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Rosin the Beau = 338 Sawyer's Exit

Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:08 pm

The tune Rosin the Beau on the sound track came on and I realized that I recognized it. It was adapted as a shape note (aka Sacred Harp) tune which I had sung a few weeks ago at my local shape note singing.

For those not familiar, shape note singing is a tradition that began in colonial America. It is music designed not for performance but participation. You sit in a square. There are printed song books with (usually) 4-part harmony written for each tune. One of the things I love about it is it is aggressively democratic / anti-hierarchical: whose turn it is to lead goes around the circle, and when it is your turn you are expected to choose the song, set the pitch, and set the tempo, even if it is your first time. You are allowed to pass or ask someone else to do the latter 2 things, but I love the fact that the assumption is so egalitarian.

Anyway, feel free to google it for more info.

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Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:52 pm

FYI, I'm rather certain that the original term is to "rosin a bow" as in a bow for a violin or other string instrument. The rosin makes the bow play the notes better. So, if a woman were to "rosin a beau", then...
I'm the 51st shade of gray. Eat, pray, Charge!

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