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Patriot ability/description in 1.06 description incorrect?

Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:52 am

Am I the only one with this error? Could be the developers have already noted this if not.

In version 1.06, the Patriot ability (UID 56) file contains the following:

Code: Select all

UID = 56
Name = $abi_nam_Patriotic
Alias = abiPatriotic
Kind = $abiPatriot
Text = $abi_txt_Patriotic
ImageID = abi_patriot.png
Color = $colAbi_Yellow
Appliance = Leader
Family = 0
Level = 1
Param2 = 5
Param3 = 20

According to the abilities spreadsheet, this will give a bonus of 5 conscripts per turn (Param2) but so far as I can tell Param3 for $abiPatriot won't hold a value.

The description text for abiPatriotic is:

Code: Select all

$abi_txt_Patriotic;This leader gives a 5 points bonus to cohesion and a +20% cohesion recovery speed to militias, partisans and volunteers in the State where the force under his command is present.;Ce chef donne un bonus de 5 points de cohésion et 20% de vitesse de récupération de cohésion aux levées de partisans et volontaires dans l'Etat où la force qu'il commande est présente.;Este jefe da una bonificación de 5 puntos de cohesión y el 20 % de velocidad de recuperación de la cohesión a las milicias, partisanos y voluntarios en el Estado donde la fuerza que manda está presente.;Dieser Anführer gibt einen Bonus von 5 Punkten auf den Zusammenhalt und einen Bonus von 20% auf die Erholung des Zusammenhalts von Milizen, Partisanen und Freiwilligen in dem Staat, in dem sich die von ihm kommandierte Truppe befindet.;NULL;NULL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

So I think the ability file was supposed to look like this:

Code: Select all

UID = 56
Name = $abi_nam_Patriotic
Alias = abiPatriotic
Kind = $abiCohAdjust
Text = $abi_txt_Patriotic
ImageID = abi_patriot.png
Color = $colAbi_Yellow
Appliance = Leader
Family = 0
Param0 = 5
Param1 = 100
Param2 = 20
ListParams1 = $Irregular|$Militia

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Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:57 pm

The parameters are extremely more complex than that. Basically what each parameter means depends directly on the type of ability, so Param0 will mean on thing for the Patriotic ability, and something completely different for something like Good Admin.

The text you posted is correct. The reference to 5 extra CC's was dropped literally years ago.

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Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:59 am

The parameters are extremely more complex than that. Basically what each parameter means depends directly on the type of ability, so Param0 will mean on thing for the Patriotic ability, and something completely different for something like Good Admin.

I am aware of that. In the revised code in the original post, I had changed the ability from abiPatriot to abiCohAdjust.

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