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New ship class

Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:39 pm

The ram class does not seem to be in game, ie the CS Statrs with an Ironclad 30 gubs, in NO that in history had a single 32 pndr and a ram. This class of ram ship relied on speed and ramming not firepower.

CS at Start, have a message box expanling that Twiggs ( second highest officer in the USA rmy) has surrenderd all posts in Texas and ordered the US Army and Navy out of Texas, this was a large number of men as 4800 or so were stationed there out of the 16k in thye Union Army. The amount of material left behind was also large as well as 44 Arty 1900 muskets or 1.3 million worth of stores/munitions. Twiggs was sacked and went home to GA and served his State in the war.

Lincolns call for State Militia caused the second wave of States to secede or declare neutrality, yet currently this is not how the game events procede, as for instance VA secedes before this event, when in fact it voted not to secede, only to vote to secede when coercion was adopted by the Government.

Entenchmnet, Armies fight how they are trained to fight, ie doctrine from the Army Manual. In 61 there was no doctrine of digging in for field combat so the entrenchments are in game before there is a doctrine to use it. Entrenchmnets were for fixed bases from which to operate or defend urban regions. Sieges and protection from. Quickly practical experience showed the advanatge of entrenchmnts, for battlefield use.and both sides learnt a new doctrine during the war. Possible solution, 61 no entrenchmnets.

Yearly increase to manpowe pool, each year more males reach military service age, free whites citizens become enrolled into the State Militai. These are then nationlized into Federal service, or not. To this increase is the large number of forgien imigrants who come into the Union and became liable for military service on becomming citizens.

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