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Number of Armies/Early Corps

Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:27 pm

Anyone know how to increase the number of available armies or make corps available sooner than historically?

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Re: Number of Armies/Early Corps

Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:17 am

You cannot. You must live with the limits in the design.

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Re: Number of Armies/Early Corps

Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:17 am

You cannot. You must live with the limits in the design.

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Re: Number of Armies/Early Corps

Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:30 am

It's possible, I've done it in my mod. However I don't really remember exactly how I did it.

I think the limit is set by event so you'll have to edit the .sct-files. You might also want to add some names for the new armies to 1-USA.fac and 2-CSA.fac

After thinking about it, I think the number of armies are regulated by how many commanders are actually able to form armies. This is done via model files for leaders. Add the line "CanBeGHQStack = 1" to enable army creation for a specific leader.

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Re: Number of Armies/Early Corps

Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:36 am

Anyone know how to increase the number of available armies or make corps available sooner than historically?

Yes, it's fairly simple. There are two commands that deal with this. IIRC they are specific to a faction, so if you want to do it for both sides you'll have to apply the command separately to each. In the standard game the commands are called by event files and are tied to dates. I *think* you can edit the event file and have the changes take place without having to recompile the entire scenario, but I'd back up any files you change. I'll have to look up the command names, but they are on the AGE wiki.

EDIT: The commands are SetFormedCmdMax and SetCombiUnits. I looked on the wiki but for some reason they syntax of the command didn't show up. Here's what I have for them. My understanding is that SetCombiUnits is only used to set the number of divisions. The current game uses SetFormedCmdMax to set the number of armies and corps.

Code: Select all



SetFormedCmdMax = NbCorpsStacks|NbArmiesStacks


Sets the Maximum number of Corps and Army Groups for the selected faction.

Use 9999 for unrestricted quantity (thus limited by available Army HQ and/or high rank leaders)

See also SetCombiUnits

See Spreadsheet of examples


SetFormedCmdMax = 9999|9999

Unrestricted quantity of Armies and Corps.

Code: Select all



SetCombiUnits = NbSmall|NbMedium|NbLarge


Defines Combined Units Max number for the current selected faction


Currently, use only the third value in the parameter for Divisions/Brigades.

Army quantity in games is limited by HQ Units (AACW/NCP) and/or 3 star Generals (RoP).
Corps quantity is a function of Army formation and Army leader parameters.
Combined Units are not allowed in BoA/WIA.

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