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Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:04 pm

I expect the German imperial army start with their Pickelhaub helmet to change later in the war.

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Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:17 pm

Templer wrote:I expect the German imperial army start with their Pickelhaub Helmet to change later in the war.

Yes this is mandatory!

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Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:43 pm

Templer wrote:I expect the German imperial army start with their Pickelhaub Helmet to change later in the war.


pickelhaub dog.jpg

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:03 am

Well, if helmets change, then defensive posturing should improve, as Stalhelm improved chances of soldiers surviving shelling and was the best helmet of the war.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:28 pm

Helmets on portraits do change :)

The first infantry upgrade (which usually occurs in late 1914 or early 1915) has steel helmets and improved uniforms being adopted, which updates both portraits and protection values. The initial French infantry has less protection than the initial infantry for other nations, due to their colorful blue & red uniforms, but this penalty is removed once the first infantry upgrade is reached.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:47 pm

Regarding Russia-first plan, I think some of the players here have adequately pointed out it's drawbacks. The biggest one being, the French alone can hold the Western Front, while the full might of the British Army can be deployed elsewhere (strongly against the Austrians on Dalmatian Coast or anywhere vs the Turks both come to mind as very viable options). Alternatively, the British Army can be fed into France and help launch a strong attack against the Germans in Alsace-Lorraine, then Germany proper (though this is easier to contain).

Also, Russia starts off fairly powerful, which is historically accurate, IMO. Russia's real Achilles' heel in End All Wars is its difficultly maintaining and expanding its initial army, both very real problems it faced. The Eastern Entente (Russia) side has by far the lowest money and war supply of the 3 sides, and the least number of options for borrowing/printing money. It also has a poorer rail point allotment, correlating to difficulties moving its forces around. What this ends up equating to in game is a fairly strong force, but one which reels against powerful onslaughts heavily and can't adjust quickly to changing circumstances.

However, simply moving big armies around in EAW drains them of cohesion quickly once the initial Movement Phase of August/September 1914 passes, so the Centrals can't just push hundreds of miles quickly into Russia without taking breathers, and to take best advantage of Russia's weaknesses, the Germans have to bring a lot of their army to the east and stay defensive on the west (as they did historically in 1915, and to a lesser extent in 1917).

What I've found testing the Russia-first plan is the Centrals can make decent progress into Lithuania and seriously pressure the Russians in Poland, likely forcing a roughly historical end-of-1915 line for Russia sometime in late 1914 or early 1915. But France can punch a decent hole into Alsace-Lorraine at Mulhouse and threaten to invade Germany itself, and the British (who usually join in this plan sometime in September 1914, possibly October at latest) are free to threaten wherever they may please.

It's an interesting alternative plan, definitely the most ahistorical option available in EAW, but I think it's far from being the absolute definite choice. It will likely lead to Russia falling into Revolution a bit earlier (maybe mid-to-late 1916) and surrender following 6 months or so after that, but the damage inflicted in other areas could be crippling to the Central Powers. Imagine the British taking Constantinople in 1915 and driving through the Balkans against the Austrians, for example.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:01 pm

Altaris wrote:It's an interesting alternative plan, definitely the most ahistorical option available in EAW, but I think it's far from being the absolute definite choice. It will likely lead to Russia falling into Revolution a bit earlier (maybe mid-to-late 1916) and surrender following 6 months or so after that, but the damage inflicted in other areas could be crippling to the Central Powers. Imagine the British taking Constantinople in 1915 and driving through the Balkans against the Austrians, for example.

That's only true, however, if the British Empire enters on the side of the Entente. With Germany respecting Belgian neutrality and a strong diplomatic push on their side, coupled together with close royal relations between the two nations, I would care to wager that the British would not necessarily enter the war, as long as Central Powers made certain not to step on their toes.

Now, I don't know if the AGE 2.0 engine of capable of simulating this, but I know that in WW1 Gold I did manage to keep the British neutral. I'll admit that I was lucky with the dice throws and my diplomats, but it is not outside the realm of possibility.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:07 pm

lecrop wrote:Yesss


I call that a German, imperial comrades - even in the Prussian goose-step! :D


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Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:17 pm

Respenus wrote:That's only true, however, if the British Empire enters on the side of the Entente. With Germany respecting Belgian neutrality and a strong diplomatic push on their side, coupled together with close royal relations between the two nations, I would care to wager that the British would not necessarily enter the war, as long as Central Powers made certain not to step on their toes.

Now, I don't know if the AGE 2.0 engine of capable of simulating this, but I know that in WW1 Gold I did manage to keep the British neutral. I'll admit that I was lucky with the dice throws and my diplomats, but it is not outside the realm of possibility.

In EAW, the British will end up joining the Entente as some point in 1914, unless France opts for the warplan where France violates Belgian neutrality (in this case, Britain may very well stay neutral indefinitely).

IMO, the British would not have stayed out of the war, even if Germany focused solely on Russia. The Entente Cordiale talks had gone too far to allow Britain to just sit out indefinitely on the sidelines, and Germany's navy posed too great a threat for Britain to stand idly by and let Germany gain the upper hand in a continental war. In EAW, the best the Central Powers can hope for is a delay of 2-3 months before Britain enters the fray.

I never have bought into the "British would remain neutral if Belgium wasn't invaded" argument. Britain's leaders knew it couldn't sit out the war, and Belgium just gave the cassus belli to immediately join the war. Otherwise, it may have taken a few weeks to rally public opinion, but jingoism was so strong in those days the presses would have swayed British opinion to join the Entente at some point in 1914.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:32 pm

Interesting, i plan try Rusia in a team game... if i can do a decent rate... 3-5 turns per week.

The point in Rusia is how good could be the use of russian resources... more than use a mass create a little better army with lower effectives, some armies are better in reduced numbers than historical to increase performance.

PD: my first option was Ottoman Empire but is not possible.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:37 pm

Hmm, if the best Germany can hope for by going East is about two months of British neutrality then that definitely changes the calculations. I guess in this case it will be better to stick with a full assault on France and hope for the best. I agree that Britain would have probably been pulled into the war on the side of the Entente eventually but I think if Germany had waited for the Russians to attack Austria first before declaring war on Russia and had let France declare war on Germany than there would have been a good chance that Britain would have stayed neutral. I guess time has already progressed past that point when the game starts so Germany is already painted as the aggressor. It will still be interesting to try an Eastern strategy but I can easily see it ending in tears; especially if Russia is prepared for it.

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:09 pm

Regarding Russia: How far is the road to revolution shaped by events and how much by success or failure especially losses on the front? Can Russia choose to implement reforms?

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Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:31 pm

Revolution is based on National Morale and the loyalty of Russia to the war cause (this drops throughout the game). In general, it's unlikely Russia will face revolution prior to late 1916. Once Revolution occurs, loyalty in Russia starts dropping rapidly (by 1% a turn) and once it reaches 0% Russia surrenders, so Revolution becomes something of a ticking time bomb for surrender unless great wins take place, typically it's 6-9 months from Revolution to surrender.

In short, it's unlikely to see Russia exit the war prior to 1917.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:05 am

Speaking of WW1 steel helmets, some questions for aficianados:

The Germans developed the most "modern" looking helmet with the Stahlhelm, which has protection not just for the top of head but also the sides.

But the British and French steel helmets seemed by comparison designed on entirely different principles. The French had fore and aft brims but no side flanges. The British helmet seems dreadfully ineffective, with little side or back protection. I can only assume one of four things: a) they wanted soldiers to be able to see/hear better and be less encumbered (supposedly, not sure this was true in practice); b) tradition of some kind, although not sure this applies as I believe this was the first war where either the British or French developed steel helmets; c) someone incompetent or dense was in charge of helmet design; d) the French/British helmets are cheaper to produce, although this seems the most dubious possibility since penny-pinching infantry body armor rarely generates a positive outcome (unless the choice is lousy helmets versus no helmets at all).

I am leaving out the poor Russians, since photos seem to show their troops wore soft cover the entire war. Probably true for a lot of the poorer armies.

So what gives? Why were the Germans so ahead of the game in steel helmet design? What they came up with a hundred years ago looks very close to what current US military designs are.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:59 pm

Altaris wrote:In EAW, the British will end up joining the Entente as some point in 1914, unless France opts for the warplan where France violates Belgian neutrality (in this case, Britain may very well stay neutral indefinitely).

IMO, the British would not have stayed out of the war, even if Germany focused solely on Russia. The Entente Cordiale talks had gone too far to allow Britain to just sit out indefinitely on the sidelines, and Germany's navy posed too great a threat for Britain to stand idly by and let Germany gain the upper hand in a continental war. In EAW, the best the Central Powers can hope for is a delay of 2-3 months before Britain enters the fray.

I never have bought into the "British would remain neutral if Belgium wasn't invaded" argument. Britain's leaders knew it couldn't sit out the war, and Belgium just gave the cassus belli to immediately join the war. Otherwise, it may have taken a few weeks to rally public opinion, but jingoism was so strong in those days the presses would have swayed British opinion to join the Entente at some point in 1914.

I do not doubt the fact that the UK would join, question is when...
Maybe only in 1915, resultant is-
Ireland Home Rule Bill is passed and Irish separate
Ottomans get their 2 almost complete ships and are much stronger
France lose much more manpower banging their head against the AL line of Germany.
Russia gets badly hit and loses Poland and Baltics by mid 1915.
Austria is much more stronger
Italy is less likely to join Allies in 1915 at least
Rumania most probably end up neutral or in CP lands with bessarbia as bribe to them.
Greece also less likely to support allies.
Japan may end up hostile

These factors have to be factored in the LOOK EAST policy of Germany.

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:33 pm

elxaime wrote:So what gives? Why were the Germans so ahead of the game in steel helmet design? What they came up with a hundred years ago looks very close to what current US military designs are.

The Americans had their own crazy designs, some would have been rather dramatic in the field, reminding of medieval knights!
(I am really curious of their actual value at stopping bullets or shrapnel towards the face of the recipient)

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Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:37 pm

I hope to see more what-if scenarios, earlier start deep in peace times ...
I would like to see revolutions possibility, when new states will rise (lets say that Austria-Hungary will be defeated quickly or revolutions will destroy old monarchy and new states will rise here ... like my Czechoslovakia :bonk: wich will join the war ...) ... ok, it sounds really too much hypothetically, I think I will be happy with longer scenarios with some political choices with will move some nations closer to one side (how it was described here on the forum) ...
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Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:32 am

Matto wrote:I hope to see more what-if scenarios, earlier start deep in peace times ...
I would like to see revolutions possibility, when new states will rise (lets say that Austria-Hungary will be defeated quickly or revolutions will destroy old monarchy and new states will rise here ... like my Czechoslovakia :bonk: wich will join the war ...) ... ok, it sounds really too much hypothetically, I think I will be happy with longer scenarios with some political choices with will move some nations closer to one side (how it was described here on the forum) ...

Revolutions happened when the War started being lost not while being won,
That said in Habsburg Monarchy the below table can be said to be somewhat accurate based on my readings-

Germans- 30% or so.. always Kaiser Tru, over half the soldiers and 2/3 of officers were German
Hungarians - 16%.. Kaiser Tru till almost the end, excellent cavalry
Czechs- Kaiser Tru till 1916 and then both sides
Croats- Kaiser Tru
Slovenes- Kaiser Tru
Italians - Dicey from beginning
Ruthenians and Rumanians - Dicey from beginning
Bosnians etc- Rebellious, generally not recruited.

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Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:16 pm

If one plays as the Russian Empire is there absolutely ANY way to do well or will this gradual percentage drop towards revolution be impossible to counter before the game ends? From what I have observed thus far, Russia is guaranteed to go to revolution and surrender if it is involved in war which is the entire game from beginning to end.
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Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:41 pm

Gen.DixonS.Miles wrote:If one plays as the Russian Empire is there absolutely ANY way to do well or will this gradual percentage drop towards revolution be impossible to counter before the game ends? From what I have observed thus far, Russia is guaranteed to go to revolution and surrender if it is involved in war which is the entire game from beginning to end.

I believe that if Russia performs better than the historical result they have a chance to avoid revolution but they will have a difficult time pulling it off.

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Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:30 pm

I expect some good music especially the Farewell of Slavianka for the Russians BUT i actually hope for something different in this game, i mean the experience of the soldiers so there should be some combat sound between some music, for exemple the non ending sound of artillery in the background as if you were a few km from the front (HQ or soldiers approching the front) and a 2nd sequence of an artillery barrage falling on you, + the sound of machine guns as if you were this time in the first lines.

Just to Honor and Remember what our Grand-Grand fathers had to endure during this war and not just some cool music of the Rear but what discovered the soldiers at the front. :thumbsup:

To have some combat sound during battles a few seconds is not enough in my opinion, it has to be implemented WITH the Musics for immersion.

I have verified in RUS and there is no Machine Gun sound...

There are hours and hours of Films with Historical WW1 sounds thus this is not impossible to do it.

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Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:51 pm

Florent wrote:I expect some good music especially the Farewell of Slavianka for the Russians BUT i actually hope for something different in this game, i mean the experience of the soldiers so there should be some combat sound between some music, for exemple the non ending sound of artillery in the background as if you were a few km from the front (HQ or soldiers approching the front) and a 2nd sequence of an artillery barrage falling on you, + the sound of machine guns as if you were this time in the first lines.

Just to Honor and Remember what our Grand-Grand fathers had to endure during this war and not just some cool music of the Rear but what discovered the soldiers at the front. :thumbsup:

To have some combat sound during battles a few seconds is not enough in my opinion, it has to be implemented WITH the Musics for immersion.

I have verified in RUS and there is no Machine Gun sound...

There are hours and hours of Films with Historical WW1 sounds thus this is not impossible to do it.

I agree - a grand strategy game should also have a grand sound inferno :) This (sound and music) is, what I find, one of the weaknesses in AGEOD games.

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Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:59 pm

" This (sound and music) is, what I find, one of the weaknesses in AGEOD games. "

Not in the previous games since there were some calm between the battles but a WWI or WWII should heve a battlefront music or 2.

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Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:40 pm

I see your point, Florent. I fact I was mostly referring to the music. Games like EU4, Age of Wonders 3, Civilization 5, Panzer Corps etc. all have great music too. I know some will only listen to their own music, but in my point of view a great game must have good music too.

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Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:19 am

Kensai wrote:Indeed, the initial decisions and plans was quite an interesting mechanism for WWI Gold (I have only played the demo, bear with me), it will be great if it was added or applied somehow to EAW as well.

Hear! Hear!

The strategic and diplomatic depth of the WWIG simulation is the truly attractive element of that game and fear of losing that element is what makes me reluctant to get involved in TEAW.
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Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:39 am

In the product page you have the following : " Scenarios: 1 tutorial and 2 main scenarios of the whole war (historical start in August 1914 and open start with players choosing their own warplans)."

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Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:54 am

Diplomacy will be present in EAW. You can even persuade Italy to join the Centrals if you push real hard.

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Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:48 am

Good to hear. I'm looking forward to playing this once it comes out.
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Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:56 am

Sorry if I missed an answer earlier but is there the chance of Germany invading Netherlands or Denmark - the latter being much more logical? And I assume Romania could also, like Italy, be shifted to the CP?

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:05 am

Any country can be invaded, but be warned, every unprovoked DoW by Germany will bring USA closer to joining the war on the Entente side.

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