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Field Marshall
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Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:02 am

Hi all,

I wanted to start a running thread on the The Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC). Something I will keep up to date from time to time to inform the AGEOD community about what is going on with us in the AGEOD end of things.

After discussions with a member of our Club who is pretty involved here, we agreed that the CCC has a good setup and system in place for any AGEOD gamer who might be interested in gaming in a Club offsite from the AGEOD forums.

A bit of description about us and our format/style.

We are a Club that plays [color="#DAA520"]Birth of America, Birth of America 2: Wars in America and Rise of Prussia[/color] .

We also play HPS/John Tiller Software's Early American Wars Series of: French & Indian War, Campaign 1776 (American Revolutionary War) War of 1812 & Mexican-American War.

We are a PBEM historical based community where you can join one of our four armies the:

[color="#DAA520"]Continental American Army[/color]: which is made up of units from the American Revolution, War of 1812 & Mexican-American War, including Continental Regulars from various States, State Militia Units (Including Lexington & Concord Units), Foreign Regiments and also US Regular Infantry & Cavalry, as well as State Volunteer Units from the War of 1812 & Mexican-American War.

[color="#DAA520"]British Army[/color]: which has British Regulars from the various counties of Britain, Highland (Scottish) units, German (Hessians et al), Loyalists, Canadians, Royal Marines & Artillery, West Indies Units, Cavalry & a few other types. They are mainly from the American Revolution & War of 1812, some with lineages to the French & Indian War.

[color="#DAA520"]The French Army[/color] which has various units from the French & Indian Wars & American Revolution, including French Regulars to French Canada Units.

[color="#DAA520"]Indian Alliance[/color]: which is made up of many Native Tribes & Federations from all the Wars, including the Iroquois Confederacy, Tecumseh's Confederacy, Algonquin Tribes & Western Tribes.

You will play other members for points, rank and medals. It is not a ladder club per say, there is a bit more flavor to it. There are also quite a few resources on our site and more is in the works for being added. We have a discussion forum where people can talk strategy and have fun but also we talk about historical things too from the wars we cover.

We try to add a bit more historical flavor to things by having medals (awards/rewards), promotions, ranks and units you are command in the Club setting as a way of building Esprit de Corps, but also giving members the feeling of being a part of something more than just an up and down ladder group.

Also the unit you have in the Club does not have any bearing on what you do in the games. It is a completely separate thing. There are two parts to the Club. The games we play and then everything else that happens in the Club. The games will influence Club happenings and events, but nothing Club wise will restrict your gaming. A good thing too! :D

A couple things to note:

Some folks have expressed thoughts on why, if they are good at AGEOD, do they need to play a training game? The answer: You don't. It is completely optional.

We are a really laid back Club and are focused on gaming, making sure the members have fun & have folks to play games with. We do some Tournaments too as time allows. There are mailings that go out to members once a month or once every couple months depending on what we have going on. There will also be unique things like a Club Newsletter, that members can contribute to, artists & author interviews, historical discussions on the forums. The Club Staff always has new ideas they are working on and we invite input & questions from the members. You can explore our site and see for yourself. The Club Staff likes to keep it fun & simple.

Most wargamers are casual gamers and we get that! We are also don't make demands to the members about things all the time. We don't demand accountability and we don't have routine musters, unlike other places. We are mostly all adults and we treat our members as such. Members play games as they have time, but if real life gets in the way for a while, that is ok too. We understand that, our lives are busy too. We strive to ensure the members have a good experience. So members are welcome to game when they have time and all we ask is if we happen to send you an email to see how you're doing, just let us know. We want our members to have fun & not feel pressured into anything or have unneeded paperwork to do just to stay on the roster. Simple & easy is our philosophy. It sets us apart, experience wise, from the others.

We have a small but dedicated group of AGEOD gamers and we are looking to get more involved. We really hope that this is a place that interests you and that you'd want to be a part of. We looking forward to hearing from you & hope you will join us!

I am also the first person you'll deal with when you join. My name is [color="#DAA520"]Scott Ludwig[/color] and you can email me anytime with any questions: [email=""][/email] or

[color="#DAA520"]I am committed to making it fun & easy at the CCC. I am also committed to ensuring your experiences are positive and it is easy to join and be a part of us.[/color]

So stop on by, any questions always feel free to ask!

I will keep this up to date as new things happen.... :thumbsup:
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:45 pm

Top club :thumbsup: The flavor is what makes it something special (as also the Napoleonic Wargame Club).

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Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:43 am

Agreed. Very worth players' time to find opponents and fun.

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Field Marshall
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Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:01 pm

Thanks guys! Appreciate your support..... :)
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Field Marshall
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Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:04 am

Simple advertising bump. We actually have a nice small AGEOD crowd going right now in our tournament. :)
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Field Marshall
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Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:06 am

Have not posted in a bit, but we've got about 11 AGEOD gamers going now. :) Some guys have a pretty intense & fun Rise of Prussia game going in which they are in the second year. There are a number of folks going head to head versus each other too, so come check out the fun! :D
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Field Marshall
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Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:32 am

Advertisement bump for the Club.

This is the main topic that I maintain on it here. I know I just posted topics in the sub forums for RoP, BoA & BoA: WiA. It was to draw folks attention here. They will not be my main advertisement topics and will only be bumped up on occasion, probably once or twice a year, so please don't be upset when you see them. :) I have tried to keep our advertising for my Club reasonable, as not to bother the wonderful AGEOD community too often, but keep them informed at the same time.

I am thank for you all giving me an audience. It has really helped our little Club out a lot. :)

Thanks all & happy weekend!! :thumbsup:
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:24 am

If we play only BOA2, can we join? I'm dying to find good adversaries!

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Field Marshall
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Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:15 am

Absolutely! I guess I never made it clear but you only need one of the games to get started with us.... :D

PM me or feel free to email me if you need anything:

Look forward to you joining and let me know if you submit a form!

Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Field Marshall
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Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:37 pm

We've had a number of inquires as of late and some new folks joining up too. :D

Thank you for your growing support of our Club! :thumbsup:

Next year is our 15th Anniversary and also some time in the next few months or sometime next year, we will be adding in AGEOD specific ribbons to our awards section. One of our members needs to design it, but I was able to get the support of the other administrators to go ahead and plan for it. We felt it was time to expand our support of AGEOD even further, as we really have a growing group of members playing it & with us. Also the number of inquiries into our Club has grown too as of late. So we are undertaking the process of further integration and support of AGEOD games with us, as the AGEOD community has grown in their support & interest of our Club. It is a good thing for all I think... :) Over time I will look at more of our Club website and find other ways to incorporate and support AGEOD further with us. Finally next year I am planning a large Tournament for our Anniversary celebration and the AGEOD games we play will be included in the Tournament too.

I'd like to thank the AGEOD community for their growing interest in our Club. I know it takes time to gain support of a group, such as yourselves, who are so committed to these really cool games, but everyone I have interacted with here and off the forums have been really nice and a wonderful crowd to be talking with. :) We are committed to the long haul with you all, something that not every club or organization does with a group. As far as I can tell, we are one of the only clubs actively interacting with you all.

We look forward to having more years of fun & enjoyment with the AGEOD games & community. :)

I will post when we have our new ribbons designed and also when the Tournament is being planned.

Happy Monday everyone!! :thumbsup:
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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Field Marshall
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Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:57 pm

We are starting up a Tournament in the Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC) for our 15th Anniversary & AGEOD games are a part of it.....Birth of America (BoA), BoA2: Wars in America (BoA2: WiA) & Rise of Prussia (RoP)....we have a nice subset of folks who play them with us....a number of them are also here on this forum.

15th Anniversary Forum Topic Link

We are also hoping to add Thirty Years War to our set of games played, as an additional AGEOD game played in the Club. It is slightly before our scope of time, but still fits in the general scheme of things.

Other plans this year include a full set of ribbons from our awards section for AGEOD games, for our members to earn. We've wanted to do it for a couple years now and I hope to finally get down to making it happen by the end of the year. We felt since AGEOD was growing into being more part of our organization, that it is time to give those games, their full set too. So I'll be sure to announce that when it happens.

We've had several folks who applied to be members from here and I sent out welcome emails, but never heard back. If you file to join and don't hear from me, send me an email at or Also PM me here too if you want, I try to drop by as often as I can.

You can read our 2014 Year in Review here as well.

We had a great recruitment year, last year, thanks in a good part to new AGEOD members joining. So come check us out & say hi.....and join if you'd like!

Happy Wednesday! :D
Colonial Campaigns Club (CCC)

A Great Place for Colonial Wargaming!

[color="#FFA500"]Playing Birth of America (BoA), Birth of America 2: Wars in America (BoA2:WiA) and Rise of Prussia (RoP)[/color]

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