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British Isles defensive capabilities?

Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:24 am

Out of curiosity what number of troop's does Britain keep at home in 1915?.

Does London have a strong garrison ?

I ask this as i plan to launch Operation Sea-Lion in 1915 in my on going series, i will have roughly 50k men for the first landing's and up too 100-200k should it be required could be sent to further this.

So far i have destroyed the Russian Baltic fleet in the first 2 turn's so no threat from the Baltic and over the course of the War the High Sea's fleet has a tally of around 70? Entente Warships.

The High Sea's fleet stand's at around 190 Warships with a cmbt strength of 12k+.

Could i force Britain out of the war in this manner by taking London and the major cities? What affect would this have on the French Republic's resolve for war? speaking of France im about 2 Provinces so Paris so the plan is too try and take London and Paris with a turn of each other and deal a deathblow :) .

P.S has anyone else invaded the British Isles as Germany?

Edit : Well It look's like Paris and London will fall before Christmas. The War in the West may be over for Christmas indeed.

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Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:59 pm

Very nicely done

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Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:26 am

so what happened after??!! did they surrender?

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Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:58 pm

ifailmore wrote:so what happened after??!! did they surrender?

Nope, war went on a few more month's but it was pretty much won when i had London and Paris ( I made soooo much cash )

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