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Crash turn 3 waterloo

Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:30 pm

Hello Pocus and AGEOD. I love your games.
Just downloaded and started WON. Turn 3 of waterloo scenario I got a critical error box. It flashed fast then crashed to desk top. I found the error in !main log as the last entry but its in French.

Last entry: 10:09:09 AM [Critical ] TGameSim.SelectGameElt Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00404E48 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 00000017

Sorry I do not have any other info. I remeber CWII crashing sometimes when the music changed songs but I don't believe the music had changed when this happened. I was playing England and had just clicked on a Prussian unit at the start of turn 3. hope this helps. The game looks amazing by the way.

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Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:41 pm

Hi Blackhorse. Sorry about this issue. We need first to see if this is coming from the game engine internal logic or from an incompatibility between the game engine and your video driver. Can you reproduce the issue by selecting again this Prussian stack?

This seems a random interface issue to me, but some video cards have troubles with the DirectX library we still use. Keep me posted.

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Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:43 pm

I will log back in and check.

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Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:01 pm

I was able to get to turn five with no issues. So that is good.

My specs: Win 7 x64, Intel I7-4790, 16 gig ram, NVIDIA GTX 745, DR ver

I'm not that worried, I know launch days can have bugs pop out, I just wanted to pass the info on to you. This is my favorite time period, so I know I'll get 1000's of hours of fun out of it.

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Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:27 pm

ok :)

If you have trouble, try to reproduce it, a reproducible bug can be fixed rather easily. If not, that's much more difficult.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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