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Wed May 11, 2016 5:56 pm

Okay, we over compensated earlier when there were no where near enough horses; no there are way to many.
I think moving the cavalry replacements up 5 horses per chit and for example, the French Dragoons are at present 40 horses, adjust to 50.
Personally, I think we should have left 5 horses on the cost of replacement chits for both artillery and service, to show the conflicting demands of the services.

Also, how are replacement chits working in here? Is it one chit for one lost element? If so why is an element of Dragoons 40 horses but a replacement chit is, what, 25? This does not seem to be very rationalized and at the moment you could remove horses from the game and it would effect nothing, everyone has too many.

So I suggest either increasing chit costs slightly and models slightly or rationalizing chit cost to about 40 horses.


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Fri May 13, 2016 1:06 am

Also, if I mod the cavalry replacement cost will this effect a current game or would it need a restart?

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Fri May 13, 2016 9:02 am

This will affect ongoing game.

I'm very surprised that the balance swinged to the other side! If several other people get the same feeling as you, we will tweak again.

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Fri May 13, 2016 3:55 pm

I played France, Jan 1805 till Dec 1805 and had 574 horses in pool, 8 cav replacements built, and had only used the gather horses card one or two times all year.

Also, what about the cost? Why are replacements so much cheaper than an element?

AGEod Grognard
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Fri May 13, 2016 6:15 pm

A replacement is supposed to equal a single element. So you can look at the brigade and then divide cost by number of elements (assuming it's not mixed with Arty/Infantry) and that *should* equal replacement cost.

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Fri May 13, 2016 8:02 pm

Yea Vic, that's the problem I am seeing; a bog-standard dragoon regiment is 40 horses to build, has a replace cost of one chit... which costs 20 horses.

AGEod Grognard
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Fri May 13, 2016 9:36 pm

You might need to check the model. There's a tag called RPLUsage (replacement usage). Most are RplUsage = 1, so 1 element replaces with 1 chit. But if set higher, it means you need that higher number of chits to replace the element.

The reason for this is because of the "generic" replacements now. Costs are all over the place, especially ships. A brig vs. a flagship squadron costs significantly different, so how can the same replacement chit replace both a brig AND a flagship?

What I did was break down the overall costs to a common denominator and then changed units costs and replacements to match. A flagship in my mod costs 16 replacement chits vs a galley which costs 1.

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Fri May 13, 2016 10:31 pm

Yea, already did that. All cav have 1 chit per element and 40 horses per element, but the rep chit only costs 20 horses.
Same thing with infantry, replusage =1, 150 men per element, but chit only costs 70 men.
Maybe the Phillipes are just trying to keep us from building new units, but you are screwed if say the French cav reserved gets wiped. You can replace hits, you cannot build new units.

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Sun May 15, 2016 10:31 am

This is from 1813, the limiting factor in the game should more of a combination of build time, money and war supplies rather than horses.

Naturally also the difference between veteran and new units.

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Sun May 15, 2016 11:02 am

This is for France mainly, increase the horses from the RGDs or give more cards and lower the loyalty hit.

Also consider allowing to play them in all rich regions for example, not just city structures that are also production centers.

Also add events that allow purchasing of horses from abroad or make a card for that you could play in a friendly or a neutral country.

Or streamline to get rid of the cards in economy totally and make these all decision based events.

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Sun May 15, 2016 11:14 am

How about this, for every horse producing region controlled you get one Requsitions RGD and one Purchase RGD.

The horse producing regions by themselves produce a smaller steady stream of horses that is intended mainly for replacements.

This would handily scale the number of horses available based on the controlling of the regions..

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Sat May 21, 2016 12:23 pm

Interesting report on where the horses came from Image

There have already been complaints about 'too many' RGD's, and in this case they are not necessary. Just add the stud-farm structures to the regions that should be producing horse and add an option to purchase horse. The option might be fairly limited in the number of horse, so that the player would have to plan and save, as it was in reality, and not have the ability to simple 'drop-the-horse-bomb' and suddenly collect a hundred thousand horses. I'm not sure if the structures might be set to only produce during a certain season, but with the option it certainly would be possible.

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Sat May 21, 2016 6:17 pm

No, I like having the decision cards as well; the French at least did require districts to provide X number of horses to the local gendarmes, to replace the horses of the gendarmes that were taken by the French army. I think that fits the card fairly well.

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