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BREXIT II - The Second Marriage

Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:54 pm

Brexit II has started. New patch, same players, same countries. Same lack of understanding of how the treaties are fired.

You join us in March 1805 at a time of intense diplomacy and intrigue. The map of Europe will be decided in the next few days. Players are going to bed late and up early to check diplomatic communiques. Except France who just thinks that he's going to invade Prussia, march to Berlin and dictate a brutal peace. Spoiler alert - this is the most likely option because the coalition is utterly dysfunctional.

History So Far:

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Re: BREXIT II - The Second Marriage

Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:25 am

Your narrator usual Sorta, Arch Duke of Austria. In the previous Brexit we were GB but lets face it GB is far too easy, just paddling around building an empire with unlimited resources. So we jumped into the fire.

Situation 1805
Morale in the Coalition is high. Why is Austria in the coalition I hear you say? Well discussions were had with the French dictator regarding mutual goals but it soon became clear that the dictator is an overbearing egoist who wants everything. Also he believes that we are constantly conspiring against him, which is untrue. However the little dictator is going to attack Prussia or Austria, that much is clear.

Being unable to deter invasion we joined in the British led coalition. Intelligence pointed to a Prussian invasion being most likely - the dictator had offered us peace for a free hand against Prussia plus some plum Prussian land, which we rejected, The dictator is always generous with other people's land!

After much diplomacy, sometimes at 2 am, a full alliance was agreed, All the parties agred that France would attack us one by one and that now we were strongest. Prussia would expand westwards towards France and Warsaw would be given to Russia.

Eventually it was agreed that for the greater good Warsaw would stay with Prussia. The most important item was stopping France before they gained momentum. Tough negotiations but worthwhile. Austria was saved.

Posts: 176
Joined: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:25 pm

Re: BREXIT II - The Second Marriage

Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:37 am

Disaster - The Bloody Tzar

In short the turn before war broke out the Tzar attacked Prussia - only Warsaw mattered to them. So France went from being friendless to being allied with Prussia who was busy having her armies being destroyed by Russia.

So from being offered treats to let Prussia be attacked by Napoleon now Austria stood alone against France! A diplomatic disaster.

Retreat and Defeat
Austrian armies bravely decided to retreat to the east but the French forces were far faster than the lumbering divisions commanded by generals who needed a nap mid-day. Losses were inflicted on the French but the outcome was clear. We offered surrender which Napoleon was very slow to acknowledge. He refused to trigger the treaty until Prussia took some border territory. NM was down to 5 and most of the original units were destroyed. Also there was no supply as the French had eaten it!

At our lowest point our good friend the Sultan stuck his knife it our prone corpse and attacked, breaking all his promises.
The Treaty was enacted and peace was made with all. The end.

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