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Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:50 pm

Thank you both for your responses!

You both answered my questions very well. . . . I appreciate it.

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:41 pm

This game is true jewel!

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Vive l' Empereur!

Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:17 pm

Chaplain Lovejoy wrote:Plus French fries!

oh, you mean freedom fries? :neener:

Re the French connection I find it interesting to note that the military training as well as tactics of the civil war emulated, or attempted to, Napoleon's grand armies. His campaigns formed the foundations for much formal military education in the U.S. and elsewhere. Most West Pointers spoke French, and men like Beauregard, Halleck, McCllellan and Lee intensively studied the writings of Jomini, to the extent of even doing their own published English translations. European observers during the conflict were keen to see how American armies would fare in pursuing Napopleonic tenets of maneuver and mass.

I think it poetic justice in a way, that a French wargaming group manages to model this terrifically difficult subject, and to effect it with such detail and panache.

:gardavou: :gardavou: Vive la France! Vive l' Empereur! :gardavou: :gardavou:

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Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:51 pm


I saw this game when it first came out. I think it was Matrix games was selling it and was way too expensive so passed on it.

Later I noticed a demo/tutorial and downloaded it and hated it. I tried the demo again, actual 3 more times, hated it. I did not like the lack of windows look, the fonts were to small, resolution just didn’t look right etc.

It looks very 1990’s but that is not a bad thing, Grigsby’s War in the Pacific, Second Front, Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 to name a few are still amazing games. BUT (yes a big but) something kept nagging me about this game, to give it one more go.

I bought it a couple weeks ago in a 3 pack with BoA2, WW1 at an awesome price, thinking if I still hate the main game I have two others or a coaster and a box for burned cd/dvd’s. Well like WiP(1992) and the others listed above I love this game! The demo/tutorial does not do the game justice.

The AI took me to school yesterday in one of the most dramatic defeats in my gaming career. The learning curve is steep but I enjoy the ACW and this is a great game of it. Not perfect in many ways but very good in almost everything.

Thanks to the devs and everyone involved with this great game!

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:27 pm

Great game! I tried it out and was really amazed, so I updated to the 1.16a version and it is even better. So far I've won my first two games as the CSA and I just took Richmond as the Union, which knocked the CSA down to a NM of 37. I'll probably try the CSA again. Thanks to everyone.

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Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:59 am

I actually bought this game quite some time back, but for various reasons never got the chance to get stuck into it. Now I do I have been reading these forums like a West Point student studying hard for an exam. So much to read, but so very rewarding. Thank you to all the contributors for such sterling work! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to PBEM and/or submit an AAR. :)

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Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:21 am

The worst that will happen with PBEM is you will get beaten. I have been beaten many times since I started PBEM. It is fun, come on in.

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Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:21 am

WildCat wrote:I actually bought this game quite some time back, but for various reasons never got the chance to get stuck into it. Now I do I have been reading these forums like a West Point student studying hard for an exam. So much to read, but so very rewarding. Thank you to all the contributors for such sterling work! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to PBEM and/or submit an AAR. :)

I'm right with you. Kinda dreading my first PBEM next week but I must persevere

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