Posts: 235
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:53 pm

Several crash in turn resolution

Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:23 pm

The main log.

22:12:43 (Reporting) User: MI PC Computer: MI-PC
22:12:43 (Reporting) Loading general settings
22:12:44 (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 960 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
22:12:44 (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
22:12:44 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1751 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " "Karl Freiherr vom Stein and Karl August Fürst von Hardenberg, having realised that the old absolutist institutions will be unable to defeat Napoléon’s France, set out to put into place a series of reforms that will reinvigorate Prussia. Strongly supported by Queen Louise of Prussia, they are able to liberalise the economy and set up a more competent system of administration.§§Their work is paralleled in the military field by Gerhard von Scharnhorst, August Neidhardt von Gneisenau and Hermann von Boyen. The Commission for military reorganisation proposed a number of changes that allow the Prussians to fight more effectively. Military organisation was simplified and a Ministry of War and the Army Staff were set up. Compulsory military service resulted in increased manpower and the reform of the officer corps resulted in more effective leadership.§§Similar reforms have been undertaken in Austria, meaning that Napoléon’s ambitions to the East will face far greater challenges than originally anticipated. in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings_NGC.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
22:12:44 [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1752 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Karl Freiherr vom Stein y Karl August von Hardenberg Fürst, al darse cuenta de que las viejas instituciones absolutistas no podrán derrotar a la Francia de Napoleón, se dispuso a poner en marcha una serie de reformas que revitalizar Prusia. Fuertemente apoyado por la reina Luisa de Prusia, ambos son capaces de liberalizar la economía y establecer un sistema más competente de la administración.§§ Su trabajo es desarrollado en el campo militar por Gerhard von Scharnhorst , August von Gneisenau Neidhardt y Hermann von Boyen . La Comisión para la Reorganización Militar propuso una serie de cambios permitieron a los prusianos luchar con más eficacia. Una organización militar simplificada, creando un Ministerio de Guerra y un Estado Mayor del Ejército. El servicio militar obligatorio se tradujo en aumento de hombres para el ejército y la reforma de los cuerpos de oficiales resultó en un liderazgo más eficaz.§§Reformas similares se han llevado a cabo en Austria , lo que significa que las ambiciones de Napoleón hacia el Este se enfrentarán a retos mucho mayores de lo previsto originalmente . in file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings_NGC.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
22:12:50 (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
22:12:50 (Reporting) Loading Display Options
22:12:50 (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
22:12:50 (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 6976 ms
22:12:50 (Reporting) Cursors 11 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 287 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Fonts 2 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 114 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 57 terrains files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 645 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Areas Loading 895 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Areas 895 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 155 Abilities loaded, out of 155 abilities files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Units Abilities 58 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 18 StrucDef loaded, out of 18 StrucDef files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Structures 29 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 83 FactionDef loaded, out of 83 FactionDef files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Factions 187 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
22:11:17 (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
22:11:17 (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
22:11:17 (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
22:11:17 (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
22:11:17 (Reporting) Game Engine version: NGC 1.00
22:11:17 (Reporting) Max Texture size: 16384 x 16384
22:11:17 (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 228 sounds loaded.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 44 Musics loaded.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 5 Voice Languages loaded.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 45.234 seconds Memory usage: 1037212 kb
22:11:17 (Reporting) Media Librarian 46895 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Particles II 7 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 4674 Regions definitions loaded. PolyCount: 89391 TriangleCount: 80029 AdjacencyCount: 86111 JumpLinkCount: 8618
22:11:17 (Reporting) Regions Loading 34318 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Regions(Area) Loading 7 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 1 buttons definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Buttons 26 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 52 frontend definitions loaded, from 52 frontend files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 4 frontend definitions loaded, from 4 frontend files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 6003 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Starting Game World
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TModels.Create 5041 (Cached) Models loaded in 1885 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 3413 (Cached) Units loaded in 704 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TWeather.Create 32 Weathers patterns loaded, from 32 files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TDiplomacyDefList.LoadFromFile 69 Diplomatic Options loaded from 69 Diplomacy Definition files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TRulerDefList.LoadFromFile 112 Rulers loaded from 112 Ruler Definition files in 468 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TAgendaDefs.LoadFromFile 37 AI Agendas loaded from 37 AI Agendas files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMapAleaDefs.LoadFromFile 3 TMapAleaDef loaded, from 3 files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TAIAgentDefs.LoadFromFile 12 AIAgentDefs loaded, from 12 aia files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 126 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 126 files, in 207 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 45 Faction Atttributes loaded from 45 Attributes Definition files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 49 Region Decisions loaded, from 49 Decisions files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) TBattlePlanDefs.LoadFromFile 112 Battle plans loaded, from 112 files.
22:11:17 (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 6686 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
22:11:17 (Reporting) Data Parser 1 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Starting Renderer
22:11:17 (Reporting) Rendering Engine 93 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) Starting Game ...
22:11:17 (Reporting) Global Load Time: 106903 ms
22:11:17 (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
22:11:17 (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app... 1147848 kb
22:11:17 (Reporting) Game Engine version: NGC 1.00
22:20:01 (Reporting) TGUILoadGame.OnValidateChoice C:\Users\MI PC\Documents\My Games\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Saves\5 - 1805 January Grand Campaign2\5 - 1805 January Grand Campaign.hst Saved Game file loaded, # of entries: 774102
22:20:01 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 9613 ms
22:24:23 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 2 1218720 kb
22:24:23 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 11383 ms
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Army of the Danube [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sensac [ 2355 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Army of the Danube [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sensac [ 3985 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 100659 ms
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:24:23 MakeSupplyDistribution 15055212.4 µs
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
22:24:23 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: bocage_rain
22:24:23 (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Bocage_rain.png
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
22:24:23 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
22:24:23 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
22:24:23 (Reporting) Scripting ended 8741 ms
22:24:23 (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 176339 ms
22:28:45 (Reporting) TGUINewScen.OnValidateChoice C:\Program Files (x86)\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon\NGC\Scens\5 - 1805 January Grand Campaign.scn Scenario file loaded, # of entries: 706479
22:28:45 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 11697 ms
22:28:45 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Ottoman Army [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Ibrahim Bey [ 2910 ]
22:28:45 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Ottoman Army [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Ibrahim Bey [ 4540 ]
22:28:45 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 0 1302512 kb
22:28:45 (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 12326 ms
22:28:45 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
22:28:45 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Aile Gauche [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Bon-Adrien de Moncey [ 1714 ]
22:28:45 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Aile Gauche [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Bon-Adrien de Moncey [ 3344 ]
22:28:45 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 75500 ms
22:37:29 MakeSupplyDistribution 10229083.1 µs
22:37:29 (Reporting) Ibrahim Bey has been appointed before Sultan Selim III Player will pay 50 POL points.
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
22:37:29 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
22:37:29 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
22:37:29 (Reporting) Escadre de l'Océan Indien 1007225 3914
22:37:29 (Reporting) Garnison de Port Louis 1009509 3914
22:37:29 (Reporting) Decaen' Force 1002180 3914
22:37:29 (Reporting) Flotte Marchande #5 1007292 3931
22:37:29 (Reporting) Flotte Marchande #4 1007286 3930
22:37:29 (Reporting) Flotte Marchande #2 1007269 3927
22:37:29 (Reporting) Flotte Marchande #3 1007280 3928
22:37:29 (Reporting) Flotte Marchande #6 1007298 3932
22:37:29 (Reporting) Escadre de Toulon 1007032 307
22:37:29 (Reporting) Scripting ended 9631 ms
22:37:29 (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 148920 ms
22:37:29 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TApplication , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 004C771C dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 51B07198 try: -289
22:41:52 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 1 553432 kb
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 80649 ms
22:41:52 MakeSupplyDistribution 10949969.3 µs
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
22:41:52 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
22:41:52 (Reporting) Scripting ended 7955 ms
22:41:52 (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 135795 ms
22:41:52 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 2 628884 kb
22:41:52 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Army of the Danube [Warning!] This unit is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sensac [ 2355 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Army of the Danube [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sensac [ 3985 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:41:52 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 101685 ms
22:46:14 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:46:14 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:46:14 (Reporting) TUnit.CheckConsistency Adam Ivanovitch Tschaplitz [Warning!] This model is not using the name defined in the DB, which is: Tschaplitz [ 3932 ]
22:46:14 MakeSupplyDistribution 12974935.6 µs
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
22:46:14 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
22:46:14 DoUnitsSpawningFromAbi 0.0 µs
22:46:14 (Reporting) Scripting ended 8037 ms
22:46:14 [Critical ] THost.GenerateTurnFiles Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00401E71 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 8FFF8000 70
22:46:14 (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 162470 ms
22:46:14 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so23_on
22:46:14 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so24_on
22:46:14 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so26_on
22:46:14 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: fleet_so35_on
22:46:14 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: so35_off
22:46:14 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: SO35_DIS.png
23:08:04 (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_secfilter_all_off
23:08:04 (Reporting) TThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: btn_SecFilter_all_off
23:16:49 (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 3 655348 kb
23:16:49 (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
23:16:49 [Critical ] TAIEngine.Process - Main Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00401D29 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000
23:16:49 [Error ] THost.LoadHostFile One or more error while generating AI files. Check the logs
23:16:49 (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 133021 ms
23:16:49 [Error ] TAgeDxComponent.Draw Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00401D29 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000 Class: TAgeGraphicButton Component: GUITopRight.btn_act_EndTurn
23:16:49 (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
23:16:49 [Critical ] TGroup.PathExists Exception caught: 1014532 Lacoste' Force LogStep: 50 Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00401D29 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Ecriture de l'adresse 00000000
23:16:49 (Reporting) Main unexpected exception TMain , Violation d'accès à l'adresse 00401D34 dans le module 'NGC.exe'. Ecriture de l'adresse 880FC004 try: -1094

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Posts: 25662
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:37 am
Location: Lyon (France)

Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:14 am

Sorry for the inconvenience. Do you still have the saved game around? Have you tried reloading the same game and clicking on end turn again?

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

Posts: 235
Joined: Thu Apr 12, 2007 4:53 pm

Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:20 pm

Pocus wrote: Have you tried reloading the same game and clicking on end turn again?

Sorry, I do not have the save. Yes, I reloaded the game, but I go back to have CTD when I click on Next Turn

Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:07 am

Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:22 am

I play the turn, save it, exit all the way out of the game (until you see the launcher), reload the game, end the turn, play the turn, save it, exit all the way out of the game, reload the game, end the turn,etc. for every turn... then the game works... works for multiplayer too but be sure to exit every time for every player. So multiplayer you exit twice a turn.

Works just fine so I think the error has something to do with the loading.

Be sure to exit all the way out of the game until you see the launcher.

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