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New to This Game, Not to The Engine

Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:15 am

Greetings, all.

I'm pretty adept at CW II and just purchased this one.

How is it different?

Thanks for your time and your reply.

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Re: New to This Game, Not to The Engine

Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:04 am

Similar enough you can begin play right away.

The biggest difference for me was the change in command and control. You now have a supreme commander who creates army commanders. Two for Germany, one for all of the other major factions. Their proximity to active fronts are important to managing your armies.

The naval war will feel familiar in many ways, but with more detailed blockade.

The Entente is two factions, which matters most in pbem play, but creates some differences in resource allocation, also.

A really nice plus is the use of warplans as the game opens. You can experiment with different initial deployments as you attempt to win the war quickly.

Diplomacy: In this game, some minor powers might join either side depending upon how you play diplomacy. If you are familiar with the war, it tends to follow similar patterns, but your play might shape actual factions engaging; like for instance the entry of Italy.

Probably the major difference in play is you will soon have continuous fronts in the west and maybe in the east, so maneuver after the opening moves is on a grand strategy scale. Also, the clock is always ticking on the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.

If you did not yet purchase it, the Breaking the Deadlock expansion is well worth buying as it provides many small regional conflicts allowing for study of other theaters of war.

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Re: New to This Game, Not to The Engine

Fri May 28, 2021 4:27 am


Is there a certain way to use planes in this game? Like attach them to armies going into battle?

Also, how do you build depots? I have 100% control over the region and plenty of infantry to build it. It rarely lets me build them with the wagons I have.

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Re: New to This Game, Not to The Engine

Fri May 28, 2021 12:56 pm

From what I've seen on these forums, people typically keep planes with army stacks, as they sort of act as scouts. I don't know if there are benefits to keeping them out of combat or not, but I haven't really noticed a difference.

For depots, make sure your supply wagons have all their chits; sometimes they're missing elements and don't count as "full." Also, make sure all the wagons you want to use are not only in the same area, but the same stack.

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Re: New to This Game, Not to The Engine

Fri May 28, 2021 10:31 pm

Always put them inside of Armies and Corps. Yes, planes and airships allow you to see better which helps in battle. As the war progresses, your fighter planes will attack enemy planes. So having fighters in proportion to your other planes is a good idea. If you have an active naval war, which most players do not, they can help spot, that is intercept, enemy fleets.

My understanding, in addition to Bargus's caution, I am pretty certain you need 5% loyalty/alignment before you can build.

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