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Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:21 pm

Yes, you are right, this will be much better

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Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:33 pm

Are there no differences in movement, combat,... between light, medium and heavy cavalry?

Edit: oh, sorry, you are talking about the NATO symbol :neener:

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Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:38 pm

Intrinsically, disregarding any stat, there is only one: AI don't use Heavy cav for raiding. Now, as the stats are different (detection, protection, assault) then there are effectively big differences.

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Pontooners Nato Symbol

Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:27 pm


Using Engineer Nato for Pontooner still bother me, I don't know why.

Do you thing it will be a good idea to use the attached one instead, it's the ''official'' NATO APP-6 for Pontooners ?


APP-6_Bridging.png (2.99 KiB) Viewed 12804 times

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Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:51 am


It will look like this ;




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Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:29 am

Good look, I like the symbol :coeurs:

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Cavalry models family redifinition.

Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:28 pm

Happy you like the Bridging Nato symbol, I will included it in next DB Release.

If you agree, I will make a family rework for cavalry models based upon ;

famCalvalry ;Chasseurs, ChevauxLégers, LightDragoons, Hussards
Dragoons, Lancers, Uhlans

famHvyCavalry ; Heavy Dragoons, Cuirassiers, Carabiniers

Most of them are already "coherent" with previous statement but I will modify the remaining ones.

Guard models will not be modified, for now.

Let me know



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Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:18 am

Fine for me... keep Cossacks and other irregular cav as light

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Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:54 am

A french message will folow ;

Je ne sais pas si nous sommes compris, dans mon dernier post , je parlais de la classiffication suivant le paramètre Family et dans le celui de la veille suivant le paramètre Image ID. Il y a une différance du fait de l'absence de la famille ; LighCav.

Si mes propos précédents vous paraissent pédants ou malvenus, veuillez m'en excuser.

Merci de votre support


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Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:29 am

Non, pas de problème en tout cas...j'avais effectivement pas bien compris ;)

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Better Cavalry Modeling

Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:30 pm

I like your new spiffy Pontooneer symbol. I also like that you're correcting the cavalry modeling. Only question is how that will relate to cavalry replacements already done in the scenarios?

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Re Better Cavalry modeling

Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:14 pm


In existing Histoptions files, ( buying replacements), there is no heavy cavalry replacements, please correct if I'm wrong. For now, I will not revised this files. So no improvement on it for now, sorry. But it's on my To Do list.



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Attribute for Cavalry

Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:18 pm


For lightCavalry class ( Chasseurs, ChevauxLégers, LightDragoons and Hussards ), I want to remove the charge attribute as I think this kind of cavalry was not able to do this.

I'm not a expert in warfare history, so any comment is welcomme.



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Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:24 pm

Hi Bohémond :)

Usual roles for light was scouting and pursuit and shock for heavy, but any cavalry could charge, so I would not remove it.

Probably this is the best online reference for napoleonic warfare just in case you need it ;)

Direct link for cavalty tactics


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infantry class

Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:24 am


Disregarding any stat, what is the difference between famLine and famLightInf ?

I'm trying to make different Infantry classes, as per cavalry.

Thank you



PS; Thank you Nikel, your warfare knowledge is really very impressive.

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:06 am

Bohémond wrote:
PS; Thank you Nikel, your warfare knowledge is really very impressive.

Not at all. I am not the author of the webpage linked above :D ;)

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Buying Heavy Cavalry

Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:49 pm

I haven't seen all of the scenarios so don't know if any contain an option to buy heavy cavalry. I have seen some heavy cavalry replacements start a scenario but haven't seen a buy cavalry option that would include heavy cavalry. However adding heavy cavalry to a cavalry buy option would be most awesome! :thumbsup: Ofcourse don't forget to add to the conscript and money cost if you add heavy cavalry.

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Quick Status

Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:06 pm


Quick status about ongoing modifications already done ;

Image ID and Family for Cavalry models as per Cavalry classes defined in previous post

New Template models for Arty ;

mdl_CMN_HLightArt0 for Horse Light Arty
mdl_CMN_LightArt0 for Foot Light Arty
mdl_CMN_HArt0 for Horse Med Arty
mdl_CMN_Art0 for Foot Med Arty (6-8 lbs)
mdl_CMN_Art1 for Foot Med Arty (12 lbs)

New Template models for Service

mdl_CMN_Hq2 for Army HQ ( Template UID for all existing HQ models)

Next Steps ;

Template models for Supply, Medical, Engineer, Pontooner, Signal
Some reworking for infantry Image ID.



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MoveType parameter for Brig and TransportShip

Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:14 am


Brig and TransportShip have a MoveTypeParameter = $AllWater.
This allows this two kind of shio to sail on river ( ShallowWater). I was able to bring a brig from Amsterdam to Bodensee (near Swiss) through the Rhine in 7 days ( ingame travel).

If Ageod Team agrees, the MoveType Parameter can be changed to OceanMv.

Maybe there are side effect I don't understand, let me know.



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Weird Sea Moves

Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:19 pm

I've been wondering why ocean fleets seem to move overland in some spots. I see it a lot when British fleets come into London, especially in the winter, as they move through one of the land areas northeast of London. Same thing around Hamburg as fleets seem to move from Hamburg to Lubeck thence into the Baltic rather than sailing around Denmark. Was wondering if someone knew about some kind of Kiel Canal built before the one that functioned in the two World Wars.

I like your idea to make ocean going ships stick to ocean travel as long as we can still move into ports like London or Hamburg that sit on a river that may not be modeled to handle ocean going ships. Could make things very difficult in winter if those rivers freeze and the ports get frozen out.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:30 pm

For weird ship moves that can appears to be as if a canal exists, I believe it is because some 'interdiction links' are not existing between the 2 harbors. (search for this key word in the modding forum if need be).

Transport ships are generally all water in our games indeed, so we can have troops transported on big rivers... But I'm not against trying something else.

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Re ; MoveType parameter for Brig and TransportShip

Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:50 am


I'm going to test ingame after making the modification of MoveType for Brig and TransportShip to see if there any side effect even on AI Side.



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Ship Movement

Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:48 pm

I wasn't necessarily meaning that some new kind of ship movement is needed, just thought it kind of weird how I see some fleets plot moves from one land area to another adjacent one, but that seems to be a problem regarding winter weather that may freeze a shallow river and that land to land move shows up to make the move work. Probably better than getting frozen out of London. As to the Hamburg-Lubeck naval movement path I wasn't aware of a canal between them that early but it might have been because they did have some kind of canal system that allowed it.

One naval movement problem I do hope gets fixed for NCP2 is how combat interactions are happening between the Carribean movement boxes and the Approaches of the Atlantic. I had a few instances of naval combat happening in an Approaches sea area that dragged fleets of mine in the Carribean into the Approaches sea area after combat, an instant "beam me up Scotty" move that cut over 45 days of travel time down. I think that the distances are way too great to have fleets in movement boxes react to combat in a sea area that happens to look adjacent. When I plot the naval move from these Carribean boxes to an Approach sea area it's usually 46 days or more to move to the sea area.

Is there a way to cut the link between these far away areas for combat but not for movement since fleets should be able to move from the Carribean to the Approaches sea areas?

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:07 pm

Omnius wrote:Bohemond,
... Was wondering if someone knew about some kind of Kiel Canal built before the one that functioned in the two World Wars.
Before the Kiel-Canal, people used the Eider-Canal (between 1784 and 1890). See the english Wikipedia "Kiel Canal" (History section) or the german Wikipedia "Eider-Kanal" (including a map).


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Eider Canal It Is

Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:21 pm

Thanks for the tip on there being an Eider Canal around Kiel before the Kiel
Canal came to be. That helps make sense out of the Hamburg to Lubeck naval moves.

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Fort Battery modifications

Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:31 pm


The fort Battery are often fixed until attack in the setup, but as soon as they get unfixed or captured , IA try to merge them with bigger Stack.

As they got Emplaced Ability and a MovCoeff of 10%, the Fort Battery is very slow and often suffer a lot of hits from attritation while moving. This make Fort Battery not useful and if they manage to merge with a stack, it makes the stack almost static.

As a modification I want to give Fort Battery the ability static instead of emplaced and a MovCoeff of 0%.

Any comment is welcomme.



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Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:54 pm

You are right about this. You may also alter the capture percentage upwards too. I know this question of move ratio was alterred in the past due to some issue we had with the same units in AACW, but I don't honestly recall your proposal sounds logical :cool:

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Static Cannons

Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:10 pm

That sounds like a good move to take out the movement capability of those fortress cannons since the AI always tries moving them. I still figure the AI will try to stack with them and try to move since I see the AI constantly stack with locked units and then set moves. Not too sure about setting the capture ability higher. I always set them to the maximum fighting stance to ensure they take as many hits as possible before capture.

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Coastal Guns

Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:16 pm


I will do the same with coastal guns.



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Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:36 pm

I would advise keeping the MR to 10%. The AI knows these units should be considered statics, but at least it allows to replace them in an adjacent region if needed.

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