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Novice tips

Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:18 pm

Stumbling through my first full historical campaign as WE (the one with historical plans). Great stuff, very challenging. Have re-started three times now because each time the BEF encounters that huge CP stack (is it von Bulow, or Kluch, not sure..) it makes a stand for usually two huge battles, always, so far, in Lille (because Belgium is already gone, le Roi des Belges sans army and off to St. Quentin to a hospital...) and is always totally annihilated. Anyone any tips on how to get a roughly historical result with the BEF? ie; to keep it alive to fight a defensive action a little nearer Paris in September. Or maybe I don't need the BEF? The cost of destroying it was high to the CP, of course....

Any advice?

Many thanks.

Posts: 362
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:35 pm

Re: Novice tips

Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:12 am

I'm probably over-simplifying here, phoenix, but have you tried playing around with your combat settings and battle formations.

If I'm reading you correctly you're looking for the BEF to delay the German advance without being annihilated in the process. One approach you might take is to set your combat posture at Defend and Retreat if Attacked - you'll probably get a bit of a biffing during your retreat but you won't leave your boys slugging it out to the last man and you'll still have delayed the advance.

When it comes to controlling the battle itself, if you're given the chance, look for a stance that maximizes your survival. In this regard I've found the two most useful deployments to be the Prepare to Withdraw and Hinder Enemy Deployment, with Delay Battle and Skirmisher battle plans respectively.

Then cross your fingers and say a prayer.

Posts: 157
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:24 am

Re: Novice tips

Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:14 am

Yes....I wonder if I keep setting things to max? So perhaps not an oversimplification. Thanks. Very helpful. I'll try again...

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