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Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:02 am

Wow...the "rank" Medals are a nice touch. Made me take notice at my own rank...which I was apparently completely unaware of. "General of the Army"...dunno how I got there, but that's pretty cool. :) .

Anyone know what determines one's rank here on the forums??
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Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:17 am


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Unsung Heroes: The "COMMAND" Officer Medals!

Tue Mar 31, 2009 12:30 am

You've put in your time as a staff officer, and you've put in your time as an Adjutant. Now, you have finally reached the point where knowledge, experience, and proven leadership ability come together.

The "Command Officer" medal is awarded to those persons who have achieved the rank of Lieutenant (or higher), who have been on the forum for two months or more, and who have a minimum of four pips of reputation.

Congratulations of your new command, sir! :gardavou:
Here is your medal. Wear it proudly.


On the EM medals, there are the four stripes of the seasons. On this medal, you have joined the men, to lead them. The EM stripes are at the center of this medal, symbolizing that you have joined them to share their hardships as a unit commander. The command pillars on either side of the medal show that you have mastered the fundamentals.

The "Veteran Command Officer" medal is awarded to those persons who have achieved the rank of Lieutenant (or higher), who have been on the forum for a year or more, and who have a minimum of four pips of reputation.



In the "real world", Field Grade Officers are those officers with a rank between "Major" and "Colonel". These officers have capably demonstrated their ability to command Companies of men, and so their leadership and administrative ability are put to use commanding larger units.

The "Field Grade Command Officer" medal is awarded to those persons who have achieved the rank of Lieutenant (or higher), who have been on the forum for two months or more, and who have a minimum of five pips of reputation.


In the "real world", Field Grade officers have golden leaves scrolled on the bill of their hats (commonly called "scrambled eggs" by EMs because that's what it kinda looks like!) Their dress uniforms are also embellished with gold braid and such. On our medals here on the forums, I've echoed that by flanking each command pillar with gold braid. :)

The "Veteran Field Grade Command Officer" medal is awarded to those persons who have achieved the rank of Lieutenant (or higher), who have been on the forum for a year or more, and who have a minimum of five pips of reputation.


The veteran FGCO has his (or her) command stripes flanked with "elephant gray". :)
Veteran Field Grade Officer.png
Veteran Field Grade Officer.png (1.26 KiB) Viewed 6117 times
Field Grade Officer.png
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Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:31 pm

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The "SotV" Medal!

Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:56 pm


It's the color of pain. It's the color of the bruise that you have, after "blunt trauma".

Black can symbolize many things, and not all of them are good. Black is the color of gloom. It's the color of deep dissappointment. It's the color of loss.

This medal is very simple, because it commemorates something which is simply undeniable.
You lost.

So: this medal's colors are about the blunt trauma that you've suffered, and the gloom that you feel.
You've been beaten, and it's as simple as that. What a bummer! :(

But cheer up! By losing, you've won! At least, you've won a medal. And although the medal isn't particularly cool, its name is. In fact, your medal has the coolest name of any of the medals I've made!

The medal is "The Succor of the Vanquished"! :w00t:

Of course, you and I know that "Succor" means "help or relief for somebody or something in a difficult or unpleasant situation". But not everybody will know what "succor" means, and that's a good thing!

I mean, a medal with such a lofty name has to be pretty special, right? So when your wife says, "Did you win?" you can truthfully tell her, "As a matter of fact, I won a medal," and kinda say it calmly and modestly and everything, like it's no big deal. And when she asks you which medal you won, you can casually say, "The Succor of the Vanquished."

I predict that she's going to say, "Wow! That sounds impressive! I'm so proud of you, darling!

...but why does it look like a band-aid?"

This medal is awarded to those Knights who have been honorably defeated in a PBEM game. If the game has been posted as an AAR, a "frosted Oak Leaf" is also awarded.

The award of the "frosted leaf of coolness" is not perpetual, for this medal. For that matter, neither is the medal.

The medal is rescinded, whenever you achieve your next PBEM victory.


But what happens if you're defeated, again, while you're still wearing the first award?
Well, I'm glad that you asked.

Here is the second award of "The Succor of the Vanquished"! :)

This medal is awarded to those Knights who have been honorably defeated twice in a row, in PBEM games. If the game has been posted as an AAR, a "frosted Oak Leaf" is also awarded.
The medal is rescinded, whenever you achieve your next PBEM victory.


Notice how a touch of gold has transformed the medal into something that you'll be proud to wear! :)
Gold is the color of the Commendation Medal, which celebrates brilliance. Here, it's used to inspire you to learn from your defeats and come roaring back next time! If your next opponent is sensible, then he'll see it as a warning: you're going to be out for blood! :eek:


Dixicrat has developed a system for measuring the playing strength of players. It's being used in the tournament, but for now, we don't have enough data for it to be a reliable thing. But someday, maybe we'll all have ratings that will let us choose opponents who have roughly the same playing strength! Won't that be cool!

But even if we all had a clear idea right now about each other's playing strength, there would still be people who would insist on hunting up players who were stronger. When you play stronger players all the time, two things happen:

1) you learn a lot, and
2) you lose a lot, too.

This next medal is for you.

This medal is awarded to those Knights who have been honorably defeated three times in a row, in PBEM games. If the game has been posted as an AAR, a "frosted Oak Leaf" is also awarded.

The medal is rescinded, whenever you achieve your next PBEM victory.

Let's face it. Even though you're playing stronger players and learning a lot, it's kinda disappointing to lose game after game. To take the edge off of it, here's some succor!


"Valor" can be defined as "courage in battle". Heroes who win all the time are great, but I think that the guy who grimly goes out and fights on after being defeated is tougher. He epitomizes what valor really is, you know what I mean?

On this medal, there's a lot more gold. But the gold on the flanks isn't just inspirational. Look closely, and you'll see that the gold is bordering blue, not purple. It's the same "blue" that's used on the "Valor" medal. Sure, it's kinda hard to see. The blue of "valor" kinda blends in with the purple of "pain". That's intentional! If you're wearing this medal, you've lost three games in a row. If you're wearing this medal, it's probably hard for you to see much that's good about your gaming, lately. And yet, here you are... looking to play another game. Toughing it out, and fighting on.

Isn't that what real valor is all about?
So, at least wear this medal with dignity, if you can't quite muster up "pride". Think about what it means. And maybe, you'll find your succor. ;)
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And just remember, Gentlemen...

Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:03 pm

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Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:51 am

Nice photo.
Something like that happened where I live. There was some heavy rain that forced a suburb to evacuate right on meal time. The electricity was cut off. But when the power was restored three houses burnt down because people had left their ovens on!


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Building your rack

Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:22 pm

It's nice to be recognized for accomplishments and hard work. Maybe some of you would like to build a nice rack of your medals to display in your signature or profile picture, but aren't exactly sure how to do it.

I'm no graphics expert, but I've prepared a tutorial for building your rack. Hopefully, it will help you out.

Aphrodite Mae has presented several medals, and so just in case you're starting to lose track of how things are arranged, here's the arrangement.

Medal Arrangement.png
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Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:29 pm

Very nice Mae. I hadn't noticed the last couple of posts. Now all I have to do is work on another pip and I will be good to go on the duty medals.

BTW Dixi give me a holler.
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The Highest Honor of All

Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:43 pm

The time has come to present the medal which exceeds all others in dignity, and honor! So special is this medal, that it will only be awarded this one time. So special is this medal, that it requires the overwhelming approval of the forum to be awarded to its nominees!

I call this medal the "My name is Philippe and I live in France" medal. That's because the first two requirements of eligibility are that 1) your name must be Philippe, and 2) you must reside in France.

That admittedly narrows the field of prospective nominees, a little. Even so, there are a few other requirements, as well.

To be nominated for this medal, you must have done all of the following.

The nominee must have had a founding role in conceiving and creating the game engine of what is internationally acknowledged to be the world's best American Civil War simulation.

The nominee must have provided an unprecedented level of support for the game from the first day of the game's release until now, and that support must have been consistently unprecedented in its quality.

The nominee must exemplify the highest standards of integrity.

Finally, the nominee must have the universal admiration and respect of these forums.

We have two nominees!
Those nominees are...

(suspenseful pause...)

Pocus and PhilThib! :p ompom:

Gentlemen of the forum, there is no need to second these nominations in posts that follow this one. That's because you already have! :) There are entire threads dedicated to honoring and thanking these two exceptional men. There are hundreds if not thousands of posts expressing gratitude and admiration to PT and Pocus. And you know what? For every person who has posted their thanks here on these forums, there are doubtless a dozen more who haven't haven't posted their thoughts... but within their hearts and minds, they feel that same gratitude and admiration.

I speak for the entire forum, when I say that the two of you have our undying admiration, and respect. :coeurs:

And I know that I speak for thousands of people, when I say:
Thank you, Pocus and PhilThib. You are truly remarkable men, and you have created an enduring classic of the genre.

Here's the "Distinguished Developer's Medal". :)


On the other service medals, white has been used to symbolize acclaim. On this medal, that acclaim is international. On each flank there is a small banner in the colors of the French flag, bordered with gold. The two banners represent the two men. The gold which borders each flag represents the honor that we award, with this medal. Notice that the gold braid is too small. This symbolizes that this award is too small, even though it is the medal of highest honor. :)

In the middle of the medal is a stripe of "United Nations" blue, bordered by two braided golden cords. The blue represents all of the wargamers, all over the globe, who have discovered AACW. One of the thick golden cords represents the quality of the gaming experience, while the other represents the quality of support for the game. I've used the thickest gold cord here. I don't have any which is bigger or better. That symbolizes that "it just doesn't get any better than this", in terms of the quality of support and the quality of the experience.

Gentlemen, it's both an honor and a pleasure to know both of you! :)

Please accept this medal, as a gesture of our esteem. :love:
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Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:53 pm

Well deserved by both men. Gentlemen! :gardavou:
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Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:52 pm

I think there should be a special medal for anyone with exactly 2,000 posts. :siffle:

Cheers, Chris

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:59 pm

Hobbes wrote:I think there should be a special medal for anyone with exactly 2,000 posts. :siffle:

Cheers, Chris
Only if you explain your wish in more detail in another post. :niark:
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Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:10 pm


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A new medal!

Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:50 pm

Hobbes wrote:I think there should be a special medal for anyone with exactly 2,000 posts. :siffle:

Very well. She who wields "the pompom of Queenification" has heard your request.

We have the "Iron Tiger"; we have the "Paper Tiger"; may I now present... [font="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"]"The Stuffed Tiger"[/size][/font]!!

To be eligible for this medal, you must have exactly 2000 posts.

The award of the medal is rescinded, when your post count exceeds two thousand.

The first recipient is...

[SIZE="1"](...2nd suspenseful pause today, folks!...)[/size]


Congratulations, sir! :p ompom:

Here's your medal. :D


This medal's base color is black, which has been reserved as the base color of Elite medals. It is striped with "tiger orange", symbolic of the stripes of a tiger... and everybody knows that Hobbes is a very famous tiger, right?! There are two of these stripes, and each is bordered with gold, to celebrate this remarkable achievement of exactly two thousand posts.

Please honor us by telling us a bit about your journey to this remarkable achievement, Hobbes!

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:02 pm

Philippes living in France ... must be a lot of them. Wouldn't there be like entire villages where everyones' name is Philippe? Oops, no I am confusing that with China and entire villages surnamed Li or Chan.

And since you are busy knighting folks, I was just wondering what the proper AGEOD protocol would be if you were to meet Michelle Obama? Would she be able to touch you or only if you first extended your hand?

Tough questions. I still haven't figured out what do about the giant squirrel which I sometimes see running around these forums! I guess it depends on your position vis-a-vis the NRA and PETA. Either you should shoot it for breakfast or pet it.

It think AGEOD as it grows is definitely going to need an official Protocol Office.

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:19 pm

Aphrodite Mae wrote:Very well. She who wields "the pompom of Queenification" has heard your request.

We have the "Iron Tiger"; we have the "Paper Tiger"; may I now present... [font="Times New Roman"][SIZE="3"]"The Stuffed Tiger"[/size][/font]!!

To be eligible for this medal, you must have exactly 2000 posts.

The award of the medal is rescinded, when your post count exceeds two thousand.

The first recipient is...

[SIZE="1"](...2nd suspenseful pause today, folks!...)[/size]


Congratulations, sir! :p ompom:

Here's your medal. :D


This medal's base color is black, which has been reserved as the base color of Elite medals. It is striped with "tiger orange", symbolic of the stripes of a tiger... and everybody knows that Hobbes is a very famous tiger, right?! There are two of these stripes, and each is bordered with gold, to celebrate this remarkable achievement of exactly two thousand posts.

Please honor us by telling us a bit about your journey to this remarkable achievement, Hobbes!



I tried not to post Aphrodite, I really did.

Although I am no longer a knight I will still strive to uphold your honour.
I'll try, I really will.

Cheers, Chris
P.S. I thought the medal was beautiful, but I do tend to be attracted to shiny things.
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Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:28 am


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Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:49 am

I gathered up all of AM's medals and put them into a single Photoshop file as individual layers.
Hopefully it is a help to anyone making a rack using Photoshop, GIMP, etc...
Let me know if there is a problem with the files.

oh...If someone really, really, needs help to make a complicated rack let me know, I should be able to make it.
Please specific exactly what medals in which dignity.

By the way AM, in the US Army "dignity" is called precedence.
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Speaking of "Tigers"...

Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:36 am

Aphrodite Mae wrote:The next (and highest) battlefield award is the "Iron Tiger"!

This medal is serious business, let me tell ya. How serious? It's so significant that even I cannot award it outright! There must be at least one supporting additional vote from the men of the OAK, to award the medal to any of my nominees!


I have five nominees for your consideration.

My nominees are Banks, Soundoff, Jabberwock, Runyan99, and Manstein.


Congratulations on your nomination, gentlemen. I hope that I will soon be congratulating you for being awarded the medal!

I will cast the deciding vote for the award, to Manstein.

This is because Manstein has never been defeated, in AACW.

If you read Spanish, his AARs are available on the Spanish forums. I can neither read, write, nor speak Spanish, but I have been told on good authority that all of his AARs have one thing in common: he always wins! :w00t:

Be careful, gentlemen... we now have a Tiger in our midst! :thumbsup:



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Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:38 pm

Dixicrat wrote:
I'm no graphics expert, but I've prepared a tutorial for building your rack. Hopefully, it will help you out.

Thank you Dixicrat for this tutorial.
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Five new "Service" medal recipients

Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:56 pm

Aphrodite Mae wrote:The "Service" medal is awarded to those persons who have contributed to either the game or the AACW forums with either a bright idea, or exemplary service.

Some of you have "contributed to the forum" with bright ideas in this thread, and so you deserve the "Service" medal, in my humble opinion! :)

TheDoctorKing and DarthMath suggested a medal for being defeated during PBEM games. I think that this was a bright idea! It encourages PBEM play. If you win the game, well... congratulations! And if you're defeated, you're eligible for a nice medal. You can't lose, playing PBEM! :) Furthermore, I had the most fun writing the "SotV" post of all of my posts in this thread, except for the first one. Hell, I was inspired by the post, and I'm the one who wrote it! :D

Thanks, DarthMath and DoctorKing!
You're awarded the "Service" medal for your "bright idea" which led to the creation of "The Succor of the Vanquished".

OldSpec4 and Soundoff suggested ideas that inspired me to create "Duty" medals for enlisted men and officers. For some reason, that just never occurred to me! So, I think that their suggestions were bright ideas, too! :) If any of you are displaying any of the duty medals, you have these two gentlemen to thank.

Thanks, OldSpec4 and Soundoff!
You're awarded the "Service" medal for your "bright idea" which inspired the "Duty" medals, for our unsung heroes.

Finally, Injun has suggested the great idea of an award for those persons who are willing to "tutor" inexperienced PBEM players. Although I haven't yet developed the "Drill Master" award, it's on the drawing board! :)

Thanks, Injun, for your bright idea for a useful medal which will encourage camaraderie and PBEM play, while sharing valuable knowledge! :)

Congratulations to you all, gentlemen! :thumbsup:

You can click the cute little blue button in my quote at the beginning of this post to be taken to the post where the medal can be downloaded.


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Medals for PBEM?

Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:35 pm

Havely: I will happily play you a PBEM game. t :p apy:

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Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:04 pm



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Setting things right, again

Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:00 pm

tagwyn wrote:Havely: I will happily play you a PBEM game. t :p apy:

Thanks, Tag! That will be fun! Plus, I'll have a chance to win my second "Succor of the Vanquished". ;) Let's discuss the arrangements elsewhere, so we won't disrupt the thread, OK? Send me a PM! :)


Now. Regarding the prestigious "Stuffed Tiger".

Aphrodite Mae wrote:To be eligible for this medal, you must have exactly 2000 posts.

The award of the medal is rescinded, when your post count exceeds two thousand.

Hobbes wrote:Although I am no longer a knight I will still strive to uphold your honour.
I'll try, I really will.

Cheers, Chris
P.S. I thought the medal was beautiful, but I do tend to be attracted to shiny things.

Thank you, Hobbes, for telling me that you thought that the medal was beautiful. That truly meant a lot to me. :coeurs:

You never lost your Knighthood! Only a dishonorable or malicious act could ever do that. The only thing you lost was the medal, when you made that 2001st post. But guess what?! I've got great news for you! You can have your "Stuffed Tiger" back!

After careful consideration, I have decided to [color="DarkRed"]rescind my recension[/color] of the "Stuffed Tiger" award to Hobbes. The award's eligibility requirement is changed to read, To be eligible for this medal, you must have 2000 posts [color="DarkRed"]or more[/color].
The recension claus is removed. Once won, the medal is yours from now on! :)

Now: reaching 1000 posts is a significant milestone too, and so I've decided to be sweet and offer an award to those men who reach that milestone.

Here's the "Small Stuffed Tiger". :)


This medal is awarded to those who have posted 1000 posts or more.

Only one stuffed tiger may be displayed, at a time.

The medal has a dignity placing it between the "Field Officer Duty Medal" and the "Gallantry" medal.
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Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:25 am

Hey, thanks, Aphrodite. I'll also claim my "succor to the vanquished" medal since I lost a game to Redeemer and posted an AAR.

I think he's fixin' to beat me again with a somewhat different set of house rules. So I'll get the oak leaf clusters or whatever it was...

Thanks again for taking the time to work all this out.
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Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:58 am

Aphrodite Mae wrote:Image

I have five nominees for your consideration.

My nominees are Banks, Soundoff, Jabberwock, Runyan99, and Manstein.

I'll second both Banks and Soundoff for the same thing. Their recent AAR has been a masterpiece quite frankly, with both able to surprise the other at some points. Just when you think someone is going down for the count, he slips in a quick uppercut and backs out. Looks like a very intense game. Soundoff is showing how the Union should be played, constant grinding pressure with few seems to be a perfectly indestructible machine rolling downhill. Banks is playing the part of Lee to perfection also, slipping and sliding his forces around and doing his best to hold off the Union juggernaut. As for indestructible, most people thought it was over when he lost Petersburg, but he did what Lee wasn't able to do in 1865 and slipped the leash to fight another day, and may yet have some nasty surprises left in him.

Personally, I'd second all of them, because all of them have contributed greatly, but that AAR stands out to me as such a wonderful example of what the game is capable of.
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Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:01 am

Aphrodite Mae wrote:
Here's the "Small Stuffed Tiger". :)


This medal is awarded to those who have posted 1000 posts or more.

Only one stuffed tiger may be displayed, at a time.

I've always thought that my wife was brilliant, but this proves it, I think.

Consider this, gentlemen: many of you have posted comments about how your girlfriend doesn't understand why you play AACW, or she nags you. Right?

Now, consider what my wife has just given you.

You can tell you wife or girlfriend that you're only "x" number of posts away from winning a small stuffed tiger... and that once you've reached that goal, you're going to give it to her. She'll be delighted, and encourage you to play!

(Just make damn sure that you've got a plush stuffed "Tigger" or "Hobbes" or something like that to present to her, once you're close.)

Now: for those of you who might find an award named "the stuffed tiger" to be beneath your dignity, I've been authorized by Aphrodite Mae to announce the "alternate" name of the award.

For the 1000th post, the medal shall be called "Médaille de un mille" (The Medal of One Thousand");
for the 2000th post, the medal shall be called "Médaille de deux mille".

I encourage any of you who are fluent in French to correct any grammatical or spelling errors I've made.



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Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:43 am

Spharv2 wrote:I'll second both Banks and Soundoff for the same thing. Their recent AAR has been a masterpiece quite frankly, with both able to surprise the other at some points. Just when you think someone is going down for the count, he slips in a quick uppercut and backs out. Looks like a very intense game. Soundoff is showing how the Union should be played, constant grinding pressure with few seems to be a perfectly indestructible machine rolling downhill. Banks is playing the part of Lee to perfection also, slipping and sliding his forces around and doing his best to hold off the Union juggernaut. As for indestructible, most people thought it was over when he lost Petersburg, but he did what Lee wasn't able to do in 1865 and slipped the leash to fight another day, and may yet have some nasty surprises left in him.

Personally, I'd second all of them, because all of them have contributed greatly, but that AAR stands out to me as such a wonderful example of what the game is capable of.

No words man. Thank you. When we thought of doing another PBEM AAR I would never have dreamed it would receive such high praise...and now from you, sir....Truly honored.
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Location: Aix-en-Provence, France

Thank You Again

Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:26 am

Aphrodite Mae wrote:
Thanks, DarthMath and DoctorKing!
You're awarded the "Service" medal for your "bright idea" which led to the creation of "The Succor of the Vanquished".


Once again, I lean forward the great kindness of Our Gracious Queen. I humbly accept Your precious gift and proudly wear it.
[SIZE="1"]Yeah, one more medal!! I'm beginning to look like the old Russian veteran of the picture :thumbsup: [/size]
"You know, in this world, there's two kind of people, my friend. Those who have a loaded gun, and those who dig in. You dig in ..." :cool:


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