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Papa Thomas
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Imperial Guard

Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:00 pm

If I move the Grandee Armee and all of its corps from one destination to another and I don't use the synchronized movement button the Imperial Guard always moves the slowest. Jean-Bapiste movement level is 5, which is similar to the other corps commander. The troops themselves were veterans and would easily be able to out march the general soldiers. The guard also seems to fail the force march more often than usual.

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Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:29 pm

Papa Thomas wrote:If I move the Grandee Armee and all of its corps from one destination to another and I don't use the synchronized movement button the Imperial Guard always moves the slowest. Jean-Bapiste movement level is 5, which is similar to the other corps commander. The troops themselves were veterans and would easily be able to out march the general soldiers. The guard also seems to fail the force march more often than usual.

Hmm. Funny I haven't seen it. The way I do it BTW is that I always merge the guard with Nappy's stack : it makes sense to me and it gives Nappy a very powerfull stack with which to fly from corps to corps.

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Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:34 pm

Curious as to why you wouldn't use the button. You can always cancel the movement of any you want to send elsewhere

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Papa Thomas
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Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:38 am

Aurelin wrote:Curious as to why you wouldn't use the button. You can always cancel the movement of any you want to send elsewherehave

Aurelin, I usually do use the synchronized movement button to move my corps, I just found it odd that when I march all of the Grand Armee corps the guard is always bringing up the rear, and for the life of me I can't figure out why that would be. The commander doesn't have a lower movement number, I am wondering if for some odd reason the troops have a bug which makes them slower.

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Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:54 am

Papa Thomas wrote:Aurelin, I usually do use the synchronized movement button to move my corps, I just found it odd that when I march all of the Grand Armee corps the guard is always bringing up the rear, and for the life of me I can't figure out why that would be. The commander doesn't have a lower movement number, I am wondering if for some odd reason the troops have a bug which makes them slower.

This threw me off:
Papa Thomas wrote:If I move the Grandee Armee and all of its corps from one destination to another and I *don't* use the synchronized movement button the Imperial Guard always moves the slowest.

I always use it and never noticed them lagging behind. Doesn't mean that you're not seeing what you're seeing. Just that I haven't seen it. (But then I don't usually watch the moves anyway.)

But, does it really matter if, on the move from A to B to C that the order in which they get there matters? Or is it that during that trip they don't get to C but stop in B.

I submit that being the reserve, it makes sense they would lagged behind.

Hopefully someone smarter has a better answer.

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Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:21 pm

Aurelin wrote:
Hopefully someone smarter has a better answer.

"At the beginning of the month two pontoon units are finished in Paris and they move to the corps that lacked them: the cavalry reserve of Murat and the Imperial Guard of Bessières. The army of Italy, gathered in Turin, is also enhanced by two new infantry divisions (a regular and a light division) and an artillery battery."


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Papa Thomas
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Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:12 pm


My grammar wasn't the best and I apologize for that. I usually use synchronized movement when moving corps and army's to the same location. However I didn't use it a couple of turns just to see if a certain corps was slowing down the movement of the entire group. I noticed with a couple different experiments that the guard was always lagging behind the rest of the corps and I found that surprising. I looked at their stats and nothing stood out to me as to why this corps was moving more slowly. So I did a couple more tests and in every one of them they moved more slowly than any other corps.

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Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:59 am

That's OK Papa, I'm not always the most patient. Reading it again, I took it differently than what you meant. So I apologize to you.

I don't think a lagging corps slows everyone else down. But I could be wrong. Maybe the traffic penalty is kicking in?

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Wed Feb 03, 2016 9:18 am

Just notice if slowing down occurs after river crossing. If yes, then the reason is lack of pontoon unit in Guard Corps. If not, then it's because traffic rules.

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