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PON2-subforum setting parameters - limiting defensive alliance to 10 years

Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:55 pm

thanks for creating forum

I'll begin by a simple suggestion, scripts will follow

set DefensiveAlliance duration in standard at 240 (10 years) and not 999 (infinite bar cancelling alliance)

creating infinite alliances totally freezes diplomatic alignments

existence of alliance presently already set relations at +100 in very short order, and , while I don't have diplomatic algorithms yet, I guess a +100 relationships infers with likeliness of other proposals, declaring war, or declining other alliance proposals

with permanent alliances (see effects on:
- AI hesitating to break on principalties,
- effect on Italian Unity of Austrian "support" by Russia (which shouldn't be expected to cross the whole of Austria to fight Franco Piemontese, 19th cendury logistics, size of Army make unlikely a massive effort far from bases, Suvoroff like - Hungarian Paskievitch intervention was way closer from Russian bases, French-British intervention in Crimean war was coastal (no Napoleonic hinterland drive), and even WWI expeditionary corps were either coastal (BEF in Belgium and Northern France, Dardenelles, Army of orient) or of limited scope (Mackensen in Bulgaria I believe, and a little help both sides in Piave front) most German help was at border of Austrian-German parts of Russian front, in Poland (Gorlice), so ..) and Prussia (limited to avoid MAJOR setback of Austria (Venetia), no defeat and loss (Lombardy)) it is already impossible to duplicate historical risorgimento war, Magenta, Solferino, gain of Lombardia for Italy, and of Savoy-Nice for France (this barring perverse effects of cross/relationships and sizing of early Austrian Army and manpower pool),
- and in general freezing effects on AI reactions)

existing alliances are never put into question whatever the goals and evolution of global situation. While already very good relations tend to freeze alignments and make AI (historically/situation accurate I mean) , and sometimes even player "initiative shy"

so adding doom to misery won't help

to begin to restore AI alliance fluidity and meaning for AIdiplobias, we must, imho, begin to set alliances to 10 years at maximum

then we can have a debate if this cost in diplomats in alliance renewal requires dropping requirement to 2 and not 4 diplomats, and how to make diplomatic AI more active

this even before a review of diplomatic algorithm (which if implies Pocus coding and not just change parametres a real last step to do)


you have to modify VGN_DB_DiplomacyAgendas_v1.22d.xls line 7 column R
5 - Defensive Treaty diDefensiveTreaty $diKndNone $di_nam_Defensive_Treaty NULL $di_txt_DefensiveTreatyInEffect Treaty Treaty Treaty 0 NULL 1 $diCancelDefensiveTreaty NULL NULL 9999

change the 9999 (unlimited) to 240 (is 240 turns = 10 years)

do that in the file 5-Defensive Treaty.dpl in the Gamedata/Diplomacy register
you have

UID = 5
Alias = diDefensiveTreaty
Kind = $diKndNone
Name = $di_nam_Defensive_Treaty
Text = $di_txt_DefensiveTreatyInEffect
ImageSmall = Treaty
ImageMedium = Treaty
ImageLarge = Treaty
Unilateral = 0
Reciprocal = 1
IsAbortedBy = $diCancelDefensiveTreaty
DIDuration = 9999 [color="#40E0D0"]change this to 240[/color]
MinImperialism = 0
MinDiplomacy = 0
MinAdministration = 0
Attributes = *Military* 2|*DefTreatyIE*|*GiveIntelRight*|*GivePassageRight*|*GiveSupplyRight*|*GetIntelRight*|*GetPassageRight*|*GetSupplyRight*
SuccessImperialism = 100
SuccessDiplomacy = 100
SuccessAdministration = 100
PrestigeCost = 0
DiplomatCost = 1
PrestigePercCostEnd = 0
RelChangeInitial = 0
RelChangeRecurring = 150
PrestigeChgSuccess = 0

[color="#40E0D0"]I guess next time you start the game change will be implemented
warning : you'll get no warning of treaty cancelled perhaps (didn't test it yet) and it could possibly disturb AI (they may possibly nOt send alliance proposals as often and quickly as a player will do ... whill, as Sweden spontaneously offered an alliance to my Germany (thanks to trade we had excellent relations), this is not even a sure point
alliance franco russe.jpg
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:40 pm

Really good work!

I see your other script also.

I have question for when you conquest one area, or use in your own country a card for add ChangeLoyaltyFac for the owner Country and less loyalty for other, it's possibli or not?

I think for when you conquest a area, or when you have really big revolte in your home country, ex : after event in French or after bad gestion people.

So a card for add loyalty and opinion to owner of the area but with a high cost, "the reform".

I think the event is :

SelectRegion = (where the card is use)

SelectFaction = (Country he use Card)
SelectRegion = (where the card is use)
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 10

and you add the other action of opinion. and the cost, for me mony and Diplomat.

Is it possible? With other script for IA use that also?

PS : I have the same think about you for the cost of WarScore the game need to can do 2 * warScore , it's only my opinon for that.

If yes I can try in this week-end.

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Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:34 pm

you can change ChangeLoyaltyFac
or set SetLoyaltyFac loyalty faction (according what you wish) rather easily
I used it in my Alsace-Lorraine sample (goal is mostly to allow claim, rather than fostering revolts- with the high military density, anyway ...) and you'll have other samples in the far east events i'll publish this evening

changing it is compensated by other factions in prorata I think - or when you set loyalties without adding to 100%

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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