to you, the users.

If these 'test well', they will likely become part of the official installation in future patches. So yes, you are essentially acting as beta testers for the WIA modding team....

[color="Red"][SIZE="4"]Second edition, February 17, 2009[/size][/color]
  • 1812 Campaign setup and events
  • 1755 Campaign setup and events
  • 1756 Montcalm events only
  • 1776 Campaign [will affect some 1775 events]
  • 1791 Fallen Timbers
  • 1813 Great Lakes replacements events

[color="Red"]Cumulative update [/color][includes previous Community mods, except where even they were revised ;) ]


To Install:
Fully JSGME format compatible file structure.
To install without JSGME, unzip the files directly into your Wars in America folder. You should be asked to 'overwrite' the WIA folder.

Most of the changes will require a new game to be started, although several will be in effect with ongoing games.

Note: Key commands and features added at patch 1.04

- New sentry orders:
<SPACE>: In sentry for one turn.
<CTRL><SPACE>: In sentry until 90% healed.

<S>: Permanent Sentry (until moving or attacked) (hit again <S> or <SPACE to remove the sentry state)
<CTRL><S>: Remove all Sentry status on map.
<C>: Center on the selected unit
<SHIFT><C>: Center on the destination of the unit.
<H>: Put directly the selected force in structure, if some available in the region.

- You can <ALT>-left-click on a force tab to rename it. Some Armies with Leaders can't be renamed though.

- New Region finder. Works with <CTRL><F>

BOA2 : War in America
Community Mod revisions from players' inputs version 0902xx
February x, 2009

Special thanks to Carnium, Bruit Bleu, TiFlo, TheDeadEye, Tarokaja for their inputs

To be applied to patch 1.04c or later

Ongoing addition and correction of text strings for units, models, events, tooltips

1755 Campaign, 1756 Moncalm [* Events only]
* Corrected duplicate appearance of Compagnie d'Irlandais
* Added graphic to event reports that were missing
* Adjusted location possibilities and event notification for 'GBR Reaction Forces'
* Corrected "Oswego Lost" event to only occur if fort is already built
* Control of Village regions set to = 100 for France when Iroquois switch sides
* Fort Oswego event expanded: Warning message, requires 4+ units to build as a stockade, gets rebuilt as Fort max 2x, VP value eliminated after total 3x destruction
Reduced probability of 'Scorched Earth' policies [these burn a fort or village during defeat of garrison]
Added depot at Fort Duquesne [too much starving happening, plus it will help AI 'go there']

1791 Fallen Timbers = Major scenario update
IND has a depot [Western Indian Confederacy] at Shawnee Village to facilitate replacements
All combined leaders now appear correctly on map [vs. only 'seeing' the combat unit]
Pittsburg Fort reduced to Stockade [Fort Pitt was disintegrating in 1791], depot removed, city removed
Pittburg Garrion increaed in strength
Red Fork Settlers start at Red Fork !!!
Legion of the US only appears if USA has lower Morale than IND
Fort Pitt depot is built when Legion of the US appears
IND AI interest in Pittsburg set = 0 to reduce raiding there
USA "Poor Sanitation" only can occur October through May; also set to be less severe
Frequency of USA replacements reduced, with some chance to get none
When settlements or Indian Villages are burned [removed], extra VP are awarded, and if Strategic City = status eliminated
[the effect of this is compounded: if enough settlements are burned, USA will be unable to own enough for victory]
City at Fort Miami removed
Great Lakes water regions no longer blocked
Ohio Confluent [near Pittsburg] no longer blocked [so bateaux there is useful!!!]

1812 Campaign
Garrison added to Gananoque Depot

1813 Great Lakes
Corrected replacements events and text

1775/76 Campaigns
General update of options, to give higher AI priority to Diplomatic choices
1776 setup adjusted: ownership of Augusta and Ninety Six to USA, Norfolk under siege
Loyalists in New York City and/or Philadelphia only appear if city is captured and owned by GBR
Marquis de Lafayette 'goes home and returns' historically, but only if France has not already entered the war
French entry into war removes diplomatic options relating to Foreigh Entry
Regularly occurring Militia replacements increased [were reduced dramatically in 1.04]
Duplicate messages for Galphin event corrected

1777 Saratoga = 15 day turns
Scenario objectives revised to try to get AI to move south with Burgoyne , for futher evaluation

BOA2 : War in America
Community Mod revisions from players' inputs version 090205
February 5, 2009

To be applied to patch 1.04c or later

Supply generated by Forts, Stockades and Settlements reduced [first step in improving siege performance]

1812 Campaign:
General revisions and corrections to Objectives and Strategic cities
Rework of some towns, forts and Garrisons [in NorthWest territory]
VP balanced at start to minimize 'sit and win' possibility
Text strings for reinforcements updated to reflect Quebec arrivals
Merchant fleet sizes reduced in all shipping lanes
Stock exchange duplicate message removed
GBR gets more naval tranports
USA can 'give weapons' to their Indian allies too
USA Home Guard Militia added [new static unit/model] appearing at declaration of war in 1812
USA Home Guard 'State reaction forces' [also static] appear in each State if British Regulars enter that State
Iberville, LA now home of the 'Pirate Camp', giving Lafitte and his people a place to be in 1814
Port added to Fort Niagra to allow the Lake Erie to Lake Ontario portage to function [in region 285Tegynagerunte]

1755 Campaign [Setup], 1756 Montcalm [* Events only]
Size of major fortresses and depots reduced [second step in improving siege performance]
Garrisons in Mobile and New Orleans are now French, not Canadian
Louisboug city removed, port reduced in size [third step in improving siege performance]
* Amherst's Louisbourg Expedition always arrives at Halifax
* Abercromby-Amherst promotions/replacement text clarified
* Abercromby and Amherst remain wherever currently located when promoted [they used to 'jump' to largest force]
Starting replacements quantity reduced

1775/76 Campaigns [the Burgoyne mod]
General Burgoyne now arrives on transports at sea, vs. always landed at Quebec

AI-oriented changes

1812 Campaign:
New Orleans invasion force in 1814 revised to assist AI with Amphibious landing [now same as was applied to 1815 scenario]
AI aggression in winter lowered
All European OMB made unplayable: British fleet at London changed to event arrival [to prevent AI assigning fleets to go blockade there]
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Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:49 am

lodilefty wrote:With all of the wonderful feedback from the community, we have assembled some mods dedicated to you, the users.

Good Lord.. here goes my social life :D
Will test it next week and report back.
Thanks for the wonderful work and dedication to the game :thumbsup:

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:54 am

Look great Lodi! :coeurs: :coeurs:
Hope to find some time to try it soon!... lately i haven't had time to even launch WIA :(


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Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:43 pm

Updated - see first post
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Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:19 pm

lodilefty wrote:Updated - see first post

Thank you sir :thumbsup:

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Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:32 pm

Excellent.More playing.. emm ... testing on the way
Lets see Fallen Timbers now :thumbsup:

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Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:59 pm

Carnium wrote:Excellent.More playing.. emm ... testing on the way
Lets see Fallen Timbers now :thumbsup:

My plan too..I grew up in the Battle of Fallen Timbers area (Maumee, Ohio)

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:19 am

Playing with latest version of community mod, AWI Brits. Have played up to June 1777 and have still not seen any militia replacements either by event or by military options. Should I have done so by now with the latest version?

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:50 am

Ebbingford wrote:Playing with latest version of community mod, AWI Brits. Have played up to June 1777 and have still not seen any militia replacements either by event or by military options. Should I have done so by now with the latest version?

oops! :blink:

they got reduced too far :o

66% probability each April. Not often enough, not probablr enough....

Will fix, sorry :(
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Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:59 am

Thank you for the mod Lodilefty :coeurs:

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:56 am

I am playing WIA for the first time. I should disregard vanilla and just play 1.04c + community mod?
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Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:26 am

Jayavarman wrote:I am playing WIA for the first time. I should disregard vanilla and just play 1.04c + community mod?

I would say yes as it REALLY improves the whole experience and you can also help in development of this mod by testing it :thumbsup:

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:05 am

Carnium wrote:I would say yes as it REALLY improves the whole experience and you can also help in development of this mod by testing it :thumbsup:

+1 :coeurs:

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:48 pm

I finally took the chance on the American revolution full campaign as the British and loving it :thumbsup:
A few things that could be changed or fixed tho :
- British side has a ton of EPs and I can buy whatever I want.Maybe this could be toned down a little either by more US privateers or the option to buy the full stack of German mercenaries instead of getting them from the crown for free.
- it is too easy to destroy the complete US stacks in a battle.Maybe the US leaders can get a trait that would allow them to disengage more easily without huge losses.British player should be forced to hunt down the larger US forces and not just engage them in cities and destroy them easily.
- in 04/07 (1776?) I got a news that patriots were raised in Lynch's Ferry but they were if I am not mistaken in fact Tories
- when a German stack/unit (I like to have some independent German stacks) occupies a city it gets a native flag instead of a German one.
- George Galphin news text is too long and you are not able to see the last line of it
- I found it too easy to keep the French out of the war.Maybe because too many EPs and some easy victories?
- US side likes to attack the natives villages , even the unactivated ones,a bit too much.Why are the native villages of such interest to them ?
- speaking of the natives - why are some still unactivated even if attacked ?
I guess that an US attack would automatically lead to a war in that region ?

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:25 pm

Carnium wrote:I finally took the chance on the American revolution full campaign as the British and loving it :thumbsup:
A few things that could be changed or fixed tho :
- British side has a ton of EPs and I can buy whatever I want.Maybe this could be toned down a little either by more US privateers or the option to buy the full stack of German mercenaries instead of getting them from the crown for free.
- it is too easy to destroy the complete US stacks in a battle.Maybe the US leaders can get a trait that would allow them to disengage more easily without huge losses.British player should be forced to hunt down the larger US forces and not just engage them in cities and destroy them easily.
- in 04/07 (1776?) I got a news that patriots were raised in Lynch's Ferry but they were if I am not mistaken in fact Tories
- when a German stack/unit (I like to have some independent German stacks) occupies a city it gets a native flag instead of a German one.
- George Galphin news text is too long and you are not able to see the last line of it
- I found it too easy to keep the French out of the war.Maybe because too many EPs and some easy victories?
- US side likes to attack the natives villages , even the unactivated ones,a bit too much.Why are the native villages of such interest to them ?
- speaking of the natives - why are some still unactivated even if attacked ?
I guess that an US attack would automatically lead to a war in that region ?

Thanks! :thumbsup:

  • We could add 'withdrawer' trait to US leaders, but caytiously. Problem I see is it might make things too easy for a human US player. Need to investigate 'conditional' abilities...
  • We're trying to reduce the GBR EP, still some work to do
  • The 'Tory Patriot" is, I suspect a quirk of the engine: look at that region and see if it has high Tory Loyalty. AFAIK, there is only 1 'revolt' text string. Will look. hehe, the Tories thought of themselves as the 'partiots' ;)
  • If you are winning big battles, you reduce the FE a lot, so no French. WAD.
  • We can only assign one 'subfaction' to a region, so the Germans usually won't show their 'flag'. Either the Brits/USA own the 'rights', or the Natives. You must have captured a city in "Indian country" :)
  • Dunno about why AI likes natives, unless it sees them as easy targets. The locked units unlocking after attacks doeshave some indecipherable logic to it. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I'm guessing it's a funtion of probabilities and battle 'severity'
  • US attack on Iroquois leads to them at war, but other natives weren't as well organized by theis time frame [or so I'm told ;) ], so only 'local' tribal response occurs.
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Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:41 pm

Carnium wrote:- it is too easy to destroy the complete US stacks in a battle.Maybe the US leaders can get a trait that would allow them to disengage more easily without huge losses.British player should be forced to hunt down the larger US forces and not just engage them in cities and destroy them easily.

I think this is probably on battles when the defender is inside a structure or when he fights outside but on a region surrounded by more than 95% enemy controlled regions.
In both cases he is considered "cornered" and will not be able to retire to other region, no matter if the leaders have withdrawer ability or not.
Its more and AI/human player decision issue.

On open field battles (with some place to retire if defeated) i think things work very good. Armies are very durable and difficult to destroy/defeat decisively. :thumbsup:
You can whip them and they will retire with heavily damaged elements and low cohesion and be out of combat for some months, until they slowly recover. Sounds pretty historic IMHO

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:50 pm

arsan wrote:Hi!
I think this is probably on battles when the defender is inside a structure or when he fights outside but on a region surrounded by more than 95% enemy controlled regions.
In both cases he is considered "cornered" and will not be able to retire to other region, no matter if the leaders have withdrawer ability or not.
Its more and AI/human player decision issue.

That is true as most of my big victories came after attacking big US stacks in the cities.The main question for me is why is the AI not focusing more on the guerilla action and try to manoeuvre a bit more instead of just park its best units and leaders in big cities and wait for the British to arrive.
I will probably write a report from the "other" side when I am done with this campaign.

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:07 pm

Carnium wrote:That is true as most of my big victories came after attacking big US stacks in the cities.The main question for me is why is the AI not focusing more on the guerilla action and try to manoeuvre a bit more instead of just park its best units and leaders in big cities and wait for the British to arrive.
I will probably write a report from the "other" side when I am done with this campaign.

Because it's an AI and can only do what it's told? :blink:

You're right, of course, but making Athena this smart is an evolving art.... :w00t:

There are an enormous number of situations that require decisions like this, and the decisions a human makes usually include a 'look ahead' and 'risk/reward' among other things.... :)

I'm not AI guru, but whoo, that's tough for many humans to do reliably, let alone program an AI ;)
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Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:47 pm

lodilefty wrote:Because it's an AI and can only do what it's told? :blink:

You're right, of course, but making Athena this smart is an evolving art.... :w00t:

There are an enormous number of situations that require decisions like this, and the decisions a human makes usually include a 'look ahead' and 'risk/reward' among other things.... :)

I'm not AI guru, but whoo, that's tough for many humans to do reliably, let alone program an AI ;)

Yes I know how an AI work (unfortunately) and the AGEOD games have one of the best, if not THE best, AI I have ever seen :thumbsup:
Probably the best thing you can do for WiA is to stick with so called AI helpers as they seem to work pretty well.
Many of my reports are just "thinking out loud" and are probably not doable in the near future.

Thanks for all the great work Lodi, the game has improved a LOT since its first version and it is only getting better and better :coeurs:

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:59 pm

Carnium wrote:Yes I know how an AI work (unfortunately) and the AGEOD games have one of the best, if not THE best, AI I have ever seen :thumbsup:
Probably the best thing you can do for WiA is to stick with so called AI helpers as they seem to work pretty well.
Many of my reports are just "thinking out loud" and are probably not doable in the near future.

Thanks for all the great work Lodi, the game has improved a LOT since its first version and it is only getting better and better :coeurs:

Please! Keep thinking! Out loud! :thumbsup:

I simply have no good idea how to get the AI USA to do what you describe. :(
..but no surrender yet! :w00t:
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Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:22 pm

Hey, I've got a little question, if I install this mod and it becomes official, will I have to uninstall everything to install the new patch or will it be compatible?
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Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:39 pm

Gen.Montcalm wrote:Hey, I've got a little question, if I install this mod and it becomes official, will I have to uninstall everything to install the new patch or will it be compatible?

This mod will sooner or later become official part of the new patch, so there will be no need to reinstall everything.

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:49 pm

Carnium wrote:This mod will sooner or later become official part of the new patch, so there will be no need to reinstall everything.

+1 :thumbsup:

And the patch will likely have even more ;)
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Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:26 am

Playing FIW, Brits, have just marched to Fort Duquesne and found it un guarded. :tournepas
Might I suggest for the next version of the mod a locked garrison for it so it doesn't fall quite so easily.

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Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:39 am

Sounds like a very good idea :thumbsup:
IIRC on Ft Duquesne the French have a leader and some troupes de marine locked for quite some turns (+20??) but not permanently as a fixed garrison.
After the stack gets unlocked the Ai seems to use him offensively (not that strange as the French are outnumbered and really need to use any unit they can get their hands on).
A locked garrison would help Athena and sounds historical too.
On my current game (after two unsuccessful tries on 1755 and 1756 i managed to take Duquesne on the third summer and it was only defended by some Indians.
I would have took it anyway as i was bringing with me the crack four battalions of 60th Royal America regiment and a bunch of provincials and rangers :wacko: but i certainly expected more resistance. :bonk:


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Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:13 pm

Ebbingford wrote:Playing FIW, Brits, have just marched to Fort Duquesne and found it un guarded. :tournepas
Might I suggest for the next version of the mod a locked garrison for it so it doesn't fall quite so easily.

So be it :thumbsup:

Permanently locked Garrison will appear [for FRA AI only] in the Spring of 1756...

The locked stack that is there is fixed for 24 turns [or until attacked], so this should help protect Ft. Duqesne without undue stress on Winter supplies the first year.
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Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:42 pm

:thumbsup: :coeurs: :thumbsup: :coeurs:
One question... when one of this garrison appear by event... can you tell them to appear inside the fort?
IIRC the garrison that appear on some forts created by event (Stanwix for example) appear outside :bonk:
Not sure about others :bonk:

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Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:44 pm

arsan wrote: :thumbsup: :coeurs: :thumbsup: :coeurs:
One question... when one of this garrison appear by event... can you tell them to appear inside the fort?
IIRC the garrison that appear on some forts created by event (Stanwix for example) appear outside :bonk:
Not sure about others :bonk:

That's the way it's written.
Problem with Stanwix is when we build Fort same turn, garrison doesn't want to go inside.... :confused:

Must be the smell of fresh paint bothers them... :wacko:
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Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:02 pm

lodilefty wrote:Must be the smell of fresh paint bothers them... :wacko:

Yeah, i understand them. It can give headaches ;)

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Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:40 pm

Is WiA engine capable of simulating these two battles ?

Yeah .. I finally got "When the Forrest Ran Red" yesterday and watched it the minute it arrived :thumbsup:

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