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Ammo consuption in Naval battles

Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:14 pm

In attached save game, I have noticed a strange bug.
After naval battles, ammo store is almost completely depleted although it was full the turn before.
This has happened twice in the space of two turns.

Last turn in front of Ft. Donelson, and the turn before that off the coast of Galveston.

Thanks in advance for any answers[ATTACH]19980[/ATTACH]

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Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:06 am

What is the nature of what you see as a bug, that ammo is depleted?
The duration of the combat is the key determiner. If it extends over a couple of days, this is not an odd result. Naval units often use a lot of ammo for a single battle.

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Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:23 am

The turn before, the stack had 102 ammo. The tooltip says, the stack uses 18 ammo per battle. The battle lasted one day and only one round. Next turn I have no more ammo. Every gunboat element used 6 ammo points instead just 1 it should have used according to tooltip.
You can see all this in attached save game. If you roll the turn back, you ll see the ammo was full.
My opponent tells me, he lost his all ammo too.

Either, the tooltip is wrong and the navy without transport can only have single battle (it should say the stack uses 102 ammo per battle), or way too much ammo is spend (I think this is the case).

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