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What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:11 pm

I'm really frustrated. I always enjoyed TYW and finally got around to installing it on a new computer I purchased last year.
(Win 11 AMD Ryzen 5 5800g 16 GB ram Geforce GTX1660).

I keep getting various crashes. CTD scrolling regional Decisions, CTD viewing stages of a battle report, CTD during battle graphic . Program stopped responding ending a turn.

I'm aware of the potential crash viewing elements from the purchase screen so I've avoided that crash.

I have tried every trick I know cold restart, running the 'default shortcut' as administrator then created a shortcut direct to the TYW exec and ran that as administrator. Saves are set to the TYW folded.

As of now I've uninstalled the game but was curious about memory usage as I had TYW set to75% thinking more memory is better. but noticed CW2 by default is set to use 10%. I have ECW set to 75% with no issues thus far.
Thanks for an suggestions. I'm sad!

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:17 pm

Hi Jack.

Did you install the game in a \games folder or in a \Program Files (x86) folder?

If you have plenty of RAM is a good idea to use it, the graphics are loaded at the start and should be less lagging while browsing the map.

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:32 pm

I have it installed in D:Ageod

I was afraid maybe 75% was taking to much of 16Gb for win 11.But I don't think the game uses that much anyway.

I also tried window 8 compatibility but still crashed (windows 8 was my old PC which ran TYW Ok)

Thanks Nikel maybe it's a corrupt install...

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:28 pm

The map graphics are what consume more RAM, you can check the folder size, for example CW2 is 2,3 GB and probably is the biggest. So with 16 GB I'd say you are safe.

And the logs files provide any information of the crashes?

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:05 pm

I had about 6 CTD in 20 turns only one mentioned anything specific... the crash when scrolling the regional decisions said Critical Error 'a value was out of range'.
I couldn't find any log errors after the other CTD's. Restarted the game and it loads the start of the turn.

It's uninstalled now I may try another install when I'm feeling ambition. I'll use a new download from matrix.

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:47 pm

I reinstalled TYW. I made sure 'each installation program' was set up to run as Administrator. I also excluded all TYW files from active virus scanning.
I've had 1 CTD in 31 turns of the Bohemia Revolt. A big improvement over my previous install with 6 CTD in 19 turns. Hoping for the Best.
BTW I set memory usage using the default button and it set to 75%. So that seems to be OK.

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Re: What System setting is recommended for Physical Memory usage?

Tue Aug 01, 2023 3:54 pm

Much better then, enjoy the game :)

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