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Military Reforms Script

Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:56 am

I was wondering if you could implement a script that has all reforms for all major powers at the start of the game? It would add to the AI and make the game a lot more fun for me playing as France :)

Also I think it would open up a whole new game if you play multiplayer as I do. Other nations has potential to becoming a menace to the balance of power.

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Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:06 am

It's feasiblebut don't see much of the point unless you just want a contest of nations disconnected with any semblant of historical accuracy... anyway, you have to decide for special scenario to do so into which we could add a special script to run the reforms elsewhere. Takes some time to do, so would need some popular demand to be implemented (as there are more other pressing demands to be solved first).

How it would work: that special scenario would have a special event on T1 that would set ON all reforms events, and then the AI would most likely take them

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Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:23 am

PhilThib wrote:It's feasiblebut don't see much of the point unless you just want a contest of nations disconnected with any semblant of historical accuracy... anyway, you have to decide for special scenario to do so into which we could add a special script to run the reforms elsewhere. Takes some time to do, so would need some popular demand to be implemented (as there are more other pressing demands to be solved first).

How it would work: that special scenario would have a special event on T1 that would set ON all reforms events, and then the AI would most likely take them

I think a Revolutionary France scenario starting in 1791 would be more interesting in that regard.
It gives more freedom to all the nations and pots most of them at an equal footing something that to OP seems to want

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:03 pm

Such a scenario would extend the life of the game, probably make it a whole new game.

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Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:18 am

Yes it wouldn't be historically accurate, but it wouldn't be unlike the scripts you have already in place such as France with a powerful Navy etc. If easier I would be happy if once you get to 1000 engagement points you can upgrade regardless of the year. That way you can feel like your racing to catch up to France. I just like the way you can use strategy in these games with the Corps system such as defending fronts, outflanking by maneuvering etc. So its not so direct. Total war has became merely tactical with one approach with one stack relying on head on battles to win instead of strategy. I would like the game to be more like Civil War II which made me have to think on how to trick my brother out of a good position by maneuvering which is what makes these games good. Who cares about historical accuracy? I don't.

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Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:23 am

PhilThib wrote:It's feasible but don't see much of the point unless you just want a contest of nations disconnected with any semblant of historical accuracy...

Might as well just play RISK in that case.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:15 am

Well if you want historical accuracy you might as well read a book in that case. Historical accuracy goes out the window turn 2.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:03 am

Sidieon wrote:Well if you want historical accuracy you might as well read a book in that case. Historical accuracy goes out the window turn 2.

No it doesn't. Napoleon's Grande Armee was superior to Austria/Prussia/Russia. Turn 2/3/4/20/30/50 isn't going to change that. Those nations had to learn the hard way. Which took a few wars and several defeats. That is historical accuracy.

Oh, using maneuver to "trick" someone out of a good position is also historical accuracy. Both Sherman and Grant showed that in 1864. Hooker did it in 1863. But, as you don't care about historical accuracy, perhaps one of the old American Heritage games would suit better. None of them made any attempt at it.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:32 am

In 1864 Grant directly assaulted good positions time after time resulting in the long stalemate at Petersburg until Sherman cut off Lee's supplies. But anyways, say if England invaded France in 1805 then history has changed. If a script not unlike France with a Strong navy (by the way isn't historically accurate either) but one with all major powers having army reforms at the start, would do much for AI and make it so, say Russia, or Britain could also upset the balance of power. And make the game's period 1805-1812 a lot more interesting for multiplayer.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:52 am

Sidieon, you are not very familiar with American Civil war, is it?
What you are saying isn't true. Sherman march contributed to the fall of Confederacy, but it didn't force Lee out of Richmond.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:04 am

Yes it did but it was too late, Lee remained in Petersburg too long. Grant didn't have sufficient forces to fully trap Lee (due to the bloody direct assaults) and Lee did escape and later surrendered at Appomattox due to his Army being out of supply to such a extent that he could no longer hold Richmond.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:27 am

Lee's main supply depots at the time were in North Carolina. Jefferson Davis wrote urgently to Lee saying that Johnston was reported to have ordered the removal of supplies from Raleigh, and that, "If this indicates a purpose to retire behind the railroad line from Goldsboro' to Raleigh... the region of supplies will be lost, and we cannot maintain our position in Virginia and North Carolina. I hope you will be able, by specific instructions, to avert so great a calamity."

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:00 am

The game already has "what if scenarios" What if France rules the waves, what if Ottomans joined with France etc. This would be what if the major power's armies were on par with France. This isn't taking anything from the game its adding a new dimension to it. I would think veteran Ageod players would like the challenge of a France besieged or a belligerent England etc.

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Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:27 am

If it is to be a scenario then we might as well get radical. Call it "Balance of Power" with the start date at Jan 1805 to 1825. Should be able to annex nations and if say England takes Spain or Denmark they would also take over the factories, treasuries, trade ports etc., and once loyalties get to 25% they should be able to get some conscripts. But of course your the boss.

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Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:44 am

Well we need popular demand to get this script going, so post if you think this would be something your interested in.

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