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Re: Does this mean the AGE engine style of game is gone?

Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:49 pm

Sophia78 wrote:Hello Guys,
"AGE engine style of game." The term "AGE engine" could refer to a few different things, such as the Adventure Game Engine used in the Dragon Age tabletop role-playing game, or the Advanced Game Engine used in some computer games.
If you could provide me with more information or context about what you're referring to, I may be able to provide a more specific answer.[url=""][COLOR="#FFFFFF"]WhatsAppAero[/COLOR][/url]

Welcome to the forum!

As this is the AGEOD forum, the "AGE type game" means turn-based WEGO games, usually war simulations.

Many games of this type are still being published, at Slytherine/Matrix and at Avalon SGS for example....

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Re: Does this mean the AGE engine style of game is gone?

Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:02 pm

I believe Sophia78 is a bot that somehow pasted AGE engine into Chat GPT prompt and got an answer from it! :D

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Re: Does this mean the AGE engine style of game is gone?

Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:34 pm

Pocus wrote:What is missing really? A sub-level (subunits within units in AGE), but it was just too much. Aside that? I don't see.

Yes, just that was main reason it was all that fun. Similar thing can be done in Hearts of Iron (and even more with production in some mods).
But I prefer turn based.
Meteoryt-like user. Strikes and disappears.

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Re: Does this mean the AGE engine style of game is gone?

Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:55 pm

Pocus wrote:Sophia78 is a bot

Yes, it's like an AI which search for intelligence, to improve its database and neuron links.
However, Sophia (what a name!), did you learn being upset by what you may take as an insult? Prove your humanity! lol
The best AI are not the more powerfull, but those who are first the more human...

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Re: Does this mean the AGE engine style of game is gone?

Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:36 am

Khanti wrote:
Pocus wrote:What is missing really? A sub-level (subunits within units in AGE), but it was just too much. Aside that? I don't see.

Yes, just that was main reason it was all that fun. Similar thing can be done in Hearts of Iron (and even more with production in some mods).
But I prefer turn based.

This also what dragged to a crawl some turns in the AGE engine, although there were also some other flaws that I avoided with Empires (Slitherine 2019 release).

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