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Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:43 pm

Citizen X wrote:Isn't that, you know, kinda rulechanging in a running tournament?

It's not a House Rule, it's a Game Rule. My understanding is that it was always supposed to have been in the game but wasn't, so I suppose it's really a correction.

Lodilefty? Is that correct?

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:10 pm

I just wanted to make sure.

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:11 pm

Longshanks wrote:It's not a House Rule, it's a Game Rule. My understanding is that it was always supposed to have been in the game but wasn't, so I suppose it's really a correction.

Lodilefty? Is that correct?

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Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:25 am

Please note that Lodilefty has begun work on 1.16RC10. We do not know when, or even if, it will be released. When the time comes, please wait for instructions on when to install it if you are in the tourney, same as we did for RC9.


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Upgrade to 1.16rc10a

Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:50 pm


LL has posted a new upgrade, compatible with our current version.

Please upgrade at your earliest convenience.

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Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:09 pm

Longshanks, I am really impressed with the amount of work you invest in this tornament. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup: I am starting to regret not participating.

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Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:18 pm

OneArmedMexican wrote:Longshanks, I am really impressed with the amount of work you invest in this tornament. Keep up the great work! :thumbsup: I am starting to regret not participating.

'Preshadit as we say down South (I appreciate it!) It's pretty fun to watch the players ideas ... both good and bad, and even to watch the newer players catch on!

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Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:14 pm

Guess I missed this there still an open slot for a new green player ?

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Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:48 pm

shi4stone823 wrote:Guess I missed this there still an open slot for a new green player ?

Sorry! I can put you on the waiting list if you like. Send me an in-forum message with your email address if you'd like to.

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Game Updates 1 of 4

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:49 pm


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Game Updates 2 of 4

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:52 pm


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Game Updates 3 of 4

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:53 pm


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Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:28 pm

Real life and job duties have caused one of our players to have to drop out. Sorry, GabrielK!

Thanks to the Alternates, Mortar has stepped into his position and will take his place in the current game, and subsequent games. Good luck to him!

If YOU want to get on the list as an Alternate, with a chance to join the 12 already in it, please send me a Private Message here in the forums. You need to be running Windows, in order to install the latest AACW update which is (of this writing) 1.16rc10a.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:33 am

Welcome to the tournament Mortar!


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Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:30 am

Thank you, Charles! It's good to be in, I was sure I had missed it altogether. Good luck to everyone in the coming matches.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:05 am

Welcome aboard :)

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Great Sioux Uprising

Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:53 pm

Because the Great Sioux Uprising event is bugged, the Union can NEVER prevent the loss of 25 VP. This doesn't matter much in most games, but it does in the tourney. Therefore, if the Union fulfills the requirements I WILL ADD 25 VPs ONTO THE USA TOTAL AT THE END OF THE GAME - PROVIDED that the Union player points out he has fulfilled the conditions and reminds me at the end. This will apply to all games. Note - it hasn't mattered yet.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:29 pm

Longshanks wrote:Because the Great Sioux Uprising event is bugged, the Union can NEVER prevent the loss of 25 VP. This doesn't matter much in most games, but it does in the tourney. Therefore, if the Union fulfills the requirements I WILL ADD 25 VPs ONTO THE USA TOTAL AT THE END OF THE GAME - PROVIDED that the Union player points out he has fulfilled the conditions and reminds me at the end. This will apply to all games. Note - it hasn't mattered yet.

bughunt: what does it do/not do ???

save game would also help...
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Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:19 am

lodilefty wrote:bughunt: what does it do/not do ???

save game would also help...

My recollection is that it has been posted here in forums many times that this was a known bug. If you're telling me it's WAD, then I'd be delighted to ignore this altogether!

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Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:12 pm

Examining the events:

The uprising will always occur on August 17, 1862

On September 15, 1862, the USA must have 3 or more Units in Great Plains to avoid NM loss.

That's all there is!

This means USA has only one turn to get units there, or lose the VP.
That needs fixing, to say the least!

The tooltip is misleading, and the "failure" notice states incorrect amount ov VP loss. Will fix.
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Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:21 pm


Do the three units need to separated each in their own stack to prevent the NM loss? I ask because there has been confusion on the event requiring the North to have a specific number of units within two regions of Richmond and Athena was counting corps and divisions as single units so they had to be broken down. Perhaps this was fixed for the Richmond event, but how does it work for the Great Sioux Uprising?

And by unit, that means a brigade, not an element, correct? Does cavalry count as a unit towards the GSU?

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Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:11 pm

gchristie wrote:Lodi,

Do the three units need to separated each in their own stack to prevent the NM loss? I ask because there has been confusion on the event requiring the North to have a specific number of units within two regions of Richmond and Athena was counting corps and divisions as single units so they had to be broken down. Perhaps this was fixed for the Richmond event, but how does it work for the Great Sioux Uprising?

And by unit, that means a brigade, not an element, correct? Does cavalry count as a unit towards the GSU?


It counts 3 units, which means 1 Cav = 1, and 1 Division = 1
Someday, maybe we can change this! :w00t:

Close to Richmond still counts units, too... :(

Changes to these types of things are currently frozen until we get a stable, official patch. Once that is established, we can "double back" and make changes to events, DB etc. without begging for [essentially not available] dev time...
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Sloppy Play, Mysteries, and Great Play

Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:17 am

Signs of Sloppy Play, Mysteries, and Great Play in the Tourney

I've been asked "how are they playing?" in the tourney a couple of times, so I thought I'd wax eloquent on it. First, I respect the players, and I'm not slamming on anyone. New players always have an excuse, and even experienced players can slip up. Your comments are welcome!!

That said, here we go:

Sloppy Play
1. moving small reinforcements in or through harm's way without being in G/G Evade mode
2. wondering why your unit is out of supply when it: a) has no supply wagon and isn't adjacent to a supply source, 2) has a supply wagon but is more than 5 regions from the nearest depot 3) has a supply wagon and is close to a depot, but the regions in between are controlled by the enemy
3. failing to garrison depots in the rear when raiders are nearby
4. counting on fleets without leaders to get to their destination in one turn when that destination is 15 days away
5. failing to press the bombard button on entrenched units outside of forts/cities that are adjacent to rivers/ocean.
6. failing to go blue/red when you absolutely, positively do not want to retreat on the defense.
7. Taking those rebel forts, failing to blow them up, and then losing them again.
8. Taking those rebel forts, capturing the two arty units, and then failing to either extract them or destroy them, leading to the rebels recapturing them (and then moving them to where they can REALLY hurt you!).
9. Attacking the same position three straight turns with the same troops expecting (I presume) a different result.
Some things about the game are just, well, confusing. Here's a few of them.

The Mysteries: Things That Confuse Players (and Hosts) the Most

1. Sieges. Supply for Sieges. Production of cities under siege. Naval unit supply to besieged cities. How to "up" your siege score. How to get out of a siege. How to reinforce units being besieged.
2. Combat Results. Retreats from them, including why did I retreat THAT way?!? Why did the other guy lose ZERO men? How did my guys who were stronger, well led and entrenched lose to those punks? Why did my guys retreat before combat? Why did I lose SO MANY guys? How can he lose MORE guys than me and yet win the battle? Why didn't I retreat into the city/Why did I retreat into the city?!?
3. Promotions. I "lost" the battle and my guy gets promoted?!? I've won three battles in a row and I still haven't been promoted. Why does my opponent always get promoted but my guys don't??(etc)
4. Pathing. I went this way, but for some reason my guy didn't go that way. (I started a whole thread on pathing once.)

Good Play

Sometimes I'm amazed by a really, REALLY good move. Yes, these are usually from the best players, but not always. Here's a couple:

1. Sending a corps in to rough an enemy corps up a bit, then following it the same turn with an Army that decimates AND moves on in to the next region AND takes it TOO! The at-start numbers were about equal, too!
2. Landing via long-range naval movement and taking a Major Objective City out of the blue. Literally.
3. Taking Savannah, then moving up river to threaten Atlanta the next turn.
4. Trapping a corps that is in a sensitive place and decimating it by stripping other forces from the front, even at the expense of losing an important city nearby, and then, after the carnage is over, taking that city back.
5. Gaining 10 NM in one turn due to a series of events and battle results!
6. Never quitting, even when falling a bit behind, and then making it a helluva game down the stretch with the game on the line on the last turn!

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Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:46 am

Great post Longshanks!

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Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:50 pm

lodilefty wrote:It counts 3 units, which means 1 Cav = 1, and 1 Division = 1
Someday, maybe we can change this! :w00t:

Close to Richmond still counts units, too... :(

Changes to these types of things are currently frozen until we get a stable, official patch. Once that is established, we can "double back" and make changes to events, DB etc. without begging for [essentially not available] dev time...

I had 4 units, each in thier own stack, all through the period coverd by the event, and I still lost VPs. Maybe this event isn't working properly?

Longshanks has the files as this is a tourney game.
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Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:54 pm

But if Grant is in charge,

9. Attacking the same position three straight turns with the same troops expecting (I presume) a different result.

Makes a bit more sense, eh? At least if one is trying to role play a bit.

Though your point is well taken... :(
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Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:55 pm

gchristie wrote:But if Grant is in charge,

9. Attacking the same position three straight turns with the same troops expecting (I presume) a different result.

Makes a bit more sense, eh? At least if one is trying to role play a bit.

Though your point is well taken... :(

Ah, but you weren't the only one, and not even the first!!! :mdr:

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Join the Fun! Make History! Be a Part of the Tourney!

Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:51 pm

Alas, there is no escaping RL! (real life)

We've lost a few players due to the dreaded RL. Two of our alternates have already stepped in, but:


There's still ONE SPOT open!

So, if you hesitated, you just showed up, you only recently found out about this:


The requirements are minimal, but there are some:

1. Upgrade to 1.16rc10a
2. commit to 5 turns a week, minimum
3. run windows or a mac in windows emulator
4. be able to send and receive zip files
Advice: You can be a relatively new player, but you will have a more enjoyable experience if you have played at least one PBEM already. The quality of play varies from top notch, to really improving, to still learning, to OMG DID HE REALLY DO THAT!?! :mdr:

If you are interested SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE (aka an in-forum message) and include your name, your forum name, your country, state or time zone, and your email address.

First come, first served. This is an equal opportunity chance to be a part of AACW history!

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Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:39 pm

Rattler01 was "fustest with the mostest" and is our new alternate. Thank you, sir!

If you're serious about committing to play, you can still send me a PM and I'll put you on the list.


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Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:24 pm


No, that's not a rebel yell. Well, I don't think so. It is however:

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]A CALL TO ARMS![/size][/color]

Yes, once again (I feel like Lincoln and Davis here) I am calling for a few good warriors to come to the defense of one side or the other by

[color="Red"][SIZE="6"]JOINING THE TOURNEY AS AN ALTERNATE![/size][/color]

The requirements are minimal, but there are some:

1. Upgrade to 1.16rc10a
2. commit to 5 turns a week, minimum
3. run windows or a mac in windows emulator
4. be able to send and receive zip files
Advice: You can be a relatively new player, but you will have a more enjoyable experience if you have played at least one PBEM already. The quality of play varies from top notch, to really improving, to still learning, to OMG DID HE REALLY DO THAT!?!

If you are interested SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE (aka an in-forum message) and include your name, your forum name, your country, state or time zone, and your email address.

Don't make me draft you, conscript boy........ ;)

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