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Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:10 pm

Wellcome to Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA!!

You may download the mod here:


Download REK.ZIP and place in Wars of Napoleon Directory (where the NGC.EXE exists).
Unzip REK.ZIP from Wars of Napoleon Directory and a new REK folder will be created.
Open MODPATH.INI from Wars of Napoleon Directory and type REK into it (it will be empty at start) and save file.
The game engine will use the REK directory for the game and save files.
If you wish to play base game, open MODPATH.INI and remove REK (MODPATH will be empty now) and save file.
Game Engine will use the NGC directory for the game and save files

What this mod does

I have reviewed and modified all the Spanish officers to make them more realistic: some have worsened their qualities (eg: Ventura Escalante or Conde de Montijo); others have improved them (eg Theodore Reding or Jose de Zayas) and others have not changed (eg Jose de Palafox). I have created icons of each officer of whom a portrait of the time is known (Theodor Reding, Jose de Zayas, Martin Loygorri...), and of which I have not created fantasy icons based on the uniforms of the regiments in which who served (Pedro de la Barcena, Juan Caraffa...). Incorrect icons have been corrected: Cartaojal (which corresponds to Venegas), Girón icon (this corresponds to the Duke of Osuna, not Pedro Agustín Giron), Guillelmi (it is a portrait of Jose de Palafox), O'Farrill (from a portrait of the General Alava).

“It was really absurd and ludicrous to see the strange figures they generally made themselves. In one regiment alone you might have observed more different uniforms than both we and the French have in all our armies” (surtees comments on the dress of Spanish officers seen in Cadiz, 1811)

To simulate the enormous disproportion between troops and officers of the Spanish army at the time, I have created approximately 300 new officers based on historical references, most of them with very close or equal seniority values to generate problems in the chain of command, as happened in reality. . They will appear in the annual events of new leaders (until modified). Among them are two English officers: John Downie (by his implication he is created in the SPA faction) and Charles William Doyle (GBR but appears in the SPA faction).

I have also created a few magred leaders who appear in the Spanish faction to be used as puppet governors in case of expanding into North Africa, as they did in many cases in the previous century, they took a Berbery port and left as a puppet governor to a local tribal chief. For the French faction I have created Cipriano Guzman (SPA but he appears in the FRA faction) and Thomas Robert Bugeaud.

I have enabled after events the possibility of creating foreign units by the Spanish faction: mainly garrison militias, although also mercenary cavalry from North Africa, a couple of Italian divisions and some Portuguese and North American troops, only available if regions of Spain are annexed or conquered. these other factions.
I have also increased the Spanish forcepool, although this should not have any effect if the faction does not get the resources to create new units.
At the level of resources I have not modified anything: Spain in 1805 was a bankrupt country at a commercial and economic level, and this was evident in the lack of resources for its army and navy.
If I have modified the event “war resources for money”, instead of getting 20 war supplies for 500 money, if it is activated, it gives 200 war supplies for 5000 money. In this way, any faction that manages to clean up its economy can try to "rebuild" its navy, which is very interesting for the Spanish faction in the case of reaching a peace with England and re-establishing overseas trade. After playing 150 turns it seems that it does not alter the English naval predominance: it increases because GBR has more economic resources.

It is a playable BETA version, although there are things that are not final, my future goals are:

- Entry of the new leaders on a suitable date and place, instead of in an event for new leaders at the beginning of the year all together in the capital.

- Create an event that allows, under certain conditions, that Spanish officers go over to the French side (like Alejandro Aguado in 1812 or Saturnino Abuin El Manco).

- Add foreign units to the forcepool of other factions (FRA, GBR, AUS, PRU, RUS, TUR...).

- Review and modify officers from other factions, adding icons of those with known period portraits.

Long-term goals:

- Modify the AI so that GBR is more aggressive at sea against SPA trade, does not agree to peace with SPA in such advantageous conditions for it (it almost always offers Gibrarltar and Malta) and also establishes a blockade of Cartagena and greater control of the Mediterranean .

- Modify the AI so that the RUS faction creates well-balanced armies and not units with a predominance of artillery and hardly any infantry.

- Modify the peace events of France with Austria and Prussia, so that FRA is not so affected
Last edited by Rekblue on Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod

Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:47 pm

Actually, I do check the forums daily most days, as is obvious by the approval of this post.

Patience is a rare virtue.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod

Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:05 pm

Sorry, patience is not one of my virtues. :bonk:

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:11 pm

En Español:

Que hace este Mod?

He revisado y modificado todos los oficiales españoles para hacerlos más realistas: algunos han empeorado sus cualidades (ej: Ventura Escalante o Conde de Montijo); otros las han mejorado, (ej. Theodore Reding o Jose de Zayas) y otros no han cambiado (ej: Jose de Palafox) . He creado iconos propios de cada oficial del que se conoce algún retrato de la epoca (Theodor Reding, Jose de Zayas, Martin Loygorri...), y de los que no he creado iconos de fantasía basados en los uniformes de los regimientos en los que sirvieron (Pedro de la Barcena, Juan Caraffa...). Se han corregido iconos incorrectos: Cartaojal (que corresponde a Venegas), icono Girón (este corresponde al duque de Osuna, no a Pedro Agustín Giron), Guillelmi (es un retrato de Jose de Palafox), O´Farrill (de un retrato del general Alava).

Para simular la enorme desproporción entre tropa y oficialidad del ejercito español de la época he creado aproximadamente 300 oficiales nuevos basados en referencias históricas, la mayoría con valores de antigüedad muy proximos o iguales para generar problemas en la cadena de mando, como ocurrió en la realidad. Apareceran en los eventos anuales de nuevos lideres (hasta modificación). Entre ellos hay dos oficiales ingleses: John Downie (por su implicación esta creado en facción SPA) y Charles William Doyle (GBR pero aparece en facción SPA).

He creado tambien unos pocos lideres del magred que aparecen en la facción española para ser empleados como gobernadores titeres en caso de expandirse por el norte de Africa, tal como hicieron en muchos casos en el siglo anterior, tomaban un puerto berberisco y dejaban como gobernador titere a un jefe tribal local. Para la facción francesa he creado a Cipriano Guzman (SPA pero aparece en facción FRA) y a Thomas Robert Bugeaud.

He habilitado tras eventos la posibilidad de crear unidades extranjeras por la facción española: principalmente milicias de guarnición, aunque tambien caballeria mercenaria del Norte de Africa, un par de divisiones italianas y algunas tropas portuguesas y norteamericanas, solo disponibles si se anexa o conquista regiones de estas otras facciones.
Tambien he aumentado la forcepool española, aunque esto no debe de tener ningún efecto si la facción no consigue los recursos para crear nuevas unidades.
A nivel de recursos no he modificado nada: España en 1805 era un pais quebrado a nivel comercial y económico, y esto se dejaba notar en la falta de recursos para su ejercito y armada.
Si he modificado el evento “recursos de guerra por dinero”, en lugar de obtener 20 war suplies por 500 money, si se activa se obtienen 200 war suplies por 5000 money. De este modo, cualquier facción que consiga sanear su economia puede intentar “reconstruir” su armada, lo cual es muy interesante para la facción española en el caso llegar a una paz con Inglaterra y reestablecer el comercio de ultramar. Tras jugar 150 turnos parece que no altera el predominio naval ingles: aumenta porque GBR tiene más recursos económicos.

Es una versión BETA jugable, aunque hay cosas que no son definitivas, mis objetivos futuros son:

- Entrada de los nuevos lideres en fecha y lugar adecuados, en lugar de en evento de nuevos lideres a comienzo de año todos juntos en la capital.

- Crear un evento que permita en en determinadas condiciones que oficiales españoles se pasen al bando frances (como Alejandro Aguado en 1812 o Saturnino Abuin El Manco).

- Añadir unidades extranjeras a las forcepool de otras facciones (FRA, GBR, AUS, PRU, RUS, TUR...).

- Revisar y modificar oficiales de otras facciones, añadiendo iconos de aquellos de los que se conocen retratos de epoca.

Objetivos a largo plazo:

- Modificar la IA para que GBR sea más agresiva en el mar contra el comercio SPA, no pacte la paz con SPA en condiciones tan ventajosas para esta (casi siempre ofrece Gibrarltar y Malta) y establezca un bloqueo también de Cartagena y mayor dominio del Mediterraneo.

- Modificar la IA para que la facción RUS cree ejercitos bien balanceados y no unidades con predominio de artilleria y sin apenas infanteria.

- Modificar los eventos de paz de Francia con Austria y Prusia, para que FRA no se vea tan perjudicada

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod

Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:25 pm

Hmm? but where is the first post with the link?...
It was here just 5 minutes ago :sherlock:

Oh. I see, moderation...

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:57 pm

Sorry, i edited, i don´t know edited post will need also aprobed by moderator.

I hope you enjoy it, any error or suggestion, do not hesitate to post it

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Sat Apr 22, 2023 3:05 pm

Some examples of new icons created for Spanish officers:

mdl_SPA_Anglona.png (63.43 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

mdl_SPA_Albuquerque.png (58.83 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

mdl_SPA_AGallego.png (60.61 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

mdl_SPA_Alava.png (64.49 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

mdl_SPA_Abascal.png (65.23 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod

Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:11 pm

Rekblue wrote:Sorry, patience is not one of my virtues. :bonk:

Same here.
...but now you've cleared the hurdle and don't need me to approve posts anymore!


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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:08 pm

Rekblue wrote:I hope you enjoy it, any error or suggestion, do not hesitate to post it

Muchas gracias!
It's a lot of work. I want to dive into this a bit later.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:43 pm

Rekblue, another one thing.

At the moment I'm finishing a graph pack for one ageod game (I'll tell &post this later).
I will finish the pack with land units in 1-1,5 months and the pack with portraits of generals in another 2 months.

So, starting in the fall, I plan to work on a graph pack for WON, including land units and missed generals` portraits.

In the future you can not waste your time on portraits, but use mine if they are suitable for your mod.

PS I am really impressed by your work on creating 300 new portraits!

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:29 am

Rekblue wrote:To simulate the enormous disproportion between troops and officers of the Spanish army at the time, I have created approximately 300 new officers based on historical references, most of them with very close or equal seniority values to generate problems in the chain of command, as happened in reality. .

Very interesting project! I myself am modding the Russian faction of WON and am happy to join the work with you.

-1) you understand that by creating a large number of new leaders in the game, you completely destroy the mechanism of command penalties, and this is one of the unique and important features of the game.
In addition, if you create leaders in the rank below the general, then in the mechanics of the game they will still be considered one-star generals and will be able to create divisions - which is not realistic and even more destroys the balance of the game.

I myself dream of adding many famous Russian commanders not included in the game, but this problem stops me.

2) I'm in the business of creating pop-up biographies for all the leaders. I have already created all the biographies for the Russians, now I am creating for the French. Are you interested in this and would you like to create biographies for Spaniards?

3) I figured out how to give different factions their own ranks - brigadier general / divisional general / marshal for the French, their own for Russia, their own for Spain, etc. I can give you these fixes.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Mon Apr 24, 2023 2:17 pm

Thanks for the offers of help. For now it's just a personal project and I dedicate only part of my free time to it.

I still don't know or handle the game code well, so I've gone to what is easier for me for now: creating skills, modifying existing leaders, creating new ones, adding icons, modifying events.

Regarding the metagame: from my perspective there are some starting points of the game that are wrong for me. The superiority of the French army was not that it could create 100 divisions and the other European armies were limited. The superiority was based, in my opinion (it is only my opinion), on these points:
1- a scale of command and hierarchy based on merits (not only seniority, and certainly not in ranks of nobility or buying the post) and experienced officers (and therefore with better strategy, attack and defense values than the rest) .
2- Greater capacity to mobilize resources and create military units: in 1805 both the Spanish army and navy were very weakened and diminished since the Spanish state had been bankrupt since the War of the Convention (the Spanish naval officers who participated in Trafalgar had all enormous debts, many of them must have lived quite austerely and it was noticeable, for example, in that many continued with the same worn uniform from several years ago).
3- Experience and training of regular units, and the balance of these forces. Throughout the War of Independence it was demonstrated that those regular units, such as the infantry of Jose Zayas, were not inferior to the French, the true disproportion was when they faced recently created militias and volunteer troops without experience or training enough. Likewise, the lack of a sufficient cavalry, professional, trained and with good commanders, prevented exploiting the few victories that Spanish weapons had, or protecting the numerous defeats from persecution and disastrous consequences.

The creation of 300 new leaders in the SPA faction is intended to give an opportunity to whoever plays this faction to do something different and different, always within a framework of what I think is possible. Obviously it would not make sense if he created some leader who could overshadow a Jean Lannes. For me it makes it more playable and less predictable. It does not matter that the SPA faction can create 50 divisions... until 1810 even if you make peace with GBR and keep the peace, you will hardly get resources to create more than 12 divisions.

Excuse me for the length of the answer, but it is something that I am passionate about and I could spend hours discussing it. With the exception of this post, I will try to focus on answering you from now on on questions only related to the mod.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Mon Apr 24, 2023 5:33 pm

-1) you understand that by creating a large number of new leaders in the game, you completely destroy the mechanism of command penalties, and this is one of the unique and important features of the game.
In addition, if you create leaders in the rank below the general, then in the mechanics of the game they will still be considered one-star generals and will be able to create divisions - which is not realistic and even more destroys the balance of the game.

Well, one of the reasons for making a mod is because it doesn't fit how you think the game should work. I don't like the division limit per faction, and it's one of the things I think makes it unplayable and meaningless. Can you decide which units to create and where, what to attack and what not, how, the structure of the army... but you can't reorganize it into corps and divisions? It is not realistic, it is not historical and it gives an absurd and pointless advantage to the FRA faction. It is not playable.

Isn't having too many generals with chain of command problems and wickedly bad strategy, attack and defense values not enough of a penalty? I think so.

I myself dream of adding many famous Russian commanders not included in the game, but this problem stops me.

Well, it shouldn't stop you, it's your Mod!!!... try it, include it, if it doesn't work you can always look for another way to make it work: entry by events, that they are fixed in positions until they are attacked,... me for now I have opted for identical seniority values, which means that if they enter battle chance determines who is the commander (and if a 1 0 0 leader touches without skills or with skills that penalize, bad luck)

2) I'm in the business of creating pop-up biographies for all the leaders. I have already created all the biographies for the Russians, now I am creating for the French. Are you interested in this and would you like to create biographies for Spaniards?

Really interesting... how do you do it??
Of the 500 SPA leaders, I have abundant information on 90% of them. I guess a little pop-up biography of the 10 best and the 10 worst of all would be very nice.

3) I figured out how to give different factions their own ranks - brigadier general / divisional general / marshal for the French, their own for Russia, their own for Spain, etc. I can give you these fixes.

I haven't gotten to that point yet. In the SPA faction it is quite complicated: naval officers with command in the army, officers with dual command (naval and land), officers with a recognized degree (with which they appear in the official lists) and other cash (real rank that they exercised in their combat units), officers who, regardless of rank, served as brigade or division chiefs, guerrillas who proclaimed themselves colonels... it is a somewhat complicated and confusing subject.

The rule that I have tried to follow to create the new officers is, first that they actually exist, second that they command a brigade or division, and have enough information to infer their strategy-attack-defense values and abilities.

I've only taken the liberty of breaking those rules by creating some guerrilla leaders (Fidel Mallen, Tio Camuñas, Tio Caridad, Santiago Abuin El Manco)... and some of them may "disappear" as the mod progresses and I see like "balance it".

PS: my apologies for my level of English, to be faster and more agile in the answers I have used the google translator, so there will be some errors.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:56 am

Some features of the BETA v1.0 mod that I have not commented on before: I have expanded and modified the names assigned to the naval units created in the SPA faction, so that no matter how much the navy is expanded, generic ship names should not appear (from type "Sloop", "Merchant ship", "44 guns Frigate"...). I have created a new ability of the "Multination" type, it is number 155 and it is called "Irish-Spanish Commander": it does not need an explanation, it is created for leaders like Juan O´Donoju, Juan O´Neill, Pedro Sarsfield, Charles William Doyle ...

I am playing the mod. The bugs that I have located and fixed for BETA v1.1 are:

-Fixed the icon for Marco del Pont in Models, by mistake a different one appeared (a general one created for Manuel Soria)

-Modified the Army_SPA_Llamas icon, the image was not proportioned and it appeared very narrow. Corrected.

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:35 pm

Nice work! Is this compatible with Enhanced Diplomacy mod?

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Re: Improved Spanish Faction Mod v1.0 BETA

Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:44 pm

ErgoProxyOne wrote:Nice work! Is this compatible with Enhanced Diplomacy mod?

mmm... no

No, they are different mods. If you have time and you get bored you can merge them, it's easy xD

I've been playing it up to 1823, for fun.

You know that when you confront France, when you conquer the cities of the Netherlands, automatically are create a kingdom allied to Great Britain. France loses control of it ... but also you !!! Well, if you play this mod in the SPA faction, now that doesn't happen, it's solved xD

In August if I have time I'll upload v1.1

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