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PON2-Subforum-improving -AI behaviours- wtf are they doing there - setting parameters

Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:36 am

OK, usually, localization of national troops makes sense, usually
but sometimes you're in for big surprise
in my Russian as well as my current German game, British seems to have some predilection for ....Indochina (I met them on the southern border as Russian ... yes yes I know, but I wanted to force China into submission to let me get Manchuria, but you know those people ... stubborn, no diplomat, no ceding Manchuria coded either, and colonial operations, you know what it is, you makes a few miles abroad to secure border, then a few more securing new border, and one thing drawing another, you end up conquering the country)

Still getting Tonkin once may by rare accident happen, twice in two games should lead the British cabinet to Dr Freud, why the heck, it's supposed to be French, or Chinese, or even (heavens forbid) Annamite, but NOT British controlled, it is not Burma, Kwantung, or even buffer Siam


their SOI are all - rightly - set to negative values - what drive them so far ? fighting Chinese province after province ? but why there and not to mainland China ? another effect of preference for land routes (see their great african trek) ? or are there hidden data ? basically I see there is a command named AI.SetLocalInterest so .. what are the basic values

[color="#FF0000"]what is the local interest of Tonkin (and other provinces) to Britain at start - whare can we check it - could we have access to it (please) ? thanks[/color]
corollary could someone explain us how localizations preferences are set by the program, roughly[/color] - all this can be in private of course, but if as player (or competitor firms if public) we don't absoluteluy need to know, as designer-coder-helpers, we absolutely must !

ditto for US ! Monroe doctrine + Roosevelt corollary should keep them out of old world, at least Africa - going abroad only wartime (and not to Africa) - what is the possible peturbing factor of supply agreement with Britain - what tse tse fly stung Lincoln and Sherman so they sent troops in Gold Coast then Nigeria


ditto there are ways I'll propose (but implies coding) to limit armies scope, at least peacetime - guess massive military tourism where troops aren't needed (is it already implemented, seems there are less huge stacks out of place than before) could be limited by
- preventing entering ally territory peacetime (you need to be at war, you don't garrison ally peacetime, it's not in the 19th century uses- allow it only in colonial areas - yikes, Africa is a colonila one)
- double checking weigh, interest of areas (and for us a single first check would already be nice) - Africa should be underlined zero for the US forever, it's not Americas, Hawai, Shanghai, Manila or Bois Belleau ...
- I think about, for regional projection powers only, a system limiting armies corps (fleets and little expeditionary corps may go further) a bit analog to trade areas, Russian go to Bohemia Hungary Balkans, Austria Anatolia, central Germany Northern China but no further, no Tyrol, Italy Palestina or Rhenania - with corps - one can use trade areas they have territory in for definition, they're fine - it's not natural to have the big Russian army in Kwantung or Kunming (won't hinder Brits though)

then a question, while it is not illogical nor unthinkable .. the Russian nightmare : what are British doing in Turkestan - this one is ok, is ok, but is it planned by code, seems a very daring move - should lead to war (but guess Russians fear the british in my german game)
americans in africa WTF.jpg
British in Indochina WTF.jpg
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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