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April 1861 CSA Campaign AAR on Hard Difficulty

Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:48 pm

APRIL 1861 Campaign
Public Beta 4 Patch
CSA: Turbo823 (Player)
USA: Athena (Artificial Person)

Turbo823 is a veteran war gamer and an amateur historian. He has played several short scenarios of AACW to learn the mechanics. As a self professed expert of this period, he has agreed to give his opponent some advantages.
Athena has been preparing for this match with the help of AGEOD who have been dilligently upgrading her AI with the latest Beta 4 patch.

House Rules: Turbo823 announces a chivalrous set of house rules. First - He is going to refrain from using sea or river invasions deep behind enemy front lines into Northern States.

Public Beta 4 Patch with hard difficulty and some bonuses for Athena.

Early April 1861

Draft : The Volunteer calls have no penalties so I want to do these as often as possible. The financial options raise $ based on Victory Point totals so I'll wait a couple of turns in order to raise the VP total.
Industrial : The current plan is to add industry gradually (1/month).

Reinforcements: None Available
Replacements: The CSA units have a lot of composite units that have line infantry, cavalry, and artillery in them so I'll a reserve of these types. +Image

Opening Moves: I'll occupy Norfolk and do an all out assault on Fort Sumter. An all out assault on Harpers Ferry with militia doesn't look promising so I'll move to besiege them for now.

Combat Resolution: The Fort Sumter attack succeeded despite the defeat screen and resulted in the capture of the Union artillery there. Nice!

Turn Summary: Athena comes out of the gate swinging with some major draft and financial moves. There is a pretty significant VP hit as well as NM hit but she will a major influx of manpower and money. Its a very good opening strategy for the Union as it has plenty of war supplies to support such a strategy. The CSA can do likewise but its achilles heel is its war supplies that are low to begin with due to its agrian economy. Boosting the war supplies for the CSA can be done through industrialization and blockade runners but both these approaches to increasing war supplies also involve heavy war supplies investment. The CSA also needs the war supplies to equip its troops so it is a real problem.

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Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:58 pm

your sooo dead Turbo (once Athena winds up in hits you) lol...if you reproduce every move like this; this will be an extremely long thread lol
------Ahhh the generals, they are numerous but not good for much.------

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Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:17 pm

Don't listen to pepe! :fleb: :niark:

I looks very interesting and can offer some nice ideas on how the AI works with the last patches.
Most AAR are PBEM games so i'm glad your are making one against the AI ! :coeurs:
Keep it going!!

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Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:05 pm

1861 Late April

VP: 104, Morale: 102

Reinforcements: None

Draft: None
Industrialization: None

Moves: Bushrod moves to Harpers Ferry, McColloch/Smith/Zollicofer move to Nashville. 2nd SC stays in Fort Sumter the rest of the Charleston forces moves to Richmond. CSA Militia in Harpers Ferry destroys rail. The Texas Regular Cavalry moves to Dallas.

Combat: None

Turn Summary: Mixed news. Positive is the news that the South got more supply and has built a steel mill which should help with war supplies. Negative is that the Sam Houston event triggered which puts 2 cavalry units in Dallas, TX.

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Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:26 pm

Interesting start, Turbo; looking forward to seeing how this turns out :)
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Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:50 pm

Early May 1861

VP: 153, Morale: 102

Industrialization: North Carolina

Draft and Financial:
The call for volunteers is free so thats a given. The financial is a bit trickier. I opted for the Measured Exceptional Taxes as it doesn't add to inflation and only costs 1 NM.

Reinforcements: I don't like the union in Texas and react by raising Texas militia and Texas rangers. Besides raising militia in the front line states I decide to buy 1 brigade for Arkansas (for Price), 1 brigade for Tenn (Polk), and 2 brigades in NC for Virginia. I don't raise any Virginia units since they may popup in either Winchester or Manassas.

Replacements: The Elite replacements are for Stonewall's Brigade

Moves: Texas mobilizes giving me a artillery unit and a regular cavalry unit (the 2 militia are static). I move the artillery/cav unit to Henderson TX. Polk, the Knoville force and the Cornith supply unit move to Clarksville, TN in preparation for an attack on Bowling Green. Un the east, artillery captured in Norfolk moves to Richmond. Bushrod apparently missed the train and is walking to Harpers Ferry. I make sure he is put on the rail this time. Suffolk militia returns to Suffork VA.

Combat: None as the Texas Cavalry unit retreats prior to combat to Laredo.

Summary: The only thing of consequence is that the city of Douglas, NC added an armory. Otherwise there are a lot of arrival notifications. Of note is the CSA Galveston and Charleston sea forces are active as is most of the Mississippi gunboats. Magruder arrives in Richmond.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:13 am

Late May 1861

VP: 202, Morale: 101

5% war bonds and a partial mobilization.

Industrialization: None

Reinforcements: I build some smaller brigades for garrison duty in New Orleans, LA, Mobile, AL, and Pensacola, FL. The 2 georgia brigades are for the Virginia theatre.


Land Moves: Polk is ordered to take Bowling Green before the Union reinforces it. I plan to use Isle 10, Fort Donelson, and Bowling Green as a defensive line to protect Tenn. Lexington, KY looks like a lost cause. In the east, Bushrod and the Winchester militia are ordered to attack Harpers Ferry. Mc Colloch will go to Memphis, Smith to Fort Donnelson, and Zollicoffier to Nashville to help with defenses.

Naval Moves: Most of the blockade runners are either in the blockade boxes or in route. The New Orleans gunboats take offensive positions in the Missippi delta area while the Vickburg/Memphis/Isle10 gunboats take offensive positions in the Isle 10 river lane. I want to discourage Athena from running by the Isle 10 batteries. The Memphis gunboat takes an offensive position in the Ohio river near Paducah to interdict river transport.

Combat Results:
The attacks on Bowling Green and Harpers Ferry are successful. Both cities are in CSA control now. I am curious to see how Athena reacts. Athena meanwhile remains quiet while continuing to call up volunteers.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:53 am

Early June 1861

VP: 194, Morale: 95
I am now swimming in manpower but am cash poor. This is not good at a time when Athena is conscripting the entire populace of the north and taxing them to death.

Industrialization: South Carolina

Replacements: I can't afford to neglect the troops and need them up to full strength. I am forced to spend valuable dollars on artillery replacements as they are building up too slowly.

Reinforcements: I build 6 units of militia in Virginia and that depletes my treasury.

Strategic Situation in the Virginia Theatre: Worrisome
McDowell is sitting in Alexandria with a lot of troops and the Manassas-Fredicksburg corridor in particular looks like a red carpet welcome for the Union to drive on Richmond. I decided to form a division with Winder with Magruder's troops plus the Virginia reserve and reinforce Fredricksburg. I've ordered the Militia to burn the Harpers Ferry Depot and recalled Bushrod to Richmond. I had intended to use the Charleston force to reinforce Johnston's Shenandoah group but I've decided to divert them to Richmond.

Price in the TransMississippi:
Getting Price is promising but I don't have the resources to proper outfit him. I send him west for now to stir up trouble in the Indian territories.

Deep in the Heart of Texas:
Sam Houston's Union Cavalry head south towards Galveston or Matamoras. Sibley who just arrived in Dallas will be reinforced by the Henderson group to retake Dallas then it will head south.

Combat Results:
Athena makes her first moves south. In the TransMissippi area, she captures Rolla. In east Kentucky she captures Lexington and Clarksburg. She takes Sam Houston's cavalry in Texas north (!) instead of south and reinforces Tucson in the Southwest (good move!). I was hoping to take Sibley and with his cavalry north to help in Missouri once I finished off the Union Texas cavalry. Tuscon has become a thorn for me. In the east she retakes Harpers Ferry before I can torch the depot. I'm going to have a difficult time if she anchors down Winchester and secures the Shenandoah valley while driving a major assault in the Manassas-Fredicksburg area.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:54 pm

Late June 1861


Draft: None
Financial: Raising as much money as possible but introducing 2% inflation.

Reinforcements: The CSA still has a limited amount of war supplies so I limit myself to militia and line infantry.

Replacements: The replacements for the light/field artillery are being used as fast as I allocate. I'll increase each to 2. The money and war supply cost are painful but understrength artillery is ineffective.

Virginia Theatre:
Johnston's Shenandoah force isn't building up fast enough and he is facing Paterson with 6 brigades with 2 other generals with another 4 brigades nearby. I decide to pull him back to Charlotesville so that they hopefull build up quicker. I formed a corps with Bonham (weight of 64) and order him to move to Fredicksburg to join up with Winder (weight of 10). Another corps is formed with Holmes (53) and he is left in Richmond. Holmes and Floyd have some significant ability penalties with cohesion so they are probably better left as garrison commanders. The Army HQ with Beuregard is sitting in Richmond as well. McDowell has a large number of brigades (17) sitting in Alexandria so I decide to write Manassas off and have the militia destroy the depot. I am trading some space for time.

Tenn Theatre
The CSA has a defensive line consisting of 3 strong points that are difficult for the Union to bypass as they interdict supply. This theatre has thus far been a side show getting little attention from the CSA. I don't have enough force yet to go on the offensive. The Union is advancing on Bowling Green with 3 full strength brigades but Polk have no trouble with them.

Transmissippi: Nothing going on here. In a few turns I hope to go on the offensive with Price in Missouri and Sibley in Texas (attacking Tuscon). I'll need 2 line brigades for Sibley and 3 line brigades for Price. This is ofcourse dependent on what Athena does in the Virginia theatre.

Naval: The Virginia blockade runners are active and move to the blockade box. The blockade runners are bringing back some pretty small help, 10 money and a bit of supply. The Merrimac becomes active next turn and I'll move her to the James Estuary to protect Richmond.

Combat: None

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:17 pm

Early July 1861

The South is majorly hurting for war supplies - down to just 16.

Reinforcements: Militia doesn't use war supplies so I build 8 North Carolina militia.

Replacements: None built as I have reserves in everything expect the Army HQ, Heavy Artillery, supply, and naval engineers. I should be ok.

Virginia Theatre:
Athena has sent Banks south with a division and 3 brigades. If this was a human opponent I would think that the idea behind the move is to lure Bonham out of Fredricksburg so that McDowell can pounce on Fredicksburg. I send Winders Division to Charlottesville to join up with Johnston's force which is about 3 days march. Athena has Heinzleman sitting in Winchester most likely on garrison duty with a division and some brigades. The main Union force is with McDowell who moved slightly west of Alexandria. Hopefully Bonhams' corps is enough of a deterrant to keep the Union focused on the Culpepper region.

Tenn Theatre: Athena is consolidating east Kentucky having taken Clarksburg and Lexington. I' expecting a move on Prestonburg next.

Transmissippi: Not much. The Union has taken Jefferson city and Rolla. Springfield is likely next. Price is illequipped to intervene yet as he only has Arkansas militia. I have 3 line brigades currently refitting in Arkansas for him. In Texas, Sibley has the Tucson Union force bottled up that will have to suffice there until the CSA has more war supplies.

The CSA wins the first major battle of the war! McDowell (5 divisions) advances to Culpepper. Heitzman moves into Manassas. Winchester is garrisoned by a Union brigade. This is a sound plan of attack by Athena that doesn't leave Washington vunerable and leaves me with few options.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:19 pm

Late July 1861

The shortage of war supplies is painful - 18 now. I don't have enough to do much of anything. Some of the CSA reinforcement composite units are refitting at a slow rate due to a chronic shortage of artillery replacements.

Draft: None
Financial: None

Reinforcements: A whopping 3 South Carolina militia built.
Replacements: None

Strategic Mini Map: Strategically things don't look that bad for the CSA. Economically, thats a different matter.

Virginia Theatre: Johnston has been ordered to retreat after 3 combat rounds in Charlottesville. Holding on to Charlottesville is the least of my problems right now as I really can't afford heavy losses right now. Stonewall is ordered to take command of the Richmond force. The key to the defense appears to be Fredricksburg so Bonham stays put. If the Union takes Fredricksburg then its a straight shot to Richmond.

Tennessee Theatre: All is quiet - thankfully. I decide to send Zollicofer with a small brigade and supply unit to reinforce Isle 10.

Transmississippi: Quiet as well. Athena is still consolidating her hold on Missouri. Price is moving back to Fayetteville to pickup 2 small brigades. The larger brigade is still building slowly thanks to no artillery replacements. Sibley can't advance on Tucson yet as his strength is too low. He is garrisoning Dallas.

The Merrimac and the Richmond gunboat move to the James estuary to guard Richmond from a naval invasion there.

A good move by Athena in attacking Fredricksburg! While Charlottesville looks tempting all it does is stretch out the Union front. Fredricksburg is the key to my defenses and critical to the Union advance on Richmond. Thankfully I win the battle handily capturing up 1000 rifles and 2 supply units. Strangely McDowell occupies Fredricksburg while Bonham has been driven out -- go figure. My militia is under siege at Fredricksburg.

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:05 pm

Early August 1861

Economy: The blockade runner brought in 5 war supplies. Maybe they are worthwhile.

Reinforcements: 3 militia in Alabama
Replacements: 1 Field Arty

Draft: None
Financial: None

Virginia Theatre:
Time to go on the offensive. Jackson's Corps moves to attack McDowell in Fredricksburg. Bonham detaches a brigade to deal with the Union cavalry while the rest of the corps moves to Richmond. Johnston will be getting 5 brigades to help build up his corps at Charlottesville.

Tenn Theatre:
Athena uses 2 river transports to threaten Fort Henry and Nashville. McClellan has a full division on the transport nearest Nashville. The other transport has 2 brigades.

Price is reinforced at Fayetteville while the Union ravages the countryside.

McDowell takes Fredricksburg!
Whoa, what is this? Athena reinforces McDowell before Stonewall can attack. McDowell now has 130,000 troops and 306 arty in Fredricksburg!! Stonewall is thrown back. This is not looking good :p leure:

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Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:08 pm

Rough stuff. That is a beastly stack...
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Thu May 01, 2008 1:00 am

Late August 1861:

CSA finally gets some war supplies!

Reinforcements: 2 Missouri Militia
Replacements: 1 Field Arty

Draft: None
Financial: None

Virginia Theatre:
Athena is really putting the pressure on Richmond. She moved Admiral Foote with 1 division into the James Estuary despite the pressence of the Merrimac. She has 1 division on a river transport. Lastly, there are still 130,000 troops sitting in Fredricksburg. Cooke's brigade chased the Union cavalry into Stafford VA and is now cutoff. I order Johnston to attack Culpepper and hopefully on to Manassas where he can threaten to cut the supply of McDowell and force him back.

Tenn Theatre:
I seem to have the initiative here. Maybe its time to advance on Paducah.

Other areas:
Sibley moves up to the Indian Territories while the rebel partisan cavalry captures Rolla. The situation in East Kentucky in Prestonburg is grave. I'm down to 1 militia unit from 3 and the Union is bring up reinforcements.

Athena forces my brigade in Stafford out. I'm lucky it could retreat.

Johnston takes Culpepper, VA

McDowell's huge army slaps Johnston back to Charlottesville.

McClellan moves on Bowling Green instead of Nashville. Completely unexpected!

Comments: Athena has been playing very solidly particularly in the Virginia theatre. Instead of pressing ahead to Richmond she is wisely consolidating her position while beating back 2 attacks by CSA corps. Its proven hard to outmanuever her in the Manassas-Fredricksburg area. Too meet her massive mobilization I've had to drain my war supplies to field as many line infantry as possible, wrecking my economy for several months. Even now my war supplies situation remains critical.

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Thu May 01, 2008 7:57 pm

Early September 1861

I am finally getting a war supply infusion. Maybe the ironclads were eating up the war supplies?

With some infusion of war supplies it makes sense to call the volunteers

Industrialization: None
Financial: Lots of cash right now, I can wait.

Replacements: 1 x Light Art, 1 x Field Arty

Reinforcements: A lot of militia as I need the war supplies to form divisions..

Virginia Theatre:
The Union seriously outnumbers the CSA army in manpower and artillery. I decide to leave Bonham's corps in Richmond and send Jackson's corp to threaten Winchester through the Shenandoah valley. Johnston's corps needs to recover supply and needs replacements so I'll keep him in Charlottesville as he is a deterrent to Athena advancing on Richmond.

Tennessee Theatre:
The Union has out manuvered me by embarking Freemont near Fort Henry and sending 4 brigades on a river transport right outside of Nashville.

Transmissippi Theatre:
I just got Stand Watie this turn so I'll use him to raid Kansas. Sibley is still moving to the north to capture the Indian villages in the Indian territory. My lone cavalry raider has recaptured Rolla and Jefferson city. Halleck is north of Price with 3 divisions and a couple of brigades more than enough to blunt any advance on Springfield MO.

The only notable battle was in the Tennessee theatre.

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Thu May 01, 2008 8:01 pm

The rail & river resources you have available for supply transport seem generally pretty low; does this cause any problems for you (yet)?
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Thu May 01, 2008 8:13 pm

Arslan: Good advice, everytime. :p apy:

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Thu May 01, 2008 9:30 pm

Late September:


Reinforcements: 2 x Alabama Line Inf/Cav Composite Brigades
5 x Alabama Militia
Replacements: 1 x Light Arty, 1 x Field Arty

Draft: None

Virginia Theatre:
Athena positions McDowell and his huge army between Charlottesville and Fredricksburg. McDowell will be able to attack either Charolttesville or Richmond. On the extreme right flank of the Union front line to the right of Fredricksburg is Hooker with a full division. Heintzman has 3 divisions in Culpepper. This is a dangerous situation for the CSA. I was tempted to position Jackson between Richmond and Charlottesville however I need to create a threat of some type to force the Union back north so I stick to my original Shenandoah movement. If McDowell wheels left and attacks Richmond, Johnston will attack towards Culpepper. In the Peninsula, I am bring up Huger who will try to delay Hooker's division.

Tennessee Theatre:
The Union lands 5 brigades in Decateur TN behind my lines and reinforces Bowling Green. A marine brigades occupies Clarkville, TN while another 5 brigades sit on a river transport. Nashville is under multiple threats now and Polk can't leave there. The only mobile force I have is McColloch's division which I hope to use to secure Fort Henry.

Transmississippi Theatre:
Athena moves Halleck to protect Kansas from Stand Watie and has pulled back several brigades to deal with the Rolla/Jefferson city insurrections. This look like a good time for Price to begin his offensive!

McColloch's division defeats Fremont at Fort Henry

McColloch division cross the river and defeats McClellan at Clarksville

Sibley is decisively defeated by Lyon in the Indian Territories. Somehow Lyon got into the Indian Territories undetected by me with a full division.

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Thu May 01, 2008 9:37 pm

Rafiki wrote:The rail & river resources you have available for supply transport seem generally pretty low; does this cause any problems for you (yet)?

Yes, it is causing some issues but they are minor as I can often switch between the two. I'm using it mostly to bring up reinforcements. My main forces are already on the front lines.

Whats undermining me is a major shortage of war supplies. There were about 3 turns where I didn't seem to get any war supplies at all. Maybe they were used for the ironclads. Whatever caused it is gone and I am back to get a steady stream of war supplies as limited as it may be..

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Thu May 01, 2008 11:37 pm

Maybe it was costs from building industry? Those will stay active until you take them off.

Great game so far.
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Fri May 02, 2008 12:20 am

Early October 1861

A nice infusion of war supplies.

With more war supplies I can invest in industrialization. Its overdue..

Draft: None
Financials: None

Reinforcements: 4 x Militia
Replacements: 1 x Cavalry, 1 x Light Artillery

Virginia Theatre:
McDowell has advanced further south. This seems like an opportunity for me! I order Johnston corps to advance to Manassas and Jackson corps to advance to Fredricksburg to cut McDowell off. Bonham has been further reinforced at Richmond.

Tennessee Theatre:
The strategic picture improves a bit. Athena moves her Unionists north to join up with Porter just south of Fort Henry. Bowling Green is pretty much undefended once McClellan is forced out of Clarksville.

Transmissippi Theatre:
Halleck is busy chasing Stand Watie's Cherokees while Lyon division is still in the Indian Territories. This is a good time for Price to start his Missouri offensive. This may leave Fayetteville open for attack however Price can't defend it anyway as both Lyon and Halleck have superior forces.

McCulloch decisively defeat McClellan at Clarkville

This CSA victory was a major surprise considering that Jackson defeated an army many times larger than his own. Hopefully this turn of events forces McDowell to move North and remove the threat to Richmond.

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Fri May 02, 2008 7:04 am

How many blockade runners ya got?.....If you dont have at least ten or more you did yourself no favors on war supplies
------Ahhh the generals, they are numerous but not good for much.------

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Fri May 02, 2008 3:31 pm

pepe4158 wrote:How many blockade runners ya got?.....If you dont have at least ten or more you did yourself no favors on war supplies

Great, I haven't built any yet. I guess I learning this game the hard way.

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Fri May 02, 2008 4:28 pm

Late October

I've tapped out the draft and the financial options for now. I looked at buying some blockade runners but cost a lot of war supplies! Catch 22..

Reinforcements: 2 x North Carolina Cavalry (to deal with the pesky Union cav)
Replacements: 1 x Light Arty, 1 x Field Arty
Industrialization: None
Draft: None
Finanacial: None

Virginia Theatre:
Johnston is sitting in Manassas and my initial thought was to cut off McDowell by attacking Fredicksburg with Bonham. The problem with this is that Johnston himself can be cutoff. Instead, I order him to attack Winchester so at least he can retreat through the Shenandoah valley if needed. Jackson's corps is out of supplies, lacks cohesion, and requires refit, he'll recover at Charlotttesville. Meanwhile the Union is landing troops near Petersburg (Hookers division) and Norfolk (3 brigades). Huger's division is ordered to move to Petersburg to deal with the threat. Bonham's corps is ordered to attack Fredicksburg.

Tennessee Theatre:
Athena continues to run by Fort Henry, this time with Grant and 3 divisions. My only mobile force is now cutoff from west Tennesse with Grant, Fremont, and an 3 Union brigades between Memphis and Nashville. Polk is ordered to attack McClellan, the 3 brigade force, and Fremont. McColloch is ordered to take Bowling Green. I've neglected this theatre and allowed the Union to outnumber almost 4:1.

Arkansas & Indian Territory:
Halleck has 3 brigades and Lyon has a division. I have a hunch that the rest of Halleck's force went to Grant. I thought that Halleck was chasing Stand Watie with 3 divisions. I decide to order Price to take Springfield MO. Van Dorn is left guarding Fayetteville with some militia. Halleck has some options here. Sibley is refitting in Dallas.

Missouri Theatre:
I've ordered Price to retake Springfield. With this I will have retaken the cities I lost early on to the Union.

Combat: Mostly small scale battles against militia. Grant took Cornith. Price took Springfield, and McColloch took Bowling Green. Apparently Bonham didn't move however out of Richmond. Johnston didn't reach Winchester.

Events: Southern National Elections (+1 NM), General Cooper retires (good riddance), and epidemics strike my armies.

A couple of things I learned thus far:
(1) I just now discovered how to use the message filters, a really convenient way of screening those scrolling messages at the bottom of the screen.
(2) As Pepe has pointed out, my war supplies are low as I haven't built any blockade runner. Early on I thought they were worthless but the few I have are bring in about 15 war supplies a turn. The problem is that they cost 15 war supplies to build. My resource management hasn't been the best but hopefully I have time to address it.

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Fri May 02, 2008 8:13 pm

Early November 1861

I'm short of manpower and war supplies. I'll spend my precious war supplies on a brig. The expenditure will take my war supplies down to 8.

Recruitment: 3 x Militia, 1 x Brig (blockade runner)
Replacement: None
Industrialization: None

Virginia Theatre:
Johnston is ordered to take Winchester and Bonham is ordered to take Fredricksburg. Jackson is ordered to move to Charlottesville but in an defensive role. Huger is order to attack Hooker. Despite the reserve in the strategic picture, McDowell is still dangerous. Burnside has 4 divisions under his command in Manassas. I wonder what happened to the Union cavalry on the North Carolina border...

Tennessee Theatre:
I'm sending my 2 of my coastal garrison brigades north to Memphis to reinforce it. Meanwhile Polk is slowly making his way westwards. I need to make sure I hold Fort Henry at all costs as it is the only thing interdicting supply. McColloch is left in Bowling Green for now.

Missouri Theatre:
Athena reinforced St Louis so at least Price is accomplishing something. I plan to send him north to take Lexington, MO and St Joseph, MO. Meanwhile, Halleck has disappeared from sight. I wonder if Athena withdrew him to Kansas to deal with Stand Watie.

Texas Theatre
I have a fair amount of troops under Sibley's command so I order him to attack Tucson. Maybe I can lure Lyon out of the Indian territories. Those indian villages must be providing supply.

McDowell took Charlottesville and stepped inside the settlement. The Union came out of nowhere to attack Bowling Green good thing I left McColloch there.

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Fri May 02, 2008 9:39 pm

Late November 1861:

Still bad. No use complaining about it (sigh).

Reinforcements: 1 x Steam frigate (deep south)
Replacements: None
Industrialization: None

Virginia Theatre:
McDowell has taken up residence in Charlottesville. I had to restrain myself from ordering Jackson to attack him. Instead I order Jackson to Fredricksburg where my lone militia unit has captured the city. Bonham who is moving at the pace of a turtle has been ordered back to Richmond. Hopefully Huger will launch his attack this turn. No idea why he didn't last turn.

Tennessee Theatre:
Polk is entering Western Tennessee after a slow march. Meanwhile, I've used my meager railroad to move up the Alabama brigades to Memphis. Grant seems to have taken up residence in Corinth.

Bonham easily crushes 2 Union brigades.

Johnston is forced out of Winhester by Burnside under winter conditions. The nearest city is 90 days march. A mistake that is going to cost me.

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Fri May 02, 2008 10:14 pm

Early December 1861

I am trying to build at least one blockade runner a turn to get some war supplies..

Reinforcements: 4 x Militia, 1 x Frigate (deep south)
Replacements: None
Industrialization: None

Virginia Theatre:
Both Jackson and Johnston are sitting out in the cold. Johnston's corps is really going to suffer from attrition. I am now more determined than ever to inflict pain on McDowell. I order my last corps Bonham, to attack McDowell in Charlottesville.

North Carolina Theatre:
Well, I found out what happened to the force that was attacking Norfolk, they are now down attacking Goldsboro, North Carolina.

Tennessee Theatre:
And Athena slips McClellan into Arkansas directly across from Memphis.

Indian Territory
The Union forces in winter quarters.

Combat: Bonham is successful in his attack but McDowell holds Charlottesville. Go figure.

(1) If you look at the screen shots you'll notice that Athena has put most of her troops in winter quarters. A good strategic move that protects her units from attrition.
(2) The importance of the rivers in the west has been painfully driven home to me by Athena. She has been able to bypass fortified positions by running past the river forts forcing me back from defending. I get a pretty good idea why control of the Mississippi is so critical as the ability to rapid move and supply troops through the rivers gives the Union a huge advantage.

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Fri May 02, 2008 11:51 pm

Awesome AAR you have going here! Keep up the updates.
[color="Blue"]The Few, The Proud[/color]
[color="Red"]Semper Fidelis[/color]

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Sat May 03, 2008 12:11 am

Late December 1861

Industrialization is helping with +7 war supplies. A newly built brig should help as well. I'm tempted to spend the WS on troops but don't want to get in another shortage..

Conscription + Financials better late than never. I'm hoping for more war supplies through expanded industrialization + blockade runners.

Reinforcements: 30 militia (not enough WS) and one frigate (for more WS).

Replacements: I need replacements badly but I can't afford to divert WS right now.

Oh boy. And me without any replacements. Valley Forge anyone?

Virginia Theatre:
Jackson and Johnston are severely depleted. Bonham is still trying to take Charlottesville as Burnside moves down. Winchester has been garrisoned by Hooker's Division so no alternative for Johnston but a death march south.

Tenn Theatre:
At least my forces are in settlement regions.

Thats the end of me trying any campaigns in the wintertime. I've taken horrendous casualties. It took a good deal of restraint not to put my fist through the monitor or to redo this turn. McDowell is at least down to 50k men though I suspect a good chunk of his original force is with Burnside.

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Sat May 03, 2008 1:29 am

1862 Early January:

My rail capacity is terrible, I can barely move a division. I have to bring it up unfortunately there goes this turn's WS.

Reinforcements: 7 militia (better than nothing I guess)
Replacements: None
Industrialization: +10 to Rail transportation

Virginia Theatre:
Jackson is refiting in Lynchburg, Bonham moves to Burkesville to refit, and Johnston is still sitting in place. I hope he moves this turn. The Richmond defense consists of Huger's Miltia division and the Richmond garrison. To the north, I have a tiny militia force holding Fredricksburg. The only thing positive is that this is winter and maybe Athena doesn't want to catch a cold. The numerous soldiers in Richmond are Brigadeer Generals that arrived this turn. I am dispatching them to command strategic garrisons.

Tennessee Theatre:
Polk can't get to Memphis as my rail capacity is nonexistent. I order Polk to move on Cornith in the hope it forces Grant back from an probable attack on Memphis.

Combat: The Union takes Jefferson City, MO and Fredricksburg, MD.

A couple of things I am still trying to figure out are:
1) What replacements do the blockade runners use (the frigates are barely building)
2) Where do you find the entrechment factor for forces?

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