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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:56 am

Ah, the crisis manager. A hell to design, so that it was automated while having players input meaningful choices. I don't know if I succeeded in fact! ;)

I would be interested to get these screenshots in big, for my archives. It has been a very long time since I saw the PON crisis manager in action.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:11 am

Pocus wrote:Ah, the crisis manager. A hell to design, so that it was automated while having players input meaningful choices. I don't know if I succeeded in fact! ;)

I would be interested to get these screenshots in big, for my archives. It has been a very long time since I saw the PON crisis manager in action.

Unfortunately, screenshots of the crisis are only in Russian, and we have not saved that turn. But soon there will be a similar crisis because of Merv, I will save it and send it to you.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:14 am

It is a pity that most players, even in MP campaigns, avoid crises. This is a great decoration for the game!

And no one knows how crisis cards work ((

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:48 am

Pocus wrote:Ah, the crisis manager. A hell to design, so that it was automated while having players input meaningful choices. I don't know if I succeeded in fact! ;)

I would be interested to get these screenshots in big, for my archives. It has been a very long time since I saw the PON crisis manager in action.

Hi Pocus,

You probably already know this, but if you right-click the screenshots and open in a new tab, you'll get a significantly bigger version.


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:39 pm


The command of the Russian Turkestan army reports that the detachment of the former Khiva Khan Mukhamad Amin was defeated and destroyed / Now no one there disputes Russian rule .

An exotic camel caravan has also become a Russian trophy

With the death of Muhammad Amin, the armed resistance of the Khivans must completely end, and therefore it has been announced that the Russian army will be significantly reduced in this region and withdrawn to places of permanent deployment. Prince Vorontsov is leaving for the Caucasus and Field Marshal Baryatinsky will become the new commander of the Turkestan Army.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:40 pm

Table of National Morale, Prestige and Military Power of the leading countries of our game for May 1855 (130 turn):


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:12 pm

In the summer of 1855, not to say that it would be very unexpected, another uprising of the Caucasus mountaineers broke out, under the leadership of Imam Shamil.
Chechen and Dagestan rebel detachments captured the city of Grozny and the fort of Vladikavkaz. The cavalry detachments of the rebels spread throughout the northern Caucasus.
The highly successful campaign against Khiva and the return of the main part of the army to the place of deployment in the Caucasus made it possible to immediately start suppressing the revolt.In connection with the aggravation of the situation in the Caucasus, the young emperor Alexander Nikolaevich ordered to postpone the coronation events to a later date.


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:29 am

Hello NN

I'd very much like to participate in your PBEM, if I'm too late for this one I would be happy to sign up for the next.

Any country is fine for me. I made a friend request for you in Steam, user name Eyes on Stalks

Contact me if it's ok to join in!


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:35 pm

HootsMaguire wrote:I made a friend request for you in Steam, user name Eyes on Stalks
Contact me if it's ok to join in!

Ok, added you as a friend of Steam

HootsMaguire wrote:I'd very much like to participate in your PBEM, if I'm too late for this one I would be happy to sign up for the next.
Any country is fine for me.

Of course, we invite all newcomers to our company. As long as there are vacant countries in the PON game, you can join us.
But you understand that all large and developed countries are already occupied (although we often have losses of players and we can borrow something more important). For example, right now we are activating for a new player of the Orange Republic. A very brave choice! This country can be captured by the British Empire at any time, but the player insisted on playing for it.

Here is the current list of occupied countries and the largest remaining ones:

Austrian Empire - busy
Russian Empire -busy
British Empire -busy
Kingdom of Sardinia - busy
Kingdom of Prussia -busy
USA - busy
France - busy
Kingdom of Belgium - busy
Ottoman Empire - busy
Spanish Empirez -busy
Japanese Shogunate - busy
Kingdom of the Netherlands - busy
Kingdom of Portugal - busy
Kingdom of Sweden - busy
Empire of Brazil - busy
United Mexican States - busy
Qing Empire - busy
Argentine Confederation - busy
Kingdom of Denmark - busy
Republic of Peru - busy
Egypt Eyalet - busy
Greece -busy
Orange Free State --busy

Players Required:

Swiss - ?
Republic of Chile - ?
Republic of New Granada(Colombia) -?
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies - ?
Kingdom of Bavaria - ?
Sublime State of Persia - ?
Rattanakosin Kingdom (Siam) - ?
South African Republic (Transvaal) - ?
Ethiopian Empire - ?

Many wanted to play for Two Sicilies, but it will be added to Italy by an automatic event. Same as Bavaria to Germany.And we discouraged playing for them. Switzerland is rich and developed, but it is landlocked and there is no chance of expanding it.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:39 pm


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:56 pm

Hi I guess I'd like to play Republic of New Granada/Colombia - seems perfect for a beginner with not too many complex parts and lots of coffee to drink

Please get in touch to let me know how to participate either a PM here or a Steam Message

My email is


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:44 pm

HootsMaguire wrote:Hi I guess I'd like to play Republic of New Granada/Colombia - seems perfect for a beginner with not too many complex parts and lots of coffee to drink

Please get in touch to let me know how to participate either a PM here or a Steam Message

My email is


Added you to our channel # PON- game-5 in Slask .
I saw that you don't really want to communicate there, but unfortunately the creator of the TWC community decided to use slack for chat, I would love to move the community to Discord.

But now you definitely need to chat with us in slack so that we can add you to the game.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:47 pm

Thanks NN

I'm not really against Slack as opposed to Discord, just I see them both as redundant, kind of like drinking Coke and Pepsi at the same time

Anyway I'm in now, Dropbox also and ready to start. :dada:

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:42 am

Gents, TWC club has a discord but using slack instead actively.. :dada:
(TWC) The Wargaming Club
TWC DiscorD:

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:24 pm

Updated list of countries with live players

Austrian Empire - busy
Russian Empire -busy
British Empire -busy
Kingdom of Sardinia - busy
Kingdom of Prussia -busy
USA - busy
French Empire - busy
Kingdom of Belgium - busy
Ottoman Empire - busy
Spanish Empirez -busy
Japanese Shogunate - busy
Kingdom of the Netherlands - busy
Kingdom of Portugal - busy
Kingdom of Sweden - busy
Empire of Brazil - busy
United Mexican States - busy
Qing Empire - busy
Argentine Confederation - busy
Kingdom of Denmark - busy
Republic of Peru - busy
Egypt Eyalet - busy
Kingdom of Greece - busy
Orange Free State -busy
Republic of New Granada -busy
Sublime State of Persia - (will be activated on the next turn)

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Wed Dec 01, 2021 10:18 am

The addition of a player for the Orange Free State(OFS) (a small Boer republic in South Africa) to our campaign led to a major international crisis.

Even in the process of choosing a new player for his country, the British player announced that OFS and Transvaal would soon be annexed by Britain and there was no point in playing for them. But the newcomer (a brave Pole) insisted, said that he was not afraid of such a prospect!

As a result, during the activation of the OFS, the whole world learned that Britain had declared war on the Transvaal (and why not the OFS?) And declared that in the next 5 turns both Boer republics would be occupied and annexed by the British Empire - since Britain has already been building up its Colonial Presence for 15 turns in the Boer republics and a step away from declaring them their protectorate (or colonies). And the unlucky ruler of the OFS should urgently look for a new country to emigrate.

Russia strongly condemned this aggression and entered into a diplomatic squabble with the British Foreign Office. The Ottoman Empire strongly supported Britain.
Quite unexpectedly, the player for Holland (the history of the homeland of the Boers) offered to transfer the OFS to him for manual management of a short desperate struggle between the Boers and the aggressor.
At the initiative of Russia, an international conference was convened to help the Boers. The representatives of France, the Netherlands, Spain and China agreed to take part in it. Piedmont also leaned towards supporting the Boers (despite alliance with Britain)

But then the United States said that they did not care about the Boers and, in general, they are a loyal ally of Britain and are ready to defend it with weapons in hand from any attacker.
Britain also began to put very heavy pressure on other countries.
After this announcement, all international support for the Boers was immediately blown away, countries began to withdraw their representatives from the international conference.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:50 pm

I have not written here for a long time, but our game continues.

We now have our 200th turn !
Now we have 15 players who manage 20 countries (5 countries are now managed as a "second country" for various reasons).

All players are busy developing the economy of their countries, and large countries are also seizing colonies, and no one wants to spend resources (and maybe their time) on a war. There were a couple of attempts to start wars between the players, but the tough opposition of the Great Powers, primarily Great Britain, forced the players not to start wars, or immediately stop them.

My Russia has completed its expansion in Central Asia - Khiva, Merv, Bukhara became Russian protectorates. There is still an independent Kokand Emirate, but it has neither valuable resources nor Target Cities for me, and therefore I did not spend resources on its conquest.

In the economy, an important event was the emergence of huge oil fields in Baku. Now I am hastily developing this region - a railway has been built, oil fields are being built, research on more intensive methods of its extraction is being stimulated. True, my dream of becoming a world monopoly in oil production turned out to be deceived - after a few turns, oil sources appeared in many parts of the world ((. But I still plan to become one of the major players in this market.

All my attempts to create some kind of strong coalition for economic and possibly military opposition to the world leadership of Great Britain have so far been unsuccessful. All players are either very careful or just lazy, or they have their own secret plans that they do not want to tell me about. )))

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon May 01, 2023 2:38 pm

We finally lost a player for Portugal. Although this is not a Great Power, it is a very rich country with colonies in Africa. We are looking for someone who wants to play for her!

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue May 02, 2023 2:38 am

Hi there

I will happily join as Portugal !
I am registered at TWC.
What is the next step ?


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue May 02, 2023 8:37 am

Bohémond wrote:Hi there

I will happily join as Portugal !
I am registered at TWC.
What is the next step ?


I found you on TWC slack and added you to our chat pon-game-5

I know you as a big fan and specialist of ageod games, it will be interesting to talk with you.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Thu May 11, 2023 7:56 am

Russia and China successfully negotiated and concluded the Beijing Treaty on the transfer of 4 regions on the Pacific coast to Russia. At the southernmost point of the new Russian lands, the construction of a fortress and the city of Vladivostok began.


As compensation for these territories, Russia will give China a squadron of 4 wooden frigates.

ps: In fact, my Russia in 1858 had the possibility of two treaties - the Aigun Treaty of 1858 and the Beijing Treaty of 1860 (why does it appear in 1858?). If in the Aigun Treaty I chose the option "Put pressure on China", then with a 75% probability the event on the transfer of 6 regions near the Amur to Russia worked. But these lands are already the Sphere of Influence of Russia and Chinese ownership and structures are not there and the agreement does not give me anything, so I chose the option "Relinquish pressure and improve relations with China" , ,and thus, for free, slightly improved relations with China and Japan.
Why was this agreement made? No minimally experienced Chinese player would waste resources and try to pointlessly colonize these lands. Is AI doing this?

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat May 20, 2023 9:15 am

In these events, only the player for Russia can choose options, and it turns out that nothing depends on the opinion of a live player for China. Therefore, as a gesture of goodwill, I invited the Chinese player to discuss compensation for the transferred lands. The Chinese player offered to receive compensation in the form of warships (which China itself cannot build) - I offered to give him a squadron of 4 wooden frigates, now in Okhotsk, to which he gladly agreed. After the transfer of territories, this squadron sailed to the Chinese Port Arthur, where on the next move, with the help of the event I wrote, it became the property of China. The names of the ships in this squadron were changed to the English transcription of the Chinese names of the four major rivers of China - the Yangtze, the Yellow River, the Zhujiang, the Heilujiang (Amur)

The code of the event I created about the transfer of ships:

Code: Select all

 SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Lushun
StartEvent = Russia transfers warships in Port-Artur to China|1|2|As compensation for the transfer of four regions in the Far East under the terms of the Beijing Treaty, Russia is donating a squadron of warships to the Qing Empire. The handover ceremony took place in Port Arthur, where Chinese crews boarded the ships.|Event-img_RUS_PekingTreaty1858|$Lushun|2


SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Lushun
  ChangeResStock = $merOfficer;4
  ChangeResStock = $merConscript;4
  SelectSubUnits = Region $Lushun ;FactionTags RUS;Domains $Naval;Families $famLightWarship
  AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Kill

SelectFaction = $CHI
  ChangeResStock = $merOfficer;-4
  ChangeResStock = $merConscript;-4

SelectFaction = $CHI
SelectRegion = $Lushun
  Posture = $Defensive
  SetKind = $Nav
  SetName = Quangdong Jiandui
  SetType = $uni_RUS_Frg1
  SUFlavorName = Yangtze|HuangHe|ZhuJiang|HeilongJiang
  SetLevel = 0
  SetName = 1st Frigate Squadron
  Entranch = 0
  InCS = 1
  SetBuildFlag = 0
  SetHealth = 100
  SetCohesion = 50

The result of triggering the event I wrote (and even with the sound of "ships arriving at the port")

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon May 22, 2023 7:10 am

Excellent! It's always nice to read some AAR on PON!

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon May 22, 2023 9:47 am

Pocus wrote:Excellent! It's always nice to read some AAR on PON!

N'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre! Il n'est pas difficile de gérer une sorte de petit (mais fier!) Pays, mais toujours plus amusant.))

Et je veux vous demander - y a-t-il un risque de fermeture du forum dans les années à venir (sinon de nombreux forums russes sur les jeux informatiques sont désormais fermés en raison d'une faible activité et de problèmes financiers) ? Est-il judicieux d'écrire autre chose ici?

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 7:45 am

After several years of peaceful, boring play, turbulent events began to occur.

At the end 1858 year the Qing Empire (China) player unexpectedly declared war on Great Britain and attacked Hong Kong! And after a short siege he captured this pearl of the British colonial empire.
Last edited by andrzej on Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 7:51 am

The player for Great Britain, of course, could not tolerate such treachery and aggression and immediately began to assemble a large coalition for the war against China. The following countries immediately opposed China and declared war on it: Sardinia-Piedmont, Spain, Japan. A number of other countries have also declared their readiness to help Britain.

The Japanese player wanted to join the anti-Chinese coalition - but since Japan has a low Imperialism rating, it cannot declare war on another country.
But she has a Casus Belli against China, and also at the beginning of our campaign, with other players, there was already a Sino-Japanese war, during which China captured all of Japan, and Japan should have the right to take revenge. Therefore, we decided that Japan has the moral and gaming right to declare war on China. We held a player vote and the majority was in favor of this decision.
I wrote a small script and the next turn an event about the war between Japan and China was triggered.

Code: Select all

 SelectFaction = $CMN
 SelectRegion = $Edo
 StartEvent = "Revenge of the Samurai"|1|2|The Japanese Emperor declares war on the Qing Empire. The shame of the recent occupation of the Japanese islands will be washed away with blood... chinese blood|Event-img_JAP_EndTokugawaShogunat1867|$Edo|231
 SelectFaction = $JAP
 AddDiploItem = CHI;$diWar;CURRENT
 ChangeResStock = $merDiplomat;-1
 ChgVPCount = -100
 ChgFacRelationships = CHI;-50


ps: The desire of backward (and without a fleet) Egypt to also join the war against China turned out to be very unexpected and funny. But the funny thing is that in our campaign Egypt is controlled by the same player as China, that is, the player wants to fight with himself!)) Other players appreciated this level of split personality (or cunning) of the player. :wako:
Last edited by andrzej on Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:00 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:16 am

At the same time, a diplomatic scandal occurred between my Russia and Great Britain:
- A non-aggression pact lasted between Russia and Great Britain for several years, the text of which stated that neither Russia nor Great Britain had the right to conclude a Defense Alliance with other Great Powers, and more specifically with France and the United States, and anyone who violated this condition would be considered to have violated the Pact and would be punished with a fine of 2000 Prestige.
Moreover, the validity period of this package expired in February 1859. But in December 1558, Great Britain entered into a Defensive Alliance with the United States, and my Russia demands punishment for Great Britain, who violated the pact.
But in response I hear this: “Russia was de facto the first to violate the spirit of the pact, since it helped the Chinese aggressor by donating its military frigates and generally behaved unfriendly (!!??).”

To which I objected that Russia transferred ships to China when China had not yet fought with Great Britain and in general relations with China are not spelled out in any way in our treaty, but an alliance with the United States is directly prohibited and violates the treaty. And the treaty was violated with particular cynicism - two months before its expiration, after which Great Britain could legally enter into an alliance with any country.

To which my opponent and his allies stated a new justification: “An ambiguous phrase was found in the text of the Pact that the ban on an alliance with France and the United States is valid in “peacetime,” and since Great Britain is now at war with China, now is “not peacetime.” "and the treaty has not been violated. My objections are that this phrase implied a BIG WAR with another great power and not any war at all (since Russia and Great Britain, as giant empires, always wage some kind of war with the natives and such an interpretation of the phrase does not have meaning) were rejected.

After this, I was forced to turn to international arbitration (voting of all campaign players) to find out which of us is right.

But unfortunately, not all countries supported my position:

And I was forced to admit that with such a division of votes I have no moral right to demand punishment for Great Britain.
My inexperience in creating treaty texts punished me.

This event further spoiled the already not very good relations between Russia and Britain. It smelled like a big war.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:01 pm

Against the backdrop of this enormous crisis, the war in China continued to develop.

"Corriere della Sera", 04/14/1859
We rule the waves!

The news, both joyful and disturbing, came from our correspondents in Singapore, who learned that several wounded Italian sailors had been delivered to the local British hospital by a merchant packet boat. Having visited the heroes, the journalists heard about the general battle between the squadron of Duke Eugene and the main forces of the Chinese fleet and immediately transmitted an essay compiled from the participants in the clash through the wires of the East India Telegraph Station.

Eugene of Savoy, Prince of Carignano, named after his famous grandfather, of course, held the flag of the squadron on the newest three-deck 80-gun battleship “Prince of Carignano”. Sisterships: "Re Galantuomo", "Terrible" and "Formidable" formed the main battle order of the expeditionary fleet. 8 smaller steamers were used for reconnaissance and signaling. Piedmontese sailors cruised between the mouth of the Pearl River and the Taiwan Strait, interfering with coastal communications in South China.

Admiral Peng Yulin could not take it so easy and lead his fleet to sea, obviously counting on the overwhelming quantity superiority of the Chinese and the fogs of Formosa, capable to provide a surprise attack. The Celestial Empire had almost a hundred combat pennants and was able to prepare impressive forces for battle: 4 corvettes and 72 junks. However, the hope for a lack of vigilance of the watchmen turned out to be in vain! The approaching armada was seen from afar and the 68-pounder guns of the Sardinian flagship immediately brought confusion to the attackers. "Prince of Carignano" and the "Formidable" following him with well-aimed fire sank a dozen and a half combat junks, one more each - on the account of "Re Galantuomo" and "Terrible". The enemy run.

And then the indefatigable temperament of Duke Eugene, which we remember from the controversial battle in the Ionian Sea during the Eastern War, played a cruel joke on the sailors who had already defeated the enemy. The signal raised on the masts of the flagship was simple and did not allow for double interpretations: "Board everyone!" The ships, spreading full steam, began to pursue the enemy. However, a boarding fighting is always, to a certain extent, a lottery, in which the most thorough preparation and the most desperate courage are unable to guarantee success. And, although the Chinese fleet suffered significant losses during the retreat, two episodes overshadowed the joy of victory.

The steam corvette Ruggiero shot out of the clouds of smoke and fog directly into the concentrated fire of a dozen Chinese ships, including three corvettes, equipped with equivalent artillery and with hired European officers on board. One of the very first volleys damaged the engine and, although the captain quickly organized maneuvering under sails, sank the nearest war junk, forced the enemy corvette to go out of the battle and hold untill the powerful Re Galantuomo has come to help, the team, which suffered heavy losses, could not to stop flooding and, after a two-hour damage control, was forced to abandone the ship.

The steam frigate "Carlos Alberto" caught up the largest victim of this hunt: one of the few Chinese corvettes. The enemy captain was fanatically devoted to his emperor and, as soon as the boarding party jumped on board, he went down into the hold-chamber and blew up the ship. The blast wave broke through the skin of the Carlos Alberto, burning debris covered its deck and, in the end, the hunter shared the fate of the prey.

Despite these unfortunate losses, the battle in the Taiwan Strait is undoubtedly a bright and convincing victory for the Sardinian fleet. It is authentically known about the sinking of 33 war junks and a corvette, perhaps some more Chinese ships sank after the battle from the damage received. Thus, about a third of the enemy fleet was sent to the bottom, and naval domination in Chinese waters belongs entirely to the coalition.


Chinese victory over a small Spanish fleet.

Japan lands in Korea, with an inconclusive battle at Pusan. Sardinian troops land on Taiwan and lay siege to Tainan. Monsoons set in on the Burmese front.


Tainan, on Taiwan, falls to the Italians. A Japanese fleet is defeated in the Tsushima Strait, but not before unloading more troops onto the peninsula. Chinese troops win two indecisive battles against Japan, and take a British outpost in Kashmir.


"Corriere della Sera", August 2, 1859

The corps of the “young Italian guard” captured the Tainan fortress. Ten thousand Chinese soldiers became prisoners in Sardinia. 12 unfinished war junks were captured at the shipyards. They, of course, do not meet the requirements of our ultra-modern naval forces, but they are quite capable of serving under the flag of the Sardinian colonial fleet. Fortifications, coastal batteries and administrative buildings of the Celestial Empire were destroyed. The expeditionary forces began constructing warehouses to ensure uninterrupted supply of coalition forces in the Far East.
Despite the stormy weather, heavy fighting continues in the Tsushima Strait between the Japanese and Chinese fleets. The Japanese squadron retreated, but not before the landing was completed. The Chinese naval forces, moreover, suffered much more serious losses in the ship composition: according to available data, they sank 27 junks, while the Japanese lost 8 junks and 1 corvette.
Last edited by andrzej on Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:05 pm

That's a lot of junks from the Chinese.

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