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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Mon May 25, 2020 4:41 pm

coolbean wrote:Yes I played a couple of MP games a long time ago, it was a lot of fun, but as you can imagine life commitments eventually would get into the way for most people. However, we were playing 1 turn a day. It was faster, but it was also a larger commitment.

Yes, we have completely different sensations from the game - here the most important thing is communication in game chats, where we discuss trade contracts, diplomatic unions, conducting joint military operations, armistice conditions and much more. And for the players of the Great Powers, the week is barely enough for all this.For minor players, this is a very long time, in which they have nothing to do and they can be very bored. I rack my brains over the solution to this problem, but so far not very successfully.

Activation for a person playing a new country takes two turns - that is, two weeks. When the Netherlands becomes free, it is also not clear yet - the Austrian player promised to leave only when Austria ended the great European war, and with this it is still difficult.
So I suggest you choose a free country now,
and when the Netherlands (or some Great Country) will be free to take it.
We also allow the minor player to take on another minor country in another part of the world. Not all participants are happy with this indulgence, but I believe that otherwise we will not find games for such countries.

By the way, we don’t have a player for Japan. But it’s very bad - almost all the Japanese islands are occupied by a Chinese player. If you decide to head it, then you can hope to somehow agree on her release ((.
The choice of Both Sicilies would be interesting in that there would be a healthy competition with the player of Sardinia-Piemonte for the unification of Italy, and this would be an interesting intrigue.
I also really want to get more players in America, now there is only a US player and a new Brazil player. Mexico is an important country, but I am afraid that it is too poor, far from the center of the diplomatic game in Europe, it will be too boring to play for it. But you may want to prove the opposite.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Mon May 25, 2020 6:07 pm

I don't have a problem taking a free country and waiting for Netherlands (or other country) to open up. That's definitely interesting that Japan got occupied, but I think they are definitely a major power and should be played. If their situation is not hopeless, I would like to give them a try.

Or I could also play Two Sicilies, not to necessarily challenge the formation of Italy, but it would be nice to get in the game and build up a little bit, and maybe make Italy a little better off when it unifies. I would probably like to switch to Netherlands or someone else when they open, but in the meantime I can take Japan or Two Sicilies. I am probably leaning toward Japan, but I would want to know more about their current situation, and what the Chinese player is asking for.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Mon May 25, 2020 8:00 pm

coolbean wrote:That's definitely interesting that Japan got occupied, but I think they are definitely a major power and should be played. If their situation is not hopeless, I would like to give them a try.

Yes, I also think that Japan is much more important.But I think you first need to watch the game, and then make a wise decision.

We will try to give you access to our files and chat now. Do you have Dropbox (for file sharing) and Slack (where we chat) apps?
If you do not have them, then you first need to register on the TWC forum, where our campaign has begun. Then you will get access to our Dropbox and Slack.

It also hosts many other MP games on various wargames and strategies.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Mon May 25, 2020 10:39 pm

Ok I made a TWC account, with the name coolbean. I think I found the thread with your game, I can post there.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Tue May 26, 2020 8:28 am

coolbean wrote:Or I could also play Two Sicilies, not to necessarily challenge the formation of Italy, but it would be nice to get in the game and build up a little bit, and maybe make Italy a little better off when it unifies. I would probably like to switch to Netherlands or someone else when they open, but in the meantime I can take Japan or Two Sicilies. I am probably leaning toward Japan, but I would want to know more about their current situation, and what the Chinese player is asking for.

our player for Sardinia got nervous)). He says that there are a lot of historical events in the game about the unification of Italy and that a person’s game for Two Sicily can break them. The truth is, they will happen in 10 years, which is almost an eternity at our speed))).
.By the way, I myself was thinking of taking Sicily for myself if I wanted to leave Great Britain.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:31 am

Many things happened in our campaign over the summer:
-The turn time is now set to 4 days and the theme of the game is very good.If the player is away, then he can always ask to make an empty turn for himself or to make his ally or our host.
- After long months of escalation of the great European war, both sides finally realized all its futility. As a result, in 1852 Russia and Austria offered to conclude peace - Russia renounced all its claims to Turkey and withdrawn its troops, Austria also abandoned its claims, but at the same time lost Lombardy, captured by the valiant Sardinian army and held by it for almost the entire war. As a result, Sardinia-Piedmont became the most successful participant in the war (deservedly - its troops fought very well with the Austrians).

- Due to such an unfortunate development of events, as well as for personal reasons, the most valuable players for Austria and Russia left our party.
- China was forced (by our persuasion) to make peace with Japan. After that, the China player lost interest in the game (he loves war, not trade)) also left our party.

It was almost a disaster, but we managed, redistributing the countries (for example, instead of the brilliant British Empire, I was forced to take the backward losing Russia) filled the vacant great powers.
At the same time, as we promised, some players for the Minor countries were able to take the places of the great powers.

After that, a period of calm began, when countries began to develop their economies and colonial expansion. As a former player for Britain, it was painful for me to watch all sorts of "Minors" (Austria, Prussia, etc.) climb into the Persian Gulf and establish their own trading posts.And the new British player does not oppose this in any way ((( . I then dreamed of making the Persian Gulf a pure fiefdom of Britain (well, a little Turkey).

Now the campaign is turn 73(January 1853)
(13 people participate) and we have a new player for Portugal after a long break.

Now I intend to start introducing new events into the game - first of all, add colonial solutions to players of minor countries who do not have them at all. This greatly spoils their game. Then I plan to introduce credits between countries into the game, and only then the sale of weapons, territory and enterprises.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:49 pm

Declaration of war to Duchy of Tuscania

All Italians were shaken by cruel banditry, which ex-ruler of Parma, Carlo Bourbon organized after loosing the last hope to convince the peoples to recognize his tyrannical regime again. He started bloody revenge to own former subjects using brutal thugs and paying Austrian gold to them. There were investigators of the Sardinian Royal Gendarmerie directed to investigate those bloody crimes. They detected and proved without any doubt the fact of an even more outrageous betrayal of the Italian people, even stronger moral degradation of the tyrant ruler, even more disgusting hypocrisy and lust for power!
Despite the false statements of neutrality, Duchy of Tuscany created bases for the Bourbon mercenaries, there they were arming, supplying and sneaking from the Sardinian army and police. This is more than just hostility, this is an act of the war against all Italian peoples. Сrime cannot stay unpunished, and the miserable traitor has no any right to call himself a sovereign ruler in the Italian lands, especially since the name of his family, the house of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty is the symbol of the most grim and dark pages of our national history. Honour, justice and, at last, citizens of Florence require to otherthrow the Duke Leopoldo II.
The Kingdom of Sardinia announces that from now it is in war with the Duchy of Tuscany and intends to protect the natural right of the free citizens of Florence to establish the power that they want and deserve, taking out the crown from the unworthy head of a traitor and oath-breaker!

Corrierre della Sera, 02/09/1853
Citizens of Parma voted for the future

Celebrating peoples crowded streets of the Parma. Yesterday, the evening “Corriere della Sera” required two additional editions and they were printed soon by local typographies. It was not because our journalists get any exclusive breaking news again. This time the news were quite predictable, but still very positive, and our readers bought the paper just for pleasant memories.
The City Hall of Parma published the result of plebiscite about future rule in the region. More than 93 % of participants voted for the integration with the Kingdom of Sardinia. People dream about unification of Italy and appreciate all the efforts of Savoy dynasty to make that dream true!

Corrierre della Sera, 02/21/1853
The Republic of Re-borning Italy

Victorious troops of Duke Fernando, supported by naval squadron under the flag of Duke Eugenio, liberated the Tuscany. Leopoldo ІІ, with his family and a few supporters, has emigrated. The population were glad to the end of bloody tyranny and organized militia for keeping order in the city. Also, Republic of Central Italy was founded. The Florence was a historical center of Renaissance and now it becomes the political center of Risorgimento. It is a modern form of social progress and advance designed to satisfy the Italians' aspirations for independence and national unity. The Constituent Assembly of the Republic would be elected in the near future and will determine the organization of power in the Tuscany.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:53 pm

Our Spanish player also decided to practice writing a literary aar:

" Tarragona. May 15, 1853.

In this small Spanish town, by the grace of God, a very significant event took place - the first Spanish railway junction connected the three major cities of the country - Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Bilbao. Two years ago, the first Spanish railway was opened in the capital of Catalonia, its example was immediately followed by Madrid, then this modern means of communication appeared in Bilbao and Seville and now the first common Spanish railway junction in the town of Tarragona! The inhabitants of this modest settlement (in the region of which only a grain farm operated, closed in 1851 due to an oversupply of grain in the country) were overly happy in view of this event, because it opened up new opportunities and prospects for them - work at stations, maintenance and / d technology, travel and construction! What can I say ?! The whole country was extremely happy about this event - from now on it was possible to quickly move from the capital of the Castilians to the capital of the Basques and Catalans! Is this not what unites the nation, making the inhabitants of its cities and villages closer to each other? With great hope, the Spaniards expect the construction of the railway network to continue throughout the country and beyond. You also need to connect the Seville railway with the national line, lay rails in other cities and colonies. In a matter of weeks, the Spanish railway will be connected to the French one, and many wealthy residents of the country have bought tickets from Madrid to Marseille, and then to Turin, Milan, Paris, Vienna and Berlin! European tour! Happy journey to all Spain and its peoples to a bright future! "


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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Tue Nov 17, 2020 7:26 pm


newspaper "Aralsky Vestnik", April 1853:
[i]Disturbing and contradictory news comes from the southern borders of the Russian state.
Khiva rulers have always been distinguished by their hostility towards Russia. We can recall at least the tragic fate of Bekovich's expedition during the reign of Peter the Great. Or the fact that thousands of Russian slaves are still languishing in barbaric slavery in this corner of savagery. But despite all this, the Russian government always tried to find a common language even with such hostile savages. It built trading posts, Christian missions and tried to peacefully civilize this region.

But now something happened that many knowledgeable people had long feared. Apparently incited by our foes from one foggy island, the Khiva ruler Muhammad Amin Khan began to incite hatred of Russia in the common people, accusing her of everything - from the raids of the Turkmen robbers to the death of livestock. Mohammedan mules also incited religious fanaticism and hatred of Christians in the dark people.
The result was not long in coming - another small skirmish on the border of our Cossack patrol with a detachment of Khivans led to an uprising against the infidels in Khiva itself, the rabble destroyed the Russian trading post and the Orthodox mission. Russian citizens (merchants and monks) were brutally killed.
Our sovereign Nikalai Pavlovich and crown prince Alexander Nikolaevich could not leave such a heinous crime and insult to the Russian state unanswered.
Cossack units from Astrakhan, Saratov and Semipalatinsk were immediately sent to Aralsk. A strong infantry corps with carts was sent from Baku by sea. Apparently, a speedy campaign of retribution is coming, which will pacify the arrogant and outraged Khivans and punish the guilty.

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:43 pm

updated list of our members:

  • Image Sardinia Dmitry (host)
  • Image Russian Empire NorthernNeighbor
  • Image Great Britain. Terry Briggs
  • Image Prussia FelkinNinesons
  • Image USA - HHFD50
  • Image Swiss ( HHFD50 )
  • Image French Empire Mingeling
  • Image Belgium Militiaman
  • Image Ottoman Empire Ken
  • Image Spanish Empire Krevan
  • Image Austrian Mick Maddock
  • Image Sweden General Montcalm
  • Image Empire of Brazil maars85
  • Image Japanese Shogunate ( maars85 )
  • Image Netherlands - Coolbean
  • Image Portugal - Sir_Pancho
  • Image United Mexican States - Shawn Zoretich
  • Image Qing Empire (China) - Drakken

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:06 pm

Damn Khivans - they attacked the Russian detachment I was gathering at their border and defeated it! Hmm ...

And it all started with the fact that the Khiva army for some reason left its capital and moved to the neighboring region. Taking advantage of these, Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, the commander of the army gathered in Aralsk, decided to attack the defenseless Khiva. But when he had already approached the city, then it "suddenly turned out" that even though it was written on the map that Khiva was at war with Russia BUT there was no declaration of war and it must be formalized in the diplomacy panel. Then I remembered that if, during the declaration of war, my army is on the enemy's territory (or attacks him on the same turn), then the country receives a penalty to prestige. Therefore, I decided to withdraw the army beyond the territory of the Khiva Khanate and then declare war and attack with all the might of the Russian army. But the Khiva AI guessed my plan and attacked the retreating troops - as a result, I have large losses in manpower (about 25 thousand killed, the enemy has about 11 thousand), loss of the reputation of military leaders, and shame on the world stage.


But the Russian troops in Aralsk and Agtau have already gathered significant ones and the Khivans have no chance. Now Russia is declaring war and next turn will start a real campaign!

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Re: Looking Opponents PON (PBEM)

Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:58 am

We already have 17 participants, extensive diplomatic communication, secret negotiations and alliances, espionage between players.
For four years (1850-53), we have already managed to conduct a large, almost world war, losing and finding many players again. We plan to write new events to expand diplomacy, introduce trade in territories, enterprises and units, the possibility of loans between countries, and add colonial solutions to minors.
Our discussion on steam:
Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaing 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:38 am

Our grand campaign continues.

Now there is a 107 turn., spring 1854.

Despite the absence of major wars and a decrease in diplomatic activity, the game continues to evolve. Unfortunately, we keep losing players, but fortunately, we constantly find new ones.

In Latin America, the new players started an aggressive game - Mexico attacked Guvetemala, and the Argentine player attacked Uruguay in his first turn! I wonder how the ruler of the neighboring Brazilian empire reacts on it?

My Russia continued the inglorious war against the elusive Khivan Khan.
The Taiping uprising in China is almost crushed by a new player.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:01 am

That's nice to see you keep PON alive. With the knowledge you gathered all ( I guess so, given you can do events and add features as special events), that would be nice if you proposed a kind of community patch to others players!

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 11:46 am

Pocus wrote:That's nice to see you keep PON alive. With the knowledge you gathered all ( I guess so, given you can do events and add features as special events), that would be nice if you proposed a kind of community patch to others players!

Thank you, we are trying. But all our participants want to just play and move the units and not bother with brain work. Therefore, all our ideas are generated by me and our host Dmitry. The rest only sluggishly agree.
I could not attract experienced players and ageod modding experts to our game.And the two of us cannot study everything, we have a lot of other work, I moderate a huge Russian gaming forum and participate in the organization of many MP games.(((

We figured out how to make loans between countries (which the game developers wanted but were too lazy to do).
But so far, no one wants to give other players money ((

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:43 pm

Our Netherlands player Coolbean made the following review and map of our game:

His Royal Majesty, King William III of the Netherlands has commissioned the Royal Cartography Association to create a large, detailed map of the world

Map Update
Great Britain has declared a protectorate status over Kuwait

- Solid colors in national regions denote owner with military control.
- Colors in colonial regions indicate colonial owner with "protectorate" or higher colonial status.
- Black color in colonial regions indicates no colonial power has declared a "protectorate" status.
- Let me know if you see mistakes


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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:18 am

Right now, the situation in Europe has escalated sharply - after Prussia made ridiculous claims against Bavaria, today Prussia declared war on Bavaria. And given the military alliance of Bavaria and Austria, this could mean war between Austria and Prussia. And knowing that Sardinia does not hide its intentions to return Austrian Venice ... it is worth waiting for the Austro-Sardinian war.

Prussian claims against Bavaria:

" While on a routine assessment of the Kingdom of Prussia’s borders; a party of Surveyors have discovered a border stone between the kingdoms of Bavaria and Prussia to be absent its proper place.
The party observed a Bavarian farmer, ostensibly wishing to ease the burdens of plowing his fields, removing the border stones and improperly replacing them. The surveyors calculate the total territory thus unlawfully annexed by the Kingdom of Bavaria to be approximately five square meters.
His Excellency King Wilhelm requests the annexed territory be returned and an indemnity of 1000kg of Hops be made to the royal breweries in Brandenburg.
-letter of Baron von Manteuffel to King Maximilian of Bavaria "

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:35 pm

It was decided to speed up our game - now a turn takes place every 3-4 days.

Also, playing for the Russian Empire, I got a second country under control - Denmark. This small but important country was led by players a couple of times but quickly lost them. Therefore, it was logical to transfer it to the Russian player - in real history Denmark had long allied and dynastic ties with the Russian empire.
Now my Russian-Danish union will begin to play a significant role in northern Europe. And a large Danish navy will strengthen the Russian Baltic fleet.

Russia tried to find major allies in Europe, but the French and Austrian players did not respond to my proposals. They apparently like to play in silence and alone (as if they are playing against AI).
Therefore, finding no other major allies, Russia went to improve relations with Prussia. We recognized the right of Prussia to annex Bavaria and Prussia did not object to the transfer of Denmark to us.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:49 am

andrzej wrote:Our Netherlands player Coolbean made the following review and map of our game:

His Royal Majesty, King William III of the Netherlands has commissioned the Royal Cartography Association to create a large, detailed map of the world

Map Update
Great Britain has declared a protectorate status over Kuwait

- Solid colors in national regions denote owner with military control.
- Colors in colonial regions indicate colonial owner with "protectorate" or higher colonial status.
- Black color in colonial regions indicates no colonial power has declared a "protectorate" status.
- Let me know if you see mistakes


Did you use a tool for this, or did you paint it manually?

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:14 pm

Citizen X wrote:
andrzej wrote:Our Netherlands player Coolbean made the following review and map of our game:

Did you use a tool for this, or did you paint it manually?

This may be answered by the author of this map - Coolbean

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:58 pm

Hi, just wondering what frequency you guys are doing turns, and what countries are available? You've got a couple of players in Latin America, so I wouldn't mind jumping in as Peru maybe? Unless there are other countries you need filled.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:16 pm

The game is hosted by The Wargaming Club.
Come to the webpage and be invited into the Slack Chat.

PON usually has a suggested two day turn. Some are resolved a bit more quickly and slowly.

There are several nations open.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:02 am

Durk wrote:The game is hosted by The Wargaming Club.
Come to the webpage and be invited into the Slack Chat.

PON usually has a suggested two day turn. Some are resolved a bit more quickly and slowly.

There are several nations open.

Thanks for the info, I'll head over there.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:42 pm

Declaration on occupation of the Nothern Italy.
As there are no reaction to our Ultimatum from the Austrian governement, Sardinia ought to occupy Veneto and Friuly to restore the rights and property of Italian people. Since the January, 1855, Piemonte's troops take Venice, Unine and nearest area under their control.
King of Sardinia Vittorio Emmanuel II
January, 2, 1855

The long-awaited war of Sardinia-Piedmont (Italy) against the Austrian Empire has finally begun.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:45 pm

Austrian Empire - busy
Russian Empire -busy
British Empire -busy
Kingdom of Sardinia - busy
Kingdom of Prussia -busy
USA - busy
France - busy
Kingdom of Belgium - busy
Ottoman Empire - busy
Spanish Empirez -busy
Japanese Shogunate - busy
Kingdom of the Netherlands - busy
Kingdom of Portugal - busy
Kingdom of Sweden - busy
Empire of Brazil - busy
United Mexican States - busy
Qing Empire - busy
Argentine Confederation - busy
Denmark - busy
Republic of Peru - busy

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:16 am

Peace Treaty
Austria and Sardinia achieve peace agreement under next conditions:
- Venice and Southern Tirole are transferred to the Sardinian sovereignity.
- Parties obligates not to start war with one another during 5 years (untill February, 1860), except the cases then any formal allies of one participant of treaty is attacked by other side.
- All prisonners of war or prisonners on political cases must be liberated immediately on request of Austrian or Sardinian governement.

This is the fastest war - Austria shamefully surrendered and gave up its territories, because Sardinia was supported by all neighboring countries (and were also ready to start a war) and Austria does not have a single ally.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:21 am

Despite the ongoing peace negotiations between Sardinia and the Habsburg Empire; the Duchy of Saxony has, on their own decision, further destabilized the current situation and have declared war upon Sardinia.

The Kingdom of Prussia, being allied with Sardinia in a defensive alliance, publicly announce a state of war now exists between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Duchy of Saxony.

Also, the war against the unfortunate AI of Saxony was started by France and Great Britain. The Saxon "aggressors" will be defeated !!!
The main thing is that all the peacekeepers fit in little Saxony.

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:34 am

St. Petersburg, March 1, 1855

By God's advancing mercy, We, Nicholas I, the Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, by the highest decree that we satisfy the request of the ruler of the Khiva Khanate for patronage over his country.

Russian weapons convinced the khan of this predatory nest to recognize the power of Russia and become a Russian protectorate!

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:37 am

We have new players - almost at the same time, a player for Egypt (the second country of Peru) appeared, and today a player for Greece appeared!

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Re: Pride of Nations - MP Grand Campaign 1850 - 1920 (with unlimited number of participants)

Sun Oct 10, 2021 2:20 pm

The proclamation of a Russian protectorate over Khiva caused an international crisis - Great Britain is trying to challenge this decision !!!!


As a result of playing the cards of the crisis, Russia retained a protectorate over Khiva, but Britain received most of the Prestige being played (842 versus 168). This further widened Britain's lead in the World Race to Victory.

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