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This needs a sequel

Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:25 pm

Seriously I know that it wasn't done by the main ageod team but this is probably one of the best titles in the engine. I forget his name off the top of my head.

On top of that Espana has been in my experience the game that runs the most smoothly.

Also is the Athena ever going to get a new engine?

We need something that runs well on a computer made within the last ten years and then a Civil War 3 game!

I love you ageod btw I only say this out of love and from someone who's played your games for over a decade now.

At the very least get the people who made espana to do another game!

Maybe the Sino-Japanese War?

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Re: This needs a sequel

Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:00 pm

HidekiTojo wrote:This needs a sequel


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Re: This needs a sequel

Fri Aug 09, 2019 1:21 am

At last, a sequel, but this time in longer battle games. You will likely enjoy what the designer of this game has done in his new release, Battles for Spain.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:52 pm

I had the idea, so the game is still for 2 players, that partisants (anarchists, revolutionnaries, all uncontrolled by government) give negative Victory Points (capture points) to "republican" side when they take a town, and give only half(rDown) VPs (destruction points) when they participate (survive) to a battle. So, like IRL, republican will be very reluctant to "give" towns (such as Zaragoza..) to people, letting them to the feet of strategical towns before its army can go here, and will dislike people power can fight well. So "republican" will the sooner change partisants to military (wich is force controlled by a government), but it means too this will divide the combatants by two (50% partisants had diserted because they thought going military was losing, killing revolution).
Once towns belong to people, government has to capture them back, using stalinists (what republicans did, destroying the defences of Catalunya, then Barcelona, using a casus belli).
Last edited by ERISS on Sat Aug 10, 2019 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:21 am

Well ERISS, it is not a simple updating. It is a new conceptualization. A very new and, to me, unique approach to this conflict. So I cannot answer you directly as I have not played all the issues you suggest as they are presented in a very different manner.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Sat Aug 10, 2019 1:42 am

Durk wrote:Well ERISS, it is not a simple updating. It is a new conceptualization. A very new and, to me, unique approach to this conflict.

That's new since end July 1936, what Durruti said (Madrid and Barcelona republican governments will turn against fighting people).
But, if he could think about usual bourgeois tricks, he could not imagine the treacherousness of his friends of CNT head, them following blindly the republican government, moreover when minister, against power of people, democracy.
Sure it's missing in a game, without this we can't understand why Saragossa was only attacked in July 1937 (when Madrid at last controle what were the partisants here), why Madrid let destroyed the defenses of Catalunya by the communists.
History is made by victorious: The republicans, as they all (Washington, Paris, London, Moscow) won against nazis.
Sure the republicans will not say that their spanish mates sacrificed the victory against franquists to prevent the revolution, which could take whole north half of Spain, and would therefore be impossible to stop thereafter, if Saragosa felt in anarchists hands.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:09 am

As I said, to do a sequel we first need to survive, we have a new product released in the Avalon shop and Steam.
We have plans for new nice games for this December and 2020, of course a new version of España:1936 will be possible but we need people purchase our new games, check our web.


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Re: This needs a sequel

Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:56 pm

Leibst wrote:new product released in the Avalon shop
a new version of España:1936 will be possible but we need people purchase our new games

Okay you sold me :dada: , even I'm not so interested in battles, but okay ( :gardavou: : lol) it's Spain36.
EDIT: Yes played it, Guadalara, 97% victory for Republic (I didn't see Mera, maybe for I didn't ask help)
And it's using the WAtW system (or moded) without needing the 1st engine.
Last edited by ERISS on Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Sun Aug 11, 2019 6:45 pm

ERISS wrote:
Leibst wrote:new product released in the Avalon shop
a new version of España:1936 will be possible but we need people purchase our new games

Okay you sold me :dada: , even I'm not so interested in battles, but okay ( :gardavou: : lol) it's Spain36.

:gardavou: thanks ERISS

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Re: This needs a sequel

Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:39 pm

Durk wrote:unique approach to this conflict

As I said, it's whole fighting people approach, why Durruti was beloved by spanish fighters and support, and so why every power, even CNT, duffed what he said, and why every true republicans (and fascists for sure!) did all they could to prevent him and anarchists fighters. And you see it's not the end of this, as it's new for you (and quite for me, but I was always wondering about this war, thinking something is like hidden, and this Ageod game* makes me think about and found after reading so many unknowned spanish texts on the web, thanks google and my old courses)

In an other style, Mera was very appreciated too, but as he was less aware about politics (despite commies actually tried to kill him, among others treacheries) so he could be very respected by republicans (and even monarchists, I think it's why Franco didn't kill him). His nobility and cleverness even went be known in french military, puzzled that a low man could be so successful and reknowned as a commandant (a true one, not such promoted commandant for being communist). Despite Mera was, among even anarchists, the more hater of military at first, he was finally proposed to become colonel of Estremadura whole Army (what he discarded).
Despite his critical/strategical victories, he said his only victory was to return to his bricklayer job.

* Yeah I thank Ageod devs, and all modders. Rus and Spain games actually opened wide my grasp on history here, maybe more than intended lol

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Re: This needs a sequel

Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:05 am

EJÉRCITO POPULAR boardgame: https://www.hqwargames.com/index.php/es ... o-popular/

"EJERCITO POPULAR is a game that represents the rearguard management of the recruitment, training and organization centers of the Mixed Brigades of the Republican People's Army during the Spanish Civil War.
The players take the role of one of the factions that divided the republican high command, Player can take the role of Socialist, Communist, Anarchist or Popular Army (the Regular army without political affiliation).
The objective is to obtain weapons and prepare Battalions of the Ejercito Popular (People's Army) in the rear to send them to the battle fronts, the material provided in each battle, their management and how their battalions are distinguished in battle provide them with Victory Points that will determine the winner of the game. The players cooperate but at the same time compete with each other to win the game."

. "or Popular Army (the Regular army without political affiliation)":
lol, sure it had political affiliation, as it was the left bourgeoisy affiliation which was in the government at first: it was like the "Right-SR" (the komutch) in RUS (SR is Socialist Revolutionary)
But okay, the difference with other factions is that soldiers in Popular Army are controled by the government, so their individual political affiliations count for almost nothing.

. "the role of Socialist":
here it was like the Left-SR in RUS

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Re: This needs a sequel

Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:10 pm

Baris wrote:Leibst will publish Spanish War (full campaign) in Avalon Digital this year did you have spoken with him.

Nope. Thanks for the news.
I think you talk about this: https://strategygamestudio.com/games/sgs-spain-at-war/
I wonder about the politics, as republicans didn't want to win the war if it was meaning a succesfull democratic revolution. I still think, if a 2 players game, that Republican player must be given negative Victory Points when he makes anarchists winning towns and even battles. And it will make at last the game very realistic (none game about this war is actually good, at best its medium), making the anarchists doing almost nothing (wondering what's happening as they allied with republicans) as Republicans and their Communist Party were traitors, trying to prevent them and try to make them controlled by the governement (like militarize them) so they become republicans, no longer just people, independent anarchists.
The war was actually (true) democracy vs fascism:
anarchists vs both ennemy Right republicans (becamed soon brown fascists) & so-said-friendly Left republicans (becoming red fascists in the end).
Historicaly in the end, the true victor was Hitler, who made all to make the war the longer (moreover that Stalin finally helped him on this), what made Franco the 'winner' without a people, on ruins and slaves.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:40 pm

There can be many political possibilities from Cards play.

And as In Taiping Rebellion under Green Army banners from Anhui to Inner Mongolia there are factions. 19 I've counted so far and some possibilities Nien Bandits, Pingnan Guo, The Hong, Miao uprising and the Dungan for neutral forces. All these new mechanics could work well in Espana'36 and RCW.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:37 am

Baris wrote:And as In Taiping Rebellion war there are 19 factions. All these new mechanics could work well in Espana'36 and RCW.

Sure! Figes(?) historian counted 51 factions for the whole russian civil war, and maybe 16(?) in Ukraine alone.
Maybe there was as much in Spain36 than in Ukraine18.

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Re: This needs a sequel

Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:07 am

New website is here:

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